-=-New Legacy RP Server looking for staff-=-

XLegacyXPrisonX's Avatar XLegacyXPrisonX8/19/14 12:05 am
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8/20/2014 4:51 pm
APieGuy's Avatar APieGuy
Hello! I am making a medievil PRG server with many cool RPG plugins and i need some STAFF! I also need some BETA testers. (1.7.5)

Staff positions open:

No Owner/Co-Owner spots available

Admin: x1

Mod: x2

Builders: x2

Beta Testers: x7

Lore Writers: x2 (Write a paragraph on a horse)

To apply:




Time Zone(Prefered):


If you want to be a Beta Tester:


Why you deserve this position(Mandatory):

Good Luck! I hope to see you soon!
Posted by XLegacyXPrisonX's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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08/20/2014 4:50 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Puhrified's Avatar
1.) Real Name? Michael
2.) Age (Looking for 16+)? 15
3.) *Skype? MoistFalls
4.) *IGN? Geico10
5.) *Will you take this position seriously? (100 word minimum) Yes, I would take this position seriously because it would change how the server runs if I messed around. I would not do anything wrong and would always be on my best behavior. I would get on when needed and always be available to lend a helping hand. I would also be able to get on 5+ hours a day.

6.) *Do you understand that this position is taken extremely high? Yes, Manager is a huge position and I believe I can handle it.
7.) *Previous experience? I used to own my own hub/network that had 50+ players on at a time until my host got Ddosed. But besides that I am staff on 2 accounts on a server and I have owned 11 servers in my history.
8.) *Why do you want this position? (100 word minimum) I want this position because I would dedicate everything I have to help the server and make it better. I stand out form others because I have been in your shoes and know the all the things about a server and how they run. I would also love to help this server grow to something huge and be a part of that.
9.) *Do you speak and type with proper, and fluent English/Grammar? Yes I do.
10.) *What are your computer and or Minecraft skills? (Coding? Which languages? Developing? Building?) I could be a great staff member but I know that is not what you are asking, Besides that I am a pretty decent builder (Skill: 7.4)
11.) *How will you earn this position? I will be on constantly if I get the position and will (like I said) always be here to lend a helping hand so the network can grow to be huge.
12.) *What can you bring to the table, how will you make our network better? I can bring players to the server and I can advertise for you guys, Also I am a great person to be around and can get along with mostly everyone.
13.) *Describe your personality to us? I am a nice person who loves to have fun but yet be serious while throwing in a good laugh!
08/20/2014 4:51 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
APieGuy's Avatar
Thanks for stealing my application bro
08/20/2014 4:45 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
APieGuy's Avatar
IGN: GloriousStalin

Age: 18

MC Expirience: Playing minecraft since it came out (Alpha .30 lol)

Server Experience: Owned a good sum of servers, was admin/mod on many when I was younger.

Skype: MrTheMason

On a scale of 1/10 how well do you work with people: 9/10

Reason for applying: I'd love to help your server in any way to see it blossom. I need something to do whilst I have no class, and this seems like a lot of fun.

I can be on for around 6 hours a day give or take (EST)

Apply for: Admin

Why you are the best applicant:
I would like to first introduce myself. My name Is Mason Arain. I am currently studying at Princeton University for CS50 (Computer Coding), and a minor Marketing and Macro-Economics. Some hobbies I enjoy are playing video games, playing lacrosse, and hanging out with my friends and girlfriend. I would like to apply for Admin on your minecraft server (Duh Lol). Now, you are probably wondering, "Why should I pick this guy?" Well, let me start by saying I can ensure a fair and fun time for your players. I can, because I am old and rather mature, and can keep all the players and other staff in check. I can do that all while cracking jokes and having an over all fun time with everyone. Next, I go to school for computers so should any unfortunate problem arise, I can help fix it. This includes developing a website for your server or coding a plugin. Furthermore, I'm available quite often to do your bidding! Then, with my "Mad Marketing Skillz" I can promote your servers in ways that would cost a lot of money if you paid someone. To continue that, I also have a YouTube channel with 35,000+ views and quite a few hundred subscribers, so I can get a few people to join this server willing to donate. Overall, I hoped you enjoyed my app, and I ensure I can help your server!
08/20/2014 2:59 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
CCYT's Avatar
Name(Optional): Johnathan

Age(Mandatory): 16

Skype(Mandatory): kuio98

Time Zone(Prefered): GMT (London)

Positon: Custom Plugins Developer

If you want to be a Beta Tester:


Why you deserve this position(Mandatory): I believe I can be a great help to you, and your server, I can provide custom plugins for any genre with a quick turn around, and comparatively low prices. I can also stay with your server permanently and update/setup my plugins as required if you so wish.
08/20/2014 9:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
vladr29's Avatar
Name(Optional): Clay_Dwarf


Skype(Mandatory): clay.dwarf

Time Zone(Prefered): Eastern Europe Time

Positon: Admin/Mod
08/19/2014 12:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
zapadory's Avatar
Name(Optional):Raymond Nichols



Time Zone(Prefered):(US,Canada) Mountain Time


If you want to be a Beta Tester:

Skill(Prefered): I can set perms, use world edit really good, I am a really good builder and i have built a spawn for many servers.

Why you deserve this position(Mandatory):Because i am very nice and i can help people with stuff. I will always make sure new people are happy and if someone spams the chat i will mute them then if they continue i will temp ban the for 1 minute.
08/19/2014 12:06 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
NerdyMechanic's Avatar
Update the server
Planet Minecraft


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