New Server Builders Needed and Staff

UltimateGamer549's Avatar UltimateGamer5491/25/14 4:24 pm
1/26/2014 11:51 am
PlayMoree's Avatar PlayMoree
How can you help?

are you any good with plugin?

are you experienced as being staff?

what makes you unique and different from everyone else


Building Skill 1/10

are you trustworthy?

any experience as a builder?

what styles can you build and what are you really good at building
Posted by UltimateGamer549's Avatar
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect

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01/25/2014 4:27 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
UltimateGamer549's Avatar
01/25/2014 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
YungZ_Rapidzz's Avatar
Name XM_Flare
Age 13
Ign XM_Flare and War_ZMX (im applying for two people)
How can you help? we're good builders and we will take care of the server when the owner isn't on.

are you any good with plugin? Yes we have both owned servers before

are you experienced as being staff? yes (look above)

what makes you unique and different from everyone else
We are funny, nice and helpful.
01/25/2014 4:38 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
UltimateGamer549's Avatar
any more info on the How can you help bit?
01/25/2014 4:39 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
YungZ_Rapidzz's Avatar
We are good medieval builders and can be very helpful in the saddest times, we both used to be paid builders but we quit the job as it was very tiring
01/25/2014 4:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
WhoIsLaser's Avatar
Name: Jordan
Age: 19
Ign: WhoIsLaser
How can you help?
I can help get this server some fresh new players and help with the construction of the shop/helping out new players who have questions.

are you any good with plugin?
Experienced but I know my fair share of things including world edit

are you experienced as being staff?
Yes I was staff on numerous servers that I stepped down from recently just to pick 1 main server to stay on.

What makes you unique and different from everyone else? I am very friendly and easy going and never have problems/confrontations with the players. I am very understanding and can always resolve an issue using the right method. Would love to be a part of the staff team!
01/25/2014 4:57 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
UltimateGamer549's Avatar
Accepted as a trial
01/25/2014 5:09 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
mitchell4481117's Avatar
Staff: Admin or Higher
Name: Mitchell
Age: (14+)
Ign: mitchell4481117
How can you help?: I can do everything needed in staff and more! (Including Banner making Building and Advertising!)

are you any good with plugin? Yes, and I am currently learning how to make them!

are you experienced as being staff? Yes, moderator 21 times, admin 14 times, and co-owner 3 times!

what makes you unique and different from everyone else I am a gifted all A honor student, and I just love and am good at these things!

Extra: I can be on 6+ hrs a day!
01/26/2014 11:25 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
UltimateGamer549's Avatar
accepted as trial
01/26/2014 11:30 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
VW778's Avatar
Age: 14

Time Zone: Central

Skype: daisywiggs

Do you have experience as an Administrator?: Yes i have about 6 Servers but they all closed due to complications in donations.

How long have you been playing Minecraft for?: About 3 years

What does "Being a Admin" mean: Being an admin means helping people create the best possible world/house/town... and stopping those who decide they want to ruin the fun for other people. It also means listening to peoples ideas and trying to include them in all sorts of builds/conversations. Being an admin isn't all about the Power and mod cons, It's All about making the server the best possible fun there is.

What is your definition of a "Good Admin": My definition of a good admin is someone who doesn't take advantage of their position, they help people, they build anything they are asked to and they definitely never cuss or say offensive things in chat.

What would you consider to be your biggest asset?: My biggest asset is the fact that i will help anyone who needs that help and i always listen to new-comers or even senior members and I use those ideas to make a great new server.

What is your biggest weakness?: My biggest weakness is that my mum will sometimes force me off the computer so i may just disappear from chat. This rarely happens and if it does i can always get back on later.

What can you offer to Your Server?: I can offer the best help i can give and i will be a very friendly member of your staff team. I help i listen and i always finnish what i start.

Yours Faithfully

01/26/2014 11:45 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
nicknick168's Avatar
so true the best application I have ever seen.
01/26/2014 11:36 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
nicknick168's Avatar
Staff: admin
Name: Blake
Age: 19
Ign: nicknick168
How can you help?
i am good with players i do not swear under any surcumstances i am fair,honest,kind
i am trustworthy i love to help

are you any good with plugin?
pretty much all of them

are you experienced as being staff? yes

what makes you unique and different from everyone else: nothing really i am just one of those guys that likes to help people, and give them the best experiance.

i also can build to if necessary.

Builder: builder
Name: Blake
Age: 19
Ign: nicknick168

Building Skill 1/10: 8/10

are you trustworthy? yes and loyal,kind and generous.

any experience as a builder? yes alot.

what styles can you build and what are you really good at building: redstone,deceration,world edit,traps
01/26/2014 11:51 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
PlayMoree's Avatar
Years of MC:5
Why i want to be staff:I want to work for a Nice server with nice staff and a loveing owner Like you
Pics:Dont have pic But have a server ip:ThedarkAge.nl
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