New Horror/Shooter server [ZOMBIES | GUNS | HIRING CO-OWNER]

jgisles's Avatar jgisles8/22/13 8:48 pm
9/11/2013 9:15 am
Bubbad02's Avatar Bubbad02
Upcoming server with zombies, guns and a creeptastic custom map needs a co owner!

Evening, PMC. I seem to have too much spare time recently, so I threw together a zombie server on a cheap host node. I mixed together ZombZ‎ , Cityworld (a deteriorated horror version in the Nether) and Crackshot and the results are actually really fun to play. You can come check it out at s47.hosthorde.com:25667. I also made a resource pack with gun textures for 1.6.2, you can get it at http://www.mediafire.com/download/ze4roczbe4wvknw/Zombiepack.zip

Like I said, it's a fun distraction, but I would love to make it bigger. I'm looking for (at least) one skilled, enthusiastic, mature person who would like to contribute ideas to this project. Said person(s) will be administrative staff on the server when I take it public. I'm hoping to develop more ideas and methods for setting up things like team deathmatches and more survival horror elements, as well as further developing the games world, giving it hidden secrets and a little backstory.


* Must be mature
* Must be creative and enthusiastic
* Plugin experience is a plus

Position includes

* Full co-ownership of the server
* 50% of all potential future profits
* Full permissions and OP
* Cake1

How to apply

* You can leave an application here, formatted however you think is good
* You can add Satyrcynic on skype and say hello
* You can come on the server and try out in person

1. There may not actually be cake.
Posted by jgisles's Avatar
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon

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08/23/2013 10:11 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
delwoodzzz's Avatar
Name: Daniel
ign: delwoodzzzz
age: 14
how long have I been playing mc: 2 years
why I would like to join: not only do I have experience on many other servers, but I have never been co owner of one and im hoping that this'll change!. Im very mature and very friendly and never abuse my powers! Im als getting fraps soon so I could definitely make videos about the server and im alos very good at advertising and brining new players on!!!! please choose me!!
08/24/2013 4:50 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
jgisles's Avatar
Application status: DENIED
Reason: Insufficient maturity
Notes: Spell, capitalize and punctuate your posts correctly if you want any chance at staff roles on a decent server.
08/24/2013 4:56 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
SmashincowMC's Avatar
age 13
skype smashincow
I am staff on 5 other servers and I am very trustworthy and nice I get along with people easily.
I promise if I get the spot I will not use my powers to grief or troll anyone on the server, because that is very rude and mean to the players, since they don't know what's going on, or what's happening to them.
what I do if I see a hacker: Depending on what hack it is like fly, I will give them a warning. But if they still use it banned. If the hack is force op or something like that I will make sure they are banned ASAP
Plus I know some good plugins that I can tell you about.
I am mature, and helpful I have a little brother and when my parents are gone I take care of him.
I can help build the spawn if you need help doing so.
Also I will build whatever else you need also I will notify you if something happens on the server or I cannot be on
08/24/2013 6:45 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
jgisles's Avatar
Application status: DENIED
Reason: Misunderstanding of role
Notes: I am looking for someone with creative input to provide, regardless of admin experience. You would be a good fit for someone who needs rule enforcement staff, but what I need is someone with a lot of big ideas, and you have not demonstrated such. Also, 13 is a little younger than I would prefer.

Useless_PaulIGN: paulsys
Age: 13 but I am very mature
XP of Being Staff: I have been staff on many servers, but I am not anymore (they shutdown or the owner was unfair) I can dedicate my time to help out this server
Skype: If I am accepted I will add you
Why I Want This: I love helping people out, and many people call me an "enthusiastic people person" but I will let you figure that out yourself
Maturity /10: 10. I have no question in my maturity.
Building Skill /10: I would say a 7 or 8
Plugin Experience (in general): 5 or 6. This is not one of my strong suits but I am currently learning from a dev that works for TBNRfrags (the dev's name is twister915). If I am accepted, I would suggest hiring a dev to help me out occasionaly.
Extra: I can be on the server quite a bit. I can crack jokes and make people laugh, but when it comes to being serious I am in the zone.
Thank you, and if you need any more information, just ask.

