1.7.2 Mindcrack like server

Lucypumkin123's Avatar Lucypumkin12311/10/13 10:41 pm
1/9/2014 9:11 pm
LieAngels's Avatar LieAngels
Apply to join a whitelisted vanilla server no cheating no plugins but there is tp sorry :/
Any ways it holds 8 people so apply and good luck:) must have a skype.

Time Zone/Country:
Will you be nice:
Why should i accept you?:
How often will you be on:
Do you like making new friends:
Are you easy to meet:

NO MODS OR CHEATING...you can prank of course...but ONLY simple funny ones...NO TNT WATER FIRE LAVA CREEPERS and have fun good luck
Posted by Lucypumkin123's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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11/10/2013 11:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc861702's Avatar
11/11/2013 1:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jesseraycool's Avatar
Name: jesse
Age: 12
Time Zone/Country: australia (act)
Building/Creativity: building ok creativity the best
Will you be nice all the time
Redstone:good at it but not great
Shy?: not really
Why should i accept you?: because im am very nice and
Maturity:my mum and dad say my maturity is like a 18- 19 year old
How often will you be on:weakends at 9:30am - 6:00pm and Monday-Friday 4:30-6:30 pm for both.
Do you like making new friends:yes all the time
Are you easy to meet:no but I will go to minecon next year or the year after
11/11/2013 1:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jesseraycool's Avatar
by the way what is the ip for the server
11/11/2013 1:40 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Stickmanbren's Avatar
IGN: Stickmanbren
Name: Brendan
Age: 14
Time Zone/Country: AEST (+10:00) NSW Australia
Building/Creativity: I can to traditional and modern builds
Will you be nice: very, i despise greefers
Redstone: probably above average
Shy?: no
Skype: Stickmanbren
Why should i accept you?: i'm a nice guy who will give you praise because i have been looking for a server like this.
Maturity: very
How often will you be on: most days of the week, around 5
Do you like making new friends: yes it's the best part
Are you easy to meet: How do you mean? yes?
11/11/2013 9:13 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Zeiko115's Avatar
Time Zone/Country:copenhagen
Will you be nice:yes
Redstone:not good
Shy?:i will not talk whit people over skype that i dont know, but i chat alot in the chat.
Why should i accept you?:Because i dont grief, hack Etc.
How often will you be on: 2-3 hours
Do you like making new friends: YES!
Are you easy to meet: Ingame yes, depends on time zone. real life? nope
11/11/2013 7:54 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
DjP0n3B0y's Avatar
Time Zone/Country: Eastern Standard Time U.S.A
Building/Creativity: Good
Will you be nice: yes
Redstone: really good
Skype: yes ( ask for my name if i'm accepted i don't want my skype name public)
Why should i accept you?: i'm very nice and i like to build I've been looking for a MindCrack server for a while and i think this is the one.
Maturity:1-10 8
How often will you be on: ill try to be on every weekend
Do you like making new friends: yes
Are you easy to meet: yes
11/11/2013 9:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
vickymacdonald's Avatar
IGN: CraftIVicky
Name: Vicky
Age: 17
Time Zone/Country: Canada (Central Time Zone)
Building/Creativity: Fairly good, very imaginative and modern.
Will you be nice: Of course!
Redstone: Not so good, to be honest!
Shy?: Nope!
Skype: munchkin_43
Why should i accept you?: I've been looking for a small community in Minecraft for a while. I've recently grown tired of singleplayer and I want to expand my Minecraft fun into communties!
Maturity: Better than most 17 year olds!
How often will you be on: At least every day!
Do you like making new friends: LOVE it!
Are you easy to meet: Yes!
11/29/2013 1:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
boss5789's Avatar
IGN: boss5789
Name: Alex
Time Zone/Country: US - Eastern Time Zone
Building/Creativity: I like building Modern/Western/Mid-evil and I have a good knowledge of Redstone
Will you be nice: Yes, I am a very nice and helpful person but I will do friendly pranks.
Redstone: I can build alot of redstone things I have a great knowledge of it and if you do accept me I will be opening a buisness in a way where people will tell me if they need me to build a redstone thing for them and depending on what it is they will pay in either Iron, Gold, or Diamonds
Shy?: No I am always on and type in chat alot.
Skype: alex.paternostro
Why should i accept you?: You should accept me because I am a generous, kind, and helpful minecrafter who has been looking for a sever like this for a while. I am a good builder and redstoner and love to help the community. (Also my friend is opening a brand new server and if I do get accept I will enroll you all in a raffle to win the highest donation rank for everything on the server).
Maturity: 8 out of 10. I am serious when its needed but when I don't have to I am laid back a relaxed about everything.
How often will you be on: I would say a minimum of 25 hours every week and a maximum of like 50 to 60 hours a week.
Do you like making new friends:
Are you easy to meet: It depends on where you all live (I live in Hollywood, Florida). If you live near me once I get to know you my parents will let me meet you and I might be going to either the 2014 or 20115 Minecon.
11/29/2013 1:32 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
jayjay0101's Avatar
IGN: jayjay0101

