Medieval/Fantasy Server needs Staff and Builders!

kitten3101's Avatar kitten31011/5/15 2:12 pm
1 emeralds 2.9k 102
2/5/2016 11:11 am
katisaspaceninja's Avatar katisaspaceninja
I'm kitten3101, and I'm trying a roleplay Medieval/Fantasy server.
It will be professionally hosted, and will have a few staff members to enforce rules.
Here is what we will need:
Owner - kitten3101
Co-Owner - Willow_Minas, Gollark8
Operator - Tad02
Plugin Developer -
Community Manager -
Adviser -
Head Admin - Spac3bot
Head Admin - Jassassin
Admin -
Admin -
Admin -
Admin -
Trial Admin - TyTheKid18
Head Moderator - OmegaAether
Head Moderator - FoxfireLivvy
Moderator - Maxwell82
Moderator - Baseballwill07
PMC Name:
Time Zone(So we know when your on and which team to put you on):
Why do you want to be staff?
What could you bring to the team?:
Do you have any experience as a staff member?:
Ban Record?:
Will you abuse powers?
Will you break the rules?:
How active are you on Minecraft each day:
We will have a number of races too!
Humans - kitten3101
Elves - willow_minas
Dwarves - Gollark8/Might be open if he dosen't want
Orcs - Tad02
Goblins - Spac3bot
Trolls - OPEN
Server is whitelisted. When you are accepted you will be whitelisted.
Posted by kitten3101's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer

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02/05/2016 11:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
katisaspaceninja's Avatar
IGN: KatTheSpaceNinja
PMC Name: katisaspacenina
Age: 13 turning 14 in november i guess
Time Zone(So we know when your on and which team to put you on): scotland/uk
Why do you want to be staff? idk it seems fun and im extreemly bored
What could you bring to the team?: idk i have been playing minecraft since i was 9 so im a pretty experienced player
Do you have any experience as a staff member?: yes
Ban Record?: ive never been banned
Will you abuse powers? nope
Will you break the rules?: no
How active are you on Minecraft each day: i play it most days
03/03/2015 4:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ConnorM2399's Avatar
My name is Connor (15) and my friends name is Alan (16)
we've know each other for 3-4 years and we're in EST
we're looking for a new server/community to make epic builds in because our old community shut down, we can build a variety of styles from Norse, Steampunk, Medieval, Fantasy, you name it we can do it.
We follow and respect all rules, we are mature players who just want to build something no ones done before and have a good time
Non existent ban record between the both of us, we are pretty good about respecting and not abusing power
We are both on minecraft a minimum of 5 days a week
Minecraft Names- ConnorM2399 & Floatingtoast614
Look forward to a reply, Cheers!
01/27/2015 10:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Kcwruss101's Avatar
PMC Name:Kcwruss101
Time Zone:Austrailan
Why do you want to be staff?: because it would be an exprience.
What could you bring to the team?:innovation
Do you have any experience as a staff member?:no
Ban Record?: i have been muted once because i was spamming something but only because i was testing the &.4 etc thing.
Will you abuse powers?never
Will you break the rules?:no
How active are you on Minecraft each day:99% of days im on and on those days for like 5 hours.
01/26/2015 2:55 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Guys, we've been really inactive. I've sent most people on the team a PM in-game, so please check there.
01/27/2015 10:34 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
Capritorne's Avatar
Don't think you sent me one
02/01/2015 12:05 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
01/14/2015 5:24 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Blacksmith
killbotryan's Avatar
IGN: killbotryan

PMC Name: killbotryan

Age: 13. 14 in two months

Time Zone(So we know when your on and which team to put you on): mountain. pacific soon in Feb.

Why do you want to be staff? It is a challenge and a fun one too.

What could you bring to the team?: Parkour is a big one with building close behind and fun to work with.

Do you have any experience as a staff member?: Yes, not a whole not, but yes.

Ban Record?: None.

For a race I would love team Elf or Goblin. However I would love any.

Will you abuse powers?: No! even if I play with the players I would not use powers at all.

