Need staff and builders - 30 POSITIONS LEFT

Zyphior's Avatar Zyphior8/25/14 7:31 pm
9/3/2014 10:29 pm
Zyphior's Avatar Zyphior
Hello there, I am looking for a few builders and staff for a new upcoming server. The server has potential for success because it is a fun custom mini game. The plugins for the server are already made, so I just need builders to make a few maps for the game, and staff to help enforce the rules when the server is launched.

You know you arn't wasting your time on a copy cat server because of the following stats:
Originality: 9.97/10
Features: 8.47/10
Adrenaline: 9.88/10
Balance: 8.70/10

Builders will be given an unspecified *donation* via PayPal according to how much they contribute to the project. Accepted applicants will be given information on what to build, the theme, and such. All builders will be given credit.

If your application looks good, I will add you on Skype to talk. Skype and a working microphone is required for either or both positions.

I am looking for a mature building and staff team for the server.

Positions needed:
Builders - (0/20)
Helper - (0/5)
Moderator - (0/3)
Administrator - (0/1)
Advisor - (1/1)

Builder application:
Pics of previous builds:
What plugins will you need to build:

Staff application:
What rank do you want:
Why do you want to be staff:
What can you contribute to the server:
Personal strengths:
Anything else we should know:

Do not lie about your age. I care more about your maturity than your age. If we, at any time find out that you lied on any part of your application, you will be instantly demoted, and/or possibly banned from the server(s), and/or Premium rank revoked.
Posted by Zyphior's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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09/03/2014 10:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zyphior's Avatar
Still recruiting... I need plenty more applications before I can start the reviewing process. So please make an application if you believe you have what it takes!
08/31/2014 9:25 am
Level 47 : Master Architect
PolishPlayer34's Avatar
Username: Srkp
Age: 16
Skype: Dariusz Kowalscy (Germany)
Pics of previous builds: http://imgur.com/a/745ep http://imgur.com/a/BtW1q http://imgur.com/a/zAB0A
What plugins will you need to build: Worldedit Voxelsniper And possible FramePictures
08/31/2014 9:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Zyphior's Avatar
Still recruiting. Will review applications after 50 posts to give people a more fair chance.
08/29/2014 11:14 pm
Level 1 : New Network
slipknot91900's Avatar
Username: Ozzy91900
Age: 13(Turning 14 in mid-september)
Skype: slipknot91900
Pics of previous builds: http://imgur.com/a/pIrwT#0
What plugins will you need to build: None! Just creative mode!
08/29/2014 10:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zyphior's Avatar
Still recruiting. Will review applications after 50 posts
08/25/2014 10:38 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
aceops23_Pixelmon's Avatar
Username: aceops23
Age: 16
Skype: [Private] Msg me for it
Experience: I have been staff many times. (Need Ip's msg me)
What rank do you want: Whatever I am qualified for
Why do you want to be staff: I want to be staff to gain more experience. Another reason is because I love to help other people, and that's what staff does.
What can you contribute to the server: I can donate, advertise, bring experience.
Personal strengths: I am a natural born leader, I do what I think Is right, not what other people think is right.
Anything else we should know: I play soccer both in school and out, so I am quite busy, but I do have 4 hours a day to work on the server.
08/25/2014 10:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Fundino's Avatar
Experience:I would not say i had experience but i had been admin on a small server.
What rank do you want: I want either admin,head mod or either mod
Why do you want to be staff: Because i want to help out your new server and i will make sure that your server can get people to play on it and make sure it's like a regular minecraft server.
What can you contribute to the server: I can contribute at least 4 hours or more a day and i can help you get players by telling all my friends and people i play with.
Personal strengths: I am good at getting people to behave in the server Anything else we should know: No there isn't but if there anything you want to know you can ask me or if i would want to tell you i would edit this comment
-thank you for reading this application
08/25/2014 9:57 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
BooBear1801's Avatar
08/25/2014 9:31 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Kagetokage's Avatar
Username: KagetoKages

Age: 16

Skype: I'd rather not say in the forums, you can PM me about it though.

Experience:I've been Admin on a server for the past year and a half now, but it's more like I am Co-Owner since I know the owner really well. I'll also be a moderator/admin for another server again in a bit once it reopens. I've owned a server before, but due to low player rate and not enough time it eventually was shut down.

