New Server! NEED! STAFF! NOW

Dabmaster133's Avatar Dabmaster13311/12/12 12:26 am
11/13/2012 5:51 pm
_iCassie_'s Avatar _iCassie_
Omnicide Craft.
The New Survival Server

Omnicide is a brand new server ran by Joekool92
And Admins so far are Mooing90 and Crosshead.. And me As the Developer
We need your help to get staff and players!

Apply now!!!
How can you help:
What are you good at:
Plugin Experience:
Socialization (Good at it?):
Ever got banned:
Ever Griefed:
Ever hacked:
Extra Notes:

Add ons:
If Accepted I will PM You the Ip... and personally set you up with the Owner and me... And we will agree and give you your rank!

(This Server is not Public Yet!!!)
Posted by Dabmaster133's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Taco

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11/12/2012 12:31 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Ryanandhenry's Avatar
Rank: any
Experience: i have a tekkit server
IGN: Ryanandhenry
Skype: RyanReich123
Timezone: Est USA
How can you help: Moderate, prevent scamming and greifing
What are you good at: Everything(; jk but im good with people
Plugin Experience: nonne
Socialization (Good at it?): yes very!
Ever got banned: no
Ever Griefed: NO!
Ever hacked:NOOOOO!
Extra Notes: Pizza=D
11/12/2012 12:31 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
hyro201's Avatar
Experience:been admin and mod of several servers
Timezone:Usa central
How can you help:I love building and am also good at keeping players from destryoing each other
What are you good at:Building and know all commands
Plugin Experience:never installed them myself but know commands that come with most of them
Socialization (Good at it?):Yep i am well as long as im not focusing on building something big
Ever got banned:nope not once
Ever Griefed:nope
Ever hacked:and nope
Extra Notes:
11/12/2012 12:50 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Taco
Dabmaster133's Avatar
11/12/2012 12:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
russianking916's Avatar
Experience:i have lots of Experience from all the server's i have played.
Name:tim ,dont wann give out my last name srry,maybe on skype.
Timezone: eastern time.
How can you help:i can help with building/redstone.
What are you good at:building/redstone.
Plugin Experience:nope:((((.
Experience:ive been an admin on a few severs /co-owner.
Socialization (Good at it?):yes.
Ever got banned:1-2 on my skyblock server but it was a accident.sever got hacked -_- dam those hackers.....
Ever Griefed:only raided on pvp severs.
Ever hacked:never.
Extra Notes:hope you pick me.
11/12/2012 12:42 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
fignutten's Avatar
Age: 12
Rank: Admin/Head-Admin if you have it but I really don't care
Gender: female
Experience: Co-Owner( Head-Mod(69.178.17156) I've also owned two of my own servers, both failed miserably.
IGN: fignutten
Name: Erin
Timezone: PST
How can you help: I can help advertise and make sure everything is running smoothly.
What are you good at: Helping others, Building(Kind of ) and...Knowing commands?
Plugin Experience: I've never configured them but I know most commands for most plugins
Socialization (Good at it?): Yes, I'm very patient with trolls and newcomers.
Ever got banned: Yes, unfortunately not something I'm proud of...I was new to minecraft, just bought it. Didn't know what they meant by 'Griefing' :shame:
Ever Griefed: **See Above**
Ever hacked: Nope.
11/12/2012 12:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
[PMCHelper]globdom's Avatar
Age: 16
Rank: I would prefer to be a Head-Admin+ due to my experience
Gender: Male
Experience: I've been an Owner 3 times, a co-owner 5 times, an admin 9 times, a Mod 6 times, a Head-admin 5 times, a tech-guy/dev 8 times and a host 6 times
IGN: globdom
Name: Jake Scorponi
Skype: I'll PM you if I'm accepted
Timezone: Central GMT
How can you help: I can play on the server 2-7 hours per dqy patrolling it. I will look for useful commands that will benefit your server and I'll probably donate. I am known to be a pretty decent builder.
I can build houses, mansions, castles, spawns, statues, you name it. I will build building from basically any time period or any subject like say you request old elven age. I may build a wooden castle for you
I can make fair redstone machines. Although they're pretty simple, they're VERY useful. For example, I can make a cobblstone generator out of 7 pieces of wood and a bucket of water and lava. I can also make a suicide machine.
What are you good at: I'm good at populating servers and leading others.
Plugin Experience: I have been a tech-guy/dev 8 times so I know most of the plugins. I can categorize them from GroupManager to PermissionsEx
Experience: I have been staff many times before but I'm no longer staff on them since they got shut down. I will help your server in any way I can
Socialization (Good at it?): I am very good at it cuz I got swag
Ever got banned: Yes, I've been banned once by an abusive staff member who was 8 years old and had a tantrum on the server he owned and banned everyone on it
Ever Griefed: Nope
Ever hacked: Nope
Extra Notes: I hope to help your server. I will populate it since I'm very social. This is partially due to my staff positions. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't know many people.

