Survival server that needs players

l1ttleO's Avatar l1ttleO4/7/20 6:31 am history
1 emeralds 116 2
IP: ModCraftZ.fmcs.cf
Server type: offline (cracked) (with AuthMe) (premium users will be authorized instantly)
Versions: 1.8.8-1.15.4
Mode: Survival
Server has anti-cheat and anti-grief plugin
The server currently needs players!
2 builder positions are available, go and apply before anyone else!
Posted by l1ttleO's Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

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04/06/2020 9:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
NorthernG_YT's Avatar
1. Discord name and tag, NorthernG_YT#3672
2. Minecraft IGN, Pow3rHamm3r 3. TimezoneAST - 4. Age,13 - 5. What does it mean to you becoming a staff member in general?, It means to clean up the communities of the hackers, cheaters, abusers, or harassers 6. What encourages you to fill out this application form to become staff?, I want to do this to clean the community of the hackers and harassers so that this servers players can play Minecraft without getting bettered by the hackers. I feel that regular players on the server shouldn’t be hassled by the cheaters or the rule breakers and should have a clean community.- 7. How do you belive a staff member should act when in public?, He/She should be respectful and also not fall into pressure. 8. How available can you be? (Please include a timetable if possible), I can be on from 12:00pm-2:30pm - 6:00pm-10:00pm 9. What staffing experience do you have prior to this?, I’ve been moderator on several discord servers. I need to start somewhere, your server would be a good fit because i think the community is great. discord.gg/kBrQ9F (include server names and proof) - 10. Do you have a working microphone and access to discord calls?*, Yes I do have access.
04/07/2020 4:51 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
l1ttleO's Avatar
If you want to apply, go to our Discord server. discord.gg/cNE7wcf
Planet Minecraft


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