Will you break the rules?: Never

How active are you on Minecraft each day: depending on the day 2-6.
01/14/2015 3:41 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
magnhunter89876's Avatar
PMC Name:magnhunter89876
Time Zone(So we know when your on and which team to put you on):Denmark
Why do you want to be staff?cause i would be very active and would help the players much and the server as much as i could
What could you bring to the team?:that i played much and helped much
Do you have any experience as a staff member?:yeah i ahve bean adviser on 3 servers and head mod on 3 and admin on 3
Ban Record?:nothing
Will you abuse powers?no im not that kind of a person
Will you break the rules?:no i will follow the rules and be a good freind
How active are you on Minecraft each day:on the server i could be active 3-11 hours per day

if you want me sent me a message over skype
01/14/2015 2:58 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
We're having some slight problems getting the server up and everything.
Will be repaired by tommorow!
01/14/2015 2:12 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Tad02's Avatar
Hey,guys you can now apply on the site so its easier to keep track only made yesterday still working on it http://worldofcraftia.guildlaunch.com

Good luck
01/12/2015 11:11 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
In other news, due to massive bugs being found, we're issuing a CLOSED ALPHA!
Sign-ups will be avaliable in a thread once our bases are finished.
Milo Levinson
01/11/2015 2:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Milo Levinson's Avatar
PMC Name:
Milo Levinson (I am new to PMC, I usually use enjin)
Time Zone(So we know when your on and which team to put you on):
London, England
Why do you want to be staff?
I am very loyal, responsible, honest, trustworthy, innovative, creative and impartial. I have been a judge on multiple servers, I have been redstone engineer on multiple servers, and have built spawn on all of the servers I've worked on. In fact I used to be called TheArchitect for my building ability. The truth is, that I don't apply to servers so I can play on them in creative and so that I can just help. I apply to work on servers so I may actually WORK to benefit the server. To help others, (mainly my boss and co-workers), keep justice and balance, and work in whatever area I can.
What could you bring to the team?:
I can help with players with the commands, for those who doesn't know them. I can preach the players good things and not bad ones, and I'll encourage players to donate if they are interested in it. I can enspire more people to build and enjoy themselves, when it comes to creativity
Do you have any experience as a staff member?:
I am currently serving as a moderator on ajauw1's Survival Server, and admin on xXEthanBXx's Survival Server, and I was an admin AlphaCraft before it closed. I have hosted 3 servers, all of which were closed because I didn't have the time or money to keep them running 24/7. I was also an adviser to Chiquis5083 on ShroomCraft, but that story will wait till two sections from now.
Ban Record?:
So now we come to the ShroomCraft story. I have only been banned once, and I was banned unjustly. Unless you've read my book "The Great War" on Wingnut's Wicked Minecraft, or you were a member of the faction BlackMesa, then you probably won't know this story. When I was on ShroomCraft, I was chief adviser to the owner, Chiquis5083, I didn't have operator privileges but I did have a boatload of money and items. Chiquis also always came to me for advice about things. So anyway, I made my money as a lumberjack and I was a part of the faction known as BlackMesa. One day, I had purchased a skeleton spawner to set up at our faction base, which was an NPC Village built for us by the owner. As I was setting up the XP Farm it happened, Crepto768 and Chiquis5083 had formed a millitary faction and they attacked our base. We were a peaceful faction and the attack came from nowhere. We never saw it coming and we never provoked the attack. When we began to get the upperhand when defending ourselves, the owner (Chiquis) teleported all of us to spawn. One by one he banned every single member of my faction, including myself. All because we had the temerity to defend ourselves in an attack he placed on us.
So technically speaking, I've never been banned for doing something wrong. In fact that was the only time I was banned, and that was because I was defending myself.
Will you abuse powers?
No, at least I hope not
Will you break the rules?:
No, I will most certainly not
How active are you on Minecraft each day:
I usually spend 3-4 hours on it every day, on weekends sometimes more.
01/11/2015 12:22 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
01/10/2015 10:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Chewtobbacca's Avatar
hey i cant join the server for some reason
01/10/2015 7:21 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Narwhal
Silver_Fern's Avatar
IGN: Silver_Fern

PMC Name: Silver_Fern


Time Zone:GMT

Why do you want to be staff?
I'm a fan of roleplay/ fantasy servers, and I'm interested in helping launch one.

