Need Staff.

bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar bobbiecraftstoday1239/13/14 9:54 pm
9/16/2014 9:57 am
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar bobbiecraftstoday123
1 Co-owner.
1 Head admin.
2 Admins.
3 Moderators.
1 Head builder.
3 Builders.


Age: (13+)
Why I should pick you:

Head admin:

Age: (12+)
What Will you help with:
Why should i pick you





Head builder:

Pictures of your build:

Posted by bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
Level 17 : Journeyman Network

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09/16/2014 9:57 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
Bump need more builders, admins and mods.
09/16/2014 9:55 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
EnchantingPvPHead Admin Application

Age: (12+) 13(almost 14)


Experience: I own a server myself, is a developer on 2 servers, and have played minecraft since beta, been staff on other servers for almost 1 and a half year.
been admin on 5 servers, co-owner on 1 server, mod on 4 servers, head admin on 1 .

What Will you help with: I will introduce the new players and get them to stay, i will play alot and do whatever you want me to do, i can do perms and find plugins and help make the server a wonderful community.

Why should i pick you: You should pick me because i have alot of experience as staff, and i can solve alot of problems and i can build help players and enforce the rules. i am very mature and won't abuse or treat players unfairly.

09/15/2014 10:15 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
_The_Jedi_'s Avatar
Head Admin

IGN: _The_Jedi_

Experience: Admin on 3 servers which have now closed the last one closing the end of this month. I worked a bunch with world edit and other plugins such as towny.

What Will you help with: Anything that is needed and what ever I am capable of. If not I can learn.

Why should i pick you: I will do my best with what ever needs to be done. I'll be on as much as time allows. I am kind to everyone and try to deal with things in a calm manner. I enjoy helping and building.

Other: You can see my building work on the last server that will be closing at the end of this month at concordia.mcpro.co
If you want to put me on a trial then I'm open to it.

and I edited this because I forgot my age. I am 17
09/15/2014 3:14 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
SilverHawk21's Avatar
Age:tbh,Im just 13
Experience:Well,I had an experience being a moderator,the commands are simple though as I can list them here
Click to reveal
09/14/2014 10:38 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Artomagon's Avatar
Head admin (or whatever you feel comfortable trusting me with):

Age: (12+) I am 14.

IGN: Artomagon

Experience: I have been staff on over 20 servers in my Minecrafting years.

What will you help with: I will help with anything that is asked of me, or needed. I will keep the chat professional and clean. I will rid the server of hacker filth. All in all, I will do all I can to help the server thrive in every way possible.

Why should I pick you: I am able to stay calm and collected through stressful situations in which others may crack under the pressure. I am friendly, and eager to answer questions from players, and help them however they need. I would always be 110% sure a player is hacking before banning them. I don't tolerate and from of discrimination; racism, sexism, or just plain unnecessary insults or taunts. I love to have fun and joke, but I know how to be serious and stern when needed. I'm a positive guy, but I don't play around with hackers, or serious matters. I will bring a friendly and welcoming environment to the server, so newcomers will be right at home. I have experience, so I know what it takes to be staff. It takes hard work, dedication, maturity, perseverance, and a positive attitude. I believe I am qualified.

Thanks for reading, it's much appreciated!
09/16/2014 9:56 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
09/14/2014 10:07 pm
Level 1 : New Network
RoboluffyMC's Avatar

Age : 16

IGN: RoboluffyMC

Experience: I have been staff for 4 years in 3 different server, I am also a Co-owner and Owner in my Whitelisted server

What Will you help with: I will bring people, Manage server and report hacker/ abusers to the owner

Why should i pick you: cause I am Trustworthy and I don't Like to abuse the people that trust in me and I believe other people want staff so they can cheat and be op in the server but I think staff comes with responsibility.

E-Mail: daoudahmed2443@gmail.com
09/16/2014 9:55 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
09/14/2014 9:16 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Duisy's Avatar
Age: (13+) 14
IGN: codyduis13
Experience: made my own bukkit server before I know how to do Most of the server stuff
Why I should pick you: Im fun, I could record on the server I have a YT channel, Im mature, I always wanted to be apart of a MC server, also I will be any position you would need me at

Skype: duisy13

Country: US
09/16/2014 9:54 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
Accepted for mod
09/14/2014 10:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Jakebrof's Avatar
Age: (13+) 17
IGN: AlabamaGamer2004/GamingJock
Experience: Lots of experience, I have been Moderator on at least 4 servers and Admin on 2 and Co-owner on 2.

Why I should pick you: Well to start off let me introduce myself. My name is Jake; I am from the US, I am 17 years of age, and in the 12th grade. I live in the eastern part of the US hence my time zone is Eastern Standard Time. I enjoy creatively thinking, working with numbers, working with technology, learning, playing sports such as Baseball, and playing video games; Minecraft is of course my favorite game to play!

I started playing Minecraft back in the summer of 2012. I began playing it on Xbox when my friend introduced the game to me. He had shown me the basic to the game such as what the concept of the game and how to craft items. Then he showed me the videos on YouTube of people that have made these extraordinary castles. I wanted to make some of those builds so I started watching people build large houses. I eventually got hooked on watching Minecraft PC videos. I watched people play hunger games then I watched people play survival. Minecraft for the PC seemed to be much more fun to me and I started playing that instead of the Xbox Edition. I started off playing survival.

