Need Staff!

H20Dynamo's Avatar H20Dynamo7/4/14 12:07 am
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7/5/2014 4:48 pm
Vikana's Avatar Vikana
Hello Whoever would like to help me, I'm making one of the best Survival RPG servers out there currently.
We are looking for staff members who would be dedicated to improving the server as a whole. If you would like to apply for plugin developer/coder, moderator, or builder please comment with the given application. Make sure to title your app with what your applying for.
Timezone(Looking For All):
Contact Info:
Explain why you would be good for the job (Optional):
Posted by H20Dynamo's Avatar
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer

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07/05/2014 4:48 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Vikana's Avatar
Name: Vikana100
Age: 13
Timezone(Looking For All): Whatever timezone Arizona is
Contact Info: Email: vikdoesmc@gmail.com
Explain why you would be good for the job (Optional): I am friendly and follow orders to the best of my ability. I am a good builder. I am not demanding, rude, or inappropriate. I have never once been banned or warned or kicked or muted or anything like that.
I would, however, like some sort of rank above the basic "member" rank, but it's perfectly fine if I can't have it. I do not rage over simple things (and no, I am not attempting reverse psychology).
07/05/2014 4:16 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
H20Dynamo's Avatar
07/04/2014 1:48 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
stefdog7's Avatar
Head-Admin/Plugin Manager:
Age:14 (Turning 15 In July)
Why do you want this position: I always like helping people and I do enjoy configuring plugins and making kits and donations, etc. I am a hard worker and I do obey and follow they rules that I am givin. This is very good opportunity to learn more about coding and leadership. Most of the time I keep the staff busy with work that has not been acomplish.
Experience (Details, rank, IPs and Website, if none please explain why we should pick you even though you don't have experience): Ived been working on a hub server called Phoscraft for about 5 months and I have learned a lot from being the Lead-Developer. IP: Phoscraft.nn.pp:25589 Website: http://phoscraft.x10.mx/index.php
Contact information:
Skype: stefmanbooner
Email: stefmanbooner@yahoo.com
How much time can you dedicate to the server?: If im currently working on another server, I can work on 2.5 hours a day. If im not working on a server, i would work for 4 hours a day
What are your skills: Basic Coding (Java), Making Kits, Making Kits, Making Donations, Controll Fellow Staff Members, Leadership, Configure Plugins, Negotiating, And I Do Know Two Languages (English & Spanish).
What plugins do you have experience with?
- Group Manager (Mastered)
- Essentials (Mastered)
- Compass Navigation (Mastered)
- PerWorldPlugins (Mastered)
- World Edit (Mastered)
- World Guard (Mastered)
- Mini-Game Plugins (Associated With Some Mini-Game Plugins, But Can Easily Learn)
- PermissionEX (Associated)
I Know Much More, This is Just A Preview.
What commands would you use as an Head-Admin:
- /tp = This Command Teleports You To The Player That You Exchange With Or Virse Versa
- /ban = Bans The Account Of The User
- /banip = Bans The Ip Of The User So They Cant Come Back
- /kick = To Kick Players Out Of The Server
- /say = Talk Like A Server Announcement, Or Speak From The Console
- /deop = De-Ops A Player
- /mute = Mutes A Player
- /who = Shows The Current People In The Server
I Know Much More, This is Just A Preview.
How would you deal with:
A Griefer: It Would Depend On The Server Rules. I Personally Would Warn Him That If He Does it Again, I Will Either Temporary Ban Him Or Jail Him. And Then Il Tell The Victim How To Better Protect His Land.
A Spammer: I Would Verbally Tell Him To Stop Spaming. If He Continues, I Would Mute Him For 30-40 Minutes. If He Keeps Spaming I Would Temporary Ban Him For 2 Hours.
A Player Who Just Join The Server For The First Time: I Would Welcome Him And Give Him A Tour Of The Whole Server And Then give Him A Small Present To Enjoy His Stay.
A Person Who Says They Are From Planet Minecraft: I Would Just Ignore The Person.
What Rules Do You Think A Server Should Have:
- Do Not Advertise
- No Hacked Clients
- Don't Spam
- Don't Use 3rd Party Mods
Mostly Depends On The Server Rules And Plugins, Etc.
What Can You Bring To The Server That No One Else Can: My Past Expirience. Ived Seen People Who Lack The Skills Of Performing Their Tasks. I Can Train them To Meet The Requirements Of The Current Rank They Are In.
How Would You Describe Yourself In Three Words: Efficient, Intelligent, And Hard-Working!
If i am accepted skype me!
07/04/2014 1:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
SpaceCows's Avatar

Name:Jackson Minecraft name JacksonJoy
Age: 13
Timezone(Looking For All): Canada
Contact Info:Skype jackson.robertson4
Explain why you would be good for the job (Optional): Im nice And Like to Help
07/04/2014 12:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
SebiatorSalvation's Avatar
Timezone(Looking For All): Central (Us/Canada)
Contact Info: Skype: Sebiator Salvation
Explain why you would be good for the job (Optional): Ive had multiple Experiences as mod/admin/helper
07/04/2014 12:41 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
Baconquake's Avatar
Name: Ross
Age: 14
Timezone(Looking For All): CST
Contact Info: I have skype, I'll give it to you later
Explain why you would be good for the job (Optional): I have lots of staff experience on servers and love to help!
07/04/2014 12:31 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
HiR3z's Avatar
Builder or Mod App:
Name: HiR3z
Age: 15
Timezone(Looking For All): PDT (Pacific Daylight)
Contact Info: Skype @ J_HiR3z (no mic )
Explain why you would be good for the job: I would be good because I have tons of experience at being a Mod or Builder and have run my own server before. So that's that.
Here are some builds: http://imgur.com/a/2j0bc

07/04/2014 12:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
IDSFTW's Avatar
Name:Tom ign TitanCrafterS
Timezone(Looking For All):USA -4:00 (florida) eastern standard timezone
Contact Info:skype:mrtitancraft email:TitandoesMC@gmail.com
Explain why you would be good for the job (Optional):
Planet Minecraft


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