(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 1.7.2 NEED: Admin, Builders, Developers, Mods,

PeachySmile's Avatar PeachySmile12/1/13 11:50 am
12/2/2013 3:16 pm
Fuzion78's Avatar Fuzion78
Hi Guys! Its RebelKnox here. I have a server, that I really want done. I have been working for months and months. 2 more months = 1 year. I need 3 Admins, 5 Builders, 1 Developer, 4 Mods. I am trusting you guys to do so. Please reply below with this format:

1. IGN:
2. Age:
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]?
4. What will you do to help?
5. Why will you help?
6. Do you have what it takes?
7. Will you grief?
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time?

Give answers from 2-3 sentences each for # 8 and # 3

Posted by PeachySmile's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner

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12/01/2013 12:04 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Luko567's Avatar
1. IGN: Luko567
2. Age: 16
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]? Builder
4. What will you do to help? Build various things on your server
5. Why will you help? Feel like it
6. Do you have what it takes? Sure
7. Will you grief? No
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time? If they are jumping infront of me and stuff, yes.
12/01/2013 12:07 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Modder
GoatsInMyBelly's Avatar
1. IGN: GoatsInMyBelly
2. Age: 13
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]? Builder/Admin. I want to be builder because I am good at building and have a lot of experience. Admin would also be nice because I have been staff on one other server and it was fun.
4. What will you do to help? Build anything that is needed and watch over your server.
5. Why will you help? It feels nice to be successful
6. Do you have what it takes? Yes
7. Will you grief? No. I'm not a douce
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time? Depends on what they are doing to me. If they are calling me names I would probably mute them, but other than that, no.
12/01/2013 12:13 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
WheresMyHomie's Avatar
1. IGN: iggy504
2. Age: 13
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]? I love to build and I am amazing at it.
4. What will you do to help? Build stuff ;P
5. Why will you help? I want to ;P
6. Do you have what it takes? I think ;P
7. Will you grief? Why would I
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time? No unless they really get on my nerves(kinda hard)
12/01/2013 12:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BennerWinner's Avatar
Developer Application
If you want to add me my Skype is petersb1122