The reason I would like to become a staff member on this server is because I can see all the potential it has. I have great ideas that can benefit the server. My ideas may not be huge but they can still enhance the way the game is played. Also I have seen a lot of people cheating and using hacked clients with frustrates me beyond belief. Every time I see someone cheating I just wish I could do something about it however I cannot. I would like to keep faction server clean in people abusing the system and fair for the whole community. Using hacked clients ruins the game for not only the player using it but for everyone as well. As I staff member I plan to do things for the players; to enhance their excitement of playing and keep it fair for all. I plan to be of assistance to any players on need. Whatever problem the players has I would like to help whether it's a glitch in the game or a problem with the girlfriend/boyfriend. As a staff member I plan to be there for the community 24/7 no matter what because I care for them. Even if I am being yelled at by another player I will stay calm, cool, and collected because nothing can be solved with two people going at it.

Although I am a helping hand to anyone in need I am not afraid to stand my ground. I am a very devoted and loyal person. My attitude toward anything I do is to never give up. Once I start something I get it done, no matter what. If it causes me a headache then so be it. If it takes all day then so be it. I will finish whatever I start. My peers also consider me a leader. In class when projects are assigned I always take the whole of the leader. I give each group member a responsibility and make sure that no one person is doing all the work. I make sure all parts are equal in work and it is done right. I am also involved in S.T.A.M.P at my high school. This is program similar to DARE where we teach younger students the importance of staying free of tobacco. Being a Baseball player gives me the power, whits, and leadership to become a successful staff member.

I most easily reached in the early morning or late evenings. I always find time to play Minecraft and I would be on server in my free time which is practically everyday. My Skype name is Canadian Modz if you'd like to contact me.

Last but not least you will not be disappointed if I become a staff member. I will amaze you at everything I do.


Country: CA
09/14/2014 8:37 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
CA isn't a country.... USA, but accepted otherwise.
09/15/2014 9:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jakebrof's Avatar
CA Is Canada.
09/16/2014 12:36 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
It's can
09/14/2014 10:55 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Fish
Bager460's Avatar
09/14/2014 3:59 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Fish
Bager460's Avatar

Age: (13+) 14

IGN: F1ck0

Experience: My server, - Insta-Prison - Chaotic-Realms Prison - CalrothRpg - and I am currently only staff on my server, due to these getting shut down or I quit.

I have been staff on a few of my friends server and I had a admin position on Chaotic-Realms, a 30 slot public server hosted by McProHosting. It was successful and had alot of players per day, but the owners didn't get alot of donations and they wanted to close the server down. At the end the server was griefed by a developer.
I was also a Mod on Insta-Prison, whitch was owned my MC-JACY (a twitcher) and it got shut down! I am currently staff on some WIP servers, so contact me on skype for proof!

Why I should pick you: Because im a trustworth person who loves to play minecraft. I can help you configure plugins, make permissions, and handle server disputes. I can also help you advertise. I love helping other servers, and the joy of helping makes me happy. As I said above, I'd like to help you make this server go far! Whether it be fixing things, advertising, or just in general helping, I can do it! I am not very good at building.
I can be on anywhere from 4 to I guess 8 hours a day, but of course not straight. On week days I have school, so After 4 PM (GMT+1) I can be on. On weekends, I can be on all day unless I'm doing some type of family activity, in which I'd let you know about ahead of time rather than just disappearing.
I can't develop, or really make plugins, but I can configure them usually easily and work with them. I'm good with GroupManager or Pex so I don't know if you use that, it might come in handy. I can also use WorldEdit pretty well, but other than that I know the basics to other plugins, and hey, if I don't I can certainly learn.
I can advertise on PlanetMinecraft, Skype, Facebook, Banners, MinecraftForums, etc.

Country: Slovenia
09/14/2014 10:46 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
09/14/2014 3:54 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
DaKidPlayz's Avatar
Age: (13+) 22
Experience: ive had loads of experience with co owner ive been it on 5 servers
Why I should pick you: I Am I very mature person. I know loads of plugins and coding and perms
Country USA Las Angles
09/14/2014 10:51 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
09/14/2014 10:51 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
I really doubt your 22.

09/14/2014 3:46 am
Level 20 : Expert Architect
MrLimerz's Avatar

Age: 15

IGN: Charlie_TNTGuy

skype: kiroash.oraa

Experience: im good at making spawns pvp arenas and many more check my pmc profile and you will see super epic spawns and also i know how to use plugins like world edit voxel sniper essentials and many more
09/14/2014 10:46 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
09/14/2014 3:07 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
potatotoes's Avatar

Age: 14

IGN: potatotoes

Experience: I have never been a mod before, but I have been a helper on a server and I'm very helpful to people. I love being involved with the community and am a very social person Hope you consider me as a mod ^-^
09/14/2014 10:47 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
09/13/2014 10:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Minecrafter2592PMC's Avatar
Co-Owner Application
Age: (13+) 22


Experience: Co-Owner on 3 servers, Head-Admin on 6 servers, Admin on 13 servers, T- Admin on 4 servers (most servers I instantly get accepted), Head-Mod on 8 servers, Mod on 15 servers, Chat-Mod on 6 servers, T-Mod on 5 (again, same situation) and Helper on 12

Why I should pick you: I love to help new servers. I will strive to help you guys. I won't be able to help you on Weekdays AEST though. I love helping out new servers! As you can see, I have had a huge experience being staff on servers.

Country: Australia

Thank you for considering.

09/14/2014 10:48 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
bobbiecraftstoday123's Avatar
Denied for co-owner,accepted for admin.
09/13/2014 9:54 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
st6sniper1's Avatar
Whats the ip
Planet Minecraft


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