My New Server Up and Running- Need Staff

eldin's Avatar eldin9/18/12 11:51 pm
10/2/2012 7:13 pm
wyatt_02's Avatar wyatt_02
Yes! FINALLY! I have a server
Of course, I need help. With staff, and such.

Herp a derp! I found out about plugins all by myself! It is on whitelist, and I will have it public when I get the spawn and plugins and stuff and such all good.

Staff I have already:
eldin- owner
EpicGirl10- co-owner
Migglesticks- Mod
mattbuster- Admin
Markd315- Admin
eLiTeChilD_- Mod
Bethamez- Head mod
micahjames65- God-builder

Spots open:
Owner: 1/1 **FULL**
Co-owner: 1/2
Head admin: 0/1
Admin: 2/5
Head Mod: 1/1 **FULL**
Mod: 2/8
God-Builder: 1/15
Trusted: 0/20

PinkyPony- Trainee Admin
imimfundude- Trainee Admin

Trainee staff are staff that are not yet full staff, but are in training for it.

No greifing
No stealing
Minor Cussing ONLY. We want to keep this server for everyone!
Put "1337 V.S. Master Cheif" in your "Anything Else"
No hacks.
eldin is the owner. She overrides all decisions made by staff.
No whining. If you want to report someone for breaking a rule, politely tell a staff member. If you want us to fix something, tell me. If you have an idea, post it here.
Don't badger the staff. No asking "install this mod so I can get on!" or "can I have a rank?" or "let me use this command!" or "please op this guy he's super cool!" or "make it cracked/hamichi/premium plz plz plz!" or "UNBAN ME/MY FREIND/THIS RANDOM DUDE HERE!!!!"
If you are staff... do not misuse it. Do not hand out items. Don't ban or kick without a VERY good reason. Example: if you ban N00bGuyYogsCastTobuscucsEtc just because you don't like his username/he annoyed you on some other server/his skin makes him look like a homosexual, you will be punished.
ONLY eldin can break the rules.
Don't break the rules.
When [Server] talks, it's eldin.
I can watch you even if I'm not logged on.
Use good grammar. This is not an essential rule, but for server unity, I would prefer it.
No PVP logging.
Don't PVP unless you are in the PVP arena or you have permission from the other player or it's Thursday (PVP Day.)
No nudity/adult content.
Don't scam or spam.
Don't troll. You can build a trollface pixelart, but NO TROLLING
No offensive symbols. Please. (this includes racism, opinionism, religionism, sexism, swatstikas, and politics. Also, if you have a Hitler/Obama/Christ/other political or religious figure as a skin, you WILL be punished.)
No dirty jokes.
Be awesome.
You CAN have bikini skins, pony skins, odd-looking skins, fantasy skins, Steve skins, and/or trolling skins.
Don't break ANY rule. Not even this one or the other rule that says this exact same thing.
No frightening skin (Jeff the Killer, Slenderman, etc.)
Don't bend any rule. Don't go around posting the IP in a chatroom saying, "But you didn't include chatrooms in your list!" No searching for loopholes and using them.

[b]What Rank?[/b]
[b]Experience with Staff:[/b]
[b]Anybody who'll recommend you?[/b]
[b]Anything Else:[/b]

The only acceptor is eldin.
Happy applying!
EDIT: No, I'm not a godess who needs no food, drink, or sleep. I have to get off sometimes, so, if your application is not responded to just yet, be patient. Please.
Also: Skype is optional! You don't need it, so don't go telling me your skype name!
Note to everyone: I do not accept PM'd applications.
So stop spamming me.
If you did not get the code, say "Zebra loves pumpkin" in the "Anything Else"
Also, you know what, to hell with permission. The only thing we need now is a proper spawn and all.
IF YOU CAN'T GET ON, tell me what error message you got. If you don't, I CAN'T HELP YOU!
Posted by eldin's Avatar
Level 31 : Artisan Geek

