I'm looking for staff for my server!

BrickPwn's Avatar BrickPwn11/24/12 4:26 pm
11/24/2012 4:47 pm
marko1's Avatar marko1
I'm looking for staff on my server DayCraft the ip is mc.dayofdawn.com please join if you would like to apply we will talk more on my my GT is BrickPwn say I came from the fourm you posted thanks have a great day bye.
Posted by BrickPwn's Avatar
Level 1 : New Architect

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11/24/2012 4:47 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Pixel Puncher
marko1's Avatar
Whats your in-game name*? Zarka1
How old are you*? 16
Rate your maturity on a scale of 1 - 10* 9
Rate your grammar on a scale of 1 - 10* 10
What kind of person are you*? (Funny, thoughtful etc.) Funny but if the conversation becomes quiet i tend not to talk. I try to take opinions to make myself a better person.
Do you have any experience of being a Chat-Mod or Moderator*? Yes ive been moderator on PhenomGaming
What is your timezone? Central
How many hours per day or week will you be spending on the server*? 2-3hrs But school can encounter
Why should I choose you of being a Admin instead of any other person*? You should choose me as a Admin Because i'll get the job done. i'll put in my full effort and help the server in any way it needs.
How can I trust you**?: You can trust me by first testing me or have someone review me or watch what i do kinda like a Shadow for me. If you have skype i can also show you some pictures of my work.
11/24/2012 4:35 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
14012's Avatar
Skype (yes or no and leave your account also ir yes: yes i do have skype: makonnen999

IGN: 14012

What position do you wantAdmin
What are you good at: i am good at helping others, plugin help, world edit, enforcing rules [law], and keeping a server by the ways the owner made it to be

Why should I pick you: pick me because im a good admin i help people alot by building them stuff. i ban griefers mute spammers and kick swearers.

Are you easy to break: no i am not

Maturtiy(1-10): 10

Age(can you be at least 12 it 13): i am 13

Anything else I need to know: i can also help people come on the server but i might get banned on ther servers
11/24/2012 4:32 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
sneakyninjaaaa's Avatar
Skype (yes or no and leave your account also ir yes: yes i do have skype: elliot.phillips69

IGN: sneakyninjaaaa

What position do you want(better chance if you take builder):moderator or admin please

What are you good at: i am good at helping others, plugin help, world edit, enforcing rules [law], and keeping a server by the ways the owner made it to be

Why should I pick you: you should pick me as i am experienced as staff as i have being admin on a server and moderator on another,i have good advice to improve the server. i can be strict if need be. i love to help others with their problems and generally want to help a server again.

Are you easy to break: no i am not

Maturtiy(1-10): 9

Age(can you be at least 12 it 13): i am 14 turning 15 in december

Anything else I need to know: i can also bring alot of new players to the community of your server and help it grow.
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