Application status: PENDING
Notes: I would like for you to come on the server and work with me anytime. I will be around all night today. Your application is quite good, and while I said above that I am looking for a slightly higher age, I am willing to consider it. I will definitely make you staff on the server if you remain interested, but to be the co-owner you'll have to prove yourself in person.
08/24/2013 5:06 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
Useless_Paul's Avatar
IGN: paulsys
Age: 13 but I am very mature
XP of Being Staff: I have been staff on many servers, but I am not anymore (they shutdown or the owner was unfair) I can dedicate my time to help out this server
Skype: If I am accepted I will add you
Why I Want This: I love helping people out, and many people call me an "enthusiastic people person" but I will let you figure that out yourself
Maturity /10: 10. I have no question in my maturity.
Building Skill /10: I would say a 7 or 8
Plugin Experience (in general): 5 or 6. This is not one of my strong suits but I am currently learning from a dev that works for TBNRfrags (the dev's name is twister915). If I am accepted, I would suggest hiring a dev to help me out occasionaly.
Extra: I can be on the server quite a bit. I can crack jokes and make people laugh, but when it comes to being serious I am in the zone.
Thank you, and if you need any more information, just ask.
08/24/2013 6:59 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
GraveRunner's Avatar
IGN: globdom
Age: 17
Skype: xglobdomx
Staff Positions in the Past: In the three years that I've played minecraft, I've owned 3 servers, co-owned 7 servers, been an admin on 9 servers, head-admin on 5, and dev on 8
Building skills out of 10: I would give myself an 8 out of 10 because my builds are detailed and huge.
Proof of build(s):
You can click on my profile to view more.
Qualifications: I belive that I am qualified due to my experience and knowledge in servers. Having owned 3 servers, I've picked up on some vital ideas that will lead the server to becoming famous. I'm experienced in permissions such as GroupManager and PermissionsEX. Additionally, I can make permission nodes and I am learning Java Coding so I may be able to make custom plugins in the future.
Helpful Information: I have a youtube channel with 13k+ hits: http://youtube.com/user/GlobdomVideos
Additional Information: I can configure plugins and files for the server that may help it. For example, I can delay the teleportation time or warping time to 30 seconds. I can also make kits which are fairly hard to do and time consuming (Not saying that you will need kits for a zombie server).
Server Information: I am always thinking of new ways to bring in players. My newest idea was my youtube channel and that brought in 40 players in my previous server. I am very creative in ideas for the server's benefit. I can also recruit excellent staff that will benefit your server as well. I don't think inside the box as in factions and pvp, I know that the consumer (Players) of the server look for something different and new and outside of the box.

Thanks for reading!
08/24/2013 7:05 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
jgisles's Avatar
Application status: TENTATIVELY APPROVED

This is the best application I have had so far and I will look forward to working with you.
rocket man
08/24/2013 7:27 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
rocket man's Avatar
IGN: rocketman405
Age: 13 but I am very mature
XP of Being Staff: I have been staff on many servers, but I am not anymore (they shutdown or the owner was unfair) I can dedicate my time to help out this server
Skype: If I am accepted I will add you
Why I Want This: I love helping people out, and many people call me an "enthusiastic people person" but I will let you figure that out yourself
Maturity /10: 10. I have no question in my maturity.
Building Skill /10: I would say a 7 or 8
Plugin Experience (in general): 5 or 6. This is not one of my strong suits but I am currently learning from a dev that works for TBNRfrags (the dev's name is twister915). If I am accepted, I would suggest hiring a dev to help me out occasionaly.
Extra: I can be on the server quite a bit. I can crack jokes and make people laugh, but when it comes to being serious I am in the zone.
Thank you, and if you need any more information, just ask.
08/24/2013 9:50 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
jgisles's Avatar
Application status: DENIED
Reason: Immature
Notes: I don't feel like typing notes. Clearly not mature enough at all.
08/24/2013 10:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CrypKilla99's Avatar

IGN: Cryptomeranium

Age: 13

Skype: My skype is brent.thompson301. I also have a mic in case you want to voice chat. Please type you're PMC name when you send the request.

