Medieval Server Building Team Wanted

Dayhunter7's Avatar Dayhunter711/9/12 3:51 pm
1 emeralds 120 5
11/29/2012 6:53 pm
Dayhunter7's Avatar Dayhunter7
Hello My Name is Dayhunter7 and I own a Medieval Server and Am looking for 5-6 Professional medieval Builders who will help Develop the Server The Chosen will get the rank Builder on My server. The requiremants to get Builder Are:

Age:(Be Honest won't affect your chances)
Time Zone:
What you prefer to build when you build Medieval:

If you give us you skype name I would like to see world saves ro screenshots of your builds that you have made
Posted by Dayhunter7's Avatar
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect

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11/29/2012 6:53 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
Dayhunter7's Avatar
11/09/2012 9:31 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Sp1xa's Avatar
IGN: albert59
Age:(Be Honest won't affect your chances): 13
Time Zone:Standard Pacific (US)
What you prefer to build when you build Medieval: Mainly Castles and things of that nature, but I am not bad at building Houses/cabins, or bunker-type things, I can build ships(And honestly the hardest for me, considering I don't really build those, but after the first few times(or even maybe the forst) I will get the hang of it)
(Optional)Skype:i am sorry, but i don't have it , but i do have Ventrillo and, an email.
Please Consider me, Thanks
11/09/2012 9:02 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Friendly123's Avatar
First off I will start with my IGN: Friendly123

Realname: Bobgha Micshaw
Skype: please.me15
Timezone: US Central
How many years playing minecraft?: 6
Age: 16
Recent Ban Records: I have only gotten banned once, and it was my bro who was on my account.
Honesty: I will always tell the truth. As of above ^

My Skills Are:

Plugin skills: 8
Permission skills: 6
Redstone skills: 9
Minecraft skills: 10
Building skills: 10
Able to donate atleast $10: maybe
Are you able to help: Yes
Buycraft Skills: 6

Being Serious: I am always serious and don't take jokes that well.
Being Reliable: You could rely on me for anything.
Being Non-Abusive: If I was abusive with my powers you think I would be able to get all those other promotions?
Being Responsible: I am very responsible

Maturity Level: 10/10

Currently I Am: Right Now On A Single Player World I Am Building Turkeys Capital "Ankara" and I Am Building A City.

Have Built: I Have Built A ParkOur With Over 10 Stages, A Resort, A Ship, Many Cities, Many Small Homes, And Many Large Mansions.

Previous positions: I have been Owner on 2 servers, Head Admin On 4 servers, Admin on 3, Mod on 5, And Builder on 9

Current positions: Currently My Server Is Down, Admin on 2, Mod on 1, and Builder on 2

What Kind Of Builder Am I: =I'm Experienced, I'm Unique, I'm Rare=
Previous Experience On Plugins: CraftBook, Factions, WorldEdit, MobArena, MobCatcher, And Almost Any Plugin I Can Think Of.
How Much Time Will You Be On The Server?: Week Days I Should Have About 4 Hours On (Because of school) And Weekends I Should Be Able To Play All Day.
If I Became Staff How Would I Handle It?: The way I would handle staff is just help players out do my job and advertise as much as I can, I wouldn't ever abuse my powers unless told to.

Staff Story:

Okay, when I first wanted to become staff and watch over the "universe" was when I was playing a minecraft classic server (I did not buy minecraft then) and there was this admin that always seemed to stalk me and I never knew why, I didn't even know he was a admin because he never said anything. I asked him why he always followed me and he said, "because that is my job, I watch over the server and ban the hackers." That seemed to interest my intention of becoming a staff member by a big one. It made me think of....well....that doesn't matter. Anyways that one staff member is now a "retired rank" on that server, (he doesn't play minecraft anymore). If I ever stopped playing minecraft I would wish to be remembered by some way, any way would be nice, maybe by my trusting, responsibility, loyalty to my players, honesty anything that would make me be a remember minecraft player.

This is how I am going to say my "story" (yes IGN and age are repeated)

Hey, my in game name is Friendly123, I'm 16, I have Skype but I have no mic (my Skype is please.me15). When I was in school I was always interested in math, writing, and drawing, thats all the reasons I'm where I am today in life. The reason I want to join your server...well...this is it: I would love to build for any server, I am very skilled at it and I know a lot about architecture and building in such matter. If I could join your server I would happily build spawn for you. I would build a mall, a "Enchants of The World" (an enchanting place). I would make the actual spawn.

Here is my story on how I became a builder:

I first got into building about two years ago when I was playing classic on this one server (I'm not stating what server) everyone would say, "You suck at building..." So many times until a very kind admin gave me the lead away on how I could become a better builder, and of course his advice helped me build so much better. He told me, "Just let your imagination go wild," and when he said that he offered me to look at one of his builds, (loved it) so when I started to place blocks and break blocks I could only place about 2 blocks every 3 - 4 seconds and break about 2 blocks every 3 seconds. It took me awhile until that advise kicked in, but it finally did! I can't believe how well I can do today! When I place blocks now I can place 5 blocks in 2 seconds and break 5 blocks in 2 seconds (in creative). The biggest thing I have every built is a small town that includes, over 40 houses, 2 markets, 3 gas stations, a theater, 3 farms, a ranch, 7 boats on a lake, a ship, and a car dealer shop. Now that I have higher knowledge in building I can build very well. All in all I know almost anything about looks and design when it comes to building.

I took a lot of time to write this, so please pick me as one of your builders/staff members.

11/09/2012 8:44 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
IanG's Avatar
IGN: mrvideogaming1
Age:(Be Honest won't affect your chances) 11
Time Zone: eastern standerd time
What you prefer to build when you build Medieval: Castles, ships, and cannons and other things
(Optional)Skype: mrvideogaming1
11/09/2012 4:14 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
archmeister4's Avatar
Time Zone:uk +0
What you prefer to build when you build Medieval: YES
(Optional)Skype:got it but mic is broken
XP: have help build a medieval server before and im good at building meieval houses check my profile
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