[Applying 6 staff!]MCLEGACY[Staff spaces!]

---HITCHMO---'s Avatar ---HITCHMO---7/13/14 5:06 am
1 emeralds 228 7
7/13/2014 9:46 am
aceops23_Pixelmon's Avatar aceops23_Pixelmon
Apply form:

What are you good at servers?

Do you think you make a great staff member?

Are you sure that you want to request for staff?

What have you experienced in servers?



How long have you've been playing minecraft

Are you good with plugins


What time will you be available

You sure you can stay with us?
Posted by ---HITCHMO---'s Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner

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07/13/2014 9:46 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
aceops23_Pixelmon's Avatar
Name- Spencer

Age- I am 16 Years of age.

Experience- I have been a Mod and Helper on a Faction server. I have been Head-Admin on a Kit pvp server, I am currently a Mod on a factions server. I have been an Owner of a Hub server (Pixelmon, skyblock, factions, OP Prison) I have been a Forum Mod/Admin for 9 different Servers.

Why I Want To Become Staff?- Because, I have a lot of time that I don't know what to do with. Why not become staff on a server. I have been staff plenty of times to know what I am needed to do and how active I need to be and how long I have to be on. I know what the players like and what makes people happy.

Why Should You Choose Me?- Why not, I have plenty of experience, I am easy to get along with. I have a lot of free time to do whatever is needed.

What Position Do I want- I don't care, as long as I get to help people and make the server better.

Do I know How To Build?- I am a decent builder, I don't like building, but I will do it if needed.

How Mature Am I 1-10- I am 1 9, because I like to have fun as well, so I mess around, nothing harmful.

Do I know How to Use World Edit?- Yes, I am very experienced with world edit.

Do I Like To Help Others- Yes, I love to help people and make their days better .

Am I A Grammar Nazi?- Yes, just a warning

Have I Ever Owned A Server?- Yes

Do I Have TeamSpeak- Yes

Do I Have Skype- Yes

Do I Have A Microphone- Yes

Do I Talk A Lot- No

Do You Need Me On Your Server- Yes

TimeZone- UTC -06:00

How Long Can I Be on- 5-6 Hours
The Epic Panda
07/13/2014 7:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
The Epic Panda's Avatar
What are you good at servers? Bringing new ideas to the table

Do you think you make a great staff member? Ah such a de-humbling question, I consider myself a fair admin I suppose, I'm usually nice and friendly and can take a joke, but I can also be strict and to the point when the line is crossed

Are you sure that you want to request for staff? Yes'sir

What have you experienced in servers? Not only have I been admin on a plethora of servers, but I owned my own at one point.

Skype?(Optional) pumalegit

Age? 14

How long have you've been playing minecraft? about 2-3 years now

Are you good with plugins? Yes, and if I'm unfamiliar with one, I'll look it up


What time will you be available? Always

You sure you can stay with us? Absolutely positive
07/13/2014 6:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
RyanPCGaming's Avatar
What are you Good at servers?: i can find alot of nice and fun plugins and will bring more users on make it a child friendly fun experienced place for everyone

Do you think you make a great staff memeber: well i am not that great but i have quite alot of experience:

are you sure you want to request for staff?: sure

what have you experienced in servers?:i am not afraid to ban warn or mute players for doing the wrong thing i will try my best to keep the server clean and child friendly


age: i am 13

are you good with plugins?: i have experienced alot of plugins from admin plugins through to text plugins and then to fun plugins so i am quite good with commands


what time will you be available: week days due to home work and fitness maybe 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (maybe an extra 30 mins if necessary) weekends Saturday how ever long as i want Sunday same as week days summer holidays is the same as saturday

are you sure you can stay with us?: i will try my best to

What rank you want?: well it would be a nice to be a Mod even better to be Admin or or being Co Owner would be Awesome but i think that is a little to far
07/13/2014 6:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
subjectskydiver's Avatar
What are you good at servers?
Help people, and dealing with problems/arguments between individuals, and sorting things.

Do you think you make a great staff member? Yes, i have been a staff member of previous servers on other games, sadly they have closed down. (RSPS)

Are you sure that you want to request for staff? Yes i am certain that i want a staff spot.

What have you experienced in servers? Minecraft servers?, I have experienced a lot of things due to me only being owner of one minecraft server which had about 12 people on all the time (hamachi server), i have experienced a lot of arguments, and griefing so i know how to deal with them in a proper manor. I have experienced what it is like to create a server, and deal with the plugins and settings.

Skype?(Optional) ethanlinton

Age? 16

How long have you've been playing minecraft: 3-4 years.

Are you good with plugins: Yes i have dealt with many different plugins while i created my hamachi server, if i dont know how to handle a plugin, i will surely be able to find out.

Country? New Zealand

What time will you be available: Week days: 5PM-9PM, Weekends: 8-12 hours.

You sure you can stay with us? I am sure to stay, if we all make a effort.
07/13/2014 6:14 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
ChristmasMapAndSkins's Avatar
What are you good at servers?Helping people and staff along with setting up things and building.

Do you think you make a great staff member?I think i would make a great staff member,I can help everyone with whatever they need.

Are you sure that you want to request for staff?Yes i am sure.

What have you experienced in servers?Setting plugins up editing files reading staff applications building things such as shops,spawns etc.



How long have you've been playing minecraft:I have been playing minecraft for 2-3 years, (It was around the time Rails and things were added or before then).

Are you good with plugins:I am good with most plugins and if there isn't a plugin i don't know i will learn really quick.

Country?U.S.A (CST Timezone)

What time will you be available:Depends, It could be from 9AM too 6PM or times could change.

You sure you can stay with us?I am sure i can stay with you guys and help the server out.
AwakenedRelic75 Mods
07/13/2014 5:46 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
AwakenedRelic75 Mods's Avatar
What are you good at servers?: Getting more users and being fun

Do you think you make a great staff member?: Yes.

Are you sure that you want to request for staff?: Yeah!

What have you experienced in servers?: I have experienced DDos threats and abusers and hackers and greifers but the only good thing was kind people that wouldnt just say "You Suck" if they dont even know me

Skype?(Optional): No Skype

Age?: 12

How long have you've been playing minecraft: 2 years

Are you good with plugins: I am good with groupmanager and Disguisecraft

Country?: England

What time will you be available: probobly 7:30AM BST or 5:00PM BST

You sure you can stay with us?: Yea

What rank do you want?: Admin
07/13/2014 5:51 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
---HITCHMO---'s Avatar
Sorry AwesomeDino
We can not accept you because of the lack of information
we would of expected more information!
but thanks for applying and have a great summer!
Planet Minecraft


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