[EnchantedCraft] (Need Staff) (Server starts next month)

gooberboy11's Avatar gooberboy117/25/12 9:13 pm
7/26/2012 5:53 pm
gooberboy11's Avatar gooberboy11
Attention!!! Applications are now Closed!
Here is the application!!

What rank:
Why you would do best as that rank:

Admins: (3)
Mods: (2)

Here are the People that are exepted


Owners Deadshooter49, Gooberboy11 (Me)

Admins: Demolisher1234, Astroj5, Bossjordan_g (Blank)

Moderators: (popcorrnwn) (FredMaster12)

More ranks Comming Soon!!!
Posted by gooberboy11's Avatar
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist

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07/26/2012 5:53 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
mrvanhalen93Age: 16
Ign: dmb32693
What rank: Admin
Why you would do best as that rank:i would like to join you guys cause i want to beable to help people i can provide 24/7 support for them like all day and all week support for everyone i would anwser all there questions and help them in any way i can.I would love to have the opportunity to build a great server suitable for all types of players and I think this is my chance to do so. I will not live down to expectations and promises and I hope to pass them on our way to the top. I know that I can help you and the rest of the staff make this a greater server, I just need you to give me the chance to do it. You will find me as a great fellow staff. I have experience with WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsChat, Factions, Lockette, and many, many more. I hope you choose me and can see that I qualify for the positon. Thanks! also i want to be able to help people in there time of need i will help anyone who needs help and provide as much support as possible and i will dedicate my life to the server i will be on everyday and never leave the server i will be the best admin you ever had you wont regret it i promise also i owned a server before and i am a mod on 1 server and admin on 1 so i have alot of experiences with servers i hope you pick me bye thanks. this is just extra info on me and why i want to join and stuff thanks bye. i am trustworthy knows alot about plugins helpful and can be on 24/7 also there is more yes there is i would be very sad if i was rejected please take your time and read through cause i have experiences with servers and i am loyal and trustworthy and and i dont have problems with staff or anything im pretty good with plugins and i really am good with helping i can be on all day and support everyone who ever haves a question i will there to help i really would like to be a admin on this server or any staff position i really like it its a great server and i would really love to be admin i love this server and it would just make me sad if i was not accepted but i can handle it if i was mature like on a rateing i mean i say 9/10 and yea i hope you guys pick me thanks for the apps its a great server and yea you outdone your selves thanks again bye i hope you pick me bye i have

i know apps are closed but here is my app in case well yea you know.

I dont have skype Mind if you pm me your email or something?
ok i sent you my email[/quote]
Ok got it!! I'll send you an IP when the server starts!!
07/26/2012 4:36 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
Applications will be reopened in the next few weeks
07/26/2012 4:35 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
Omg.. NO MORE APPLICATIONS i said this in the Description!!
07/26/2012 4:35 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Narwhal
Matt9945's Avatar
Age: 10
Ign: Matt9945
What rank: Admin
Why you would do best as that rank: I am admin on another server, so i have expierience. I would like to enforce the rules so no griefers grief and no rule breakers break the rules!
Hacks?: None
07/26/2012 3:41 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
rebeldrake80's Avatar
Age: 13 Don't doubt the age
Ign: rebeldrake80
What rank: Admin
Why you would do best as that rank: I have been server admin 8 times.
Hacks?: nope
07/26/2012 3:17 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Archer
LouiiJP's Avatar
Age: 10
Ign: LouiiJP
What rank: Admin
Why you would do best as that rank: I am very good at buildign and I am good with commands. Also I listen to people and I think if I was Admin alot of people would say Yay Louii's online! when I come on. Im a friendly guy, I have no Skype because Im too young. But age comes to nothing at Minecraft.
Hacks?: Im 10. 10 year old hackers are all nazi's.
07/26/2012 3:36 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
I have alot of people wanting to be a Admin, do you mind if when the server starts You can be a Moderator, or something high rank? like maybe Helper? Apps are closed for a few days until i update the ranks
07/25/2012 11:30 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
mrvanhalen93's Avatar
Age: 16
Ign: dmb32693
What rank: Admin
Why you would do best as that rank:i would like to join you guys cause i want to beable to help people i can provide 24/7 support for them like all day and all week support for everyone i would anwser all there questions and help them in any way i can.I would love to have the opportunity to build a great server suitable for all types of players and I think this is my chance to do so. I will not live down to expectations and promises and I hope to pass them on our way to the top. I know that I can help you and the rest of the staff make this a greater server, I just need you to give me the chance to do it. You will find me as a great fellow staff. I have experience with WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsChat, Factions, Lockette, and many, many more. I hope you choose me and can see that I qualify for the positon. Thanks! also i want to be able to help people in there time of need i will help anyone who needs help and provide as much support as possible and i will dedicate my life to the server i will be on everyday and never leave the server i will be the best admin you ever had you wont regret it i promise also i owned a server before and i am a mod on 1 server and admin on 1 so i have alot of experiences with servers i hope you pick me bye thanks. this is just extra info on me and why i want to join and stuff thanks bye. i am trustworthy knows alot about plugins helpful and can be on 24/7 also there is more yes there is i would be very sad if i was rejected please take your time and read through cause i have experiences with servers and i am loyal and trustworthy and and i dont have problems with staff or anything im pretty good with plugins and i really am good with helping i can be on all day and support everyone who ever haves a question i will there to help i really would like to be a admin on this server or any staff position i really like it its a great server and i would really love to be admin i love this server and it would just make me sad if i was not accepted but i can handle it if i was mature like on a rateing i mean i say 9/10 and yea i hope you guys pick me thanks for the apps its a great server and yea you outdone your selves thanks again bye i hope you pick me bye i have