What could you bring to the team?:
I think I could help, not only can I build and moderate chat, but also I could write lore for your server. If you have a website set up, I could start to write the background stories and information on your world. Though I may not be an expert on plugins and things, I have years of minecraft experience on servers at my back to aid you build, enforce rules and create your community. As for roleplay experience, I play D&D irl as well as online roleplays.

Do you have any experience as a staff member?:
Yes, I have been builder and moderator on some servers.

Ban Record?:
Only once several years ago.

Will you abuse powers? No.

Will you break the rules?:No.
How active are you on Minecraft each day: Several hours per day, more on weekends.
01/10/2015 12:57 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Example lore please?
01/10/2015 5:57 am
Level 1 : New Network
OpticSKING's Avatar
IGN: what do u mean?
PMC Name:OpticSKING Minecraft name: awsomeender123
Time Zone(So we know when your on and which team to put you on): London
Why do you want to be staff? I left my own server but i realised working in a server was good fun so thats why.
What could you bring to the team?: I am really good at building in servers, in my own server i once build a huge castle for factions.
Do you have any experience as a staff member?: Yes i had my own server and i worked on a other server for my friend once.
Ban Record?: no i have not been banned
Will you abuse powers? no i promise i will not.
Will you break the rules?: no i promise.
How active are you on Minecraft each day: i am on about 2-3 hours everyday and on the weekend a bit more!!!!
01/09/2015 4:10 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Klintii's Avatar
IGN: klintrin10
PMC Name: Klintii
Age: 16
Time Zone(So we know when your on and which team to put you on): CST (Central USA)
Why do you want to be staff? To help other players and be a part of a positive community directed for playing Minecraft.
What could you bring to the team?: A positive attitude and willfulness to help out wherever is needed.
Do you have any experience as a staff member?: Yes, I've staffed multiple servers hosted by Wikia Communities as a lead Operator and admin, which all projects except one have been disbanded.
Ban Record?: I don't recall ever being banned.
Will you abuse powers? No, I will only use power when it is needed and even then try to keep it to a minimal.
Will you break the rules?: No, I will not.
How active are you on Minecraft each day: I'm active in the middle of the day on occasions and every evening due to having a real life job.

I would prefer a position as a Moderator or more of a community based role, as I am far more experienced in that than compared to designing and coding, but I will do whatever is needed in the case that my application is accepted.
01/10/2015 2:28 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
I can offer you Moderator, Trial-Admin, or Community Manager.
01/10/2015 4:44 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Klintii's Avatar
Trial-Admin or Moderator preferably if the positions are still open.
01/11/2015 3:05 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Trial-Admin then.
Feel free to join us on the server.
01/09/2015 3:57 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
TyFoxy's Avatar
ok so i wrnt on the server but i have no admin abilities at all? so if you can help me with that
01/09/2015 3:59 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Come back on, I'll get someone to put you as a correct rank.
01/09/2015 3:19 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Tad02's Avatar
We are also looking for beta testers.
01/09/2015 2:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CarrJ's Avatar
Check your messages.
01/09/2015 1:50 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
01/09/2015 2:43 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
Capritorne's Avatar
If I was accepted, then I'll be on tomorrow, I'm going to go straight to sleep in a few minutes.
01/09/2015 2:50 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Okay. You are whitelisted.
01/09/2015 2:41 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
You may join the server.
01/09/2015 2:41 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Hmm. I can accept you as a Head-Mod.
Alipheese Fateburn
01/09/2015 2:40 am
Level 1 : New Network
Alipheese Fateburn's Avatar
I jokingly kind of said that, as for an honest answer I follow every rule set in place unless it's an absurd one. There are ones I don't agree with but still follow them, ones I wouldn't abide by would be around the "forcing" area. Like trying to make someone wear a certain skin on your server.
Alipheese Fateburn
01/09/2015 2:22 am
Level 1 : New Network
Alipheese Fateburn's Avatar
IGN: FoxfireLivvy

PMC: alipheese Fateburn, this could change

age: 18

Time Zone: Western United States/PST/-8:00

Why would I want to be staff? I've decided Minecraft might be fun to play again, so I searched for a server that looked interesting. I've always been someone who is a Moderator or Owner and it's what I'm comfortable with.

