resugami's Avatar resugami8/18/12 2:32 pm
8/25/2012 8:09 pm
peachphuzz's Avatar peachphuzz
Hello and welcome to SnowRaze! We are aiming to create a friendly and fun server for everyone to enjoy. We have big plans for it and we want you all to be part of it.
Our server is a regular survival server, as such mobs are enabled to fight and deal with, and all players will forage and collect their own materials. You are free to set up towns with your friends if you wish, or settle out on the landscape on your own!

As for how our server enhances your survival experience, we utilize WorldGuard to protect
homes and projects. We also have LWC protection for to keep your chests, doors, and furnaces safe!
As per most servers, our rules are as follows: We do not tolerate griefing and as such, any sort of hacks or modifications as well. No flying, no X-Ray usage of any sort, no cheating in general. Do not destroy other player's homes, do not deface the landscape purposely, and do not steal from others. These rules are to be followed at all times and players will be warned of infractions. Failure to follow rules may result in a placement in 'jail' for a certain amount of time, a kick from the server, or for the worst offenses... a local or global ban. Lastly, do not ask to be an admin or to be a mod. And do not ask them to spawn items for you.

Currently we are running Bukkit along with many additional plugins!
now their are some great things in the server which include...
-great spawns
-two factions werewolves and vampires what ever faction you want to be in you get their powers!
-great buildings
-your own plot you can build on that is protected!
-and great Rankks!!!!!!
so whachta waitin for!!!!??!

All my admin these days have been inactive i need 24/7 admin, and admin that have had experience before from other Great Servers...
So from all off this i ask you do you have what it take?
to be a great admin?
protect from griefers?
if you are please comment below and answer these few questions

1.In game name?
2.experience in building (1-10)?
3.how mature are you?
4.why do you want to be staff?
5.what servers are u admin on (please tell ip for backround check)
6.what are your great builds, why should i pick you, and more info about yourself (go into BIG DETAIL here)?

we have 5-7 positions open for staff.
Now once again, Do You Have What It Takes?
Posted by resugami's Avatar
Level 41 : Master Droid