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09/18/2012 11:59 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Prince
Summertime's Avatar
IGN: EpicGirl10
Maturity: 9/10 unless I get mad 6/10
Gender: Female
What Rank? Co-Owner
Experience with Staff: A lot, I'm one of those helpful people who will tell you how to craft something or when tyou're breaking a rule, or whatever.
Anybody who'll recommend you? Nobody I'm that amazing
Anything Else: Im in wuvz with u! LEMONS
09/19/2012 12:00 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Accepted ten-fold!
I don't care if you didn't put the code in the Anything Else box <3
09/19/2012 12:00 am
Level 38 : Artisan Prince
Summertime's Avatar
PM me the I.P.
09/19/2012 12:05 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Did so!
09/19/2012 12:07 am
Level 36 : Artisan Toast
Migglesticks's Avatar
Your rank of "Head Co-Owner" is such a strange contradictory title. The original title of "Co-Owner" implies that one actually OWNS the server in part alongside the original owner. Which should mean that the "Head Co-Owner" is you. But apparently it's. Not.

Such an oddity, your ranking system.
09/19/2012 12:09 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Lol, I'll get rid of it XD
09/19/2012 12:25 am
Level 36 : Artisan Toast
Migglesticks's Avatar
Well, with that logical paradox out of the way, why not make an application myself, I suppose.

I am applying for Head Administrator.

IGN: Migglesticks and Mod_Odd

Maturity: Hm. 8/10. I never let irresponsibility get the better of me (so you will not see me misusing powers), though I can be quite the weirdie in terms of conversational companionship. Not really into sexual innuendo, but I tend to discuss rather odd topics. My grammar can also be a little...advanced.

Gender: Most assuredly male.

What Rank?: Head Administrator

Experience with Staff: I've not done much staffing in terms of Minecraft servers. I've been moderator a whole three times (and those servers did not last), though I have ran my own servers on occasion, and know my way around commands and such. I'm normally the one hosting a server for my own friends when we play Minecraft together. And I know my way around Bukkit/Tekkit and their associated plugins.

I've ran several of my own (some fairly large) websites/forums (much like the forum we are on, PMC's), however. Over the past 6 or 7 years, I've probably operated around 20 websites, and staffed many others not of my proprietorship as a moderator, webmaster, or administrator.

Anybody who'll recommend you?: Not particularly. No one from the PMC community, anywho.

Anything Else: Is this server you're running actually server-based or Hamachi-based? And, if I may ask, how many player slots?
09/19/2012 12:28 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Server-based, 20 slots. Vanilla. Declined. Read the whole post.
09/19/2012 12:38 am
Level 36 : Artisan Toast
Migglesticks's Avatar
As in, for me to read your whole post? (Which I did) Or you read *my* whole post?

Well, regardless. Delightful. Rejection is quite adorable.
09/19/2012 12:34 am
Level 40 : Master Modder
markd315's Avatar
Plugin Pro application:

IGN: markd315
Maturity: pretty high. I'm 15 years old, and have am a pretty good kid.
Gender: male. or something like that at least
Experience with Staff: see below
Experience with Plugins: lots. Many different plugins.
Anybody who'll recommend you? I am admin there. unfortunately it is a dying server
Got any plugins you want to install? Lots. multiverse, spout? (maybe), factions/towny, chestshops, iconomy, worldedit, worldguard, guns+, essentials, and more.
Anything Else: Essentials does half the things you want, like kits and nicknames. It also does warps.


Staff apps:

IGN: markd315
Maturity: see above
Gender: see above
What Rank? Head admin or admin preferably.
Experience with Staff: plugin managing admin there
Anybody who'll recommend you?
Anything Else: please accept me. I promise that I am a good choice, at least give me a chance. Oh, and 1337 V.S. Master Cheif

