MatronixPVP needs all staff!

MatronixPVP's Avatar MatronixPVP4/7/15 6:49 pm
4/13/2015 4:56 pm
coonorlovesmiine's Avatar coonorlovesmiine
MatronixPVP is a new Towny PVP server looking for dedicated staff members and players. Our goal is to achieve a steady playerbase, with friendly admins and a fun overall experience. We need staff members to help maintain this balance, and we hope that you can help us!

PLEASE READ - The server is new and is not setup, we hope you can bear with us as we continue to setup and develop the server.

Mod app

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What would you do if a player was spamming?:

What would you do if a player was hacking but a staff member needed proof?:

Tell us about yourself:

Extra Info:

Admin App
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What is your name?:

What is your IGN?:

What is your Skype?:

What country do you currently reside in?:

What previous staff experience do you have, Minecraft or not?:

How would you punish someone for breaking the rules?:

Why do you want to become a admin on MatronixPVP?:

How will your presence benefit our staff team?

What languages do you speak?:

Anything Extra?:

Helper App

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Why should we choose you?:

Why do you want to be on the staff team?:

Tell us about yourself?:

Thank you and goodluck!
Posted by MatronixPVP's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Network

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04/07/2015 7:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EastAndUnder's Avatar
What is your name?: Would rather not say on a public forum but i can tell you over skype

What is your IGN?: EastAndUnder

What is your Skype?: EastAndUnder

What country do you currently reside in?: USA

What previous staff experience do you have, Minecraft or not?: I have owned a server that maintained a 50 people average on at a time. I have been Co-Owner and Admin on many servers. I have been builder on others. All around I've been a lot of different Staff on many servers of all kinds.

How would you punish someone for breaking the rules?: If it was more of a minor one I would give a warning and if they continue doing it, I would ban or temp-ban depending on how bad the rule was. If it was a more major one I would ban right away such as like hacking or so on

Why do you want to become a admin on NovaMC?: Because I just want to stay on a server that will actually probably turn out to be good one day and not have abusive owners like so many servers have.

How will your presence benefit our staff team? I can be on a lot of the time and I'm very responsible. I can build if you would like to me and I enjoy building as well. I will do basically anything higher ranks want me to do and ill help people that need help. I'm very friendly and can take a joke.

What languages do you speak?: English and a tiny amount of spanish

Anything Extra?: I'm just an overall nice person and enjoy playing minecraft.
04/07/2015 7:32 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
MatronixPVP's Avatar
Wrong post buddy
04/07/2015 7:34 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
MineFadex's Avatar
What is your name?: Jason

What is your IGN?: Eternal_Anarchy

What is your Skype?: akrules.lol

What country do you currently reside in?: U.S.A

What previous staff experience do you have, Minecraft or not?: Answered Below

How would you punish someone for breaking the rules?: First Offence: Warning
Second Offence: Kick Third Offence: Temp ban Forth Offence: ban Also depends on what the player was doing

Why do you want to become a admin on NovaMC?: I have a lot of experience Staffing on other Servers. I Have'd owned 3 servers of My Own ( HydraCraft, EternalPvP, And AnarchyCraft) . I Know A lot about Plugins.I believe a large portion of players on My servers enjoyed me as staff.I also applied for staff because as being an operator I know how hard getting to the bottom of a story is but I also find it a challenge, and since I have been in A lot of communities I have matured a lot from. I understand what I should kick or ban for and what I should jail or warn for. I showed the qualities required to be an operator or even staff On other servers . I have watched staff come and go understanding why they have been accepted/left the community/in-staffed, and I know exactly what would be expected of me if I got staff.

How will your presence benefit our staff team?I owned 3 servers so I understand exactly how hard running the server is and I also understand why staff are there, they are there to help the owner and players make the server bigger and better and that's what I plan to do if I got staff.I will try to help settle disputes and try to pass along information on how to respect others. I'm constantly on the lookout for foul language and ask people to stop even when there are no staff present.First of all, I know most of the commands I currently have access to very well. I have no problem teaching others how to use the commands and what they do. I have already been doing this for a while. I spend almost as much time helping others.Next, I am very articulate and experienced in dealing with people.I am very good and calming people down or getting my point across in a mature and respectful manner. I am also not scared to tell someone they are wrong and how to fix the issue. I think I am a pretty calm and collected person. I won't get frustrated with new people. I enjoy this server. I enjoy the people on the server and I would like to be able to help them in a bigger way.