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08/25/2012 8:09 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Whale
peachphuzz's Avatar
I am sorry about the rating thing! I meant to type 8! My mind got a little messed up there! And if sounds bad, I am just rating my self honestly... how I think. A lot of people are touched by my work! xD
08/25/2012 8:07 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Whale
peachphuzz's Avatar
1.In game name? dolphinluv
2.experience in building (1-10)? To be honest, 7!
3.how mature are you? VERY! I have never griefed and I follow all server rules!
4.why do you want to be staff? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE being Admin on any server! I am amazing with all players and I know how to handle any situation.
5.what servers are u admin on (please tell ip for backround check) One of the servers I am Admin on is a private server, so I don't think I can give you the IP. But the other two are: Endercraft: The other is:
6.what are your great builds, why should i pick you, and more info about yourself (go into BIG DETAIL here)? I have done a lot of really cool builds. I am most known (in servers) for my towns. They are a combination of rustic, yet modern homes, markets, and farms. I am pretty good with fountains too! My style of building is very unique! I really like to do more of a medieval building with a lot of detail! I love to make bakeries and restaurants! I really think you should pick me because I have A LOT of experience with Server Staff. I am currently Admin on 3 servers, Mod on 1, and OP on 2. I know how to handle griefers and I am really friendly! I greet new and old players, and I like to help the new players feel more comfortable on the server. I never abuse my position and I am very mature. I am usually on MC around 6 hours a day.. usually more. I am a girl and I really hate it when people think I am a boy. >_<! I really hope you take the time to consider this Application considering I looked all morning for a Server that needs staff! I am a really dedicated builder and I never start a project and don't finish it! I am a really AMAZING person and I learn to make friends quickly. Please consider me! <3
Thank you for your time,
08/19/2012 12:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jza1994's Avatar
1.In game name? jza1994
2.experience in building (1-10)? 8. I have built many great houses but not a lot of variety in building structure.
3.how mature are you? 9/10. I am told that I am extremely mature for my age, but I can make a joke now and then
4.why do you want to be staff? I love being a staff member because I love helping people. When I have been staff before, I spend a lot of time helping improve the server through creating a website, making a banner, rule enforcing, rule creating, building shops, building spawn, recruiting, and giving advice. I don't know why, but I find this much more fun than just playing on a server as a normal player.
5.what servers are u admin on (please tell ip for backround check) The first time that I was accepted as an admin, I was on a server (IP: that is only online a few hours a day. I tried to make the best of the situation and helped out when I could until the owner made it clear that his attempts to become more than friends (I am a girl) were not going to end. I then applied for admin on another server (IP: I was accepted and helped the owner turn the brand new server into a thriving, popular one. He quickly noticed me as his number 1 helper (none of the admins ever got online). I was promoted to Head Admin, second in command. I loved that server. Unfortunately, yesterday, someone hacked into the server and deleted it all. The server is gone :'(. If you still want to do a background check on me, the owner's e-mail is ethankkid@gmail.com.
6. Hours? I can play for about 2 hours average on weekdays and 5-7 hours per day on weekends.
7. Experience with plugins? I haven't ever installed plugins, but I have used Iconomy, Bukkit, jail, survival games, factions, and a lot of other popular plugins.
8.what are your great builds, why should i pick you, and more info about yourself (go into BIG DETAIL here)? I don't have any really great builds. Just a bunch of awesome houses for myself and help building the spawn and shop in the second server mentioned above ^^. You should pick me because I would help you immensly in any way that I could. I am very experienced and mature. I would make a great addition to your staff. As for the info about me: I am a 17 year old girl living in Arkansas, USA. I am a senior in high school starting Monday. I like to hang out with my friends and play Minecraft in my free time. I am the oldest of 6 kids, 4 of which also play minecraft. I am responsible and would love to be a member of your staff. Thank you for your consideration.
08/18/2012 6:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Treblinka's Avatar
I aplogize for the experience in building in my above post I just jumped ahead when I saw experience. My experience in building is pretty high as well i'd give it a 9/10.
08/18/2012 6:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Treblinka's Avatar
1.In game name? BESTMEDIC *I perfer Treblinka because it is my gaming name*
2.experience in building (1-10)? 10, I don't want to sound over confident however I have been a moderator and administrator on oink craft. I also just left my team at Neo Terra where I was a co owner. I have also done server hosting and plugin managment. Finally I was a VIP on Timcraft.
3.how mature are you? 8/10 I would say an 8 becuase I know how to be fun but can lock that up when stuff needs to be done. Ive learned well from JROTC and that has also taught me how to be a great leader!
4.why do you want to be staff? I want soemthing fun to occupy my time. I can be here 7 days a week for a few hour a day.
5.what servers are u admin on (please tell ip for backround check). I am currently not a admin on any as of last night. However you can look up Timcraft and Neo Terra in a few days when they get reset up.
6.what are your great builds, why should i pick you, and more info about yourself (go into BIG DETAIL here)? : I have recently finished a flagship on a server that is so long that you can not see end to end the sails where amazing and the ships detail was great. But my true love is castles I can build grand castles with the right materials that would make people gasp at the incredible scales and art work. As to the why should you pick me well I'm a dedicated older mature staff member. I can be here a lot and I can get the job done simple as that.

