Need skilled staff on server Survival destiny

dark evolution's Avatar dark evolution1/7/13 12:18 pm
1 emeralds 123 7
1/7/2013 4:54 pm
Captain990james's Avatar Captain990james
I am going to give you a little back round idea of how this server runs, this is a towny mcmmo server that holds around 30 players the Eco is easy and fun, we have a wide variety of challenges players can do. This server is not currently on until we have the staff and a better spawn with pvp and all the plugins are fully functionable. This server is paid and hosted from a company.

I need 5 specific staff and it will be listed, you need to be experienced and give me reasons why you deserve this spot

Mod (Builder)
Mod (have to know most of the commands to help people)
Admin (trust worthy, very knowledgeable
Forum creator professionally
Person who is good with plugins and using the files to edit wat is needed for servers and can do the job properly and on time.
Posted by dark evolution's Avatar
dark evolution
Level 1 : New Miner

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01/07/2013 4:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Captain990james's Avatar
Name: James
IGN: 990james
Skype: CaptainJamesSlo
Email: 990james@comcast.net, Captain990james@gmail.com
Age: Twelve
Reason to be builder Mod: I want to be the builder mod rank because, unlike the other ones, I don't like interacting with others. I like to stay to myself, build, just play singleplayer. I am not a parkour or a hardcore survival type of person, I'm the kind of person who goes on creative, singleplayer, superflat, and just builds. That's the reason I want to be the builder mod. If so, I could also be a builder Admin
Well, that's all I have to say. See you later.
01/07/2013 4:39 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Prince
KitMcCombat's Avatar
Why should you be mod?:I can help alot and I can be a trustworthy person and i never lie and I can be loyal to all members to the server and I can be the best you need me to be and I can help with plugins and I can help with any problem you got with anything when your not online I can be online. I have past experience with 2 servers that i was owner on. i have been admin on many servers and mod on countless servers.
Applying for:Staff
how long can you be on:I can be on for about 5 hours a day and Sometimes 7 on weekands
Thanks for the Consideration and Time.
dark evolution
01/07/2013 1:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dark evolution's Avatar
Evelet01134Simon do you have a skype account i want to discuss further and want to know more on how you work

Thanks Dark Evolution
01/07/2013 12:52 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Pony
MinerMelons's Avatar
IGN: AKwardTurtle9

Why me: i have had ALOT of experience with servers I know pretty much every command and if I dont know it I can find it within 30 seconds... give me a test run if you want like mod me and see how I go and I BET you wont get rid of me. you can contact me on skype: chibitrollzibikz

wanna know anything else just ask
01/07/2013 12:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Evelet01134Simon's Avatar
Time zone:Uk
Mature?: 9/10
Building?: 8/10
Redstone?: 4/10
Plugins?: 6/10
Experience?: Head_mod on sg server, Admin on 2 survival servers trialmod on a mini-game server
Why?:I am always contributing positivley to the community. I am a helpful happy person to be around! How am I helpful? I help new players start of, staff or not staff, I will deal with situations with care and respect. As you see I am experienced with no kicks,bans or mutes from servers up to this day because I always follow rules and don't ask for special treatment or permissions! I never abuse my powers, and I never will because it may be unfair to other players!
I will now show you an example of what I would do in a bad situation
Randomer!: F*** F*** F***
Meh!: Please can you not swear, and what is wrong?
Meh!: I'm sorry I can't get it back but what else did you lose and I will help you get them back!
Randomer!: Okay, I lost 1 stack of wood and iron armour
Meh!: Okay lets do some woodcutting and some mining your stuff will be back in no time!
So thats what I would do in a *Bad* Situation!
You can trust me with any command any time

What plug-ins r u good at?:
Lockette, Essentials, Groupmanager,MarrigePLUS, im alright at world edit.
Other info:
I would like to be a Admin/mod preferably a Admin since I think I have enough experience, I am a Girl

Thanks for reading
01/07/2013 12:46 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
jamie201301's Avatar
my in game name is vortisaur im 22 yo and my skype is jamie201301. where to begin ii have been playing minecraft since alpha. im looking to become a mod or admin as i am very trustworthy and ii no alot of the commands any more thats need ii can look up a teach myself (just give me a list of plugins we are using). i am also a very gd builder so ii can help you make some epic buildings. ii enjoy playing with different people all around the world and ii can help make sure that your server can be a really enjoyable one to play on.
01/07/2013 12:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XcitingStuart's Avatar
In game name: XcitingStuart
Skype: stuart-mcgavin1
Email address: stuartmcgavin@rocketmail.com
I would like to become a moderator or an admin because I have been a moderator many times before and I have been a semi-admin, I know most of the commands and I'm good with making things associated with redstone and pistons. I also know how to use worldedit. I'm a competent player in challenges, PvP and parkour, I'm very good at building secure bases and I have never hacked in the 2 years of playing Minecraft (since the end of Alpha) and I have quite a lot of general knowledge. I'm a very trust worthy player. The only short coming really is that I haven't been a head admin before therefore I haven't used all the usual plugins or set them up but I'm a quick learner. I also haven't made any of my own plugins. In addition, I am good at resolving situations.
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