**NEW SERVER FORMING** Need all types of staff

Parrot Productions's Avatar Parrot Productions4/2/15 10:19 pm
4/3/2015 6:13 am
iiKoolii's Avatar iiKoolii
Hello. I am Claudia, the re-founder of Youtube Network which has recently closed, but I am currently building it back together. We will have a server in about 2-3 weeks, but I am hiring staff at the moment. If you are accepted, you start at Mod or helper but get promoted in the time you are the most helpful comparing to others thus we need higher staff that are trusted. We currently have about 7-8 positions open, hoping to get 4.

Current Staff List

Founder/Owner: Exoloki (Me)

Future Owner: thibaut5665 (Friend)

Co-Owner: G3n3qu1s (Friend)


7 more positions...

Staff Applications

We are currently looking for one or two builders looking to be controlled by our returning head builder, Goshen1998. You will be tested further in time if you apply for this, but at the time being we are pending the builder or architect applications but you may still apply. All applications are read daily by me and my friends. Accepted ones are called into an enjin chat with us and get to know us.

Mod Application

In-Game Name:
Real Name and age: (Optional until accepted due to privacy reasons)
Do you have e-mail and an enjin account?
Are you able to fluctuate your schedule into ours?
Will you stay active daily for at least a week?
About yourself (Be sure to add lots of information):
Why do you choose us to be staff on?
How will you help us?
What abilities do you have that make you different from the other applicants? How/why?
Do you have experience? If so, how did you get the position(s)?
Schedule for each weekday and weekend:
What country do you live in:
Any last concerns/questions before we make our choice?

Builder Application:

In-Game Name:
Real Name: (Same as mod; optional for privacy concerns)
Why do you want to be a builder here?
What abilities do you provide to us that are better than the next applicant's?
Why do you choose us?
Any Experience?
About Yourself:
Do you have an e-mail account and an enjin account?
Will you be active for the next week?
Any last questions/concerns that may reflect on our answer to you?


Depending on your results, we will test you and see if you are not lying or such. If accepted, you will "friend" us on enjin and tell us your email. We will interview you accordingly and your results pend there.

Thank you for your time and concerns,

Posted by Parrot Productions's Avatar
Parrot Productions
Level 1 : New Crafter

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Parrot Productions
04/02/2015 10:28 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Parrot Productions's Avatar
Remember it is First Come First Serve!
04/02/2015 10:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
henryracine_'s Avatar
In-Game Name: bracine2323
Real Name and age: (Optional until accepted due to privacy reasons) henry racine. and 15 1/2
Do you have e-mail and an enjin account? yes i do. ill pm to you if needed.
Are you able to fluctuate your schedule into ours? yes im pretty flexible i have alot of spare time.
Will you stay active daily for at least a week? yes ill be on daily for atleast 4 hours a day minimum
About yourself (Be sure to add lots of information): i am a very experienced in mod/admin area. i have been admin on 3 different servers all pvp servers. i am very good at controlling chat and making sure the server is a nice friendly playable environment for all players. extra stuff outside of minecraft i am on the varsity wrestling team at my high school. also i have won many math tournaments at my old middle school.
Why do you choose us to be staff on? i choose you because from what youve said you guys need the help and youre starting off fresh and i love to see minecraft communities grow and id like to help you out and make this a success not just for us but for the players. to make sure players will have a fun friendly server to play on.
How will you help us? i will help you by making sure players feel safe. not being harrased or threatned by ddosers. i will help keep safe environment by kicking all spammers advertisers etc. i will also be able to answer every question asked by other players in need.
What abilities do you have that make you different from the other applicants? How/why? i like to think of myself as a funny nice caring guy. as me being that way ill make sure that other players will feel free to ask any question and to let them know i have the answer to all their questions as long as it has to do with the server. i also am very funny and mature. i know that there is a time and place . meaning i know when the right time to joke is. also im very fair if a random player dis obeys a rule and my best friend dis obeys a rule they will both be punished fairly and in the same wyaay.
Do you have experience? If so, how did you get the position(s)? i have been admin on 3 other pvp servers and co-owner on 2 mini game servers. i got the co- owner positions by hosting my bestfriends servers. my admin position i earned by applying and applying and being turnt down time after time until i finally got accepted due to the fact i learned how to write a good detailed app and i also watched other staff members and how they act and learned from other staffs mistakes .
Schedule for each weekday and weekend: monday-thursday 4:30 pm - 10:00 pm friday 4:30 pm 12:00 weekends all day PST
What country do you live in: U.S.A
Timezone: PST
Any last concerns/questions before we make our choice? nope. and thank you for reading this (:
Parrot Productions
04/02/2015 10:40 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Parrot Productions's Avatar
After reading this, overall I have it a 15/20 due to punctuation, grammar, and mental ability but it was detailed and fascinating to read. I accept your application. Please go to youtubenetwork.enjin.com (Join website) and I will talk with you.

