☆ New Server Being Made [Experienced help only] ☆

Tupacalypse's Avatar Tupacalypse7/17/12 8:47 pm
7/18/2012 11:33 am
Tupacalypse's Avatar Tupacalypse
☆ New Server Being Made [Experienced help only] ☆

Hi, I'm creating a new Minecraft Multiplayer Server. It will consist of mostly Player vs Player things. For example: Factions, Arenas, Events, Griefing, Stealing, etc.

I'm thinking of having 2 servers. 1 will be the normal Faction PvP Server. The other will be SIMILAR, but instead of having the players create there own faction, there tied down between 2 factions: The BLUE team or the RED team. There will be a BLUE team faction base made, and a RED one. There will be a town in the middle of them both on which both BLUE and RED team will fight to claim it.

This project isn't for amateurs. I have had 1 and a half years of experience in servers. I have owned my own server called "Notorious Craft" for about a year. I closed it last year tho due to personal issues. I am back and willing to put %100 in the server. I need to assemble a team of loyal hard working and dedicated players who ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THERE DOING. I need a mechanics guy, a few builders, a server co owner, server Admins, server Mods and server helpers.

Please fill out the application to apply: [I will choose which position you are most qualified for]

Real Name:
How long have you played Minecraft:
Do you have any experience being a server owner/mod/admin:
How can I know you're going to be loyal, trustworthy and helpful:
Skype: [Skype is REQUIRED, as well as a Mic]
Can you donate:
Why should I pick you:
Minecraft IGN:
Extra Information:
Server name Suggestion:

[If you can donate you will have a 100% chance of being on the team as we are in need of a dedicated server and will take any money]

Any other questions please ask in the comments, and if I choose you on the team I will give you an even more detailed description about the server and how its going to hopefully turn out to be.
Posted by Tupacalypse's Avatar
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner

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07/17/2012 8:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dillon123321's Avatar
Real Name:Dillon
How long have you played Minecraft:1 1/2 years
Do you have any experience being a server owner/mod/admin:Yes
How can I know you're going to be loyal, trustworthy and helpful:Yes
Skype: [Message me in PM if you want to tell me your Skype Username]Dillon_r_g_123
Can you donate: No
Why should I pick you:Im not a asshole
Minecraft IGN:AwareDillon
Extra Information:None
Server name Suggestion:RedVSBlue-Craft.org
07/18/2012 11:31 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Tupacalypse's Avatar
07/17/2012 11:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheSilverTurkey's Avatar
Real Name:Jordan
How long have you played Minecraft:6 months
Do you have any experience being a server owner/mod/admin:No
How can I know you're going to be loyal, trustworthy and helpful:Because i am sick of people starting servers going through interviews and things then just abusing mod/admin privlidges i want to be a part of a server without annoying brats.
Skype: N/A
Can you donate: No
Why should I pick you: I have alot of experience in building cities, towns, worlds, areas etc.
Minecraft IGN: TheSilverTurkey
Extra Information: N/A
Server name Suggestion: RedvBlue Pvp ?
07/18/2012 11:32 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Tupacalypse's Avatar
Denied. Sorry.
07/17/2012 11:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dom_is_a_Ninja's Avatar
Real Name: Dom
Age: 12
Country: U.S.A
How long have you played Minecraft: Since it came out
Do you have any experience being a server owner/mod/admin: Yes.. Ive been all of them on small servers and major servers.
How can I know you're going to be loyal, trustworthy and helpful: You can know i will be all of them because i play ALOT and i am really good with players and is active... You will see good sir
Skype: [Message me in PM if you want to tell me your Skype Username] Ill pm you...
Can you donate: Yes. Between 5-10 or 15.
Why should I pick you: You should pick me because i know all the plugins and i am VERY good with the players and i do contects with players and help them if they need help. The main server that i play on is PVP servers and another server that is mainly player VS Player. I am very EXPERIENCED. ^-^ I will help build ALOT of it.. Im good at Building also
Minecraft IGN: Dom_Is_a_Ninja
Extra Information: I am a good choice..
Server name Suggestion: Tupacalypse's R&B Faction Fight

(Im going for Co-Owner and Mechanics Plugin Guy , Maybe morphed as the same job)
07/18/2012 11:32 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Tupacalypse's Avatar
Accepted. Please PM me your Skype so we can speak further more.
07/17/2012 11:18 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
fignutten's Avatar
Real Name: Erin

Age: 11

Country: U.S.A

How long have you played Minecraft: Been playing on my friends since 1.6.6 bought my own in 1.8

Do you have any experience being a server owner/mod/admin: Yes alot I'm admin on about 3 servers mod on one and OP on one

How can I know you're going to be loyal, trustworthy and helpful: You can't. Thats the truth. I am really honest and trustworthy but there is no way you can know if that is true. if you'd like once the server is up I can play for a couple days so you get to know me better. But I will help the server in any way possible!

Skype: Yes but I will give it to you if I'm picked

Can you donate: Not at the moment maybe later

Why should I pick you: I'm honest and I always follow the rules. I'm good at catching people who don't follow the rules and I give them proper punishment. I never would abuse my powers or commands I would never spawn for anyone or kill people randomly.

Minecraft IGN: fignutten

Extra Information: I would like to become an Admin or Head-Admin. if you want to see me check out my other forum post which says LOOKING FOR STAFF CLICK HERE.

Server name Suggestion: Not sure...I'd have to know more about your plans first
07/17/2012 11:31 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
MultiCrazyLagz's Avatar
Real Name:chris
How long have you played Minecraft:since beta
Do you have any experience being a server owner/mod/admin:yes lots
How can I know you're going to be loyal, trustworthy and helpful:ill make u a deal if i do more than 4 things wrong u cant take my staff away for as long as u want
Skype: ImSoLaggy
Can you donate:maybe 10$
Why should I pick you:you should pick me because i am very exprinced, helpful, nice, and mature. also i am good with plugins
Minecraft IGN:MultiCrazyLagz
Extra Information:i would love to be mod or higher because those are my main ranks i always get
Server name Suggestion:OMGBosscraft
07/18/2012 11:33 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Tupacalypse's Avatar
Accepted. I'll speak to your further on Skype.
07/17/2012 11:44 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Joecool2001's Avatar
Real Name: Jack
Age: 14
Country: US
How long have you played Minecraft: About 2, 3 years.
Do you have any experience being a server owner/mod/admin: I've owned a little hamachi server which I closed down due to getting a new computer. I've been an admin on "KuleDud3"s old server (he has around 75k subs), and have been a mod on a couple servers
How can I know you're going to be loyal, trustworthy and helpful: I will be active most of the time, and if I have computer problems I will tell you via phone, and will be there to help at all times
Skype: I don't have one, sorry
Can you donate: Maybe, in a couple months or so.
Why should I pick you: I'd like to be a mod or admin, and I have a lot of experience and could help building a bit.
Minecraft IGN: joecool2001
Extra Information: I'm a top-notch minecraft player
Server name Suggestion: EssencePvP
Planet Minecraft


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