Name: Jason Irias
Age: 19

Time Zone/Country: 'Murica CST

Building/Creativity: I enjoy building anything from Modern (Cars, buildings ETC.) to Mythical fantasy to Steampunk (Big fan)

Will you be nice:Of course I would be, if I wasnt, i wouldint be wasting my time making this application.

Redstone: Im alright, but not an expert

Shy?: Not at all! I love to get out and meet new people. In fact, me and my friends are starting a youtube channel once our computers ship.


Why should i accept you?: Because I can bring Dedication, Fun, and epic builds to the server.

Maturity: On a scale from 1-10 i'd say a 8-9 depending on the situation

How often will you be on: about 3-5 times a week, 3-7 hours at a time.

Do you like making new friends: Very much so.

Are you easy to meet: No, but i do go to Minecon every year (except when its over seas.)
11/29/2013 2:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
corndog1003's Avatar
IGN: corndog103
Name: Jared Hankla
Age: 14
Time Zone/Country: EST USA
Building/Creativity: 9/10
Will you be nice: I'll try my best
Redstone: 5
Shy?: Nope
Skype: corndog103
Why should i accept you?: Because I'm very easy to get along with and I will help make the server best it can be.
How often will you be on: 5 hours a day at the least
Do you like making new friends: Ofcorse everyone can use friends
Are you easy to meet: I would assume yes.
11/29/2013 3:04 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Artist
Muhnzy's Avatar
IGN: Muhnzy
Time Zone/Country:Mountain Time
Building/Creativity: I am a really good builder i can build a range of different things like pixel art and medieval style builds plus more
Will you be nice:Yeah i will i will be nice to everyone that comes on as long as there nice
Redstone: I am decent at redstone but sadly i'm not the new SethBling
Shy?:Not really im a bit quiet at first but then after a couple mins of talking to you im not shy at all XD
Why should i accept you?: Because i have been looking for a MindCrack like server for a while so i can post videos i will post videos every day and sometimes even twice a day! I love playing survival whether it be mining or building or just playing with friends.
Maturity:7 1/2
How often will you be on:5 hours + On Weekdays and 10 Hours + On Weekends
Do you like making new friends:Yes
Are you easy to meet:Yeah
12/01/2013 4:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
spyguy500's Avatar
Name:Cesar Ortiz
Time Zone/Country:EST
Building/Creativity:better then most people
Will you be nice: very nice +(dont like breaking peoples hard work)
Redstone: Very good
Shy?:no not really
Why should i accept you?:very nice and dont like griefing or pranks
Maturity: 9/10
How often will you be on: 6 times a week at the least
Do you like making new friends:love to
Are you easy to meet: in real life no ,but in skype of minecraft very easy
12/01/2013 4:13 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Peep10072's Avatar
Hello my name is Gianni. I hope you choose me for your server, thank you!
IGN: ItsGianni
Name: Gianni
Age: 13
Time Zone/Country: EST United States
Building/Creativity: Good
Will you be nice: YES
Redstone: Semi-Experienced
Shy?: No
Skype: Itzgianni
Why should i accept you?: Because I have been looking for a whitelist server for a while and I am VERY experienced with server maintenance!
Maturity: High
How often will you be on: Semi-daily
Do you like making new friends: YUP!
Are you easy to meet: yes
12/01/2013 4:42 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Alpha_RileySplada's Avatar
Age: 15
Time Zone/Country: California
Building/Creativity: 100% creative
Will you be nice:Yes, i will be nice and mature
Redstone: I am great with redstone
Shy?: Fist day maybe?
Why should i accept you?: Because I am committed and I am a great builder and I am responsible
Maturity: 9/10
How often will you be on: Most often between 6-10pm on Mon-Friday and 9am-7pm on Sat&Sun
Do you like making new friends: Yea
Are you easy to meet: Yes
12/01/2013 4:43 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Alpha_RileySplada's Avatar
My name is Alex btw
12/01/2013 4:53 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
FuckPMC's Avatar
Oh... All the lies... Might I note to you that MANY of the people applying joined PMC TODAY (Points to posts above this one), proving that they only joined to apply for this! Honestly if I were you I would only let the dedicated PMC people on your server. As in anyone who joined today should not be allowed to join... Further more people are lying. I highly doubt that someone thinks that their "very good" with redstone or "100% creative" or even that they will be "very nice"... Maybe i'm wrong and maybe they are but I honestly doubt that someone who joined PMC today will be any help to you... Just trying to help but...

