Hc.mcppp.com Is Currently Recruiting Staff

x_TeaZe's Avatar x_TeaZe5/27/12 4:52 pm
5/27/2012 6:24 pm
minecrafter12345's Avatar minecrafter12345
Hello, we are a minecraft server looking for some staff members including mods and some talented admins.
We also need some very talented builders. The server ip is hc.mcppp.com. Please join, spots are limited for staff.
Note-We are still getting more fun plugins
Posted by x_TeaZe's Avatar
Level 1 : New Crafter

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05/27/2012 6:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
minecrafter12345's Avatar
Applying for : Admin
IGN: lucien12345
Age: 15
Mature: Yes
Are you good with plugins?: yes
do u have experience: yes
have u ever been staff on other servers: yes
why should u get admin: i am a good person who likes helping people and i really want to be staff because i like helping, i will be on a lot and help this server by advertising it and doing what ever it takes to fix any problems in the server
05/27/2012 6:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Fireflly107's Avatar
IGN: Fireflly107

Age: 13

Maturity (1-10) 6.5

Applying for: Moderator

Why I should/want to be Moderator: I see a lot more potential in this server, and want to help out.

Skype: NO

Extra: You can trust me, and I love to build and help people.
05/27/2012 5:57 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Dest5's Avatar
Ign: Dest5

Age: 14

Applying For: Admin

Why I should be admin: I should be admin because I have been amdin and alot of other ranks on all kinds of different servers and I decided to try this one out and help out with everybody and want to help players and be welcoming and also do stuff to impress the owner and higher ranks and 'm a decent builder and I can also configure plugins like permissionsex,group manager, etc.

Thanks for looking at this
05/27/2012 5:35 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
TheGlue98's Avatar
Builder Application~
You Don't Have A Layout, lol, not even sure you apply here but, oh well;

IGN: TheGlue98
Age: 14
Builder Experience: Been a builder on 2 servers, 6 months for one, and 7-8 months for the other. Both are now Ended so i have come in search for another. I enjoy building I LOVE BUILDING, and I do put effort and it shows.
Why Do You Want Builder?: I would like to have builder because I believe I can make help alot with this project, and i think it would be fun to get to know the staff. ;D
Maturity Scale: 8.9

Extra - I enjoy building, I have always loved games like littlebigplanet and other architect games of the sort and the reason I don't just go on some random building server is because, I love to have people enjoy what I create in survival. I would choose builder over owner, ANY DAY!!! I hope you consider my post, ill upload some pics too.
05/27/2012 4:58 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
x_TeaZe's Avatar
Hello, we are a minecraft server looking for some staff members including mods and some talented admins.
We also need some very talented builders. The server ip is hc.mcppp.com. Please join, spots are limited for staff.
Note-We are still getting more fun plugins
Planet Minecraft


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