Thank you! Still looking for more!

04/02/2015 10:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
henryracine_'s Avatar
04/02/2015 10:46 pm
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
Quiddyman23's Avatar
In-Game Name: quiddyman23
Real Name and age: (Optional until accepted due to privacy reasons) Matthew Wyble, 16
Do you have e-mail and an enjin account? My email is mattwyble23@gmail.com and my enjin account is quiddyman23
Are you able to fluctuate your schedule into ours? Yes, for a server that I am dedicated to I can change my schedule.
Will you stay active daily for at least a week? Yes, not only would I stay active for a week but for as long as you need be to! I would be on for a good chunk of each day.
About yourself (Be sure to add lots of information): I am a very friendly and nice person who loves to play Minecraft! I have lost of good things about me like my leadership skills, my knowledge, and more! One thing that I struggle with in real life is ADD, but Minecraft helps me with it because it lets me go crazy with different ideas and have fun. I am someone who will work hard when asked and have fun when asked!
Why do you choose us to be staff on? I chose you guys to be staff on because I like the idea of restarting a server. I think it is a good idea and a very smart thing to do! I also think that the Owner (Or whoever commented on my post ) Is really nice!
How will you help us? I would do A LOT. I am incredible at getting people on servers as well as (Like I said before) making people laugh. I also have ADD which can be good for MineCraft because I think of really good ideas. Some good things to know about me is I am very outgoing and i'm a really good leader! I also used to make Plugins so I guess you could call me a hardcore Dev but really, I am good with the console/bukkit.
What abilities do you have that make you different from the other applicants How/why? I have Owned three other servers (One became popular with 200 on each day) which shows that I am experienced. I am also very smart and talented in Minecraft for I have been laying for five years! I would also be very loyal to you and really pay attention to what i'm doing. I think you would love to work with me!
Do you have experience? If so, how did you get the position(s)? I have Owned a total of three servers. Only one of the servers got extremely popular at 200 people on about every day. I have also been Head-Admin on multiple servers, Head-Mod, and many minor ranks on servers. I have been playing Minecraft for 5 years. OH, and I have a story:

I was playing on this server with my friend and I decided that I wanted to become staff. So, I knew I couldn't just become staff right away because you couldn't apply so I put a lot of work in and became pretty much the most popular player in the server out of all 500 or so. Well after about two months of working for that staff, I became Helper. Before I knew it I was up at Admin with access to the Console, and I think I stayed there for about three months. But after that, they figured I was so helpful that they would give me Co-Owner. That is just to show that I am hard-working and SICK (Jk xD) But trust me, when it comes to owning servers, i'm the one to pick.
Schedule for each weekday and weekend: On the weekdays I will be able to play from 4:00 to 7:00 or 5:00 to 8:00 and on the weekends i'll be able to play from 10:00 to 4:00 or 5:00 to 9:00. I will also be able to come on whenever recruited! (Most liked if I was recruited from Skype )
What country do you live in: America
Timezone: Eastern Time Zone
Any last concerns/questions before we make our choice? If there would be a way I could build my way up to Co-Owner that would be awesome! I really look forward to working with you guys. Cheers!

