Minecraft multiplayer is dead!

DraconicPiggy's Avatar DraconicPiggy12/27/18 3:18 am
1/28/2019 1:47 am
DraconicPiggy's Avatar DraconicPiggy
I don't know whats happening, but i used to own a server, i had my fair share of hackers/trolls, but at least i was able to gather some players, at least 10-15 new players a day. But now, i only get like 1-2 new players a day if i post a server, and even then 90% of them either leave instantly, ask for op/staff, and the other 10% just sit there afk all day, if you hate my server so much just leave, how hard is that? And then some "hacker" comes in and finds a way to destroy spawn, even though its protected, like how??? Those fancy protection plugins don't do anything against hackers(yes there are more hacks then your simple cheat client, like wurst, aristois, impact etc etc). Minecraft is dead, only hacking scumbags and toxic morons play it anymore, and I don't see any new players. All of the big servers are just a giant system of "p2w" to get anywhere and have been there since the beginning, new servers be damned either your hypixel/mineplex/etc or you are screwed. The only way to get players anymore is to have some huge fancy, modded to hell server with tons of new content and a huge *** spawn that looks like it took a year to make, because only kids play it anymore thanks to Microsoft buying it. I cant wait for minecraft to finally die in 2019. Only a matter of time. For now im just going to play in my own little world, better than owning a server, building a spawn, configuring all the plugins, only for absolutely nobody to join/stay. If nobody stays I may as well play singleplayer right?
Posted by DraconicPiggy's Avatar
Level 13 : Journeyman Pig

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01/05/2019 9:44 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
busterdogtnt's Avatar
Someone probably backdoored your server, it is not hard to backdoor a server.
12/30/2018 2:10 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur
DinowCookie's Avatar
Shame you feel this way :( we just recently started a survival + redstone server with a good set of plug-ins to protect from trolls and hackers. (+ a great dev managing it all).

In just a few days we built a small but fun (and well-behaving) player base ^_^ if you're interested in joining us I'd like to invite you to come play with us instead!
12/29/2018 12:56 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Pangamma's Avatar
That is so true and so relatable. You'll spend hours and days working on something and then when it's finally ready to go to publish it and nobody gives a f***. #feelsbadman
12/27/2018 8:38 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
InsanityShard's Avatar
I've been looking for a survival server that doesn't nerf mob spawns. I'd definately play online if it was actually survival and not just 2 hostile mobs if that per night... ;-;
12/28/2018 3:18 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
InfiniteCorners's Avatar
Well I'm not sure how old you are but if you're an adult who likes vanilla I enjoy this server: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/servers-java-edition/pc-servers/2931392-1-13-2-vanilla-minecraft-no-mods-installed-21 The difficulty is set to hard and the only thing non-vanilla about it is that the mob spawns are doubled with spigot. It isn't a very lively world but it is a relaxing place to mine and occasionally play with some other adult players.
12/27/2018 6:19 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar
Calm down. Maybe people just aren't interested in the type of server you're making, and would genuinely rather play on Hypixel. You can't expect people to come to your server just because it exists. People play on servers because it's fun, not out of goodwill. Maybe you're trying your best, but if your server isn't keeping people entertained or doesn't look attractive, they're not going to come. Also, complaining about it isn't going to get your server any players either.

Also, I think you might just be focusing on the wrong thing. You don't need a huge server to have fun, and having fun is the point of Minecraft, right? I used to play on a small SMP, it got maybe 6 players a day, and not a lot of new players, and it eventually went down. But it was still fun, and for a while was one of my favorite servers, even over bigger servers that I used to go to. My point is, you don't need to be hypixel or mineplex to keep players, and you don't need to keep players forever to have fun.
12/28/2018 10:44 am
Level 49 : Master Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth.
12/30/2018 5:55 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar
A head of lettuce is a sandwich.
12/27/2018 9:11 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Professor
Acier's Avatar
Well said
12/27/2018 4:43 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
InfiniteCorners's Avatar
Minecraft SMP isn't going to die. Even if Mojang and Miscrosoft were to stop developing the game the SMP and modding community will continue to develop and adapt the game as we always have. The retro style of the game appeals to a large cross-section of ages and while children grow into and out of the game those of us who have always played it as adults aren't going to just forget about it. From my own experience running a server I hate to see someone essentially rage-quit their own server but if you have no desire to play your own server without other people there to make it interesting then you have to ask yourself what would make others want to? The servers out there that have custom mods and minigames have them specifically to set themselves aside from other servers and unless you're offering something unique or filling a niche then what sets your server apart from the rest of the crowd?

In the 9 years I've been playing this game I have never experienced a hack or griefing of a server that wasn't caused by personal negligence. 'Those fancy protection plugins,' as you call them, are actually very effective at protecting worlds as long as you cross all your Ts and dot all your Is. There are a lot to cover when protecting your server and sometimes what exposes you isn't the protection plugin itself but another plugin you hadn't even thought of digging through. I had one 'hacker' who was able to op himself and execute console commands due to an overlooked true/false setting through bungeecord and I've had numerous instances of people using commands like /kill because essentials and bukkit both gave aliases to commands that I didn't use or know to blacklist. These weren't hackers, they were simply players using an exploit that I had created by not completely understanding the interplay of the plugins. Hacking your own server should be a part of the update process both to determine the effectiveness of clients and to determine acceptable violation levels for events so normal gameplay isn't effected by anti-cheat plugins. The fact you can't look at your console logs and know exactly how, when and who griefed your spawn tells me you either missed something big or didn't look very hard.

You are correct that most public SMP servers are filled with children and they represent a large portion of the online community but that's just because adults prefer the stability and controlled atmosphere of whitelisted servers that are often aimed at players 18+ or 21+. Sure, I could play a public server (I played a public semi-vanilla SMP server for 6 years) but if that server is full of children littering chat with nonsense and doesn't offer a unique experience why would I? There is no shortage of whitelisted servers that are looking for new players and likely offer an experience you'd enjoy. Maybe the solution to your stress would be to open or play a whitelisted server rather than staying in the realm of public servers. At least when you have a new player on a private server you know they spent the time and effort to get whitelisted which really cuts down on the 'can I be staff?' nonsense.
01/28/2019 1:40 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Pig
DraconicPiggy's Avatar
I created a whitelisted server for the sake of testing your theory. Its even worse, because people are so lazy, and can't be bothered to leave their IGN in the comments, there is 0 players on. Minecraft is truly a dead game, and no, im not putting in a lot of work and wasting my time on custom plugins, fancy spawn, etc etc to get maybe 2 players on. What is going on is people hate empty servers, so new servers cant grow, while super popular servers remain flooded with players. Just look at almost every server list out there, there's hundreds of potentially good servers with 0 players on because they are all crowded on hypixel and other big servers. Its a stupid feedback loop that keeps empty servers empty and crowded servers crowded. Everyone is just following the sheep, maybe if some of these sheep would go and play on empty servers, there could be some new popular servers instead of the big ones with +1000 players.
01/28/2019 1:47 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Pig
DraconicPiggy's Avatar
I advise everyone on this site who is attempting to create a new server to simply delete it and save yourself the stress and failure. Unless you know people irl and can get them to play on your server consistantly, you wont make it because the real way to make a successful server is to have players on right away, it doesnt matter if its the grandest server ever with tons of gamemodes, or a stupid survival server people will always follow the crowd.
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