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Dragon_Slayer7's Avatar Dragon_Slayer77/11/13 2:07 pm
7/14/2013 6:30 am
Bullrush to the moon's Avatar Bullrush to the moon
Delete Please
Posted by Dragon_Slayer7's Avatar
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn

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07/11/2013 2:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dredre2000's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name:dredre2000
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any):Yes one time i was a moderator on a server that has been deactivated
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any):No
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus):Yes i do
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?:No just a what i expect is a good clean server with no greifers and if greifed i would help build and clean up.
What staff section are you applying for? any staff at all admin woulkd be my first pick though
07/11/2013 2:23 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
AzuuLIsBluu's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name: AquaAzuuL
Age: 15
Timezone: UTC-8 Pacific.
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): Mod and Admin on 2 servers
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): Never decided to make one.
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): Yes absolutely! I love all kinds of players. (Except disrespectful ones) I love helping players around the whole server to get them used to it (:
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: Nope, not really looking for a pay on a game lol.
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin): I would like to be a Mod, I'm not really used to being admin and stuff (even though I was one I didn't care for it) I will take my responsibilities seriously and not abuse my privelages.

Thanks for reading (((: and thanks for the chance
07/11/2013 2:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dan_ude_Lubek's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name: udeminer999999
Age: 14
Timezone: GMT
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): I was admin on another server
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): i have run a sussceful server before but cannot show any proof.
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): I do enjoy helping people inside and out of minecraft.
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: No, i think money ingame and out is irellivant.
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin): I am applying for moderator because i want to be able to get close and then earn the rest of the way.
07/11/2013 2:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BigDelgado's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name:BigDelgado5
Timezone:Central Time Zone{CST}
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any):I Have been staff On 3 servers 2 of them were popular.The minor one was a small server called recoup Craft They shortly shut down do to lack of advertising and donations. THe other 2 were pretty popular servers one called severePvP I was Admin before I resigned after 1 year bceause I wanted to go out and try other servers. The last one was also a pretty popular server called Hench-Block I achieved Head-Admin on it before I left for vacation I decided to resign after 2 years on it.
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any):No I have not gotten a chance to successful start my server as Being staff on a server is fun and as enjoy as creating one.
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus):Yes I can be on for about 7-8 hours a day. I love helping players,Making events, and watching players have fun.
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: Being staff on a server is enough reward for me. The Owners put their money into the server and expect to get paid even more money to put back to the community but they shouldnt have to pay their staff.
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin):I am applying for Head-Admin rank because I know I have the experience and leadership required for this position. I am not applying simply for the sake of having a higher rank, because I know I could lose it any day for being inactive or messing around. It is the exact opposite: I want the rank of Head-Admin because it will force myself to work hard and bring the best I can to this awesome server. I will enjoy playing on this server and I know how hard it is to keep it up, which is why I will do whatever I can to contribute and help. I want to make sure that new members are welcomed properly and are set up. I also want to stop the people who make other people's experience here less good by hacking, spamming, harassing staff member, etc. and make sure they receive the appropriate punishment. I'd like to put upon myself the responsibility of helping people and making the overall experience of this server better. I believe I can handle any type of problem in an appropriate way. Also, I live in Chicago which is in the that I live in the central time zone. However, I spend most of my time online at late morning/early night which is basically from 11am to 7pm when there often is players on. I believe that a professional server (like this one) should have staff online 24/7.I want Donors to get full respect and attention from staff and I want staff on 24/7 to help the donors and regular players.I hope you guys take my application in regard.-Bigdelgado5
07/11/2013 3:28 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Taco
ItzPop's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name: My Account name is popcorn2012

Age: I am 18.

Timezone: I live in the Eastern Standard timezone.

Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): A couple, because I am dedicated. The only reason I leave is if I am tired of the server, or done my job. I am very reliable. I do not know how many times. That is just annoying when people say "1 server Owner, 4 servers Co-Owner, So on. It just shows how not dedicated you are.

Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): I have not, I just help. I am thinking of running a server. I have helped run a successful server

Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): I love to help people. No matter what. No matter race. No matter nationality or religion, I will still help

Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: No, Minecraft is a game, not a job.