IGN: mattbuster
Maturity: same as me or maybe even higher
Gender: male. (or is he?)
What Rank? Admin
Experience with Staff: admin there
Anybody who'll recommend you?
Anything Else: 1337 V.S. Master Cheif
09/19/2012 1:00 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Both accepted as admin.
09/19/2012 12:40 am
Level 40 : Master Modder
markd315's Avatar
also, i got a few friends i could definately invite if it works out. Could we get more slots if needed? please pm or post the ip. It is midnight here, and i need to go to bed soon. Hopefully I can check it out before then.
09/19/2012 12:41 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dolphin
Novacane's Avatar
I Guess I'll Join,
IGN: Djgrannynanny
What Rank?Head Mod or Mod
Experience with Staff:Well I Never Been Staff On A Server And Would Like To Start here.
Anybody who'll recommend you?No one.
Anything Else:umm...YOLO?...Also PM me the ip.Also if i get accepted i will give you skype.
09/19/2012 12:50 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Denied. Read the whole post for once...
09/19/2012 12:54 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dolphin
Novacane's Avatar
I did
09/19/2012 1:02 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Re-read the rules, please!
09/19/2012 1:06 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dolphin
Novacane's Avatar
Ok I will
09/19/2012 12:52 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
PinkyPony's Avatar
Staff:Head admin
IGN:the_soccer_punk brothers old account
What Rank? Head admin
Experience with Staff: Lots of exsperiance with staff admin plugins
Anybody who'll recommend you? no im sorry havent had many in the past
Anything Else:1337 v.s master chief
09/19/2012 12:54 am
Level 40 : Master Modder
markd315's Avatar
what about me and mattbuster?
09/19/2012 12:59 am
Level 36 : Artisan Toast
Migglesticks's Avatar
I will forward this once more, after I went back and read through your entire post 50 times somehow missing the vital information each time.

Well, with that logical paradox out of the way, why not make an application myself, I suppose.

I am applying for Head Administrator.

IGN: Migglesticks and Mod_Odd

Maturity: Hm. 8/10. I never let irresponsibility get the better of me (so you will not see me misusing powers), though I can be quite the weirdie in terms of conversational companionship. Not really into sexual innuendo, but I tend to discuss rather odd topics. My grammar can also be a little...advanced.

Gender: Most assuredly male.

What Rank?: Head Administrator

Experience with Staff: I've not done much staffing in terms of Minecraft servers. I've been moderator a whole three times (and those servers did not last), though I have ran my own servers on occasion, and know my way around commands and such. I'm normally the one hosting a server for my own friends when we play Minecraft together. And I know my way around Bukkit/Tekkit and their associated plugins.

I've ran several of my own (some fairly large) websites/forums (much like the forum we are on, PMC's), however. Over the past 6 or 7 years, I've probably operated around 20 websites, and staffed many others not of my proprietorship as a moderator, webmaster, or administrator.

Anybody who'll recommend you?: Not particularly. No one from the PMC community, anywho.

Anything Else: (The question(s) have been answered)
1337 V.S. Master Cheif
09/19/2012 1:02 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
MigglesticksI will forward this once more, after I went back and read through your entire post 50 times somehow missing the vital information each time.

Well, with that logical paradox out of the way, why not make an application myself, I suppose.

I am applying for Head Administrator.

IGN: Migglesticks and Mod_Odd

Maturity: Hm. 8/10. I never let irresponsibility get the better of me (so you will not see me misusing powers), though I can be quite the weirdie in terms of conversational companionship. Not really into sexual innuendo, but I tend to discuss rather odd topics. My grammar can also be a little...advanced.

Gender: Most assuredly male.

What Rank?: Head Administrator

Experience with Staff: I've not done much staffing in terms of Minecraft servers. I've been moderator a whole three times (and those servers did not last), though I have ran my own servers on occasion, and know my way around commands and such. I'm normally the one hosting a server for my own friends when we play Minecraft together. And I know my way around Bukkit/Tekkit and their associated plugins.

I've ran several of my own (some fairly large) websites/forums (much like the forum we are on, PMC's), however. Over the past 6 or 7 years, I've probably operated around 20 websites, and staffed many others not of my proprietorship as a moderator, webmaster, or administrator.

Anybody who'll recommend you?: Not particularly. No one from the PMC community, anywho.