What rank do you want: I'd like Administrator, but I'd be happy to take anything.

Why do you want to be staff: I want to be staff because lots of times when people post in these forums looking for good, quality staff, they are met with people that like to screw them over 5 minutes after being on the server. People who are actually serious about running a server, and will keep it updated deserve to have someone that will do the exact opposite of that.

What can you contribute to the server: I can contribute my willingness to enforce rules enough to where I am not too strict on the players that way it makes the server and enjoyable experience, and not a controlled one.

Personal strengths: These questions always stump me because it's all based off my opinion. I like to think that I am good at managing people who break the rules.

Anything else we should know: I have a sort of "system" I use to handle rule breakers. It goes like this:
3 Offenses = Mute/Kick
3 Mutes/Kicks = Temp. Ban (Generally 1 hour, and at this point 2 mutes/kicks is gone.)
2 Temp. Bans = Permanent Ban
08/25/2014 9:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1594888's Avatar
08/25/2014 9:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SanctuaryZR0's Avatar
Experience:from 3 server
What rank do you want:staff/admin
Why do you want to be staff:because i like to help and i think griefer or hacker or corrupt mod should all be ban! (exept if its a grief server)
What can you contribute to the server:well, i saved 2 server from the 2 worst thing of minecraft (a force op hacker and a corrupt mod)
Personal strengths:communicative,funny,serious when there a problem,love to joke
Anything else we should know:no not really exept the fact that my facebook,psn,twitter and youtube name is SanctuaryZR0
08/25/2014 8:50 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Puhrified's Avatar
Admin / Staff Manager Application
1.) Real Name? Michael
2.) Age (Looking for 16+)? 15
3.) *Skype? MoistFalls
4.) *IGN? Geico10
5.) *Will you take this position seriously? (100 word minimum) Yes, I would take this position seriously because it would change how the server runs if I messed around. I would not do anything wrong and would always be on my best behavior. I would get on when needed and always be available to lend a helping hand. I would also be able to get on 5+ hours a day.

6.) *Do you understand that this position is taken extremely high? Yes, Manager is a huge position and I believe I can handle it.
7.) *Previous experience? I used to own my own hub/network that had 50+ players on at a time until my host got Ddosed. But besides that I am staff on 2 accounts on a server and I have owned 11 servers in my history.
8.) *Why do you want this position? (100 word minimum) I want this position because I would dedicate everything I have to help the server and make it better. I stand out form others because I have been in your shoes and know the all the things about a server and how they run. I would also love to help this server grow to something huge and be a part of that.
9.) *Do you speak and type with proper, and fluent English/Grammar? Yes I do.
10.) *What are your computer and or Minecraft skills? (Coding? Which languages? Developing? Building?) I could be a great staff member but I know that is not what you are asking, Besides that I am a pretty decent builder (Skill: 7.4)
11.) *How will you earn this position? I will be on constantly if I get the position and will (like I said) always be here to lend a helping hand so the network can grow to be huge.
12.) *What can you bring to the table, how will you make our network better? I can bring players to the server and I can advertise for you guys, Also I am a great person to be around and can get along with mostly everyone.
13.) *Describe your personality to us? I am a nice person who loves to have fun but yet be serious while throwing in a good laugh!
08/25/2014 8:35 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
jun-jun40's Avatar
08/25/2014 8:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
fsxsnipezz50's Avatar
Username: fsxsnipezz50
Skype: karl.murray46
Experience: i have been mods, admins and co owners
What rank do you want: administrator
Why do you want to be staff: well i want to be staff because i like to help players and servers and this can be a new aproach for me.
Personal strengths: well i am an allright builder and i can deal with lots of features to do with servers
Anything else we should know: no not really
08/25/2014 7:41 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
jun-jun40's Avatar
Pics of previous builds:i716.photobucket.com/albums/ww165/Sexy_Pit/yo_zpsd8fed404.jpg
What plugins will you need to build: world edit
08/25/2014 8:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zyphior's Avatar
I would like to speak to you on Skype, but the skype name you provided isn't working. Please double check the spelling. Thank you
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