Thanks for reading this!
11/12/2012 12:50 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Crafter
CrayonCrafter's Avatar
Age: 14
Rank: HeadAdmin or Admin
Gender: Male
Experience: I have had minecraft since Beta 1.8 and I have loved it ever since. I am a true fan of the game. I do my best to increase my knowledge of redstone, building styles, techniques, and everything i need to be a successful minecraft player
IGN: iTz_A_Crayon
Name: Ryan
Skype: ryan.madalone
Timezone: Eastern Standard( NJ Reppin')
How can you help: I will do my very best to help you with plugins, advertise, keep the staff in line, make sure the players don't break rules and be sure to enforce the rules for the kids that dont abide to the rules of the server!
What are you good at: Building Spawns, Building, Redstone, Plugins, Enforcing Rules, and Being a team player
Plugin Experience: I can configure almost every plugin and if i cant i can learn how!
Experience: I've been playing minecraft since Beta 1.8! I've been confiuring plugins ever since the first release and ever since ive been helping friends and increasing my knowledge of the game. I am especially good at groupmanager. I am also familiar with HawkEye, LogBlock, SuperNatural, and various other server plugins.
Socialization (Good at it?): I love hearing what other people have to say and I dont mind talking to other people when I need to or want to. I would say im a 10 at socializing. I can be very friendly to every person that I meet because I never want any harm.
Ever got banned: Once... Accused for something that one of my friends did on my account. I changed password so that problem wont happen.
Ever Griefed: Only for faction raiding
Ever hacked: Nope
Extra Notes: I can possibley donate if i am accepted and dedicated to the server
See you on the server soon. I hope to hear back!
11/12/2012 12:52 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Taco
Dabmaster133's Avatar
Dude. I love it!! Great details, Accepted
11/12/2012 1:32 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
respawnzero's Avatar
Age: 14 (im mature)
Rank: Moderator
Gender: Male
Experience: I have helped and moderated many servers
IGN: respawnzero
Name: Nathan
Skype: mrrandomguy466
Timezone: +10 aest
How can you help: Well i have noticed on seperate servers that there ar
What are you good at: Helping people and also keeping the server calm and likable
Plugin Experience: None. Thats why i want to be moderator
Socialization (Good at it?): Yes i am good, i like to talk to others
Ever got banned: Yes on one server i accidentally combat logged
Ever Griefed: Only on griefing/raiding servers
Ever hacked: Yes, once but i got banned from my favorite server so stopped
Extra Notes: No
11/12/2012 1:37 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
kearnnick's Avatar
Age: 15
Rank: Admin
Gender: Male
Experience: Im admin on 4 servers currently and mod on 3
IGN: Kearnnick205
Name: Nick
Skype: ill pm you my skype, sry i just have had 4 random people im me weird things the last few days since i started putting my skype on pmc XD
Timezone: Kansas, USA
How can you help: Im a builder, i can help build spawn, towns
What are you good at: Building
Plugin Experience: Well i have some experience but not a whole lot
Socialization (Good at it?): Yes, maybe a bit too much
Ever got banned:Yes, because I was blamed for doing something i didnt do
Ever Griefed: No, Never
Ever hacked: Nope
Extra Notes: I just wanted to say I hope you pick me
Thx for reading this
11/12/2012 3:19 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Warrior
Sky_Aurora's Avatar
Rank:Anything is good enough for me just want to help
Experience:I had quite a have owned my own server and have been co-owner on cms.noip.us:25579
Name:Sidney Hoch
Time Zone:EST, Australia, NSW
How Can You Help:I am good at solving problems i love those types of games
What Are you good At:I am a very prestiged builder and redstone mechanic
Plugin Experience:I am not very experienced with plugins but if you mean commands i know most of them. I can also be very helpful with worldedit.
Socialization:I am a sociable person friendly caring and mature also smart
Ever Got Banned:I have a clean record so far for 0 bans
