xxVolt4gexx's Avatar xxVolt4gexx5/30/12 5:08 pm
8/6/2012 4:49 pm
Team FaKeY's Avatar Team FaKeY
Hi guys im recruiting Spawn Builders, Mods , and Admins

Builder App:

Building Skill out of 10:
Reason why:
Pics of builds(optional):

Mod App:
Reason why:

Admin App:
Reason why:
Posted by xxVolt4gexx's Avatar
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter

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Team FaKeY
08/06/2012 4:49 pm
Level 20 : Expert Warrior
Team FaKeY's Avatar
Mod App:
Info:Great builder but dont want to be a builder rank.
Im great at commands.
And ive been a owner on a server but it shut down cause of lag
Reason why:Cause im great with minecraft people and im friendly.
Also i can help with the commands

Admin App:
info:Samething as of Mod
Reason why:Samething as of Mod
08/06/2012 4:49 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
goodwolf's Avatar
Admin App:
info:i am a very good helper problem solver and i am always fun to have around
Reason why:i would like to help your server and keep it safe from griefers hackers etc.
08/06/2012 4:45 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
MeZTech's Avatar
Admin Application:
Maturity (scale from 1-10): 10
Age: 10 (Don't judge, I'm much more intellectually advanced than most my age, and know 4 programming languages)
Info: I have a lot of experience with servers and am good with handling griefers.
Reason why: I run a server, and am a very high rank on a public server. I think that with the knowledge I have from these that I would be able to do very well as an Admin.
05/31/2012 8:33 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
HeroOfZekrom's Avatar
Mod App:
Ign:HeroOfZekrom :skype-neonshots
Info:I Am Looking for experince as a mod on servers to understand plugins and more of minecraft plugins and such
Reason why:To learn dfiferent plugins and help your server
05/31/2012 8:27 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
AlasdairM's Avatar
Mod app:

Maturity: 8/10
Age: 11 (Please don't judge me by this. I am mature)
Reason why: I would like to be mod because I would like to help the server, I will try to help players and Will try and do everything you say.
05/31/2012 2:00 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Cassia2001's Avatar
Moderator App
IGN : Cassia2001
Maturity : 7/10
Age : 11
Info : I am a 11 year old [Female][Yes , Girls play Minecraft too] And I love helping people.I also like banning Hackers , etc.I can build , I am helpful . I do not rage easily too.Sometimes I may be Tooo optimistic though .
Reason why : I like helping people ! I help those in need , and Ban Hackers and those who make the players / guests feel disgusted / uncomfortable.
Comments : Please consider having me as part of your Team.I would do my part and Help . Thanks for reading , Good day !

Sincerely ,
05/30/2012 11:04 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Flyingdiddy's Avatar
Admin app:
Greetings, my name is Tyler! Most of my friends call me Diddy,heh. My main server CorruptCraft recently went kupoot (down). I have worked with the owner of that server for two years,two very long and painful years. Donations stopped coming and he couldn't pay the 80 dollars a month anymore,sadly. Since that terrible event I have been out of a job per-say. Naturally since the downgrade of CorruptCraft I needed to find a different server owner to help. I know there are many servers that require moderation or administration. So lets get this over with! Here are my credentials (template)

Name: Tyler L.
Age: Seventeen (17)
How long can you be online?: Since I recently just finished school I have a years worth of playtime before I head off to college. I usually pull allnighters and sleep from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Therefore I will be online everyday usually all day.

Experience with servers: I have been playing this wonderful game since before survival was implemented! And I have nearly two years of server and administrator experience. Also, I am not an illiterate! I know how to preform my job,and get it done.

What can I do for the server?: Easily answered! (if you read all of the statements above) I can provide great administrative and moderation for said server.

Banning, muting and kicking: Weather it's a racist,sexist,idiot,or hacker. I will easily,and fairly take care of hooligans that try to ruin peoples server experience. I do not tolerate racism,and I DEFINITELY DO NOT tolerate hacking. Weather it's xrays,invisible texture packs,or modded clients. These people are the worst in my eyes and they will be dealt with swiftly.

I indeed have a skype! Just send me a request and I will give you more information.
The name is almightyelf123

