Dragon_Slayer7's Avatar Dragon_Slayer77/14/13 9:46 pm
7/15/2013 4:10 am
hammerhead vaeyne's Avatar hammerhead vaeyne
This server is a [Zombie Apocalypse], and [Faction Survival] Server that is new. Right now we are building the Zombie Apocalypse and Faction worlds. The Faction World will be in the initial realease of the server. The Apocalypse World will come after.

I need Staff that is serious about being staff. If you can't know when to be serious then this might not be the server for you.
The server is not public yet, reason being I need great staff, builders, and some beta players before the initial release.

You MUST be dedicated.
You CAN'T have a hacked client or proxy.
You MUST be committed to the server.
You MUST be willing to help.
You MUST be patient.
You MUST have a good sense of humor, and a good serious side.
You CAN'T rage at any point.

If you can meet all of these standards, please fill out one of the the applications below!
Please consider what you want to apply for before you apply! Know your strengths!

P.S. On the coder application, if your not a real coder that can code plugins, please don't apply! You will also need proof that you can code!

Builders Application 0/10 Have Been Accepted

Minecraft Account Name:
Experience in building (If any):
Extract from previous created buildings (If any):
Do you enjoy building? (Obviously a plus):
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your building?:
Show pictures of your previous buildings! (A must):
Server Name Suggestion:

Staff Application 2/10 Have Been Accepted

Minecraft Account Name:
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any):
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any):
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus):
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?:
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin):
Server Name Suggestion:

Coder Application 0/2

Minecraft Account Name:
Experience in writing code? (If any):
Have you coded any Bukkit plugins? (If any):
Do you enjoy coding/developing? (Obviously a plus):
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your coding?:
Give us a plugin idea that is the maximum effort you can do so we can know your coding limits:
Server Name Suggestion:

Lets make this a great server guys! If you have any name suggestions, please tell me them under your application!
Thanks Everyone!
Posted by Dragon_Slayer7's Avatar
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn

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hammerhead vaeyne
07/15/2013 4:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
hammerhead vaeyne's Avatar
Minecraft username: vaeyne
Age: 14
Time zone: central standard USA time
Experience on staff on any servers: well yes I have had some experience
in the epic-mc.com server. Also I am very patient and excepting of others
I will always give them a good 3 chances before the banning appeals and I like
To joke sometimes when helping others and keep them dedicated to one server
And I will be serious in most cases So no one gets discouraged over the staff of not helping. So overall I do think I will be a great staff member to dedicate a long time to your server and make a big success and see players enjoying themselves.
-I have runned a successful server before
-No I won't be paid if accepted
-I do keep up maintaining servers for the public to see
Server name suggestion: mc.zombie40thavenue .com

PS: if do not get staff I would go to admin or the owner which is you picks
07/15/2013 3:29 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Hunter
SUPERanubisMAKERS's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name:Kbrizzy1234
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any):yes but are down now do to not paying
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any):I did run a aserver but it crashed and i have proof just tell me a thing i need to prove it
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus):Yes i love it ill go to extreme hights to help even if a new server best thing ever ill do my best
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: no not really i just want to be help
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin):honestly im trying for admin but if i start off at mod is fine and work my way up well be way better forreal
Server Name Suggestion: MC-heroes

and to add i would love to get accepted even know i didnt have to add this part
07/15/2013 3:12 am
Level 1 : New Architect
ForsakenRealmz's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name: ForsakenRealmz
Age: 18
Timezone: Central Standard Time (CST) -6:00
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): I was a Moderator on a server for a year and two months. I was then promoted to Admin for the next four months until I had to leave because of school. The entire time I played on the server for almost two years I helped the server manager with plugins and testing them.
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): I have run my own server for over two years. Active on a dedicated host for only six months. The only reason I had to turn it off is because of the lack of donations. At $84.99 a month it is hard to keep up haha. You can check out the website here, but note that it looks bad now because I stopped paying for it.
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): I honestly don't really like to play Minecraft anymore unless I am maintaining a server or answering players questions via ticket or in-game chat. I love more than anything to help people, especially with issues that I know exactly how to fix like Minecraft. You can also see that I love to help Minecraft players by checking out my Youtube channel here.
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: Being paid is always a plus, but I do not really expect to be paid.
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin): Server Manager, but if I had to choose from the list Moderator until I can move up to Head Admin.
Server Name Suggestion: Apocalypto
07/15/2013 12:04 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
Shadycraman's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name: Shadycrazyman
Timezone: East coast.
Experience in building (If any): Worked on a few servers.
Extract from previous created buildings (If any): Idk what that means i'm sorry.
Do you enjoy building? (Obviously a plus): Why would I apply if i didn't...duh.
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your building?: No, be nice tho...but not idc.
Show pictures of your previous buildings! (A must): Wiped computer don't have pics. Simple fix make blank plot on server let me build....evaluate....decision...done.
Server Name Suggestion: World of Outlanders (Why? Because it isn't (word)craft it is truly unique)
07/14/2013 10:42 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
Builder Application
Minecraft Account Name: Roran234