Ever Griefed:I have griefed though only on raid servers because thats allowed
Ever Hacked:I have never hacked but i did have rei's minimap for 4 days but then deleted it.
Extra Notes:I hope you like me and i'll be glad to be a staff on your server
11/12/2012 3:30 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Warrior
Derpy98's Avatar
Age: 15
Rank: Admin/Moderator
Gender: Male
Experience: I have been playing since alpha so, i know alot of secrets about minecraft and i have alot of experience.I have been Moderator on four other servers and Admin on two, i was moderator on Gold Craft and Dynamic Craft and admin on Legend Craft. All of them are down but those and the others, were just ip's they didnt have real names.
IGN: Derpy98
Name: Just call me Scooter
Skype: Serpy98
Timezone: MST (Mountain Standard Time)
How can you help: I can help build at times, im not the greatest builder but i dont suck either. I can help cleanse the server, dealing with baddies appropriatley.
What are you good at: Moderating/ decent at Building/
Plugin Experience: Lots, i know alot about World Guard/Edit too.
Socialization (Good at it?): Yeah, im very talkative in Minecraft although, in reality, i cant say the same, lol. But thats different, in reality, im shy but inMinecraft i can talk without showing my face so, im fine lol.
Ever got banned: yeah, once i was Perma banned because they THOUGHT i was xraying. ( i really wasnt, they were just being ignorant.)
Ever Griefed: Nope.
Ever hacked: Nope. *Dont worry, im quite an intellgent individual.
Extra Notes:
You may put me out just because i was perma banned once, please dont, as stated above, i was perma banned becaause they thought i was xraying when i wasnt. I didnt really like that server anyways, everyone was so conceited and mean.
11/12/2012 3:44 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Dest5's Avatar
Age: 15
Rank: Admin/Co-Owner
Gender: Male
Experience:I have been staff on more than 20 servers and I have had my own server before and have been owner on a friends and co-owner about 4 servers, etc and I have been staff on 2 tekkit servers which is a more complexed version of minecraft and I have always wanted to be staff of a survival/pvp server and have but not as good as this one seems, I have also drawn to my conclusion that I do get trusted on some servers for being a good helping hand and respectful person
IGN: Dest5
Name: Dreamer
Skype: dreameriii [can't talk at the moment] [night time right now PST]
Timezone: PST
How can you help: I can help by building and recommending plugins and making sure people aren't hacking and doing a fair play on the server and also to help with events and special plugins like chestshop,factions,etc and make sure the global chat is clean
What are you good at: Building,Plugin setup,Configuring, I'm a fastlearner and know how to deal with most common plugins/commands from essentials,worldguard,world edit,factions,clans,clearlag,etc
Plugin Experience: I have owned my own server so I know alot about configuring and setting it up and know alot of commands from plugins and they are memorized
Socialization (Good at it?): Yes but not speaking on skype
Ever got banned: Yes for unmistaken bannable thing I did with /chest command while in PvP
Ever Griefed: Yes but only on allowed grief servers
Ever hacked: Honestly, no
Extra Notes: I am a good,nice,caring,funny person and sometimes probably annoying and kinda pervertive and I would like to be staff thanks for reviewing
11/12/2012 10:16 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Crafter
CrayonCrafter's Avatar
Can you please pm me the ip or message me via skype?
11/12/2012 10:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
publicenemy002's Avatar
Experience:was a mod on many servers
Skype:greenjosh11 (mic is currently lost)
Timezone:(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
How can you help:I can make sure everything is running smooth
What are you good at:Mining and keeping peace
Plugin Experience:none
Socialization (Good at it?):yees xD
Ever got banned:nope
Ever Griefed:nope
Ever hacked:nope
Extra Notes:none
11/12/2012 1:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Taco
Dabmaster133's Avatar
TerinianOmnicide Craft.
The New Survival Server

