New server looking for Staff apply Now!

MahanoProgramming's Avatar MahanoProgramming5/25/13 4:36 pm
5/26/2013 5:58 pm
EnteiApproved's Avatar EnteiApproved
Welcome! We at Imperial Games are NOW RECRUITING!

The current staff places that are up for offer are, Administrator and Moderator.

To be an Administrator, You must complete the following form.

Experience(Must have the ips of the servers):
Why do you want to join us?

To be a Moderator, You must complete the following form.

Experience(Must have the ips of the servers):
Why do want to join us?
Posted by MahanoProgramming's Avatar
Level 28 : Expert Modder

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05/26/2013 5:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EnteiApproved's Avatar
Can u resend the ip on skype?
05/26/2013 3:10 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
xCarbon's Avatar
Age:14 but really mature.
Experience(Must have the ips of the servers):I have Owned 2 Servers both are down. I have been staff on a lot of others but there is too many ips.
Why do you want to join us? I want to join you because I generally just love being staff because I just love helping and building, Aslong as the person and me are having fun. You can contact me through skype: alext.theshie
05/26/2013 3:00 am
Level 23 : Expert Toast
zute6's Avatar
Whats your in-game name? jack1505legend

How old are you?14 years old.

Staff Job applying for:Coowner

Rate your maturity on a scale of 1 - 10: 9. We all have our moments. But I know the level I can take jokes to, and be joked with.

Rate your grammar on a scale of 1 - 10: 10

What kind of person are you? (Funny, thoughtful etc.) I am quite a smart and thoughtful person. I am serious when it comes to getting things done, and funny when it comes to relaxing. I guarantee that you'll like my personality once you get to know me better. I consider myself in the 98 percentile of maturity for my general age range. I can cut up, I can joke around, and sometimes I can get in all out knock-down drag-outs with people, but I do so in a mature fashion, allow me to elaborate further. Whenever I feel someone is misinformed, I feel the need to correct them, but to do so politely and kindly, provided they show the same capacity for mature conversation. I am a man of little conversation when it is not necessary, as my efforts are better spent on my duties to Minelife RPG, or my duties to my allies and comrades as a player. While I do not tolerate disrespect in the slightest, this is only when I feel that I have performed my duty to the server, and my record of service is excellent. Many people consider respect to be earned through social exchange, and while that logic is sound, I prefer to attain respect through my actions for the very server that the players thrive upon. Without my dedication, the same players would have to deal with increased hacker and spammer activity, amongst other rule breakers.

What youve done on the server: well lately ive just been strolling and playing minigames. Im in a faction with my friend xXWilyFoxXx. And our faction is successful, Im really addicted to this server now and think it has really cool potential . I found this server on planetminecraft how it said Kermitplaysmc on it, And i just thought id come and play. I ended up versing kermit in survival games!.

Do you have any experience of being staff if so state a server? Yes. On smallcraft,magiccraft,wondercraft [co owner], an d others, I have served both moderational and administrative roles, keeping the server controlled and running smoothly to the best of my ability whenever a superior staff member was not present. As a moderator, I did my best to ensure that all players, regardless of affiliation to me, followed the server rules to the tee, and I refused to make any allowances for anyone for any reason. My binding to the server rules and constant contact with my superiors and the owner ensured that I was always capable of enforcing the rules in their most up-to-date format as presented by my superiors.
As an administrator, I worked side-by-side with the other administrators and the owner to formulate and collaborate on server projects such as server builds, site layouts, policy changes and updates, and staff-to-player communication strategies. My actions helped bring about an open door policy between higher staff members and players, making many players feel more at ease when playing on those servers I listed above. I work alongside the owner to ensure that whenever he is incapable of reaching or maintaining the server, that I have the tools I need to ensure that the server does not suffer downtime, or suffers as little as necessary. I am more than capable of performing common server control tasks, such as restarts and plugin enabling/disabling in the event that a severe error arises. My superiors on those servers always believed in administration being totally invisible to the player base, so my administration and moderation is as invisible as my superiors allow.

What is your timezone? GMT +7:00.UTC+9 and australia

How many hours per day or week will you be spending on the server? On weekdays, if I am not busy studying for tests and finishing off homework, then I will be able to play from 2 - 8 hours.
And, on weekends, if I do not go out, you have me for the whole day.
Regarding that if you ask me to come online to help you do such things, I will try my best to do so.