Thanks for considering
Happy Gaming
08/18/2012 3:18 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
jd004g33's Avatar
1.In game name? jd004g
2.experience in building (1-10)? 5
3.how mature are you? On a scale of 1 - 10: 6
4.why do you want to be staff? I could help the server by building and modding
5.what servers are u admin on (please tell ip for backround check) N/A
6.what are your great builds, why should i pick you, and more info about yourself (go into BIG DETAIL here)? On my single player i am building a HUGE castle with lots of design, + i built a town & a roler coaster. and you should pick me because, as i said, I'm quite good at building + i can mod the server & i have great experiance from my server, i am 12, but coming 13. Thank you!
08/18/2012 3:16 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Modder
crashlash's Avatar
1.In game name?GunnerEli
2.experience in building (1-10)?7
3.how mature are you?im 13 and i dont troll or sas
4.why do you want to be staff?i love to keep servers from getting of the hook in choaticness
5.what servers are u admin on (please tell ip for backround check)im the co-owner of adventurecraft but its witelisted atm
6.what are your great builds, why should i pick you, and more info about yourself (go into BIG DETAIL here)?well i can take leadership if needed.Ive been griefed before and the admins were power less. The server was shut down over night i dont want this server to turn out like that.Im a good rank maker i know the color codes and ill be on most of the days of the week
08/18/2012 3:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
25matman's Avatar
1.In game name? 25Mattman
2.experience in building (1-10)? 8
3.how mature are you? Very
4.why do you want to be staff? Because i really like helping people out
5.what servers are u admin on (please tell ip for backround check) Realisti-craft (Terrible server) The owner got paid and he promoted the guy that payed him to admin and let him ban anyone he wanted. It is a tekkit server so if you still want the IP tell me.
6.what are your great builds, why should i pick you, and more info about yourself (go into BIG DETAIL here)? My best build i have to say is a 500x500 arena for PvP, You should pick me because i am a highly experianced admin, and i will always help new players. I am not usually on on the weekdays but almost always on on the weekend.
I am very experianced with plugins and i am usually when i come on online for 4-8 hours.
08/18/2012 3:07 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
soe3399's Avatar
I can be on Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat.
I have great exp with many plugins: Essentials, Boatmod, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, ect.
08/18/2012 3:00 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Blacksmith
leWiS_oWnS_yOu's Avatar
7+ Hours A Day And Im Good With Most Plugins ....
08/18/2012 2:57 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Amazingpickle's Avatar
I can be on from 12 pm and about 1 - 3 hours everyday (eastern time). I have a lot of knowledge about plugins and I can help you with a lot.
08/18/2012 2:54 pm
Level 41 : Master Droid
resugami's Avatar
ok guys can you tell me your hours on line and expierince with plugins?
08/18/2012 2:50 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Amazingpickle's Avatar
1.In game name? Amazingpickle
2.experience in building (1-10)? 6/10
3.how mature are you? 9/10
4.why do you want to be staff? I have been seeing so many new servers being made lately and I want to be apart of as many as I can while making each and every one of them grow successfully one step at a time.
5.what servers are u admin on (please tell ip for backround check) I have been administrator on several other servers and here is the ip for one of them:
6.what are your great builds, why should i pick you, and more info about yourself (go into BIG DETAIL here)? I have built one pixel art before. You should pick me because I will welcome new players and I will answer any of their questions with helpful and friendly service. I will cooperate with my fellow staff and I will respect the Owner(s). I will stop all rule breakers and I will not abuse my powers. I will keep this a safe environment where everybody is happy and having fun.
08/18/2012 2:43 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
soe3399's Avatar
1.In game name: soe3399
2.experience in building: 9
3.how mature are you: very for my age
4.why do you want to be staff: I want to be satff because I like being able to help others build or answer there questions.
5.what servers are u admin on: tsmc-game-host.tk:9100, (This is tekkit,Need to be whitelisted):
6.what are your great builds. Some builds ive had are a 1:1 Titantic, A 1:1 U.S.S Enterprise(WW2), And a big server spawn and some villages. You should pick me because I have great ideas and great exp as a mod/admin. Im 15 and I play Minecraft and Tekkit.
I can be on Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat.
I have great exp with many plugins: Essentials, Boatmod, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, ect.
08/18/2012 2:37 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Blacksmith
leWiS_oWnS_yOu's Avatar
1.In game name: leWiS_oWnS_yOU
2.experience in building (1-10): 8/10
3.how mature are you?: 8/10
4.why do you want to be staff? Because I Like Helping People. And I Would Love To Help Build Stuff
5.what servers are u admin on (please tell ip for backround check) I Was Admin But The Guy Banned Me For Building A Spawn? What he Asked Me To :p
6.what are your great builds, why should i pick you, and more info about yourself (go into BIG DETAIL here)? becuase i would like to help other poeple and i would like to build awesome stuff what people like and then i will be-able to feel like a good part in the community. i also could help the server by finding awesome plugins What People Like

SKype: Akward_Zebra
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