Matthew (Quiddyman23)
04/02/2015 10:51 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Turtle
Tdonny's Avatar
IGN: Tdonnydoesit77

Role Applying for: Mod!

Skype: I am very well aware of the horrible things people can do with your Skype, so I simply will not post it publicly. If you want it, you can PM me. I am sorry for the inconvenience this may cause you.

AGE: I'm 15. But Im mature enough to do this.. My parents held me back in 3rd grade and now I am doing a lot better because of that! I have my PERMIT!!!

Why you would like to join the team? I have seen many spammings and homophobic slurs being used in public chat, which could cause some potential players (And potential donators) to quit. I hope to help you guys with this issue as much as allowed.

What makes you different from others? Experience. I simply have more experience with staffing servers than most other people. I have owned countless servers, all of which have seen their good days and bad days. Due to various reasons, the said servers have shut down.

What experience do you have with servers? I've been every position you could think of - Helper, Moderator, Admin, Co-Owner, and Owner. I learned the hard way how hard servers are, dealing with configurations and permissions all by myself. Ive owned a server once, but that did not turn out well… I home hosted it and got ddossed!!!

Anything else you want to add? Yeah, I will add more stuff :p

I'm very experienced. That's honestly my flagship detail here. I know what is okay and what shouldn't be done. I know what will drive people away and what will lore them in. No matter what rank I am positioned in, I will strive to show excellence while hoping for a promotion, but not badgering for said promotion.
I'm Tdonny. I want you to know what I'm capable of for your server, I hope you give me a chance. I promise you won't regret it.

~ Tdonny
04/02/2015 11:00 pm
Level 1 : New Collective
FastSuperMario65's Avatar
Builder Application:

In-Game Name: FastSuperMario
Real Name: (Same as mod; optional for privacy concerns) Jason Crow,
Age: Twelve and 3/4

Why do you want to be a builder here? Well, I would love to help anyone become a successful server and I love building.

What abilities do you provide to us that are better than the next applicant's? I am very, very good at building modern builds and medieval builds. I get very creative with my work and I can find you will definitely love my building.

Why do you choose us? Well, you guys seem to need staff and I am willing to help you guys become a successful server. If you do not choose me, well, sorry for not impressing you and good luck with you server!

Any Experience? Not working on a server, but tons and tons of experience with building.

About Yourself: Has a load of friends with Minecraft. Playing with servers and looking at their architecture for some time now. Likes building and builds in spare time.

Do you have an e-mail account and an enjin account? I have an email account but not an enjin account. Will create one.

Will you be active for the next week? Yes, I have school (obviously) so on business days I will be on from 3:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. and on Friday and Saturday will be on from early in the morning (8-9 o'clock) to around Midnight.

Any last questions/concerns that may reflect on our answer: I will tell you this, if you choose me, you WILL NOT regret it. Thank you for taking the time to read my application and see you around if accepted! -FSM
04/02/2015 11:17 pm
Level 1 : New Collective
FastSuperMario65's Avatar
I now have an Enjin account:
It's name: TheFastSuperOfBuilding
04/02/2015 11:28 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
EternallyCold's Avatar
In-Game Name: ShadowDZ
Real Name and age: privacy reasons*
Do you have e-mail and an enjin account? yes i do
Are you able to fluctuate your schedule into ours? yes
Will you stay active daily for at least a week? yes
About yourself (Be sure to add lots of information): Im 16 years of age and i play minecraft mostly. im a fan of the forza series and i enjoy playing gta alot. Im in year 12 and i want to finish school and help others do lots of things. i cant add much here because there is so many things that could be put here and it would be too long then
Why do you choose us to be staff on? i believe i have alot more experience than the average person because each person says anything to get the position whereas i earn respect of all the staff before i try become one of them
How will you help us?
* When it comes to being staff on a minecraft server, i am very professional and i try and help everybody i can, a staff's job is to look after the server and help the players out and to also be very professional while doing their job