Why should I choose you to join our staff team (Make it long)?
I think I would make a Mod, due to my extensive research into the duties of current staff members. I have gone out of my way to contact current staff members and ask them involved questions in an attempt to attain first-hand experience on what being part of staff is truly about. I have learned from veteran staff members the dos and donts of being a Head-Admin, and hopefully in the future a Co-Owner as well, if the owner finds my performance to his liking. I do not want this position to enforce my hand over others, or to control them. Controlling other players is a great responsibility, and I ONLY accept it because it brings me great joy to provide a legit and engaging experience for other players. Hackers and rule-breakers ruin this experience, and make video games truly annoying for many legitimate players. Video games are a way for all of us to escape the annoyances of real life, so I find great pleasure in ensuring that all players can enjoy that escape without being harassed by hackers, spammers, and rule breakers constantly. Regardless of age, if someone comes across to me as smart and mature, I can respect them and follow their leadership, whether they are younger or older than me. I realize the owner is younger than me, but he comes across as smart and mature, so I have no problem following the policies he lays down. If I do see a problem with the policies of my higher-ups, I will follow the chain of command and attempt to get them changed via peaceful and intelligent methods, ensuring I maintain my integrity as a staff member, regardless of current rank.If i caught anyone hacking i would kick them and warn them again it will be a temp ban for 1d, than 1w, than PERM] Thats my way of banning so they learn to stop and if they really like the server they will stay

Experience: While my role amongst players is more limited because of my methods of moderation, I think I am also more effective as a staff member because of those methods. My maturity and ability to avoid frivolous conversation is directly related to my ability as a staff member, hence my lengthy exposition. You and I could further discuss about this if you add me to your contact list on Skype, or Pm me., sludgecorp,wondercraft, LOTS,ect.

have you ever owned a server: for a weed months i learnt how to use commands.And other things to host it, I can technially Help yo with all your need . Aswell as being a normal co owner or whatever rank you devide for me to get. I am very usefull And by this app you can already tell . You can trust me.Hope you like me Jack, [Ive got over 500h on other servers so you wont regret this. And at the moment i own a server called skillzpvp !

Hobbies: I love playing minecraft and games, I bound well with others and just love playing minecraft, I play drums and very social !. Im a known to be nice and easy to get along with

What would you do if someone broke a rule: I would kick them, Them ban them!

I can fix griefs . If the server gets griefed i can help rebuild it . Im not the best builder but im still a builder

Ive been in lots of situactions. Since i have great knolledge of minecraft. What is a good thing. You guys should pick me. But i guess this app is just one side , Of admins. The other side is me proving what i have just wrote here!

As you can see, I have put a lot of time and effort into this application for staff.
I hope that you will furthermore put it into consideration, or best-case-scenario, accept it.

Im good at raiding and building. I will make the server funner. And lots of people like me. I have heaps of spare time, Unless somethings happening. i will do my best, i know allot of commands and im lvl6 on planetminecraft. Ive been playing minecraft for 4years
Well, other than that,Ima great advertise and i love watching cummintys grow sorry bout my spelling there xD! well hope you have a good day

Skype: neasle2

I Really like the server, And i think i could really help., Im xXWilyFoxXx Friend. And i think i can help build and moderate the server. And make sure no one does something bad. I can be active with 1-4hours a day

Thank you for your time, Please consider me!
jack1505legend- Cheers
05/25/2013 5:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EnteiApproved's Avatar
Add me on skype
05/25/2013 5:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EnteiApproved's Avatar
I will be able to get on Monday. What is the IP?
Thank You,
05/25/2013 4:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sossos66's Avatar
Okay Thanks ^^ umm add me on skype and give me the ip
05/25/2013 4:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sossos66's Avatar
Well i have been co owner on this server z3rocraft.com,But im still good
05/25/2013 4:52 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
Collcoll128's Avatar
05/25/2013 4:51 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
Collcoll128's Avatar
Name: Seway Kah
Experience(Must have the ips of the servers): Taco craft and many more
Why do you want to join us? I wnat to join to help out to be the kind of person who is always there to help people. I also have 13 years of french experience. My skype is collcoll128
05/25/2013 4:57 pm
Level 28 : Expert Modder
MahanoProgramming's Avatar
05/25/2013 4:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EnteiApproved's Avatar
Skype is entei.approved
05/25/2013 4:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EnteiApproved's Avatar
Mod or Admin
Name: Joshua Pursley
Age: 11, but mature
IGN: EnteiApproved
Experience: CoOwner on 10.0.12:25565, Mod on darkepic1.no-ip.org, Trusted on mc.zetacrafters.com, and Trusted on on
Why I want to be mod/admin: I have never been admin before and I am very responsible and mature.
05/25/2013 4:57 pm
Level 28 : Expert Modder
MahanoProgramming's Avatar
05/25/2013 4:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sossos66's Avatar
Experience(Must have the ips of the servers):What do you mean exactly ??
Why do you want to join us?
Well im good at building,fairly active (3 hrs a day or more)
and I am friendly and know lots of commands and plugins nd stuff

I also have skype :piratedusti4
05/25/2013 4:56 pm
Level 28 : Expert Modder
MahanoProgramming's Avatar
05/25/2013 4:49 pm
Level 28 : Expert Modder
MahanoProgramming's Avatar
ips of the past servers you were staff on
Planet Minecraft


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