MCLegacy- Looking for staff!

MissBreezyGaming's Avatar MissBreezyGaming6/28/13 6:18 pm
7/1/2013 1:29 pm
Hankfleck217's Avatar Hankfleck217

MCLegacy is a new server that is looking to hire at least 2 more admin and at least 2 more Moderators. The server is almost ready to be played on, and a few of us have been working hard to get the spawn ready and looking nice! The server will feature a Plotworld, Survival, Creative world, and minigames! I am running plugins such as iConomy, ChestShop, Multiverse, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, and LogBlock.

Who are we hiring?
We are hiring people who are experienced staff members and who can handle situations that need an Admin's decision on if I am not on to make the call. Looking for mature people who aren't going to play childish games or act petty, that is not your place as a staff member!! [size=150][color=#FF0000]

Staff Positions Available:
-Builder (to help build things that the server needs)

Please fill out the following application [b]IN DETAIL[/b] (no 2 minute applications will be accepted or even looked at).

-Applying for:
-Name (first name is fine)
-Skype Contact
-Tell us a little bit about yourself
-Tell us about your skills/ experience in minecraft
-Tell us any plugins you are familiar with
-Why you are applying?
-Have you had experience as a staff member before? Tell us a little about it.
-Why should we choose you?
-Time zone/ country (so we know when to contact you and what times you would be able to be on).
-Any other information you feel is important and will help us get to know you as a person and as a staff member better so we can make an informed decision.

Thanks for applying!!

[size=150][b][color=#FF0000]NOTE: If you are applying for a builder position PLEASE include screenshots or videos of your work! It will make the whole application process go a lot smoother! (if you don't have any that is okay, but we would prefer to see your work).[/color][/b] [/size]
Posted by MissBreezyGaming's Avatar
Level 1 : New Crafter

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07/01/2013 1:29 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Hankfleck217's Avatar
-Applying for: Admin
-Name (first name is fine) Chris
-Age 16
-Skype Contact hankfleck217
-Tell us a little bit about yourself I'm a lacrosse player who plays for NESSL. I enjoy sports and I love minecraft.
-Tell us about your skills/ experience in minecraft I have been playing minecraft since BETA and not much else I can say haha!
-Tell us any plugins you are familiar with I am familar with pretty much every plugin that an admin would need to use rollback plugins WE ETC..
-Why you are applying? Because I haven't been playing minecraft recently and I have just started playing again this past month. So I would like to help.
-Have you had experience as a staff member before? Tell us a little about it. Yes I have been OP admin Co-owner and mod. I have also owned my own server before.
-Why should we choose you? I'm highly experienced! I would like to be admin! In short all that i really want to do is help ease that burden they carry and help this server become something even more spectacular. I'd like to be able to assist people when they need it. Mods/admins don't seem to be available as often as people need help. When they do make an appearance, they get multiple requests for assistance at one time which leads to frustration. Obviously, more staff would allow more people to be helped at once. I have helped newcomers who get bored or confused easily by showing them different things they can do and different warps/places they can visit. Also I like to help out with newcomers problems and miss-understandings,

they seem to have troubles and difficulties with this server at times, I would like to aim to enhance their experience at this server. I also would like to prevent the spread of destruction and despair upon this server. With the voice/title and power of a Mod, I want to be able to spread an understanding and resolve the issues of destruction. I would also like to help communication improve, Seen as there is trolls and spammers at times, The players are normally distracted by it and can have difficulties communicating with their friends. I am well liked among a lot of the players, I am available most of the time, and I have the patience and initiative to help when I can, where I can.
-Time zone/ country (so we know when to contact you and what times you would be able to be on). Eastern Time USA
-Any other information you feel is important and will help us get to know you as a person and as a staff member better so we can make an informed decision.

Thank you for your time. -Hank
07/01/2013 11:40 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
MissBreezyGaming's Avatar
It will be within the next day or so. Promise
07/01/2013 11:40 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
MissBreezyGaming's Avatar
Wont be a week or 2 I can promise that.
07/01/2013 6:39 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
MissBreezyGaming's Avatar
I havent messaged anyone yet. I had a death in the family and couldnt get on last night. My RL is much more important to me than MC. Ill be deciding later today or tomorrow when I have the chance to sit down at the computer. Just be patient and I will let you all know.
07/01/2013 11:24 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Henry_Jekyll's Avatar
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that things were so serious in real life...

I'll just be quiet now..
07/01/2013 11:31 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
MissBreezyGaming's Avatar
Your fine. Just dont assume things please. Pet peeve of mine. I will get to it when I get to it since this JUST happened in my family. Really sucked and threw me for a loop. I will let you all know asap
07/01/2013 11:35 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Henry_Jekyll's Avatar
Okay. I won't assume things, and you can take your time. I don't mind waiting for a day or two, or a week or two..
07/01/2013 4:37 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Henry_Jekyll's Avatar
It's say's you posted that yesterday. Are the results postponed a day, or are you only messaging the people who made it in, therefore I was not accepted.
06/30/2013 3:13 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
MissBreezyGaming's Avatar
I will be messaging people after work tonight. My decisions have been made though
06/30/2013 3:04 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Henry_Jekyll's Avatar
It's Sunday....