* When im playing on the server, i help people doing whatever they need to the best of my ability, i would help them rankup if needed or do some things for them. i believe that i would make a good helper because im very mature for my age, i help people wherever i can and with all the people that know me on the server, they know that i am very fun to play with
What abilities do you have that make you different from the other applicants? How/why? my big ability in minecraft servers is to make sure each and every person does the right thing. most of what i can do cant be put into words but it always means i am great at my job
Do you have experience? If so, how did you get the position(s)? I have lots of staff experience. I have owned my own servers as well as being staff on others as well. I was Head Mod on a prison server called "The Silence Networks", but it had shutdown due to personal problems with the owner. That server was up for a year and had about 30+ players per day playing. I have also been Moderator, Admin and even co owner on some other servers but they were small servers and they had been run by players who didnt have much experience in running minecraft servers. My experience with minecraft servers has gotten better over the years i have played minecraft. i have played lots of servers and i have noticed that each server has its own way of running it. I am the kind of person who wants to help out in any way i can because its just how i am. i don't like griefers/admin abusers and when i see someone doing the wrong thing i ask them not to do it or i will report them to the owners and the forums. if they were to continue breaking the rules/abusing i would contact the owner immediately and let him know the player/s that have been griefing/abusing. im not the kind of person to go around and grief people, this is because i have had my own servers griefed/hacked/destroyed by people i have trusted. this has lead me to have trust issues with people on minecraft due to this problem
Schedule for each weekday and weekend: the times i get on my computer vary but its mostly midnights and on weekends
What country do you live in: Australia
Timezone: UTC +10
Any last concerns/questions before we make our choice? i dont have concerns other than people aged 13 getting something they cant handle
04/03/2015 6:13 am
Level 1 : New Network
iiKoolii's Avatar
In-Game Name: Kool_Kid1

Real Name and age: (Optional until accepted due to privacy reasons) Not stating unless I get picked.

Do you have e-mail and an enjin account? Yes I do.

Are you able to fluctuate your schedule into ours? Yes I can.

Will you stay active daily for at least a week? At the moment I will be able to to as I just started my holidays from school, but as soon as it starts again, it might change.

About yourself (Be sure to add lots of information): Firstly, I'm applying for staff simply trying to help out the server to the best of my abilities. I want to get staff cause I think I've got what it takes. I do NOT want staff to "show off" the Moderator tag. I just want to try help out the server. I also hope that my age wouldn't effect my chances of getting staff, but you can trust me that I'm mature when I need to be. I've never been a threat to another player and have never threatened another player. Overall, I treat everyone with the most respect possible.

I've had a lot of staff experience on small and fairly large servers. So, I know most basic commands that Mods get for example /Kick, /tempban and /mute. I'm willing to put in even more of my time to help make this server a safe and fun community for everyone. I am very loyal to this server and can promise, I will be a trustworthy staff member. I will help keep track of the chat as much as possible and put forth as much effort to catch and help ban hackers, within the community. I'm very aware of the strict guidelines and rules the server has set in place.

Why do you choose us to be staff on? Your server is a fun server to play on, and I just wanted to help you out with anything that you need help with.

How will you help us? I will help in anyways possible that I can, whether that means buildings, config, commands, or even just watching chat.

What abilities do you have that make you different from the other applicants I live in Australia, so I am online when other staff are not. I am also very intelligent, and a fast typer, so I can catch players who are hacking or abusing rules. I also helped code the plots plugin.

How/why? I will only use my commands if I need to. I will ban people if I need to and I will also help out anyone who requires it. (I didn't fully understand this part of the application.)

Do you have experience? If so, how did you get the position(s)? I have had quite a bit of experience on small and fairly large servers. I applied and they accepted me. I have never disobeyed their rules, and I unfortunately got demoted because I went on a holidays and they wouldn't let me back.

Schedule for each weekday and weekend: I can probably be on for about 3-4 hours each day, maybe even 5 or 6.

What country do you live in: Australia

Timezone: +8:00 (Perth)

Any last concerns/questions before we make our choice? Nope.

Thanks for reading this. Please take this into consideration and I just want to say thank you again!
Planet Minecraft


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