Omnicide is a brand new server ran by Joekool92
And Admins so far are Mooing90 and Crosshead.. And me As the Developer
We need your help to get staff and players!

Apply now!!!
How can you help:
What are you good at:
Plugin Experience:
Socialization (Good at it?):
Ever got banned:
Ever Griefed:
Ever hacked:
Extra Notes:

Add ons:
If Accepted I will PM You the Ip... and personally set you up with the Owner and me... And we will agree and give you your rank!

(This Server is not Public Yet!!!)
11/12/2012 1:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jman2920's Avatar
Age: 12
Rank: Any
Gender: Male
Experience: 3 Years
IGN: ? I dont know what this stands for :/
Name: Joseph
Skype: jman02000
Timezone: Pacific
How can you help: I like building arenas
What are you good at: Building arenas
Plugin Experience: Ive been a admin on other servers, i know the plugins
Socialization (Good at it?): Good. Im always trying to be nice to people.
Ever got banned: Nope
Ever Griefed: Nope
Ever hacked:Nope
Extra Notes I would love to join your server
11/12/2012 1:58 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Dest5's Avatar
Is he still accepting?
11/12/2012 2:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jman2920's Avatar
im not sure.....
11/12/2012 7:18 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
joshchicken's Avatar
Rank:Admin,Headadmin headmod,or mod i really want admin:P
Experience:admin on 6servers mod on 6servers.
Skype:n/o mine doesnt owrk but i can still help a lot.
Timezone:California western time.
How can you help:I can help in many different ways that will help the community first, i will be a loyal and trust worthy admin and i will be on a lot.I know the right time to kick,ban,mute, or jail.I can figure out puzzles such as who griefed or who hacked.I can get players to follow the rules.
What are you good at:Building,desighning,plugins,commands,helping players or others,server work. I am a full time minecraft player i am and epic minecrfater and i am also good at pvping eventd and much more.I am a parkourer and i do lots of parkour maps.
Plugin Experience:100%100
Socialization (Good at it?):yes
Ever got banned:Yes i have ,but the admin was sycho and banned everyone online.
Ever Griefed:NO
Ever hacked:NO
Extra Notes: Ty for reading i hope you accept me i c=an help your server in many ways :d
11/12/2012 7:27 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
horsez9913's Avatar
Age: 13
Rank: mod or admin:)
Gender: FEMALE
Experience: 10
IGN: horsez9913
Name: ellie
Skype: horsez99131
Timezone: east coast usa
How can you help: well im super nice! Im pretty loyal too iwont break any rules and bann al players who do(if thats ok) i NEVER give out ranks
What are you good at: bog builds(mobs, statues, etc.)
Plugin Experience:none srry:(
Experience: 100000000
Socialization (Good at it?): yupp i love to make friends!!!
Ever got banned: nopeee
Ever Griefed: no way!
Ever hacked: im too stupid for that lolXD
Extra Notes: i promise i will try my hardest to make the server awesome!!!
Thx for reading thus plz PM mhe if i got it:)
11/13/2012 5:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
_iCassie_'s Avatar
Age: 12 (REALLY mature for my age)
Rank: Anything really...I'm good at W/E and Moderating.
Gender: Female
Experience: A LOT! I've been staff on more than 10 servers.
IGN: iCassie
Name: Cassie
Skype: martin.urbenz
Timezone: Southern USA
How can you help: Building, W/E, Moderating
What are you good at: Moderating and taking care of problems.
Plugin Experience: Worldedit, nicks, prefixes, I can try permissions.
Socialization (Good at it?): Heck ya! I can get ppl to follow the rules without being too mean or harsh/bossy. I enjoy helping like that.
Ever got banned: Nope.
Ever Griefed: Nope!
Ever hacked: Nope!
Extra Notes: Hi! I'd love to help you people and make ur server better in any way I can.
Planet Minecraft


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