1. IGN: BigPigProject
2. Age: 13
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]? I would like to become your server Developer because I hope to test my skills with Java and Bukkit as well as learn some new things that I previously didn't know.
4. What will you do to help? I will help find and create fun plugins for the servers that make the server more enjoyable for others to play on.
5. Why will you help? I want to help because I am hoping that by becoming a developer for your server it will help me learn much about Java and Bukkit that I didn't know before.
6. Do you have what it takes? I have what it takes as I have already created any fun little plugins as well as know of some good plugins. Along the road I will hopefully learn more about coding as there are still many tutorials I am hoping to watch.
7. Will you grief? I will not grief as I know how it feels to have your hard work destroyed by someone. I hate to see servers being griefed so I hope to also find and try to create many plugins that prevent griefing.
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time? If someone is giving me a hard time I will simply ignore them or if they become an issue with other players mute them. I am not one to get angry at players.
12/01/2013 12:38 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
FrostWolf61's Avatar
1. IGN: forrest202
2. Age: 15
Skype: forrest.close99
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]: To help others and to help you create a caring community and to keep hackers, spammers, and grief rrs out of the server.
4. What will you do to help: like I said in number 3 with the community and I can build stuff, help with plugins, advertise the server, pretty much anything you want me to do.
5. Why will you help: I believe that every server should have a good caring community and I will help in any way to create that community.
6. Do you have what it takes: I promise you that I will have all of the qualitys in an admin that you are looking for.
7. Will you grief: heck no, I wouldn't grief on any server even if soneone gave me $1,000,000 and told me to grief I wouldn't do it. I believe that if you work hard to build something and if someone comes along and destroys it that that person that destroyed it should be banned.
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time: no, I would just try resolve the situation and if that doesn't work then I would just ignore them. I would try to figure out why they are being mean to me. Of they are being mean to others then I would lick them and then try to figure out why they are being mean.
12/01/2013 12:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MultiSlice's Avatar
1. IGN: Ado_Frado
2. Age: 14
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]? I would like to be a builder on your server and I will help create the greatest looking designs to the server. I will also try my best to keep things in check even though its not the builders job but ill still do it anyway.
4. What will you do to help? I will help the server look wonderful so that it will catch the eyes of the players and hopeful it can keep them on even longer than they plan to. I also can bring in a list of plugins that could be used from time to time
5. Why will you help? I will help because im that type of person who loves to help others and I also like building things.
6. Do you have what it takes? Yes I have what it takes I keep my self on a high status when it comes to building or keeping things straight.
7. Will you grief? Never will I grief I haven't griefed once and never plan to.
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time? It depends on what they do. Say if they keep talking( in a harsh way) and its interfering with other players he or she will be muted. Other than that I won't do anything I'm not the guy to get mad easily.
12/01/2013 12:54 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
naeemsheikh's Avatar
Minecraft IGN: naeemsheikh
Age: 14
Skype: skypeapus
Position: Admin(Preferably I am qualified for Head-Admin)
Years Played: 2 and a half years now.
Average daily on time: Well, due to the fact that I am in high school, I can try for 4 hours during the week, because of homework, I may will be on everyday. On the weekend hours I can play vary from 8-12, give or take. I am on Christmas break in 3 more weeks so you can expect much on time.
Previous bans?: Yes, like many people I have previous bans. I will be honest with all of you. Most of my bans were for griefing; however, the servers I griefed I was not staff on. They were just random servers I felt like messing up. That was the first few months I had Minecraft, I have since moved on from griefing. Other bans were for using clients and trash talking, which I have also moved on from. I promise there will be no problems with me if hired for your server.
Previous experiences on other servers:I CoOwned a Factions server for around a year, it then closed but came back up a year later and I moderated it. I have heard nothing but good comments on my management skills. I have also administrated a survival server for around 7 months. Along with this I have personally owned 3 servers, my most recent grossed around 400-500 dollars in profit. None of the money went to me or staff all money was dedicated to the server. (advertising, website, more player slots, etc) Unfortunately my server came to an end, I was unable to play non stop like I was because of school, and my staff were unable to handle things themselves. So, it died out. The remaining money was refunded.
If so, names of these servers: The creative server had many names, those names were, NukeUSA, NixtCraft, and Create System. I do not recall the name of the survival server, sorry. When I become staff on a server I tend to stick with it for awhile, I do not like to move around to different servers and see how many servers I can become staff on, I prefer to stay loyal to 1 or 2.
What happened to these servers?: The Factions server has died twice now unfortunately, due to the owner just leaving randomly. The survival server died due to constant ddos attacks.
Are you currently staff of any other servers?: I am a head-Admin on ArcadeCraft and HulkCraft. Do not worry my work on this server will not affect my work on your server.
Why are you applying for another server?: I am applying to make sure my time on minecraft is fully occupied, because I always love doing something to help.
Building skill (1-20): 18, to be honest, I am not that great of a builder, sorry. If you are going to hire me hire me for server management or permissions management.
Plugin Knowledge (1-20): 18/20, because I am good with plugins, but there is always more to learn so I do not think anyone, can give themselves a full 20. I must say, however, I am an expert with PermissionsEx, I have set up PEX permissions for around 3 server now, including my own. I can have full permissions up and running perfectly with in hours, although I prefer to take a day to perfect everything.
Coding Knowledge (1-20): 13, I have tried coding once went horribly wrong, just about destroyed my server.
Basic Command Knowledge (1-20): 20/20, I love my commands.
Fluent Languages: English and I am currently learning Spanish, I currently know very little Spanish.
What do you hope to accomplish for the server?: I hope to help, what ever server I get accepted on, reach its peak. I am able to manage the server smoothly even if there are no other staff present. I am independent. I can eliminate and dangers that may present themselves to the server. With help from all staff and especially owner I believe we can keep this server up and running for years. I am able to advertise, and keep a steady flow of new players coming to the server. Along with this I can find donors that will help keep server running. If worse comes to worse I can even donate to ensure survival of the server. I do not believe I will ever need to donate, however, I am quite good at making donor ranks appealing and making people want to donate themselves. If given a chance, I believe with help from all we can work miracles for the server.
What can you bring that others can't?: I can bring my wide range of server experience, from Creative to Survival to Hunger Games servers. I have yet to let down a server. I can bring the much need audience and donors to the server to keep it running for years.
Anything else you may want to add?: That is pretty much it. Thank you for taking a look at my app to those who did. Hope to see you soon.
12/01/2013 1:00 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
kekekekekekekekekeke's Avatar
1. IGN:gamesmasr3000
2. Age:12
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]?, Admin
4. What will you do to help? Im am alright at redstone and i understand everything technical about a minecraft server(As i have many of my own)
5. Why will you help? Because its my job
6. Do you have what it takes? Heck yea
7. Will you grief?Never do i grief. i grief if its a grief server
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time? No i just kick them
12/01/2013 1:29 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
ecat67's Avatar
1. IGN: ecat67
2. Age: 11
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]? Admin
4. What will you do to help? I can build, do redstone, manage complaints, help everyone enjoy themselves, ect.
5. Why will you help? So I can help make this minecraft server a better, more enjoyable, safer place!
6. Do you have what it takes? I think so and really hope so.
7. Will you grief? No. Just no.
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time? Of course not, half of the time, people don't know that they are giving you a hard time.
12/01/2013 2:03 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
Luksa's Avatar
1. IGN: LuksaSRB97
2. Age: 16
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]? Admin/Mod
4. What will you do to help? I will give my best to help you in building , If you need I can build you spawn , pvp arena , spleef , shop etc.
5. Why will you help? I will be really helpful as moderator/admin, I enjoy helping other players and turning them from beginners to advanced players , and keeping everyone active and entertained.
I would keep the peace by reminding people of the rules before any situation became too big of a deal , and caring for everyone involved.I'm also mature guy ( on scale from 1/10 -> 9/10 ) And I don't like abusing my power.
Thats why I am making application for Admin/Moderator.
6. Do you have what it takes? Yes
7. Will you grief? Never
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time? No
12/01/2013 2:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
arcqwertyuiop's Avatar
1. IGN:pokedude4397
2. Age: Im 17
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]? I want to be admin for a couple reasons. Im great with people. I love helping them. It sorta gives me something to do all day, since i have no more schooling. I love helping servers get big, which im really good at.
4. What will you do to help? I can build alot. nonstop if you wanted me to. I can advertise to my friends, youtube, and plenty of other forums.
5. Why will you help? I dont really understand what that question is asking. But i want to. I want to get the server big, and know i helped:D
6. Do you have what it takes? Yes ive got a couple of servers atleast 40 more players.
7. Will you grief? I hate griefers, they annoy me so bad.
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time? No, probably not. Ill just ignore them, but if anything gets out of hand, ill be sure to let you guys know.
12/01/2013 2:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Eroreth's Avatar
1. IGN:

2. Age:
12 ( 1 more month until 13 )

3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]?
Mod, because i have never been a admin or a moderator on any server, i just like helping people and make it safe for everyone.

4. What will you do to help?
I will look out for cheaters, hackers, griefers, spawnkillers, scammers, etc. And another thing, test hacks and patch them using plugins ( like x-ray, fly, walkspeed ) and i will NOT use them on inoccent people, i will ask for premission for an admin to test hacks and tell an admin what kind of plugins to add to the server (Bukkit plugins is the most safest with no viruses included since all the downloads are tested.

5. Why will you help?
To keep the server safe and fun for everyone to join.

6. Do you have what it takes?

7. Will you grief?
In no way i will grief, as i mentioned i will ask premission to test hacks and i will only test them very far away from spawn where no one is around.

8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time?
No, i will just warn them to not do whatever they are doing to annoy me. I would tell them to stop whatever they are doing to annoy me or they would get in trouble ONLY IF they keep irritating me alot.

One question: Do mods have admin commands, like kick or ban so if i see a hacker somewhere, i could ban him/her if there are no admins online?
12/02/2013 1:39 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
bbmusser's Avatar
1. IGN: Mini_Marmoset
2. Age: 13, but I'm mature
3. What is your priority to be admin? I want to be an admin because I think I can be very helpful, and I am very nice. If somebody needs help, I am there
4. What will you do to help? I can do anything to help, I am also an accomplished builder
5. Why will you help? Because I like helping people
6. Do you have what it takes? yea
7. Will you grief? no
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time? No, I'm not that kind of guy. I let things go very easily.

Thanks for reviewing my aplication,
12/02/2013 2:59 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
turkey123gurky123's Avatar
1. IGN: gurkyturkey
2. Age: 13
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]? Mod or Admin
4. What will you do to help? Ban griefers kick then mute spammer, etc.
5. Why will you help? I like to help growing servers
6. Do you have what it takes? I think so
7. Will you grief? Never. not my style
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time? no. Example conversation:

Player: You f*cking admin/mod! Suck my ****!
Me: Your angry at me? For what?
Player: F*ck you and f*ck all the other admins and mods!!!!!
Me: Did an admin or mod do something to you? If so, can you tell? I'm trying to help.
Player: Really???? F*ck your p*ssy!!!!
Player leaves game
12/02/2013 3:16 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Fuzion78's Avatar
2. Age:15
3. What is your priority to be [Admin, etc.]?My priority is to be a good admin/mod. Help the people of the server in any ways. And being a nice person and having fun.
4. What will you do to help? I will contribute to anything that needs to be done and maintain order to the server
5. Why will you help? Because i like to help.
6. Do you have what it takes? Definantly i owned a server
7. Will you grief? nope
8. Will you be mean to others if they give you a hard time? Not at all
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