[InfiteCraft] [Raid/Greif] [Pvp] Looking for staff!

LegitManiac's Avatar LegitManiac12/6/13 6:03 pm
1 emeralds 246 6
12/7/2013 12:36 pm
Mudkip's Avatar Mudkip
I am LegitManiiac Co-Owner of InfiniteCraft. This is a new server that will be coming out on December 9th, 2013... Right now we are looking for staff as our server is getting ready! The server is offline for now, but here is all the information, and staff application format.

Website: http://craftinginfinite.enjin.com/forum ... m/17301359

Real Name:
Field Of Expertise:
Maturity level(Answer honestly):
Role wanted:
Some server Ideas:
How Many Hours a day can you play?
Why you want to be staff:
What can you contribute to my server that most others can't?:
Can you donate?:
Anything else?:

Advertiser/Youtuber[ ] (Show us you youtube channel!)
Builder[ ] 1/6
Helper[ ] 0/3
PVP-Mod[ ] 0/3
Moderator[ ] 0/2
Admin[ ] 0/1
Posted by LegitManiac's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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12/07/2013 12:36 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
Mudkip's Avatar
Age: 15
Skype: sync.minecraft
IGN: _Synnc_
Real Name: Merritt
Field Of Expertise: Moderation
Maturity level(Answer honestly): On a scale on 1-10, I would say around 7-8, because I love to work with the community, at the same time work hard behind the scenes
Role wanted: Moderator/Head-Mod
Some server Ideas: Minigames, Custom Developed Game Plugins, Donation Benefits, and many more
How Many Hours a day can you play?: Honestly I can be on 3 hours a day on the weekdays and 7-8 on the weekends
Why you want to be staff: I want to become staff on this server because I love being dedicated to the community. I am a community-shaped person and i love to work with other people, especially in moderation.
What can you contribute to my server that most others can't?: I can contribute many ideas and I find ways to improve any server. I am trained from many other servers aswell.
Gender(optional): My gender is male, do not let my skin confuse you!
Can you donate?: I will if it is worth donating to, I will.
Anything else?: I really hope you consider me as staff for your new server! I always love to help.

12/07/2013 12:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
LegitManiac's Avatar
all you guys... join our website and repost all of your apps in the forums!
12/07/2013 12:03 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Hcoff5250's Avatar
Age: 15 1/2
Skype: Hcoff5250
IGN: Hcoff5250
Real Name: Hunter
Field Of Expertise: Permissions, Plugin Configuration, WE
Maturity level(Answer honestly): 9/10
Role wanted: Administrator or higher
Some server Ideas: Website , GroupManager,
How Many Hours a day can you play?: 1-2 Weekdays, 2+ Weekends...That is unless for an exception of a Basketball game, which hopefully is a good excuse because I am athletically talented and academically.
Why you want to be staff: Well, there are lots of reasons why you should pick me. I have plenty experience with permissions, rankings, and plugins. I also have a very good hand at WorldEdit. I have gained this exp. throughout the past 2 1/2 years almost playing minecraft. I admit, I have recently halted playing over the beginning months of school because of my academics, and sports. But I am back, and ready to help administrate a server with my prior knowledge. I can be on everyday for at least an hour or two, unless of the exception of a Basketball Game that evening. In the weekend I can be on , for a longer time. I am fully trustworthy and filled with exp. that could help you and your server. If you happen to have any questions at all just message me or skype me.
What can you contribute to my server that most others can't?: Experience + Some knowledge on Website/JavaScript Coding.
Can you donate?: Possibly in future, but I am trying to get a new Gaming PC
Anything else?: Well, to be honest, I think I have covered everything I should say. Hopefully you find me as a quality staff member, who is always reliable.
12/06/2013 11:43 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
Scarsz's Avatar
Age: 16 (Funny how the last 2 people are also 16)
IGN: austinjames7
Real Name: Austin; call me Labrinth
Field Of Expertise: Plugins/redstone
Maturity level(Answer honestly): 1-10, either 8 or 9
Role wanted: Whatever's possible. If you want me to designate what, an admin position would be cool.
Some server Ideas: Buy your own domain and get the heck off Enjin's subdomains.
How Many Hours a day can you play? Easily 4 or 5 if I'm dedicated to it, 1 or 2 whilst not or have other things to do.
Why you want to be staff: Need a new server to call home considering the last few server's I've been staff on have all shut down unfortunately.
What can you contribute to my server that most others can't?: Power and maturity. I am an extreme computer/server self-proclaimed nerd who spends more time on a computer than I honestly should. I use my own dedicated server running Linux pretty much every day for testing things to the occasional playing a map or game with a friend. As for maturity, I've been the owner of the past 17 servers I've made, 9 of which were part of a community called Shimen Networks, which is now sold to another owner whoknowswhere. Believe me, that time has taught me to be very mature especially around players and other staff members.
Gender(optional): Unicorn of pony descent
Can you donate?: As I said in the "How long would you play" answer, it depends how motivated I would be on the server and keeping it alive. More than likely, yes, eventually, I would donate a bit.
Anything else?: Not really.
12/06/2013 6:29 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
BLOX_HD's Avatar
Real Name:austin
Field Of Expertise:I have a very good field of expertise when it comes to dealing with problems people have. I'm very good at communicating with people
Maturity level(Answer honestly): Very high. Im dedicated and very responsible
Role wanted:Moderator
Some server Ideas:I would have to look at the server first. But I'm very good at building also. I can give tips with that
How Many Hours a day can you play? Any... Im homeschooled
Why you want to be staff:I have been staff on many different servers.2 of the servers are still running. Including one that is fairly popular
What can you contribute to my server that most others can't?: I can contribute experience with dealing with people. Im very mature when it comes to dealing with peoples problems. Very calm and collected. A lot of people don't have that attribute
Can you donate?:Depends if I think it is a good server. In order for me to donate to a server, I have to make sure I think the server will do good.
Anything else?: Thanks for looking at my app
12/06/2013 6:26 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
[]MicroGamin[]'s Avatar
Real Name:Ryan
Field Of Expertise: Enforcing, Making (Rules), Building, Deciding, PLUGINS,
Maturity level(Answer honestly): 7 (We all have our moments,Noones perfect)
Role wanted: Admin
Some server Ideas: Auctions, Lottery, Minigames, Towns(Nations built by player) War where the natios elect leaders and go head to head in combat
How Many Hours a day can you play?: Anytime after 3:00pm Eastern
Why you want to be staff: I Have had Staff on other Servers, as well as owned my own Server. Having been said I know what it takes, The Maturity it takes to Enforce the Rules but be Fun-going and Likable, The Knowledge of MANY plugins and their commands and how they work along with the ability to help players get used to them and the server rules, The Dedication to always be there, and The Experience. And I am a great Problem Solver
What can you contribute to my server that most others can't?: Great ideas, wonderful adult player (who may donate) and lots more
Can you donate?:Yes
Anything else?:
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