Experience With Staff in general: I have been admin, mod, co-owner, etc. on about 4 to 5 servers. Most have been prison, as my talent is to keep things peaceful without cursing, arguing, and basically just being mean. On these servers my job was pretty much to keep order within the server, as well as direct new staff members, such as Tranee Guards. I do very well as staff just because I stand and listen while other staff members get angry and annoyed.

Maturity: I think I am very mature. I will never even type /mute or /ban without hearing both sides of the story and seeing evidence to support one's claim against another. I will always give one a second chance if I feel they deserve it. My maturity is around a 8/10.

I am hoping to get some form of admin or Head-Admin.

Thank you for your time! -Crypto
08/24/2013 11:07 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
jgisles's Avatar
Application status: TENTATIVE

You're on my if-they-stick-around-they-can-be-staff list for sure.
08/26/2013 3:22 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Devinbolt145's Avatar

Oh wait I don't need one

08/26/2013 8:36 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
jgisles's Avatar
Application status: CAKE
Reason: CAKE
Notes: CAKE

On a serious note, the server is now open to the public for beta, so come check us out!
09/10/2013 11:03 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Savage166's Avatar
Age: Old enough to know what kind of creeps sift through the internet looking for this information.
Staff Experience: I have been a range of ranks for many servers. I organized them by which rank I had for the servers:
  • Riversong Gaming (For about a year before it died) (Avg. 30 members/anytime of the day)
  • Grumpycraft (For about a year also) (Avg. 100-200 members/anytime of the day)

  • Nikolatis 1.0 (Currently in 2.0)(About 8 months)(5-6 members/anytime of the day)

Staff Experience: In my experience as a Owner/Co-Owner of a couple major servers, and moderator in a very minor/private one, I have learned a lot about being in control of a server. Very little of it has to do with punishment of members because, if your server is good enough, people won't misbehave. Plus, it helps to make an example out of one severely bad member, keeping the other members knowing of the consequences. To list all of my staff skills I placed them in order of best to least skilled, which none of these are under the average standard of a high tier staff member.
1. Server Ideas/creativity-Getting members is a necessary task, but keeping them is a must. I actually have been preparing to create my own server, but didn't have a host so I can't. I've decided to look for servers like what I had in mind and work my way up the ranks, starting as high as possible. Keeping the server up to date, unique, and overall fresh is always what members love. I know that's what I've been looking for in a server. With my staff experience, and playing on literally hundreds of servers, I've built this image of the "dream" server. While creating the details of my attempted server, I created a 5-Subject (150 page per section) notebook, filled to the brim with ideas. It still has a good 50-150 more pages blank, but it's chalk full of simply fantastic ideas.
2.Advertising- If the players don't know you're out there, then they can't join, and won't. As co-owner of Riversong Gaming, I was the main server advertiser. I created the summary, searched constantly for server lists to post on, and created the PMC banner for the server. Here is the link to the old PMC page for it.http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/144-riversong-gaming/
3.Website Management- A well built website is the backbone to many large-scale servers. I have extensive experience with website design and would be willing and ready to create a website for the server.
4.Donation Systems design-This is probably one of my skills that I get the most into. Having a stellar donation system will get more donators. I am very skilled in creating donation systems. I created a donation system for Riversong, and they gained an average of $10/month after. I think I also have the most fun with this part to, next to Server creativity.
5.Developing and maintaining voting rewards/processes- This skill I compares a lot to Donation Systems designing. Players will vote more often if the rewards are plentiful and well built, but if it gives too much then the server in-balances in play and it ruins the server.
6.Server Maintenance- I can keep the server running pretty smoothly. Not much to say here.
7.Server moderation/Chat moderation- Keeping the chat from spam attacks, or raging members is a must when being a staff member. Also the way you handle the conflicts matters as well. I am always ready to stop disputes and am not afraid to use the ban hammer (or Ban Sniper, if you let me create an admin Banning gun, for fun)
8.Misc. Server parts- I can do almost every odd-job there is out there.
Skype: I'll pm you this if this is not denied.
Building Skill: While I'd like to tell you I'm a freak at building with god given talents nobody has seen before, I'm not. To be honest though, my creativity is overwhelming sometimes even for me, and that makes up for my small lack of building skills. My building skill isn't bad though. I've helped create many server pvp arenas, mob arenas, parkors, spawns, etc. I'm decent, above average on any scale, but not the best you'll ever see. Basically, I wont spam your server with diamond buildings and tnt, but don't expect the scale model of the Eiffel tower.

