PushPop3's Avatar PushPop33/5/16 4:20 am
3/5/2016 9:27 pm
TheyCallMePro_'s Avatar TheyCallMePro_
Hi I have a server that I created like an hour ago and we need staff and player Here is the application for op (Note that:If I accept it on the page you will be a OP on the game but it doesn't say it in your name)

How old are you:
Are you mature enough to be able to handle the stressful jobs:
Why do you want this rank:
What will you bring that is new to our server:
What makes you different from all the other applicants:
How active will you be if you get accepted:

The IP is:
Posted by PushPop3's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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03/05/2016 5:33 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Sunaion's Avatar
How old are you: Does it really matter about your age? Why doesn't it matter about whether you are mature or not, I choose not to answer because it is simple to see.

Are you mature enough to handle the stressful jobs: Yes, I am because I do this on a daily basis

Why do you want this rank: So i have the ability to take care of a server and help it.

What will you bring that is new to our server: I will bring my help and allow the server to expand and become better.

What makes you different from all the other applicants: I do my application by my own rules so I could improve it my own way, I do it all my own way.

How active will you be if you get accepted: I would be active enough, 2-3 hours a day.

03/05/2016 2:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
Accepted as OP
03/05/2016 5:53 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn
Error_Tash's Avatar
How old are you: 14

Are you mature enough to be able to handle the stressful jobs: Yes, I am always putting myself in stressful situations and I always pull through.

Why do you want this rank: I like to help small servers and if I have this rank I can smoothly deal with any unwanted situations to help keep your server popular and fun.

What will you bring that is new to our server: A fun evironment for players and a very close eye on suspicious behaviour as to keep away trolls and griefers etc.

What makes you different from all the other applicants: When I get set a task, I will do it with care and put my full potential into it. I also care alot about the players which is a quality I believe hard to find among applicants.

How active will you be if you get accepted: I will be pretty active, on weekdays 1-3 hours but on weekends 3+ as I am currently doing my GCSE's so have alot of assignments etc. but will try my very best to be on the server for a good amount of time.

03/05/2016 2:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
Accepted as OP
03/05/2016 2:18 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Turtle
Tdonny's Avatar
Member Name Tdonny

Additional In Game Names: Tdonny

How old are you? 15

Location: Boise, Idaho

How many hours per day do you play Minecraft? (weekdays) 3-5

How many hours per day do you play Minecraft? (weekends) 6-10

Introduction: Well, my name in the real world is Ty. I'm from Boise and I live with my family. I just started Freshman year of High School AT a new school, and It's going pretty well considering I do most of my homework during Lunch Period. I have enrolled in the computer programming elective at my school, and I find it quite enjoyable. I am already very experienced with the computer as I've been playing for seven years, so often times I'm helping my peers learn how to code. Playing minecraft is not the only hobby that I have, although its arguably my favorite. I also play a lot of football. I play it casually with my friends in the park, but I also play in a league. Last year my team made it very close to the super bowl, but in the end we lost. We are all practicing to see a better outcome next year.

Why you should be Admin? Throughout my time as a player, I have grown to be both a very experienced and confident staff member. Many of the situations I encounter on a daily basis require the use of the staff-teams tracking plugin, prism. I have become very familiar with this plugin due to it's high necessity. I have also become excelled at handling situations involving conflicts between players. Often times, I decide to talk one player out of arguing before I confront the other. This makes calming the argument much easier, as I do not have to get into the middle of the player's actually fighting. After settling the one player, the argument usually dissipates. I then warn both parties, and they usually make up. In theft cases, I try to talk players into resolving the situation diplomatically. Instead of just banning the player, I first ask the player if he would like to see if his items can be returned. Often times, players take a liking to the idea of this and it results in a lot less players being banned while people are kept content.

What are your weaknesses? I can be stubborn. In situations that I do not know exactly how to handle I will try to figure it out on my own. This works out for me, but it does limit the efficiency at which I work, which is something I need to fix. I also speak with too much haste. I often will write a few sentences answering a question, and I will have to rephrase as what I said was unclear. This is also something I feel I need to work on.

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: When I used to run a server of my own, many of the same elements of performing as a staff member were present. Ranging from checking logs to resolving conflicts.