What languages do you speak?: English , Spanish

Anything Extra?: Hope You Enjoyed
04/07/2015 7:48 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Hunter
pinkieseb's Avatar
Those two both have under 5 posts. They probably registered for the soul purpose of scamming you and getting staff.
04/07/2015 7:52 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
MineFadex's Avatar
No, What makes You say that
04/07/2015 10:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Claytifedawg's Avatar
What is your name?: Clayton

What is your IGN?: TheRiffRaff

What is your Skype?: Claytifedowg

What country do you currently reside in?: Australia

What previous staff experience do you have, Minecraft or not?: I have been head-admin on one other server but it shut diwn due to the lack of donations.

How would you punish someone for breaking the rules?: It depends how badly they break the rules, but ill easily ban them if it is necessary.

Why do you want to become a admin on MatronixPVP?: I want to be apart of this server because i like to help the server expand and watch it grow by advertising and getting as much people on the server as possible to make it a better server. I also can build some things to preferably medieval type of buildings cause that's what i'm best at.

How will your presence benefit our staff team? Because whenever you need something done ill be there and im online alot during the week,and im loyal to ranks higher and lower then me.

What languages do you speak?:english
CBG Productions
04/07/2015 11:43 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
CBG Productions's Avatar
What is your name?: Coleman, or Cole.

What is your IGN?: jpbentColeman

What is your Skype?: colemanbenton

What country do you currently reside in?: USA

What previous staff experience do you have, Minecraft or not?: All but Co-Owner.

How would you punish someone for breaking the rules?: Warn them once, make sure they read the rules again. If broken again temp kick, after that is what ever.

Why do you want to become a admin on MatronixPVP?: So I can help others fix their mistakes and have fun, and help this community/ server grow larger each and every day I can!

How will your presence benefit our staff team? Can have a laugh one minute, but can be serious the next. I can benefit in many ways, and so can you and your team. I don't know what you expect me to do. But I am very helpful and generous.

What languages do you speak?: English, German(some), I understand Spanish but can't really speak it (Some)

Anything Extra?: I am an experienced- builder, graphic artist, and adviser/ decision helper.
04/08/2015 12:00 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
MatronixPVP's Avatar
Can you get on?
04/08/2015 8:47 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
MatronixPVP's Avatar
Bump, still need staff!!
04/10/2015 7:18 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
MatronixPVP's Avatar
Bump, we need staff
04/10/2015 8:52 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
poodlesplat's Avatar
Admin application:
What is your name?: Jacob

What is your IGN?: Poodlesplat

What is your Skype?: jacob.devine123

What country do you currently reside in?: Australia

What previous staff experience do you have, Minecraft or not?: I have owned my own server before as well as being staff ranks such as admin, mod and helper. I have helped set up ranks on my own and other peoples servers as well as config plugins such as essentials, boss bar and many others.

How would you punish someone for breaking the rules?: No matter who they are, friend or not, they will all get the same punishment, depending on what they do and what the consequence is for their actions.

Why do you want to become a admin on MatronixPVP?: I believe I should be admin on MatronixPVP as I am very responsible at the age of 19 but I can be fun and friendly around but strict with rule breakers.

How will your presence benefit our staff team?I believe I can bring a friendly environment not only to the staff but to the whole server as general. I can help out with things such as permissions or configs, I could also help staff out if I see them struggling with a conflict.

What languages do you speak?: Only English.

Anything Extra?: Add me on skype and I can tell you any extra details.
04/11/2015 4:38 am
Level 37 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
KarmaPolice's Avatar
Name?: Alex Boulle

Age?: 13, 14 in 7 days.

IGN?: DeathDestroyer63

Skype?: alexboulle12345 chat only

Experience?: I have been a helper on a small server, until it got DDoSed and closed down. But generally I always help people when I can!

Why should we choose you?: you should pick me because im a very kind, generius and mature person. I go out of my way to make sure people are happy, and I am always willing to help in any situation. I can deal with situation in a calm manner and will help bring the server community together.

Why do you want to be on the staff team?: I want to be on the staff team because I have always wanted to staff and feel I have what it takes. In most opportunities I have tried to get staff, I havent been noticed, and so I havent been able to staff much, with few exceptions. However, I feel my personality is mature enought and that im the right person to be staff on your server

Tell us about yourself?: Im 13, and my main interest is game development and making computer games. I do this in my spare time when im not playing minecraft. Unlike a lot of boys, I dont take an interest in football. Im quite smart and extremely generous! I am a very calm person and can solve issues in a claim way.

Thanks for the opportunity.