-TheGamingCowz (TGC)
12/01/2013 4:55 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Peep10072's Avatar
superishi1234Oh... All the lies... Might I note to you that MANY of the people applying joined PMC TODAY, proving that they only joined to apply for this! Honestly if I were you I would only let the dedicated PMC people on your server. As in anyone who joined today should not be allowed to join... Further more people are lying. I highly doubt that someone thinks that their "very good" with redstone or "100% creative" or even that they will be "very nice"... Maybe i'm wrong and maybe they are but I honestly doubt that someone who joined PMC today will be any help to you... Just trying to help but...

-TheGamingCowz (TGC)

How many of them made an account today?
12/01/2013 4:57 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
FuckPMC's Avatar
superishi1234Oh... All the lies... Might I note to you that MANY of the people applying joined PMC TODAY, proving that they only joined to apply for this! Honestly if I were you I would only let the dedicated PMC people on your server. As in anyone who joined today should not be allowed to join... Further more people are lying. I highly doubt that someone thinks that their "very good" with redstone or "100% creative" or even that they will be "very nice"... Maybe i'm wrong and maybe they are but I honestly doubt that someone who joined PMC today will be any help to you... Just trying to help but...

-TheGamingCowz (TGC)

How many of them made an account today?

Well wait nevermind only one... (rubs eyes)
12/01/2013 5:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ZombieCharm's Avatar
IGN: ZombieCharm

Name: David.


Time Zone/Country: Argentina

Building/Creativity: Building-6 Creativity-9

Will you be nice: Im nice all the time! XD

Redstone: 5

Shy?:A little bit but that make me very mistyc

Skype: XD_vid

Why should i accept you?:Becouse im very funny i like to work together and i want to be usefull on a server and have new friends (XD that was so forever alone Y_Y)

Maturity: 7-10 depending of the situation

How often will you be on: All day if i can XD

Do you like making new friends: I Love to make new frineds

Are you easy to meet: Nope. But we gonna have time XD

Hope you like me
12/01/2013 6:03 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Snuggle_Monster's Avatar
Age: 14
Time Zone/Country: Pacific
Building/Creativity: I'm really good at making medieval themed stuff
Will you be nice: I am a very nice person
Redstone: I'm moderately good at redstone
Shy?: Nah, I like to meet new people
Skype: xxsnugglemonsterxx
Why should i accept you?: I am a very fun person.
Maturity: very high
How often will you be on: maybe 2-3 hours a day
Do you like making new friends: I love making new friends
Are you easy to meet: Yes
12/19/2013 8:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Agentvp's Avatar
IGN: Agentvp
Name: Patrick Voorhoeve
Age: 13
Time Zone/Country: Australia
Building/Creativity: Creative
Will you be nice: Very, and i hope i can join in the community
Redstone: Very good
Shy?: Not really
Skype: Agentvp or Patrick.voorhoeve
Why should i accept you?: I really want a server like the mindcrack server where everyone is very nice and there are great builds ect.
Maturity: Mature when i wanna be
How often will you be on: As much as possible
Do you like making new friends: ALOT!
Are you easy to meet: Yes i am very
01/09/2014 9:11 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
LieAngels's Avatar
David ( Minecraft name : LieAngels)

15, 16 Later this year.

Time Zone/Country:
AEST ( Australian Eastern Standard Time )

I consider myself quite good at building projects, although i branch off ideas, and i lack some creativity at some moments, at other times, i thrive.

Will you be nice:
of course

I am very skilled at redstone, creating a distance changing tnt cannon, fully customisable etc. i have also made automated villager trading systems and automated tree farms.



Why should i accept you?:
I am looking for a server to play with a community to share builds with, for example like MineCrack or HermitCraft,I also believe I would be a massive contribution to the server.

I am pretty serious about my minecraft builds, although i do like to have fun with people.

How often will you be on:
3-5 hours a day.

Do you like making new friends:

Are you easy to meet:
Online yes, irl i dont think so haha.

thanks in advance.
Planet Minecraft


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