Plugin Experience (in general): I have a wide variety of plugin experience. Plugins that I am very well skilled in are Crackshot, and most shop plugins. Of course the simpler plugins such as banning, kicking, mute, ect. I know by heart and don't need to mention. Plugins I'm not as skilled at are World Edit, mob arena, and world guard/region. I am always willing to dive into a new plugin and learn it as well as the back of my hand.

Reasons for Acceptance: I have shown my capability to do the basic staff skills, as well as the more advanced parts. I have also shown my experience as a staff member and I will help the server in as many ways as I can.

NOTE: If I do not get this co-owner position I would like to at least use this application for lower tiered postions and/or help with crackshot alone.
09/11/2013 7:41 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Savage166's Avatar
I also don't want any of the profit. That's not what I'm here for.
09/11/2013 9:15 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Bubbad02's Avatar
Application for:Co-Owner
Ho long will be on a day: 2-4 Hours
Age: 19
In-Game Name: Bubbad02
Why you want to be a Co-Owner:
I would like to start by telling you about me. I'm a person who you can talk to if troubled. You would be able to tell me ideas and imaginations about what you would want the server to be like, I would create that and give you 100% credit. I am a highly experience staff member. Meeting some of the most famous minecrafters I know what they do to achieve that. I know how to respect people, I will never in my life say I'm a better and more epicer person just because I have Head Admin in front of my name, I would tell them we are all equal in importance, its just that how you show it that matters. I do not break or create rules just for my entertainment, I am a disciplined person, knowing not obeying the rules is not an option in life. I am also a great plugin and command manager, I can manage all you plugins without the server stuffing, finding the best host to run the server at a great price, I will help the community of this server rise to a higher level every day. It would be an honor to be beside the staff the owner and the community to see that happen.

What you will do to help the server: I would make this server a friendly and caring community. I would welcome newbies on the server and explain what this server has installed for them. What you could do, or what you want to do. With his or hers opinion I could create new ideas for what players want, I would put voting areas on which mini game they would want to do then on one day make that happen.

How will you help improve the server: I would create more fun areas, no sg, I will discuss and create a sg, no shops, I shall make a shop. I would advertise like I have promised, make threads about the server as a community, With the owners permission I would make a youtube account just for this server and make vids for it.

Experience: I have played minecraft since 2009 the alpha came out, I have owned 3 servers, been co owner twice, Head Admin 5 times, Admin more than plenty, Mod same here with Admin

Can you advertise well for us?: Yes I can offer you advertisement for your server, I am a admin on which is highly filled with players and wouldn't mind advertising there, also I can make webs and blogs which could be necessary.

Email: eminecraftman@gmail.com

Will you do your duties to help: I would do everything I wrote on this application, not by words but by actions, I shall never leave my duties without a extremely important reason if not I shall stay dedicated till I can leave my duties.

What do you do if someone repeatedly cursed or spammed after asked not 2?: I would immediately ask the player to stop the cursing or spamming, if he does not listen I shall discuss with other players about what we should do about it, a kick as a warning

Rate: 4-5 hrs a day

Builder rate: I am a highly experienced builder, I can build different styles, modern, classic, abstract and much more.

Personality: I am humorous, friendly, able to communicate with, not violent, caring and most of all loyal, I am loyal to my mates around me

Thank you for considering my application and I hope to see you guys on the server!!!!
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