What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin): Head-Admin/Head-Mod/Admin. I think I will make the job though! I would love to work with you.

Pictures of work: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... r-contest/

Server name: Dark Horision Serenity
07/11/2013 4:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1194359's Avatar
07/11/2013 5:26 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Engineer
maxxb123's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name: maxxb123
Age: 14
Timezone: EST - Eastern Standerd Time
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): I have been staff on many servers like EDawg878.com
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): What would you mean by that? Owning one or being staff on one. I have been staff on a popular server with over 500 players.
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): Yes, Indeed I do.
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: No, I don't. I personally don't feel anyone should be paid for being a staff member.
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin): I would have anything that you think that I would be well fitted for.
07/11/2013 5:34 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Icyeti's Avatar
Staff Application 1/5 Have Been Accepted

Minecraft Account Name:Icyeti
Timezone:Nyc, USA
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): Admin 1. Owner 2. Jr Mod 1.
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any):I have but I dont have proof sorry
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): Yes I LOVE helping!
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?:No I just like helping
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin) : Mod/Head Mod
07/14/2013 2:45 am
Level 46 : Master Technomancer
DarkFuzzyCookie's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name: DarkFuzzyCookie
Age: 17
Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Experience in writing code? (If any): A lot, 5 years in over 7 different languages
Have you coded any Bukkit plugins? (If any): Many
Do you enjoy coding/developing? (Obviously a plus): Yes
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your coding?: Depends on the complexity, and size of the plugin. Also if I make you 5+ plugins I expect something in return.
Give us a plugin idea that is the maximum effort you can do so we can know your coding limits: There are no limits. Google is a programmers best friend.
07/14/2013 2:58 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Ranger
ChuckNorrised's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name: OmegaPulse

Age: 12

Timezone: PDT/PST

Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): I co-owned http://www.kamogaming.com, I was an admin on http://www.siegepvp.enjin.com, and I was a moderator on http://www.cluttercraftminecraft.enjin.com. I was positioned as a staff member on many other servers, I just forgot the IP's.

Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): Yes, I've ran 4 different servers with the same name. 2 servers on http://www.stahpitcraft.com, as well as another one on http://www.stahpitcraftmc.webs.com. and the first one I ever made (Also the most successful), http://www.stahpitcraft.webs.com.

Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): Of course! Why would I want to be positioned as a staff member if I didn't want to help (Rhetorical Question)?

Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: Of course not. If anything, we should be paying you.

What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin): Even though I might not make this, I'll try for Admin. I love this position, enjoy helping others, and have no fear of being rejected.

Consideration is appreciated. Thanks.

07/14/2013 5:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ShaolinPunk's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name:xShaolinPunkx
Age: 14
Timezone: GMT,UK
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): Been mod 3 times over the corse of 2 years and a admin once for 6 months.
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): Never ran one
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus):Yes my favourite part is being a part of a thriving community on a server that will last.
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: I do not but it would be a bonus
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin): I will take any role from moderator to Head admin.

Thank you for your time.
07/14/2013 6:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
SpeedEdy's Avatar
Hello Many servers need staff, and i am here to help! I have loads of experience, and love to help!

IGN: SpeedEdy
Age: 16
Maturity 9/10
Experience on other servers: 1 Server Owner, 3 Server Admin and Developer for many other servers. I have coded group manager and mobarena and much more.
Why should i be staff: I am mature, and i love to help others, i can be on for 14-17 hours a day, and will be very dedicated. I am very proffesional and have a big heart, i will also help recruit members to the server.
Additional Information: I am Pro at coding MC servers with permissions and plugins. I am also great with photoshop and website making.
Skype: SpeedyEdy-
Steam: SpeedEdy

Bullrush to the moon
07/14/2013 6:30 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Bullrush to the moon's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name:dogluvboy@gmail.com
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any):None.
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any):No. I got it running but it said "Username can not be 16 characters and over."
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus):Of course!
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?:Not really....
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin):I have no clue what staff positions there are... maybe a low level moderator?
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