Will we be getting info, or do you need more applicants?
06/29/2013 11:10 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Henry_Jekyll's Avatar
By the way, you might want to fix the writing at the bottom. We can see the []'s
06/28/2013 9:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DraconicWisp's Avatar
-Applying for: Moderator.
-Name (first name is fine) Oliver, ingame I prefer going by Wispy but call me whatever rocks your boat.
-Age: 15, I know it's below the age requirement but I do believe I am mature. It's a matter of accepting ones statement I suppose.
-Skype Contact: I'll PM that to you if i'm considered.
-Tell us a little bit about yourself: Well, i've had minecraft since it's birth at Alpha. Been with it ever since and have been going across servers trying to find the one that i'd love to stay with. I enjoy contributing ideas and just building in my spare time.
-Tell us about your skills/ experience in minecraft: I'm most skilled at building and have dabbled with redstone a little to. Plugins i'm on the edge for as the commands still scare me.
-Tell us any plugins you are familiar with: Factions, WorldEdit, PermissionsX and a few others that i've forgotten the name of -_-
-Why you are applying?: As stated before, I really do hope to find a server to settle down with. This server seems to be off on a good start and is based around maturity which I love to see.
-Have you had experience as a staff member before? Tell us a little about it: Many. I've been a Moderator on a few servers, Admin on another and once even had my own server. My experience on the servers have been mixed. I'm said to be friendly and mature around new players and have great building potential.
-Why should we choose you? I hope to bring forth a mass of ideas and hopes for the server. I'd hope to see it develop into a popular server with an awesome community. I can help in any way possible to achieve that goal.
-Time zone/ country (so we know when to contact you and what times you would be able to be on). I'm from England. However I'm always up every night so there's no issues with times. Seriously I do all-nighters on some occasions.
-Any other information you feel is important and will help us get to know you as a person and as a staff member better so we can make an informed decision. I'm terrible at these parts of applications. Forgive me. I'm finished, please ask me any other questions however :)

Thank you for reading and I hope to hear from you soon :)
06/28/2013 6:56 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Henry_Jekyll's Avatar
Then I shall.

-Applying for: Any staff position open. If you prefer I start as a mod and work my way up, that is fine.
-Name (first name is fine): You can call me Rawk, but if I must put this here, I can say through PM.
-Age: Same as above.
-Skype Contact: I do not have skype, but if it is required, we can talk through PM here or on the server.
-Tell us a little bit about yourself: I have been playing minecraft for about one year and I have learned to love it. I tried being good at building and I became interested in redstone.
-Tell us about your skills/ experience in minecraft: I am one of those, a lil good at everything type of people. I personally like redstone and organization (moderation) the most though.
-Tell us any plugins you are familiar with: WorldEdit, Factions, CoreProtect (just a little) and disguisecraft. Any other plugins that you get though, I can learn.
-Why you are applying?: This server strikes me that it has organization and maturity. I like that type of server, and there are very few. So I took this as an opportunity and decided to apply.
-Have you had experience as a staff member before? Tell us a little about it.: I have been staff on a lot of servers. Most I don't get on anymore (No, I was not banned.) because they seemed to get along fine without me. If you are worrying about me being active, I can be on most of the time, because all of the other servers I am staff on and I still get on handle fine without me.
-Why should we choose you?: I promise to be a good staff member and I am pretty mature. I can sometimes goof off, but it happens only rarely. I wish to make this little server into, what you might say, a tree. Now, don't think I'm crazy. I'm saying I want to make this server into something the grows, expands, and provides to everyone that joins in.
-Time zone/ country (so we know when to contact you and what times you would be able to be on).: This question does not really apply to me, because I can usually be on at any time, from 10 A.M to 3 A.M.
-Any other information you feel is important and will help us get to know you as a person and as a staff member better so we can make an informed decision.: If you have any other questions, just ask me through PM. Otherwise, I have finished this application.
06/28/2013 6:43 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Peter_Caylor's Avatar
-Applying for:Admin

-Name:Peter Caylor

-Age:15 4/5 (Birthday is in Augest)

-Skype Contact:peter.caylor

-Tell us a little bit about yourself:I have quite a bit of experience, I will tell you later in this application. At home in real life, I like to build things, from trebuchets to slingshots, if you give me the materials i can quite possible make it, depending on how large the project is and how much experience is needed. In minecraft I also build, but usually they are a friends idea and I follow the idea, because I'm not too good at idea making in the department of building. In real life, I like to fiddle with electricity, such as making a home made motor, and when I got into minecraft, I thought of redstone like electrical circuits, mostly because they technically are, and it made me quite a bit more intrigued about redstone, therefore dragging me ever deeper into minecraft. I had a successful server before, but it had the console hacked and we had to restart. I will tell about this later in my app.