My in-game account name is Flyingdiddy

Thank you for the time you took to read this! -Tyler/Diddy
05/30/2012 11:04 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
lokih8su's Avatar
Maturity: 8/10
Age: 13
Info: I like to build, redstone, play with others, and staff servers. I am staff on whitecraft, acidcraft, hazzardcraft, project beta, and brocraft
Reason why: Just to help watch the server while others aren't... and to have fun and maybe build some nice things for the server.
05/30/2012 11:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rune_Dragon's Avatar
05/30/2012 9:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rune_Dragon's Avatar
I don't get what the info part is bi=ut i hope u except me
05/30/2012 9:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rune_Dragon's Avatar
Admin App:
Maturity 8/10
Age: 13 mature
I wanna help the server become really good and have fun. I ALWAYS follow rules AND won't abuse these powers.
05/30/2012 9:38 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Modder
ebrbrbbrbrb's Avatar
Admin App:
Age: 12 (some people say 12 and younger are n00bs but i assure you that I am not a n00b.)
Reason why: I would like to be a part of a server and help people with problems from the faggot griefers and make sure the people are doing ok and to make sure griefers don't grief nothing!
05/30/2012 9:22 pm
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
jhask's Avatar
Mod App:
IGN: jackchaskell
Maturity: I am very mature. I dislike fights and arguments and will always try to prevent them from happening or stop ones that are already taking place. I don't swear, don't rage, and and a calm and helpful person.
Age: 17
Info: I have had experience on several small/medium sized servers working as a mod, builder, admin, and various staff positions. I can build fairly well if needed, and know how to deal with problems. Also, I am experienced with plugins.
Reason why: I love helping out servers and preventing arguments. Also, it gives me something to do in my spare time!
05/30/2012 5:52 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
mrdude05's Avatar
Builder App:

Building Skill out of 10: 7-9 depending on the style
Maturity: 10
Info: i am a seasoned player with skills in every area. i have had MC since beta and am an avid and dedicated player who loves to help others with the game. i am a good builder and i love to do it. it is my favorite part of MC
Reason why: i like to help servers grow and reach their full potential.
Pics of builds(optional):

Mod App:
Info: i am a seasoned player with skills in every area. i have had MC since beta and am an avid and dedicated player who loves to help others with the game. i follow the rules and make sure others do too. i am nice, friendly, and fair. I am also good at catching greifers and have done it many times.

Admin App:
info:i am a seasoned player with skills in every area. i like to help others and improve the server. i have admin experience on another server. i have never been banned and i never plan to be. i am respectful, fair, nice, friendly, and helpful. i will follow all the rules and do my best to make this server as good as possible.
Reason why: i love MC and want to help servers grow and reach their full potential.
05/30/2012 5:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
asjidoiasjdioaj's Avatar
Admin App:
info:i am co-owner af a server. I am great with people and i dont swear
Reason why:I am great at Minecraft!!!!
05/30/2012 5:29 pm
Level 22 : Expert Prince
stewie29's Avatar
Admin app:
IGN: stewie29
Maturity: 9/10
Age: 13
Info: I'm a fun guy ok lots about mc and servers. I've been mod, admin and co-owner. And I can handle responsibility
Reason why: Because I have TONS of experience and know what to do oh and I've been op
Plz choose me cheers bro
05/30/2012 5:29 pm
Level 1 : New Modder
blockguy333's Avatar
Building Skill out of 10:8
Info: im nice i love building that's the reason i got Minecraft not 4 the survival ive built several things without help. plz don't judge me by my age
Reason why: well i love minecraft i probaly end out an awesome staff member
Pics of builds(optional):
05/30/2012 5:26 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
rudycat's Avatar
Builder App:

Building Skill out of 10:9
Info:Well I'm very good at building weird but cool building's.
Reason why:Well I don't have a server to build on do to white-list and this seem's like a good server to restart on.
Pics of builds(optional):I do not I'm sorry.

Mod App:
Info:Well I'm very Xp (Like I'm very good at it.) At position's like this one.
Reason why:Well I like to help when people get in big Rage Fight and start doing just flat out mean and stupid things like spawn kill and Etc...

Admin App:
info:Well I'm very good at positions like this because I'm actually Co-Owner on a server and I host my own server as well.
Reason why:Well I like to help out when people are being the most idiotic they can be... lol

Well I hope you like this Thanks!
05/30/2012 5:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
MeZTech's Avatar
Admin Application:
Maturity (scale from 1-10): 10
Age: 10 (Don't judge, I'm much more intellectually advanced than most my age, and know 4 programming languages)
Info: I am familiar with upkeeping a server, and know how to handle griefers.
Reason why: I run a server, and am a very high rank on a public server. I think that with the knowledge I have from these that I would be able to do very well as an Admin.
05/30/2012 5:16 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
tehSquishy's Avatar
Mod App:
Maturity: 9.5/10
Age: 16
info:I am fgx45 in Minecraft. My skype is lee.is.back.
Reason: i want to make this server a more enjoyable place my regulating and enforcing the rules as well as having fun. I have had experiences in the past being an admin for a lot of servers

Admin App:
Maturity: 9.5/10
Age: 16
info: I am fgx45 in Minecraft. My skype is lee.is.back.
Reason why: i want to make this server a more enjoyable place my regulating and enforcing the rules as well as having fun. I have had experiences in the past being an admin for a lot of servers
05/30/2012 5:13 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Purpleblob123's Avatar
Building Skill out of 10:10
Info:info?dont undertsand sooo....well im amazing with redstone and have a good eye for symmetry.
Reason why:i love building just flat out love it
Pics of builds(optional):none srry

Mod App:
Info:im really mature and am really nice.
Reason why: I hate abusive staff and i leave the server or report them if i see abuse

Admin App:
info:isnt this getting a bit repetitive?
Reason why:same as mod answer

hope ya accept meh
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