Mature Staff Needed!

MrZsnipin's Avatar MrZsnipin9/26/13 2:52 pm
9/27/2013 2:30 am
MrZsnipin's Avatar MrZsnipin
I'm looking for 3 people to become staff on my server! You will all start out as Moderators, and then hopefuly You'll do good and I can promote you to Admin!

What kind of people am I looking for?

Willingness to learn

Copy and paste this application in the comments below:
I'll use my info as exmaple-
Name: Zach
Age: 19
Why should I pick you: I'm all the shiznit you said up above^^
In-Game Name: MrZsnipin
Have you ever hosted a server or have been staff on a server: Yes TONS
Posted by MrZsnipin's Avatar
Level 1 : New Crafter

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09/26/2013 7:09 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
AwesomeAce754's Avatar
IGN: Ace754

Skype: ace7542

Maturity level: 7/10 but I have my monents

Have you ever been staff on a server or hosted a server: I have never hosted a server but i have been staff on a server co-owner one one and admin on another cant really remember any of them but i will be an awesome staff member.

~best wishes Ace
09/27/2013 2:30 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
MrZsnipin's Avatar
You're application has been accepted. As soon as I make TrialMod, you will have that rank!
09/26/2013 3:34 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
TheDon69's Avatar
Application for: Admin
How long will be on a day: 7-10hours
Age: 15
Skype: thedonaghy
In-Game Name: DARK_BOY0001
Why you want to be a admin or mod
I would like to start by telling you about me. I'm a person who you can talk to if troubled. You would be able to tell me ideas and imaginations about what you would want the server to be like, I would create that and give you 100% credit. I am a highly experience staff member. Meeting some of the most famous minecrafters I know what they do to achieve that. I know how to respect people, I will never in my life say I'm a better and more epicer person just because I have Head Admin in front of my name, I would tell them we are all equal in importance, its just that how you show it that matters. I do not break or create rules just for my entertainment, I am a disciplined person, knowing not obeying the rules is not an option in life. I am also a great plugin and command manager, I can manage all you plugins without the server stuffing, finding the best host to run the server at a great price, I will help the community of this server rise to a higher level every day. It would be an honor to be beside the staff the owner and the community to see that happen.

What you will do to help the server: I would make this server a friendly and caring community. I would welcome newbies on the server and explain what this server has installed for them. What you could do, or what you want to do. With his or hers opinion I could create new ideas for what players want, I would put voting areas on which mini game they would want to do then on one day make that happen.

How will you help improve the server: I would create more fun areas, no sg, I will discuss and create a sg, no shops, I shall make a shop. I would advertise like I have promised, make threads about the server as a community, With the owners permission I would make a youtube account just for this server and make vids for it.

Experience: I have played minecraft since 2009 the alpha came out, I have owned 3 servers, been co owner twice, Head Admin 5 times, Admin more than plenty, Mod same here with Admin

Can you advertise well for us?: Yes I can offer you advertisement for your server, I am a admin on which is highly filled with players and wouldn't mind advertising there, also I can make webs and blogs which could be necessary.

Email: tonydonaghy3@hotmail.co.uk

What do you do if someone repeatedly cursed or spammed after asked not 2?: I would immediately ask the player to stop the cursing or spamming, if he does not listen I shall discuss with other players about what we should do about it, a kick as a warning

Builder rate: I am a highly experienced builder, I can build different styles, modern, classic, abstract and much more. I'm a 7-10

Personality: I am humorous, friendly, able to communicate with, not violent, caring and most of all loyal, I am loyal to my mates around me

Thank you for considering my application and I hope to see you guys on the server!!!!
09/26/2013 5:27 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
MrZsnipin's Avatar
You're application has been accepted. Log in and I'll make you a Moderator!
09/26/2013 3:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Bigbum6's Avatar
Name: scott
Age: 16
Why should I pick you: I'm a amazing builder redstoner and i can help alot i will also be very fair to all the players and people that need help
Skype in case you want: Rainbowderpster
In-Game Name: Bigbum6
Have you ever hosted a server or have been staff on a server: iv created 3 servers with friends and even given a best build award on a bunch of servers im builder on a few and mod on other i can help alot! thanks for taking time to read this i can also make you a website very experinced in those
09/26/2013 3:09 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
Zoundrev's Avatar
Name: Xavier
IGN: Zoundrev
Age: 16
Why should I pick you?: Experienced plugin manager, owned two servers in the past. I study architecture often and know how to build realistic beautiful structures.

Have you ever hosted a server or have been staff on a server?: Yes to both of these questions. As of January of this year staff on 8 servers.
09/26/2013 3:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
j0e_nightrain's Avatar
Name: Joe
Age: 16
Why should I pick you: I'm mature and kind i can sort out situations for others as well as making sure people have a great time n your server i can help with building and help others
In-Game Name: joe_nightrain
Have you ever hosted a server or have been staff on a server: Yes i was a owned my own server and was admin on 7
09/26/2013 3:04 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
iXpure's Avatar
Name: Craig
IGN: iXpure1992
Age: 21
Why should I pick you?: Not copying what you said but I am all of the list above. I have ran a few servers of my own and know how important it is to keep things moving smoothly and effectively. No room for errors.

Have you ever hosted a server or have been staff on a server?: Yes to both. I have been an OP on some servers and mod on others. I can't remember the names. I am only just returning to MC. I have a server that I am working on just now for a mate since he is useless at making them :L I can show you it. Work in progress.
09/26/2013 5:26 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
MrZsnipin's Avatar
You're application has been accpeted. Log in and I'll make you a Moderator!
09/26/2013 2:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
woowoomonkey's Avatar
Name: Tom
Age: 15
Why should I pick you: I am a fair and consistent and can even help out with builds if needed.
In-Game Name: woowoomonkey
Have you ever hosted a server or have been staff on a server: not hosted but been staff on past servers yes
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