-Tell us about your skills/ experience in minecraftI told of some above, such as my redstone capabilities and my server hosting experience. I have built some pretty nice castles, houses, etc, but with a good design given to me by a real life friend. I have played minecraft for 2 1/2 years.

-Tell us any plugins you are familiar withAll common server plugins and any fun server plugin. Examples are permissionsEx, Groupmanager, worldguard, worldedit, wstone, gates1, all of essentials, the list goes on. If i have not worked with a certain plugin I can learn in a very short amount of time.

-Why you are applying?I've been bored lately around my house, and I thought "Go play minecraft." so i did. Then i got bored with single player, so i decided why not help a server that could use my skills as a staff member. (I play single player to test redstone contraptions) So here we are with my application for admin on your server.

-Have you had experience as a staff member before? Tell us a little about it.I have been owner 4 times, co-owner 3 times, Head-Admin 3 times, Admin 3 times(maybe 4), Headmod once, Mod 3 times, and Builder twice. most of the server were either unsuccessful or shut down due to costs, but were successful.

-Why should we choose you?I wish to help this server grow from its humble state, into a large popular server that any player would want to be part of. I want to keep this server free of hackers, cheaters, forgers, and irritating people that make other players leave. I've owned a server before, and I know how important it is to have trustworthy and reliable staff. I can be one of those people. I have knowledge of all popular and common plugins on a server, as well as redstone knowledge.

-Time zone/ country: EST United states and canada (Kentucky)

-Any other information you feel is important and will help us get to know you as a person and as a staff member better so we can make an informed decision. Most of it is stated above, currently I cannot think of anything else. Tell me if you think of any further questions.
06/28/2013 6:34 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
CrisisX's Avatar
-Applying for: Admin
-Name (first name is fine) - Tyson
-Age : 16
-Skype Contact : tysonrow
-Tell us a little bit about yourself : I am mature, Nice , loyal, trustworthy. I love to play sports (Basketball, Soccer) And i only play minecraft on my spare itme.
-Tell us about your skills/ experience in minecraft: I have been playing minecraft Since alpha, I'm not a good builder, i'm an okay builder.
-Tell us any plugins you are familiar with : I know most of the commands that an admin needs to know ( Ban,Tempban,Mute,Kick,Invsee,Etc) I also know most of the plugins, And if i do not know any plugin then i am willing to learn it!
-Why you are applying? : I love helping out servers and being part of a team.
-Have you had experience as a staff member before? Tell us a little about it. : yeah, I been admin like 3 times, and Head-Admin 2 times. I am gonna be honest and say they weren't that popular servers.
-Why should we choose you? : I am mature, and i am experienced as an Staff member. When I find a server, I stick with it for a great deal of time. I can't stand switching from server to server. never by any circumstances break the rules. I’m very friendly and have a simple way of going about how to treat someone. If someone’s respectful to me, I’m respectful to them. If someone’s extremely rude to me I’m not going to treat them like an adult and I’ll end up talking to them like they’re my 5 year old sister. I think with me around the server will have a lot more relaxed and community-like aroma.
-Time zone/ country (so we know when to contact you and what times you would be able to be on). = Canada/ (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
-Any other information you feel is important and will help us get to know you as a person and as a staff member better so we can make an informed decision. : I said What i needed to say
06/28/2013 6:28 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
MissBreezyGaming's Avatar
Just curious what part don't you agree with? Only reason I have now had to make this a requirement is because I have now had to boot 3 admin and 2 mods bc they could not handle the responsibilites of their staff position because they claimed they were mature, but were not. All were around the same age. I would rather be safe than sorry.
06/28/2013 6:30 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Henry_Jekyll's Avatar
Quite much, but I am younger than the requirement for Mod, and I have held many Admin positions and I held the responsibilities easily.

Just because someone is older, doesn't mean they are mature.
06/28/2013 6:31 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
MissBreezyGaming's Avatar
Very true, I see your point. I may take this out but just be wary of who I accept. If you are interested please feel free to fill out the app and we can chat.
06/28/2013 6:24 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Henry_Jekyll's Avatar
MissBreezyGamingAlso, preferably for Admin, I would ask that you are 16+. I WILL NOT accept your application for admin if you aren't at least 16. I do not care how mature you say you are, I do not believe younger than 16 is mature enough to handle an Admin position. Also, no younger than 14 preferably for Moderator for the same reasons. Thank you

I do not agree with this.

Not at all.

But at least you are VERY protective who is admin or mod, judging by age. Just be prepared to find lots of people lying about their age.
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