Anything Else: (The question(s) have been answered)
1337 V.S. Master Cheif

Accepted as mod!
09/19/2012 1:04 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
PinkyPony's Avatar
09/19/2012 1:05 am
Level 40 : Master Modder
markd315's Avatar
Can you PM the IP and possibly the FTP data to me? What hosting service do you use? Is the physical server owned by you?

Also, i strongly reccommend that you not name a head admin for a few weeks. Whoever is most helpful should get that title. Just a friendly competition.
09/19/2012 1:07 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
eLiTeChilD_'s Avatar
IGN: eLiTeChilD_
Maturity: 7/10
Gender: Male
What Rank? Head-Mod
Experience with Staff: Ive been staff on server like KudoCraft but was never really released due to the Griefing. It was on 24/7 So I couldnt do anything :/ And Ive ran my own servers for personal purposes like Recorind Youtube series and stuff like that.
Anybody who'll recommend you? My friends mostlikely since they've seen how Ive managed servers in the past.
Anything Else:1337 V.S. Master Cheif"
I can skype if needed x3
09/19/2012 1:09 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dolphin
Novacane's Avatar
Here is the re-make of the app:(Plus Code )
I Guess I'll Join,
IGN: Djgrannynanny
What Rank?Head Mod or Mod
Experience with Staff:Well I Never Been Staff On A Server And Would Like To Start here.
Anybody who'll recommend you?No one.
Anything Else:1337 V.S. Master Cheif (there You Go
09/19/2012 1:46 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Everyone, I made an accident with the server. The server IP will not be handed out to staff until 1-10 days have passed.
09/19/2012 3:06 am
Level 26 : Expert Architect
Madam_Power's Avatar
Thius Server SUcks I Got Staff But i Got Banned
09/19/2012 4:34 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
You didn't get staff, you didn't get banned, you don't have the IP, you didn't make an application, it's not public yet, you didn't read the rules, and you don't have good grammar. Woah.
09/19/2012 10:37 am
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Bethamez's Avatar
IGN: FirefallXI
Maturity: 7/10
Gender: M
What Rank: Trusted
Experience with Staff: Not a whole lot
Anything Else: Not really looking for any fancy ranks really
09/19/2012 12:54 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Micahjames65's Avatar
IGN: micahjames65 (lowercase just like that)
Maturity: 9/10 unless I get mad then its 8/10
Gender: Male
What Rank? Admin
Experience with Staff: None but am getting added to 2 servers for staff.
Anybody who'll recommend you? JordanStarz
Anything Else: 1337 V.S. Master Cheif (Leonidas V.S Master Chief) I am very mature in what I do. I am a 8/10 builder and a 10/10 miner.
09/19/2012 3:46 pm
Level 40 : Master Modder
markd315's Avatar
@eldin. what was the problem? I might be able to help. no promises though.
09/19/2012 4:35 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
PinkyPony, accepted as Trainee Admin.
Elite, accepted as mod.
Djgranny, accepted as mod.
Beth, accepted as Head-Mod. (I'd accept you as a Co-Owner, but... you need to attend to your chatroom moderating duties! I'd also accept you as Head-admin then, but you said no fancy rank.)
Micahjames, You're God-builder.
minemaster, declined. Re-read the rules.
09/19/2012 5:06 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
alomon's Avatar
What Rank? builder / admin
Experience with Staff:i have helped with abouut 23 servers im good patient and like helping
Anybody who'll recommend you? not on here no
Anything Else:1337 V.S. Master Cheif
09/19/2012 5:12 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Declined. I'm glad you read the whole post, but... nobody to recommend you and been staff on 23 servers?
09/19/2012 7:38 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pony
colorpaper's Avatar
what rank:head-admin
anybody who would recommend you:idk
anybody else:idk
09/19/2012 7:47 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Whale
peachphuzz's Avatar
IGN: dolphinluv
Maturity: 10
Gender: Female
What Rank? Admin or Head Admin
Experience with Staff: I have been Co-Owner on 1 server, Admin on 6, Mod on 2, and Op on 3!
Anybody who'll recommend you?: marn1x409
Anything Else: I am a really good builder, very friendly person, and I LOVE CUPCAKES!
09/19/2012 11:25 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Both denied.
However, dolphinluv, re-read thr rules and you are in!
09/19/2012 11:54 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
Its_Monkey's Avatar
IGN: Its_Monkey
Maturity: 9/10
Gender: Male
What Rank? Head-Admin
Experience with Staff: 1337 V.S. Master Cheif
I Have A Raiding/Griefing Server That Is Hosted. I Am The Owner.
Anybody who'll recommend you? Everyone Who Plays On My Server.
Anything Else: I REALLY Like Building. So Anything Huge And Cool I'll Build. Including Spawns And Other Warps Like Parkour Maps, Pvp Arenas, Drop Party Rooms, etc.