i know apps are closed but here is my app in case well yea you know.
07/26/2012 11:46 am
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
I will keep you in mind, In a couple of weeks i'll reopen Apps ok? and shortly after that Server goes up!! Any way i can contact you?
07/26/2012 12:45 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
mrvanhalen93's Avatar
yea if you need my skype in case its helloman697
07/26/2012 3:14 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
I dont have skype Mind if you pm me your email or something?
07/26/2012 4:58 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
mrvanhalen93's Avatar
[/quote] ok i sent you my email
07/25/2012 11:24 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Lumberjack
Kovren's Avatar
Age:almost 7
What rank:owner
Why you would do best as that rank:bcuz i m cool my mommy said so
Hacks?:yes my mommy got mee nodys
07/26/2012 11:44 am
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
Age 7? hmmn? Rank owner? THERE IS NO RANK FOR OWNER!! and your mommy says ur cool and she got you a cool little hack called Nodus? Hmmn..

07/25/2012 10:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Skittles2929's Avatar

Rank: Admin

Why: I've had 5 servers never been hacked or griefed but, i have shut down because people kept asking for ranks and breaking rules

Age: 13
07/25/2012 10:50 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
Applications are closed for now, fter a couple of days have past i will reopen the applications and will let you know if you get the position or not!!

*hint* Most likely gonna be admin or mod
07/25/2012 10:09 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Spider Rider
shinysword's Avatar
What rank:admin seeing as mod is filled!
Why you would do best as that rank:I love helping people become familiar with servers, I always keep a lookout for hackers, And i really want to help your server!
07/25/2012 10:48 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
Applications are now closed for the MeanTime! I'll msg you when applications are back online!!

*Hint* Most likely gonna be admin or mod
07/25/2012 9:47 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
Attention all Moderators and staff of my server!

Congrats on being in staff, i will msg you Via PMC for the IP

Good luck!
07/25/2012 9:46 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Popcorrnwn's Avatar
Okay i subbed ill pm you mah Email
07/25/2012 9:48 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
Ok Cool
07/25/2012 9:41 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
fredmaster12's Avatar
OK in the mean time if you need any help let me know.
07/25/2012 9:46 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
Ok! Congratz
07/25/2012 9:37 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
fredmaster12's Avatar
Ok sounds good and no I have no problem with that.
07/25/2012 9:38 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
Ok I'll give you Ip next Month when the server is Starting!!

07/25/2012 9:29 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
fredmaster12's Avatar
Ign: fredmaster12
What rank:Admin but i can do with mod
Why you would do best as that rank: I have experience with being a admin I have been admin on 4 servers and was great at it helping others and stopping the hackers.
Hacks?: Nope
07/25/2012 9:34 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
Do you mind being Mod? I can trust you, but i would need you to play on the server for a little bit in order to be a Admin ok? But other than that your accepted!
Congrats Server will be Up probobably around next month, Have a email so i can give you IP? if you dont feel confertable about that then Sub and i'll P.M. you
07/25/2012 9:21 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Popcorrnwn's Avatar
It's even messed up! it makes no sense Lawl!!
07/25/2012 9:19 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Popcorrnwn's Avatar
Shinysword.. You copied someone else's Staff App Lol!
07/25/2012 9:18 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Spider Rider
shinysword's Avatar
Your In Game Name
Your Age, Dont lie, Asshole. ^.^
Why do you want to be staff:Because this server seems promising i like it already and i'm a keen helper
Tell us why, Longer the answer, Better the chance. Give us a story!
What could you do as staff:I could help people with ar factions and just help them have a great time
Tell us what you could do, Remeber be as detailed as you can!
Why should we choose you as an staff:I'm dedicated i love auorank i love everything about the server
Why, Should we choose you ? What makes you stand out from the rest!
Do you have experience as staff:Yes i was deputy,moderator,loyal,admin took about 7 months
Got any experince ? But remeber bad habbits are hard to change!
Tell Me a story, i want to know more about you! What do you do while you don't play minecraft ? give me something that i can take away and say "Hey This kids really got it!":i was admin on pyrocraft i like snowballs making skins and just helping people on minecraft pmc and where ever possible

Sorry for not using your format but will this do?
07/25/2012 9:22 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
Not accepted, Read what i posted Copy MY app
07/25/2012 9:17 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Popcorrnwn's Avatar
Age: 14
Ign: Popcornwn
What rank: Mod
Why you would do best as that rank: I Think i would fit the job great considering i have loads of experience (I can host and manage my own server with alot of plugins!) I have been mod on 3 servers and Admin on 1
Hacks?: Nope
07/25/2012 9:23 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
Accepted!!, Subscribe or give a email, so i can Msg you the Ip, next month
07/25/2012 9:13 pm
Level 40 : Master Demolitionist
gooberboy11's Avatar
I will add more ranks when available!!
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