What could I bring to the team? I could bring forth several things, I've worked in large groups of people and can handle responsibility quite well. as a member of a team I am very active and dedicated.

Do I have experience? Yes, though I would prefer not to share from where.

Ban Record: I have been banned once and it was deserving. I exploited something in a server I played on that I shouldn't have and it resulted in my permanent ban from that server.

Will I abuse power? I handle responsibility quite well, I'm capable of not messing around.

Will I break rules? I don't break rules, unless it's a rule I really want to break~

How active am I? Well, I've just started playing Minecraft again. So currently not at all. I am available most the time though so my hours put forth will be quite high.

If you have any more questions about myself please ask. Thank you for reading c:
01/09/2015 2:23 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Clarify "unless it's a rule I really want to break~" please.
01/09/2015 1:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CarrJ's Avatar
IGN: CarrJ
PMC Name: CarrJ
Age: 19
Time Zone(So we know when your on and which team to put you on): EST
Why do you want to be staff? Don't know.
What could you bring to the team?: Maturity.
Do you have any experience as a staff member?: Yes.
Ban Record?: 0.
Will you abuse powers? No.
Will you break the rules?: Same as above...
How active are you on Minecraft each day: Few hours.

I really want to build a human medieval city. I can show you all of my previous work. Danke.
01/09/2015 2:03 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Hmm. Could I have proof of work?
01/09/2015 12:05 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
TyFoxy's Avatar
hey so im not whitelisted so i cant go on at the moment
01/08/2015 2:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Chewtobbacca's Avatar
I'll come on tomorrow
01/08/2015 2:00 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
Capritorne's Avatar
IGN: My Minecraft username is jassassin11.

PMC Name: My PMC name is over to the left of this message, but I'll put it in here anyway. My PMC name is Jassassin.

Age: I'm 14 years old, if that's a problem, then I respect the fact that you want older people, but I do want to say that I believe that I'm not completely as mature as I should be.

Time Zone: My timezone is CST, also know as, Central time zone.

Why do you want to be staff?: It's been a while since I've been staff on a server, and usually when I'm staff on a server, I can greatly help keep the server fun for all people, and make sure that the people who break the rules, stop breaking the rules, and I would love to be able to do that again, because it's not fun seeing servers die because no one works on them.

What could you bring to the team?: I could bring amazing knowledge of Minecraft and building, knowledge of plugins, redstone, and several other things that can be used to help the server. Also, I'm a very nice guy, and having someone like me would help cheer up the other members when they are bored.

Do you have any experience as a staff member?: Yes I do, I have been on many servers and have gotten staff on several of them, I've been several builders, a few admins, a moderator, a prison guard, two co-owners, and a head admin. I've also ran my own server one time, but it didn't get many players so I shut it down.

Ban Record?: I've been banned a few times, once on a server that I had just started playing Minecraft on, and I griefed someones house (I got unbanned eventually). Second, I was banned on a Mario roleplay server for calling the owner a cheater when we were battling for the best fighter spot. And if you really need to know this much, my friend has a server and he likes to ban me alot for no reason, ugh.

Will you abuse powers?: Abusing powers is not allowed, so why would I want to? (I guess if someone was a jerk they would want to abuse their powers, but hopefully, you guys would find that out before you recruit them.)

Will you break the rules?: I'm not a person that likes to break the rules, it makes Minecraft very boring for me and other players, and when the game gets boring for other people, then they might quit, which isn't fun for staff at all.

How active are you on Minecraft each day: On a regular day I usually play 6 hours minimum, 18 hours maximum each day, though some days I don't play at all (Days I'm not home, or if I'm just having a very bad day).

If any position, I would like either Admin or adviser (whatever that position does).