I have owned many servers and they have failed to mature due to lack of time, but now that i'm free I cant wait to get back into MC!
03/05/2016 2:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
Accepted as admin!
03/05/2016 2:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
Sorry guys I had to change the IP for admin related stuff the new IP is

03/05/2016 4:02 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Minecraft_smurfs's Avatar
How old are you: 11 (young! I know sorry)
Are you mature enough to be able to handle the stressful jobs: Yeah! I have my own private server and I let a new guy on and he greifed it. After that day I installed LogBlock!
Why do you want this rank: Because my server is just a private server not popular, or anything good. So thats why I would love to help a server like this.
What will you bring that is new to our server: Jokes, Cool Builds, stuff that every server should have but does not.
What makes you different from all the other applicants: I have experience on my own server. I know how to use lots of different plugins, also I am a pretty good builder. Also I am a YouTuber (look up InfiniteIce1) so I could post videos of the server on my channel.
How active will you be if you get accepted: About 1-2 hours a day on weekdays and 1.5-3 on weekends.
03/05/2016 4:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
Accepted as admin
03/05/2016 4:04 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Samiiii_'s Avatar
How old are you: I am thirteen!
Are you mature enough to be able to handle the stressful jobs: Indeed! I do this on a daily basis
Why do you want this rank:
I would like to help you on ur server and help it grow and improve
*we could make this bigger than u ever imagined >:D*
What will you bring that is new to our server:
Anything you like!
What makes you different from all the other applicants:
Well...I'm Sami!
How active will you be if you get accepted:
At least 3-4 hours a day
03/05/2016 4:05 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Samiiii_'s Avatar
How old are you: I am thirteen!
Are you mature enough to be able to handle the stressful jobs: Indeed! I do this on a daily basis
Why do you want this rank:
I would like to help you on ur server and help it grow and improve
*we could make this bigger than u ever imagined >:D*
What will you bring that is new to our server:
Anything you like!
What makes you different from all the other applicants:
Well...I'm Sami!
How active will you be if you get accepted:
At least 3-4 hours a day
03/05/2016 4:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
Accepted as admin
03/05/2016 4:24 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Samiiii_'s Avatar
So the ip doesnt work for me.. is it on 1.9
03/05/2016 4:42 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc696169's Avatar
03/05/2016 4:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
Accepted as admin
03/05/2016 4:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
Yes it is I am just adding some addons at the moment so wait around 2 more minutes and the server will be back up
03/05/2016 4:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
Should be up now
03/05/2016 4:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
Guys u should be able to join now
03/05/2016 5:01 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc696169's Avatar
03/05/2016 5:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
ehh wait 1 sec
03/05/2016 5:16 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc696169's Avatar
03/05/2016 5:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
I have to foward the port maually so it is gonna take a bit longer
03/05/2016 5:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
Alrighty guys I will start working on it a bit later
03/05/2016 6:09 pm
Level 1 : New Network
TheyCallMePro_'s Avatar
What rank are you applying for? Admin

How young are you? 14
Are you a Boy or Girl? Boy
What country do you live in? England
Do you have a YouTube or Twitch channel?
Do you have a microphone/headset? Yes.
Why do you want this rank?
I love to help out other Mine craft servers by using my knowledge and being able to create a positive impact. I am a very fast writer, so I will be able to eliminate any problems like punishing spammers, getting rid of hackers, or just taking care of a discussion in chat. I have a very simplistic life, so I will have lots of time every single day to be able to attend the server and serve my voluntary purpose. I will also be rather professional and mature on the job, as you can tell from my grammar in this application. I would love to help you become more enjoyable for all the players of the community.
How do you think you can assist the server if you become this rank?

I can be trusted if you give me a chance. I wont do things to make the image of the server bad. I can be 100% matured minded and I am a experienced moderator/staff. I can help
Advertising the server on websites, pages or groups that is legal to advertise a server. And by helping on events and buildings and other server activities.
Explain some cases in which you would perm-ban/temp-ban people People using hacks/cheating and Ddos threats. Spam bots and spammers. People using the server as a dating site.
Tell us a little bit about yourself
I am 14, I love technology. I Used to have an
Mine craft server for about 8 months. It was not quite successful, considering I made 0 profit from it. I ended up shutting the server down because I needed to focus more on school and more about my education. Other than mine craft i love to play games on the computer but mostly Xbox i have just recently started to play mine craft again after a month or two break but i would basically say no life games just cause I'm having fun it an environment. But i do come on mine craft daily I'm very mature when it comes to working on a server and helping others out.
03/05/2016 8:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PushPop3's Avatar
accepted as admin and btw here is the IP try this one
03/05/2016 9:27 pm
Level 1 : New Network
TheyCallMePro_'s Avatar
ip dont work
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