eman00392's Avatar eman003927/1/14 7:12 pm
1 emeralds 149 8
7/1/2014 10:20 pm
xxxawesomemanxx's Avatar xxxawesomemanxx
hi i am eman from xgn and we need staff

Age - You must be 13 to apply. If you are younger than 13 you will be denied. If you are older than 13, erase the red text, and type your age.

Timezone -

What time are you most often on? (your time) -

Are you multilingual (Speak more than one language)? -

When did you first play, Minecraft how often do you play? -

Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server? -

What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? -

Where are you most active on the server? -

How many hours can you contribute per day? -

What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? -

Do you use the teamspeak and a microphone? -

How many staff applications have you made before? -

What is the date of the last application you made? -

Anything else we should know? -
Posted by eman00392's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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07/01/2014 10:20 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
xxxawesomemanxx's Avatar
IGN - xxxawesomemanxx
Age - 16

Timezone - easterm

What time are you most often on? (your time) - 4 hours a day

Are you multilingual (Speak more than one language)? - no

When did you first play, Minecraft how often do you play? - since the beginning

Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server? - no

What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? - yes

Where are you most active on the server? - nights or morings

How many hours can you contribute per day? - 4-5 hours

What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? - not to caz most are not mature

Do you use the teamspeak and a microphone? - yes

How many staff applications have you made before? - 5 got all accept

What is the date of the last application you made? - yesterday

Anything else we should know? - no
07/01/2014 8:29 pm
Level 1 : New Network
InterThane's Avatar
done i added u
07/01/2014 8:25 pm
Level 1 : New Network
EJGames's Avatar
Does that mean we were not Accepted? ...
07/01/2014 8:18 pm
Level 1 : New Network
eman00392's Avatar
you and ze2026 add me on skype Eman0039
07/01/2014 7:44 pm
Level 1 : New Network
InterThane's Avatar
so did anyone get accepted ??
07/01/2014 7:27 pm
Level 1 : New Network
EJGames's Avatar
~EJGames is a partnered YouTube Channel This Application is for Two~

IGN - JordanguysVlogs / Pwnuhard23
Age - 17 / 18

Timezone - Pacific Time - WA STATE, USA

What time are you most often on? (your time) - We both are on 24/7 Our minecrafts are always open.

Are you multilingual (Speak more than one language)? - English Only

When did you first play, Minecraft how often do you play? - We have been on minecraft for about almost a year.

Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server? - Never have and never will.

What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? - We are Admins for a new server that will be coming out very soon!

Where are you most active on the server? - We are always active.

How many hours can you contribute per day? - 24/7

What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? - Take your time, and be patient with them. Be the bigger person.

Do you use the teamspeak and a microphone? - We use Skype.

How many staff applications have you made before? - this will be our 2nd

What is the date of the last application you made? - 6/30/2014 11:00pm PT

Anything else we should know? - If you have any questions or would like to talk to one of the owners of EJGames, Please contact us at 1(360)525-8604.

Thank you for your time,
07/01/2014 7:21 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
ze2026's Avatar
In Game Name (IGN):Zeus2026
Age (13+ Limit*):14

Staff Position: Admin

Daily hours you can grant:8-11 hours

If you have used hacks:i have but that Was back when i Was 11 And i Was a noob at pvp.

What you can do to help us out:I can advertiste And help every player online,I am a great permissions/Bug fixer.By that it means that i can help fix bugs in kits,permissions,or plugins.I am a great community helper i love helping people in real life.I do alot of community service when i can but sometimes i do Minecraft community Service!I love helpin and i would love helping this great and awesome server!I am also taking some language classes so i can assist people and help them! Right now i know Spanish and English but i am Learning French/German so im ready to help out even more,I have worked with many servers and as i said i can fix alot of bugs,Ive fixed groupmanager bugs and permissionsex bugs ive also fixed the bug where the prefixes in chat dont appear,I also have a youtube account.I have 40 subscribers and im going to start doing a lets play in the legit factions server.The lets play should get alot of views and people online in this amazing server.I am also partnering with youtubers to make this huge channel so get ready for a massive player list Year!

Skype Name (If not known already):zeus21251

Staff history (Past ranks/Other servers):I have Been owner,CO-owner,mod,admin.helper,Head-Mod,,Head -admin,perms maker,kits maker.
I am Staff on:

Why do you think you should be staff:I think i should be staff because i am patient,smart,helpful,And i can do anything you tell me!I am a great helper as i said above and i love helping people,I am a very smart problem solving person and i can help in pretty much everything you ask me to do,I am great with permissions kits and setting up plugins so they work.!As i said ive also learned new languages and i am great at fixing bugs i am staff on those servers above and more i am experienced with bukkit,FTB,Technich and more!I am also very experienced with The consoles your host has and if i ever get console you can count on me not messsing this amazing server up.I am very trustworthy and i am learning how to make Applications for Phones Android/Ios/Windows 8 Phone i am also able to make games and i am one of the best in my coding game/App class!I am great at Making games so if you guys want a game to make you very popular i can make it,I can make it multiplayer,Singleplayer online and even make custom fonts and more with it!

Background information, about yourself:I have all pre-ap clases in School which are clases where you learn stuff one grade Higher than your grade.I have math,science,language arts,Computer Application[Which is coding games],Band,Social Studies all One Grade HIGHER! .I am one of the Pre-Ap students,You can only be Pre-Ap by getting a 5 or 4 in the fcat.I am also in A club that helps and does community service which will go in my hours for college .I am also a great speaker and a great speller i was close to win the spelling bee but I had an error which was very dissapointing but i still won the 2nd place trophy which wasnt to bad......I am also a great coder i have been on top of alot of contests and i am really great i am the top student/game maker in my class which is a big achievement since my class is full of great makers.I am really honored to be even posting this because I know not everyone gets accepted so i hope you liked this and if you didnt i wish you can consider me .I know i have 50% 50% chance of both and i know i can be accepted or not but i will keep playing this amazing server and keep trying all i can to finally reach your expectations.

Extra (More details, higher chance):I have alot of experience with most plugins of the servers you have And i am a great staff member that has played minecraft since alpha
07/01/2014 7:17 pm
Level 1 : New Network
InterThane's Avatar
What position are you applying for?: admin


Skype: {NEEDED}Istack0409



Experience with being Staff?: Personally I have had a lot of experience being in staff for servers. I have put in effort to prevent accidents from occurring such as Griefing, Hacking, Misbehaviour, Cursing and plain odd people getting up to mischief. I have helped servers when being a part of staff as I am able to use my social skills in order to achieve a wider, happier community being brought together to play one of my favourite games.

How long can you stay on? and will you be active?: I try as much as possible to participate in working on servers; I mainly get in on weekends and afternoons of weekdays. It is currently holidays for me therefore I will be able to stay on longer hours than many people.

How will you benefit the server?: Like I said previously I am able to create a large community of regular players that try to come and play on servers I invite them to as much as possible. Most people I know and many I don't, although I am able to use my skills in order to create and interesting and creative description for the server that makes them want to play. In no way to I underestimate or overestimate how great a server is...
This is how I benefit servers and hope that I can do the same for you.

How could you improve the server?:
I can improve servers with the hard work and determination I put in to making a server even greater then its current state. I am especially good in architectural aspects of building and can put that to good use by expanding the servers land and making great spawns, pvp arenas, faction areas and much more.
Planet Minecraft


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