I do wish the server good luck even if I don't get accepted, and I hope it's fun for all the players on it.
01/08/2015 2:59 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Adviser is a normal player who helps me with decisions.
01/08/2015 3:43 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
Capritorne's Avatar
Ok then, I think I'd be able to do that, though I would probably like admin or maybe even head admin more, but it's up to you what you want to put me as.
01/09/2015 2:01 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Head Admin?
Sure, I could probably arrange that, considering our last one...
01/08/2015 1:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Chewtobbacca's Avatar
Dont know what PMC Name is
Time Zone(So we know when your on and which team to put you on): London England
Why do you want to be staff? Because i love rpg and i love Mc and i like to help people so i want to be a staff member of a server
What could you bring to the team?: I know almost everything about minecraft and I can definitely help with pixel art if you need any.and A lot of fun, Help, and generosity
Do you have any experience as a staff member?: yes admin but im not anymore
Ban Record?:nope
Will you abuse powers?nope
Will you break the rules?:nope
How active are you on Minecraft each day: Mondays to fridays: 4pm to 8pm saturday and sunday all day
Position any except for builder
01/08/2015 1:52 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Accepted as Trial-Mod. You may come on the server.
01/07/2015 4:17 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
TyFoxy's Avatar
Hi There Kitten i was wondering, when will this server be up and running? or if it is whats the ip?
Oh and what is a trial admin?
01/08/2015 10:51 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
IP: craftia.nitrous.it

A Trial-Admin is someone who will be either promoted or demoted once their trial is up.
01/08/2015 3:54 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
TyFoxy's Avatar
Ok thanks!
01/07/2015 3:57 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Accepted as a Trial-Admin:)
01/07/2015 5:24 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Blacksmith
roNiN_'s Avatar
Thank you so much! What is the IP?

Ps, remember that I can build for you if you need it.
01/07/2015 2:40 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Blacksmith
roNiN_'s Avatar
IGN: falcon339

PMC Name: falcon339

Age: 15

Time Zone(So we know when your on and which team to put you on): I am on Eastern US time

Why do you want to be staff? I love to help servers, in any way possible, and being a staff is a great way to do it. This server seems to be something new for me, which is quite surprising due to my long history of helping out servers (since beta 1.3!) and I think that it would be great. All I can really say is that I LOVE helping servers. With all of the experience and time that I have spent on stuff like this, I could definetly bring what I think has worked best to your server, and do everything I can to

What could you bring to the team?: When I first become staff, I usually bring my ideas to the team about leadership, responsibility, and power. I can also bring some building styles and new forms of management to the team, as well as a memorable player and some great times. I can build very well, but unfortunately, my PMC profile does not include many of my good builds, since most of my larger and more impressive ones have been for servers, including spawns, maps, and everything else under the sun. I am doing a larger one that will be on my profile by sunday.

Do you have any experience as a staff member?: So far, I have owned 4 servers, One being skyblock, one being a private SMP, one being factions, and one minigames. I am not the richest person, so those have all shut down. I have also worked with every plugin in the book, including groups, essentials, essentialsgroupmanager, every minigame you can think of, factions, PEX, worlededit, economy of every kind, and much, much more. It seems you need a groupmanager of some sort, and I could do that if you need someone that needs to know PEX. I have lost count of how many servers I have helped out on, and my duties have ranged from Co-Owner to a helper. I have also done group managing, plugin managing, staff managing, and of course been a mod, builder, and admin.

Ban Record?: Nope.

Will you abuse powers? This is an obvious question: No. Yet I will go ever further to promise you to stop anyone that does.

Will you break the rules?: Never would I dream of doing it, only enforcing them.

How active are you on Minecraft each day: I usually get to be on for around 3 hours on weekdays, and much more on weekends. Recently, studying for finals has gotten in the way, but that will end next week.

When it comes to what rank I am applying for, I really don't care. I have had extensive experience in every position, so I will go to whatever you would need me to do. I can also build as a secondary job as well as being a manager of some sort normally.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you consider my application. Thanks!

If you would like further contact, my skype is falcon339mc and you can pm me on this account.
01/07/2015 2:32 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
kitten3101's Avatar
Everyone who has applied for staff has been accepted as a Trial-Mod.
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