Age: 16

Timezone: EST

Experience in building (If any): Medieval/Victorian builds.

Extract from previous created buildings (If any): ...Sorry, but what?

Do you enjoy building? (Obviously a plus): I love to build!

Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your building?: No, but I won't lie, it'd be

Show pictures of your previous buildings! (A must): http://imgur.com/a/heoia#0

Server Name Suggestion: DragonRealms
07/14/2013 10:38 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
SirRoyalChickenz's Avatar
Staff: Head Admin
Minecraft Account Name: SirRoyalChickenz
Age: 16
Timezone: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): Yes I have had experience as staff before many times, if you want me to name all of them, you would think again, because of the many times I will not be able to tell you within a few minutes, we would all grow beards by the time I am finished. And I think I personally would look good with a beard.
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): I have run a server before but no not successfully. Maybe I was covered in feathers and scared them off.
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): Yes I love seeing players laugh even though I cannot actually see them and I want them to have a good time on your server, so they return almost every day.
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: No, I would like to be staff just to help people out, just to see people happy. I don't need rewards or payment.
What staff section are you applying for?: I am applying for Head Admin, yes I have a head.
Server Name Suggestion: DragonCave (it has your name in it XD)
Thank you and I hope to see you on it
07/14/2013 10:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
LittLekIzzLe's Avatar

Minecraft Account Name: ips3i

Age: 15

Timezone: 15

Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): I have been mod,admin,and co owner in about 15 servers in which the owners have been inactive because the lost interest.

Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): No i have been a co owner of a server in which i had control of anything but i have not ran a server on my computer because of router issues.

Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): YES, I love helping new players to minecraft and server and fixing up the server in game or off game.

Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: I won't accept money for playing one of my favorite games lol, i do hope that staff will notice all the hardwork that each staff member does and reward them in privileges though even if its not me.

What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin): Moderator and Head Moderator. Honestly, i don't know if i have enough time to be a admin at this moment.

Server Name Suggestion: Play Or Die; The ultimate tension of minecraft.

- Hope you will consider my application and pm me please if you have any other questions.
07/14/2013 10:07 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
awesomecheeseman's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name: awesomecheeseman
Age: 14
Timezone: Central time
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): 3 servers to date if you need proof I can give you the IP adresses
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): Yes I have i got some donations but I did not have enough time to devote to it. It was a blast though and I met some really good freinds!
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): Of course!
I love helpong servers and seeing them grow and meeting new people .
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: No I am a generous person and do not expect to get paid or rewarded.
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin): Admin or Mod I've had tons of experience with both!
Server Name Suggestion: What IKiT said forgoteen forever

I hope you will considere my application-awesomecheeseman
07/14/2013 10:00 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
notsogamer's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name: notsogamer
Age: 13
Timezone: UTC/GMT -6 hours
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): well me and some friends are making a server and i will be admin but closes ive been to staff before is trusted
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): NONE
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): yes i do i love helping new players who need help and helping players with needs and try to make everything a fair as possible
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: not at all
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin): Moderator or Head Moderator
Server Name Suggestion: Zombie Realms
Thank you for your time
07/14/2013 9:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
IKiT's Avatar
Minecraft Account Name: JayJayWolfe
Age: 18
Timezone: MST
Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): Admin on one server and a Moderator on another.
Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): I have never been owner.
Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): Of course!!!
Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: Nope, Just here to help is all.
What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin): I would like to try and apply for Moderator.
Server Name Suggestion: Forgotten Forever ... Sounds dark and mysterious for a Zombie Apocalypse type server
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