New Server: Enderman Network!

Awepic's Avatar Awepic5/15/15 3:28 pm
5/15/2015 6:25 pm
Awepic's Avatar Awepic
Hi I made a new server called EndermanNetwork and it's 1.7.10
I might need some help making more successful!

Server Info:
Click to reveal
Info: endermannetworkserver.mcph.co
Owner: EpicOfAwesomness
Site: http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/e ... k-3318157/

Moderator/Builder Application Template:


Why do you want to help out? -

Are you a pretty good builder? (If so can you link a picture?) -

How long have you played Minecraft? -

Age -
Posted by Awepic's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer

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05/15/2015 3:48 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Awepic's Avatar
05/15/2015 3:57 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Pig
AfcWimbledon's Avatar
IGN - AfcWimbledon

Why do you want to help out? - I will be on the server a lot

Are you a pretty good builder? (If so can you link a picture?) - Ya Check out my imigur http://afcwim.imgur.com/all/

How long have you played Minecraft? - 1-2 Years

Age - 13
05/15/2015 5:00 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Awepic's Avatar
05/15/2015 5:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sh200's Avatar
IGN - CuboidX

Why do you want to help out? - I really enjoy assisting people. I also tend to be very calm in rough situations. I also really would like to help make others happy as well.

Are you a pretty good builder? (If so can you link a picture?) - {Welp, I am mediocre at building plus I really would like to obtain the rank, Moderator instead of Builder}

How long have you played Minecraft? - 3 years and still counting.

Age - 13
05/15/2015 5:07 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
AMS2003's Avatar
Moderator/Builder Application Template:

IGN -CowMan377

Why do you want to help out? - :I am a fun person and love to have conversations with members. But when Force needs to be applied I drop the act and get on the problem. I know what to do in situations such as dealing with Cheaters or just a person spamming in the chat. I am always willing to help someone that needs it and I am just an overall nice guy, greeting and answering questions whenever possible. I love to interact with everyone anyway I can. The experience I have had prepares me for the job that I need to do and I am always ready, I play about 4-5 hours on weekends and 2-4 hours on Weekdays. Unless I have something important to do or something personal/family related. Loyalty is one of my big traits. I always stick with people till the end, if I work for that server that's the only server that is a priority to manage.I will help players out if it is needed. I am very flexible so if the server has a reset or staff demotion I can handle it. I love helping players out if they are having trouble with anything like commands or what to do. If a player is using a hacked client I will ban them from the server. If someone is spamming and IP I will clear chat then I will mute them. If a player is being mean to others I will give him 1/3 warnings by kicking him and if he doesn't stop I will mute him for 10 minutes. If a staff member is hacking or abusing I will either take screenshots of it. I am also very loyal and I will be dedicated to this server. If I ever get money I might buy something off this server to help it grow.

Are you a pretty good builder? (If so can you link a picture?) - Not really.

How long have you played Minecraft? - 2-3 years

Age - 13
05/15/2015 5:07 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Awepic's Avatar
Both of you. go to ze server. we can talk der
05/15/2015 5:15 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
RealSilk's Avatar
IGN - RealSilk

Why do you want to help out? - I am a very active player.

Are you a pretty good builder? (If so can you link a picture?) - Not really, I specialize in other skills.

How long have you played Minecraft? - 3 years.

Age - 13
05/15/2015 5:29 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Awepic's Avatar
Ok realsilk
05/15/2015 5:40 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Leeshewan123456789's Avatar
IGN -Hey_Its_Lee

Why do you want to help out? - Cause Im Active Alot And I Just Like Helping Out!

Are you a pretty good builder?Kinda (If so can you link a picture?) -imgur.com/t/minecraft/vhwch

How long have you played Minecraft? -3 years

Age -11


05/15/2015 5:47 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Awepic's Avatar
Lee. go to the server
05/15/2015 5:48 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Leeshewan123456789's Avatar
why 1.7?
05/15/2015 5:50 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Leeshewan123456789's Avatar
1.7 crashes so i cant play sorry
05/15/2015 6:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Awepic's Avatar
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