New Server: We need more active staff!

Goldenseek's Avatar Goldenseek2/18/12 3:18 pm
2/21/2012 5:40 am
mesleep23's Avatar mesleep23
Hello PMC! CreviceCraft (IGN Deathey) is starting a city RP server! This fun modern-styled RP has iConomy, citizens, and you can get jobs. However, we need more active staff! We don't have many staff members that are really active, so we need YOUR help to step up and apply! Please fill out application below:

Do you grief:
How helpful you are on a scale of 1-10:
What position you want:
Why you want to be on the server:

You do need to be whitelisted, though. Griefing will be UNACCEPTABLE and will result in permenant BAN!



The server is almost up, but not yet. Thank you so much for your help, and see you on the server!
Posted by Goldenseek's Avatar
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight

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02/21/2012 5:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
mesleep23's Avatar
Ign: mesleep23
Country: Australia
Do you greif: no wat is the point of doing it because you only get banned
Activity:something during week, manily weekends
How helpful: 9 or 10 i like to help
Position: admin
Why you want to be on server: to play and have fun and help out

been admin once
02/19/2012 6:34 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Hunter
crdrboater's Avatar
Do you grief:no
Activity:weekdays in teh evening and weekends all day
How helpful you are on a scale of 1-10:8 if anyone needs my help i will do my best
What position you want:admin or mod what ever you feel comfertible with
Why you want to be on the server:i like to help people out and love to see waht poeple build. ii belive every one should have fun(within the bounds of rules) and i hate it when i join a server and and admins and mods are curupt and area no help at all. so i want to help make your server better then those servers.
i also have been playing for a while (i just made a planet minecraft account)

i am host for a server for a minecraft lets paly on you tube ( AceBuilderProduction is the channel) and i am a admin of a little server that i am helping get more astablished,
02/19/2012 12:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sloskizel's Avatar
IGN: Sloskizel
Country: US
Language: English
Do you grief: NEVERRR
Activity: Pretty good, especially on weekends.
How helpful you are on a scale of 1-10: I would say 9-10? I love to help people.
What position you want: Really anything that you need, I would just like to be able to help out to make another awesome server
Why you want to be on the server: Kind of the same as "What position you want" but also I think I can really help to create good server, build whatever you need, to stop grievers, etc.

Thanks for taking the time to read!
02/19/2012 11:57 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
colpet29's Avatar
How do u get whitelisted
02/19/2012 3:41 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
colpet29's Avatar
they are all gone ment to say that
02/19/2012 2:51 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
colpet29's Avatar
I can also get u a free website!
02/19/2012 6:40 am
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
Goldenseek's Avatar
Thanks for thinking of us; we already have one.
02/19/2012 1:27 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
colpet29's Avatar
Ign: colpet29
Country: us
Do you greif: no what is the point oh getting banned
Activity: a lot manily weekends
How helpful: 9 or 10 I help alot
Position: admin
Why you want to be on server:to play and help out most servers I play on stink.

Been admin on 7 other servers and mod on 9
Skype: I can pm to u
02/19/2012 3:38 am
Level 44 : Master Modder
Warhawker's Avatar
List your sources, which servers... A list of 16 servers will suffice.
02/19/2012 6:40 am
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
Goldenseek's Avatar
Who are you? Why are you telling him what to do? You havent even posted an application!
02/18/2012 8:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MajorDee's Avatar
Resend? Not gotten anything yet.
02/19/2012 12:37 am
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
Goldenseek's Avatar
... okay. deathey was supposed to send you it. i will
02/18/2012 7:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MajorDee's Avatar
IGN: cclloouudd
Country: England
Language: English (with good grammar / spelling).
Do you grief: Nope. Never have, never will.
Activity: Rather large, just got into the game, like it a lot. So at the mo every day.
How helpful you are on a scale of 1-10: Ehh. I don't like to judge myself, but I'd say 8 based on the fact I always help whoever I can and when I can.
What position you want: Any you're willing to give. IF mod / admin I will take the responsibility with maturity and respect, but if not, then any you need me to be (core builder etc.)
Why you want to be on the server: Because to be frank Iove RP and have seen the potential Minecraft has for RP. I've tried to join other servers and make my own, those have failed. The servers I've joined are just horrid to be quite honest. Immaturity, lack of acceptance and warmth is what I've gotten recently. I'd also like to be the core founder of something.

02/18/2012 8:06 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
Goldenseek's Avatar
Accepted! Check your forum inbox
02/18/2012 4:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
IIIToastIII's Avatar
Hey nice idea heres my app

Language:English , Irish and a bit of Spanish
Do you grief:No greifing is stupid its destorying someones hardwork
Activity:Every day
How helpful you are on a scale of 1-10: I say about 9 or 10 because I do anything possible to help players
What position you want:Admin
Why you want to be on the server:I just want a new server to call home the last server I was on shut down :/
Expreiance: Loads Admins (7) Mods (8) Co-Owner (10) All these servers have shut down witch is very annoying
Skype: joe_mulhall
Mic?: Yep and webcam

Well hope you like my app - Joe
02/18/2012 7:13 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
Goldenseek's Avatar
Accepted! Welcome to the team! I will PM you the IP.
02/18/2012 3:36 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
Goldenseek's Avatar
Remember that how active you are on Minecraft will affect if you get in or not!
Planet Minecraft


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