Im Also Pretty Good With Plugins. Mostly Group-Manager.
09/19/2012 11:57 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
eLiTeChilD_'s Avatar
If The Server Is Ready You Can PM Me.
Also If you need to communicate with me just ask for my skype ^-^
09/20/2012 12:11 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
gamer48er's Avatar
I find it dumb that you are declining people just because of your little "1337 V.S. Master Cheif" joke. That's a little harsh, don't you think? Especially when judging for staff on a minecraft server.
09/20/2012 12:23 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
eLiTeChilD_'s Avatar
Actually It might not be as "dumb" as you think, Maybe its his way of thinking If you actually read the rules. And not just Sign Up automatically.
09/20/2012 12:52 am
Level 40 : Master Modder
markd315's Avatar
lol. this guy just griefed my server! Luckily he only broke 6 blocks, which i rolled back, and then i banned him all, because i wouldnt op him. dude... he wants to ensure that people actually are willing to devote time and effort to the server. something you dont understand.

Eldin: Can you send me the ip? I don't care if spawn isnt built yet or something, but as long as it is running at least, i would really like the ip.
09/20/2012 12:18 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
imimfundude's Avatar
IGN: ethanfirebird
Maturity: on a scale of 10 8
Gender: male
What Rank? admin head admin head mod or mod
Experience with Staff: 15 times mod 10 times admin
Anybody who'll recommend you? i have a few servers if you really want to know ill give you em if you spot the owner he/she will tell you
Anything Else: well im good at settleing disputes
09/20/2012 12:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Randomness5's Avatar
IGN: Randomness5
Maturity: 9/10
Gender: female
What Rank? god-builder
Experience with Staff: i help ppl start and build houses and help with rules
Anybody who'll recommend you? idk
Anything Else: i <3 tekkit!
09/20/2012 12:28 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
her* But thanks, that's almost exactly why I put it there in the first place. Some people just read the title, look for the app, sign up, and don't even read the actual post. That is the mark of a bad admin. And... yeah, it's not a joke.
Anyway, ethan, denied. Its_Monkey, you're God-Builder.
Random: Bro fist for tekkit! Accepted.
The reason I accepted those two people are because:
They have read the whole post... I know that even though they didn't put the code down. Some people, like Migglesticks, just missed it.
09/20/2012 1:03 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
eLiTeChilD_'s Avatar
Oh sorry o.o maybe I shouldve firgured out you were a girl cause of your picture >3<
09/20/2012 12:31 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
imimfundude's Avatar
may i submit another form i misread the rules
09/20/2012 12:34 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
imimfundude's Avatar
IGN: ethanfirebird
Maturity: 1-10 8
Gender: male
What Rank? admin
Experience with Staff: 10 times mod 10 ties amdin
Anybody who'll recommend you?: i hve a few on some servers
Anything Else: 1337 V.S. Master Cheif
09/20/2012 12:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Randomness5's Avatar
hi i got it accepted but i dont know the ip adress...... so can u pm it to me?
09/20/2012 12:55 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Okay, I need help building the spawn and setting up the ranks and stuff. imimfundude, accepted as trainee admin.
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