Minimalistic Community Server - Need builders.

Xeeloth's Avatar Xeeloth8/3/18 2:12 pm
8/3/2018 4:11 pm
UnderscoreZeroLP's Avatar UnderscoreZeroLP
I'm making a Semi-Vanilla server to enjoy the new update with other people. The premise of the server is to give everyone who plays an enjoyable and relaxed environment to play in. I'm still laying the foundation out, but using as little plugins as possible, to keep the experience as vanilla as possible.

I want input from other users as to how I should enhance the server, and I also need help with creating some structures.

Requirements are as followed:
  - Discord, with a microphone.
  - Level headed, and fun to play with.
  - Preferably some building skills
  - Preferably some experience with server managing / creation

Leave your discord information in the reply if you wish to join and I will get back to you within the day. You'll likely be interviewed and at my discretion you will be accepted or not.
Posted by Xeeloth's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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08/03/2018 4:11 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Nerd
UnderscoreZeroLP's Avatar
Hiya, I'm willing to help out :)

My Discord is 0zzu#3998

Just to let you know, my timezone is UTC (I live in the UK). Will that make anything complicated?

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