- Alex
04/11/2015 5:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
tyrellkuz's Avatar
Hello Fellow Staff Members, my name is Tyrell Kuz

I am Currently 16 years of age

My In Game Name is Spartan_kook_01

My Skype is Tyrell Kuz

Experience?: I have quite a bit of experience of being a helper, i have been a helper and builder on 4 severs so far. So i guess that’s ass much experience I have.

The reason why you should choose me as a Helper or Mod is because i will try to do my best with the Community and its people. As well as help other fellow Staff Members.

I would like to be on your staff team because i have been looking for a server with more people than usual, i only get around 8 players so I’m trying to find a server with more people. Since i have a lot of time on my hands i usually stay on a server for 5 or more hours a day.

The things i can share to you all are, I am actually quite good at building and being Somewhere around Helper or mod. I am also a free GFX designer, i can do many things from peoples request, like Banners, Logos, YT Channel art and more.

Thank you for taking your time to read this Application. Have a good one
Sincerely~Tyrell Kuz
04/11/2015 7:07 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
yudiwu12345's Avatar
What is your name?:Alfie

What is your IGN?:TooEzForMePvP

What is your Skype?:yudiwu12345

What country do you currently reside in?:England

What previous staff experience do you have, Minecraft or not?: Yes I have loads of experience I have been admin on 2 servers before. Also I have been Head-Admin on one server and I was rated the best staff member on the server! I used to own a server with around 20+ people on everyday! sadly shut down due to not enough donations I have been Co-Owner on friends server before (It wasn't very successful shhh) All this experience would make me a great Admin on your server!

How would you punish someone for breaking the rules?: Of course I would for any sort of racism harassment anything for example: First warning=2min tempban depends on what there breaking 2nd warning=1hour tempban Next time=BAN
If they were hacking in pvp or fly hacking instant ban.

Why do you want to become a admin on MatronixPVP?: Because one of my minecraft hobbies is to go around Minecraft servers and help out a load of different servers such as this one. And I love to meet new friends as I hope too with this server if I become staff. I want to help out players that have just joined.

How will your presence benefit our staff team? I will help out with anything you want me to I am most experienced with plugins and permissions and buycraft ranks.

What languages do you speak?: English and bad french

Anything Extra?:
04/11/2015 5:03 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
MatronixPVP's Avatar
04/11/2015 5:16 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
KarmaPolice's Avatar
I have posted my application and so have many others. Why the bump?
04/11/2015 6:27 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
MatronixPVP's Avatar
All who applied have been added on Skype
04/11/2015 7:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dinotess's Avatar
are you still accepting applications?
04/11/2015 8:17 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
MatronixPVP's Avatar
04/13/2015 2:31 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
yudiwu12345's Avatar
Did I get accepted?
04/13/2015 4:56 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
coonorlovesmiine's Avatar
IGN: Coonor
Skype: Connor Rozzi (lacrosse players)
Application: Anything, preferably moderator

I am currently owning a server that has around 15 dedicated players. To add to the experience, I have been an administrator on 2 servers, one being play.corbacraft.com and another being mc.thel33t.com. My heart was broken when the "l33t" lost its community. In addition, my moderation experience (moderator) is another aspect of my minecraft "career" that I believe you and your team should look at in my application, for I have been, and still am on some that are still up, a staff position ranging from the simplest of helpers to the authenticity of admin and moderator. In my mind patrolling a server and making sure everyone is doing what they are asked, and having fun, is joyous in its own way!
I have a lot of experience staffing on other Servers. I have owned 2 servers of My Own ( BurstCraft and DripCraft) one of which is presently running. I Know a MAJOR amount of useful, fun, essential, and plain awesome plugins. I know that a large portion of players on my server currently running enjoy me as an owner and they know that I take suggestions. Being an operator, I know how hard getting to the bottom of a story is but I also find it a challenge, and I have been a part a lot of communities, thus I have matured and learned a lot from them. I understand what punishments should be distributed based on the offense. I showed the qualities required to be a helper on other servers (not directly but as an admin, mod, and owner) . I have watched players come and go and I, most certainly, will work my heart out to keep players on the server.
I love to help out servers new or old! In addition, making sure work is getting done is my craft, and I possess many skills that help me achieve these goals. My forte is Staff/Server management, but I am also a fair builder, I know a good amount of about permissions(Semi coder), I can set up enjin sites (maybe even a non enjin?) very well, and I am very adept at solving problems between players. I assure you that if you accept me, you will not be let down.
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