LuxuryMC Recruiting Mods&Helpers!

Fight_Or_Die's Avatar Fight_Or_Die6/30/13 7:21 pm
6/30/2013 10:34 pm
valmycraft's Avatar valmycraft
Moderator Application
Luxury Server (Mc.exileservers.com:25646)
Please use this format, listed below, to post your application. Use complete sentences, good grammar, proper English and put detail into the application to get the best results.
Minecraft Username?:

How often do you play on this server?:

What is your age?:

Do you have a skype and a microphone?:
--If so, are you able to accept calls?

What is your experience with the following plugins?:
CoreProtect -
GroupManager –
Multiverse(Plugin Suite)-

Are you a server donor?:

What is your timezone?:

Do you want to be a Moderator or a Helper?:
Please note we are going to be *extremely* specific and picky on our choices. We will hire roughly 2 Moderators + 1 Helper. Picking one or the other doesn’t matter, it just shows your opinion. Usually, if we pick you for mod, you must start out as helper and we will see from there. Thank you for taking your time to apply to help out, on our server. We know how much this means to you and we will try to make the process easy.

App status:

Denied- Your application was denied due to your application not meeting our standards. A reason should be listed along with the response. It may have been invalid due to your format.

Pending- Your application is held on our list for further notice. We took interest into your application and we will allow your app to go onto the next stage of determining our staff.

Accepted- Your application was accepted to be staff! We will contact you to start training you and getting your position locked in!
Posted by Fight_Or_Die's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Robot

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06/30/2013 10:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
valmycraft's Avatar
Minecraft Username?:valmycraft

How often do you play on this server?: It's my first time on this server.

What is your age?:15

Do you have a skype and a microphone?:yes
--If so, are you able to accept calls?:yes

What is your experience with the following plugins?:
CoreProtect -no
GroupManager –little (principal)
Multiverse(Plugin Suite)-no
lock chest-yes

Are you a server donor?:I would rather not get involved in helping.

What is your timezone?:almost all the time from Thursday to Sunday

Do you want to be a Moderator or a Helper?:I prefer moderator but I may as well be helper.
06/30/2013 10:26 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Robot
Fight_Or_Die's Avatar
This will take place in our new map, after the reset!
06/30/2013 10:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
lizardman144's Avatar
minecraft username? lizardman144
how often do you play on the server? when ever i get the chance
what is your age? 14
do you have a skype and a microphone? yes i have both
if so are you able to accept calls? some times
what is your experience with the following plugins?
coreproject none
groupmanager none
multiverse(plugin suite) none
are you a server donor? no i am not
what is your time zone? eastern
do you want to be a moderator or a helper? i would like to be a helper i have been told by a couple people on the server that i would make a good helper.
06/30/2013 9:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Gigi0407's Avatar
Minecraft Username?: Gigi0407

How often do you play on this server?: Every day whenever i get the time.

What is your age?: 16

Do you have a skype and a microphone?: yes
--If so, are you able to accept calls? Most of the time

What is your experience with the following plugins?:
CoreProtect - none
GroupManager – none
Multiverse(Plugin Suite)- none

Are you a server donor?: No

What is your timezone?: Eastern

Do you want to be a Moderator or a Helper?: Of course.
06/30/2013 8:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jaymoney1212's Avatar
Minecraft Username? JayMoney1212. How often do you play on the server? Almost all day everyday. What is your age? 12. Do you have a Skype and a microphone? Yes, I Skype all the time. If so,are you able to accept calls? I will answer almost all the time. What is your experience with the following plugins? CoreProtect- I used to be a Mod so,yes I know how to use them. GroupManager-I used to be a Mod so,yes I know how to used them. Multiverse(Plugin Suite)-I used to be a Mod so,yes I know how to use them. Are you a server donor? Yes I am I have the Donator pack . What is your timezone? My timezone is Eastern (EST). Do you want to be a Moderator or a Helper? I would like to have my position back as Moderator
06/30/2013 8:54 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Robot
Fight_Or_Die's Avatar
Pending, we used to have you as a mod, however we reset all staff. This was an action I thought was necessary and we will see if it is the right choice.
06/30/2013 8:44 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Robot
Fight_Or_Die's Avatar
masterjoe101Minecraft Username?: masterjoe101

How often do you play on this server?: everyday

What is your age?: 11

Do you have a skype and a microphone?: skype
--If so, are you able to accept calls? yes

What is your experience with the following plugins?:
CoreProtect -
GroupManager –
Multiverse(Plugin Suite)- I have no experience with plugins but I am willing to learn

Are you a server donor?:yes
What is your timezone?: EST

Do you want to be a Moderator or a Helper?: Moderator

Invalid, Please repost using the correct format. Error: Complete Sentences & Detail
06/30/2013 8:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
masterjoe101's Avatar
Minecraft Username?: masterjoe101

How often do you play on this server?: everyday

What is your age?: 11

Do you have a skype and a microphone?: Skype

--If so, are you able to accept calls? yes

What is your experience with the following plugins?: I do not have and experience with plugins but I am willing to learn
CoreProtect -
GroupManager –
Multiverse(Plugin Suite)-

Are you a server donor?:yes AND IM PROUD OF IT
What is your timezone?: EST

Do you want to be a Moderator or a Helper?: Moderator
06/30/2013 8:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
nathan_lin's Avatar
Minecraft Username?: nathan_lin

How often do you play on this server?: EVERYDAY

What is your age?: 11

Do you have a skype and a microphone?: Yes, I have both.
--If so, are you able to accept calls? Yes I can accept calls.

What is your experience with the following plugins?: I dont know much about plugins but I can learn more about them quickly and if better, learn how to use them.
CoreProtect -
GroupManager –
Multiverse(Plugin Suite)-

Are you a server donor?: Yes, I payed for the donator pack.

What is your timezone?: Pacific time zone

Do you want to be a Moderator or a Helper?: I would like to be moderator, if I can't, helper is also OK.
06/30/2013 10:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Robot
Fight_Or_Die's Avatar
Accepted! We have decided you would be a good Helper! Congrats Nathan!
06/30/2013 8:26 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Robot
Fight_Or_Die's Avatar
Pending,your application was good. Errors have been fixed. You do show dedication, however.We will consider it!
06/30/2013 7:56 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Robot
Fight_Or_Die's Avatar
Post the format to write your post, below to file your app!
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