Now hiring all kinds of staff for ~MC Providence~

Creamy_moose's Avatar Creamy_moose5/30/15 11:46 pm
1 emeralds 204 5
5/31/2015 12:26 am
princejaiden's Avatar princejaiden
MC Providence is a large project that is currently in production. The finished product will consist of an amazing custom map, custom terreign generation and a wonderful selection of plugins as well as a top notch staff and we would like you to join that team these are some of the things we are looking for.

we need a creative team with a good work ethic that know what they are doing.

we need responsible people that have a few hours a day free.

This is the highest rank we will only be accepting the top of the top so if we find you worthy of becoming a moderator you will then have to prove to us you are Admin material this server is about trust.

So this is how you apply for a position leave your skype name your in game name and your age would also like if you could right us a small piece of text saying why we should accept you and leave any links to some of your previous works
Posted by Creamy_moose's Avatar
Level 22 : Expert Dragon

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05/31/2015 12:26 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
princejaiden's Avatar

Currently Helper.
05/31/2015 12:24 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
princejaiden's Avatar
What Are you Applying For?
Your Skype
Your Age
Your Minecraft Username

What experience do you have with commands:
When i had Lunetistii, was needed to have a good minecraft server. I've seen some tutorials about "How to make permissions for a minecraft server" or "How to use Essentials" or other simple plugins, but after I learnt complicated plugins (e.g. World Edit, Mini-Games etc.). I learnt some minecraft Bukkit experience. I know just barely HTML config not JavaScript or other minecraft program. Here i learnt all my Minecraft Bukkit Experience:.
Have you ever owned a server before?

Yes <--- I have owned 3.

Why do you want this rank?
Many people have different reasons to apply for staff. Mine will sound a little cheesy but its true. I purely enjoy helping people. It gives me a sense of gratitude when I show someone how to do things the right way or help someone with their issues. I am a good problem solver and I have an analytical brain. These traits make my job easy and fun. I know that staff isn't meant to be a fun job, but keeping a cheerful attitude on job and being friendly to players makes more people want to come back to the server. I have two modes when being staff; one cheery light mood when I joke around and talk with players and a serious mood when dealing with issues. I NEVER allow these two to mix together because that could jeopardize my position and probably annoy some players. Lastly, I know that certain people apply for the rank because they think it will bring them respect and make them cool. I have never considered this as a reason to apply and I frankly hate these types of people. They often end up abusing their power and getting banned. I have never abused and will never abuse. I am applying because I believe that I have what it takes to help the server.
What are some of your abilities/skills
Yes as a computer science student i will soon be able to help develop plugins and develop the server. Next year i am taking or trying to take Advanced Computer Science and after that i will have tons of knowledge on the subject. I also really enjoy forum management and managing the chat. I can control and help people's outrages and clear up complicated situations between players or the environment. I have GREAT Communication skills. I love to talk or communicate with the players if they would like any thing or any help. I do not disband a job which I have been assigned to or dedicated to be done. I am not a quitter I will do what it takes to make people happy by not doing to much to OP people. I am also Admin on another server so I know many rules and many commands. The reason why I want to be Moderator on this server is because I love it so much. ( I am loyal it is just this has been my all-time favorite server) I also know a lot about plugins, commands, W/E and many other commands. Also another skill of mine is controlling the rage. I've seen that there has been a lot of commotion recently so I could make sure my "Co-Workers" don't abuse or do anything stupid.

What do you have to offer us as a staff?
To begin with, I feel I should take part in the staffing community here because I ensure a large portion of qualified time as well as extreme experiences and a sincere inclination in moderating over the chat and providing the necessary satisfaction to players in need of any particular assistance. I am a person who shares a natural obligation and heavy dedication to those in need of a correct moderation. I will be there to help them with confusion/questions for hours worth of time as well! My highest priority when it comes to staffing is that I focus on most is moderating over servers. I am not really a person who wants to dedicate themselves to formulating new structures or residing to head-to-head combat. I find it more intriguing to supply players with a jubilant sense of feeling from my overall performance. I would be sure to keep dissonance from progressing to ghastly circumstances. I would basically focus on the whole idea of my existence to staffing within this community, which is simply stated by pursuing a largely said portion of time spent on the server, encompassing the chat within a correctly moderated state, assuring the prosperity of attentiveness to answer all questions to my highest potential, keeping in touch with other fellow staff about suggestions/ideas/answers, and securing the server from all egregious irrelevancy.I am also special and different in lots of ways. First off, my mentality is basically to work hard and play later. I do everything with the best of my ability or at least die trying. My effort is genuine and I am a very nice and reasonable person. I treat people with respect and I take stands based on facts and evidence, not because they are my friends or I know them. I am also a very neat and organized person. I may be considered a neat freak but the results pay off. Everything will be organized and in tip top shape. My experience also plays a huge role in who I am. I know lots of things and I have years of experience in running a team. I know what it takes to run a tip top team and how to maintain it. In the end, I have a lot of traits that would make me the ideal person for the job.Many people have different reasons to apply for staff. Mine will sound a little cheesy but its true. I purely enjoy helping people. It gives me a sense of gratitude when I show someone how to do things the right way or help someone with their issues. I am a good problem solver and I have an analytical brain. These traits make my job easy and fun. I know that staff isn’t meant to be a fun job, but keeping a cheerful attitude on job and being friendly to players makes more people want to come back to the server. I have two modes when being staff; one cheery light mood when I joke around and talk with players and a serious mood when dealing with issues. I NEVER allow these two to mix together because that could jeopardize my position and probably annoy some players. Lastly, I know that certain people apply for the rank because they think it will bring them respect and make them cool. I have never considered this as a reason to apply and I frankly hate these types of people. They often end up abusing their power and getting banned. I have never abused and will never abuse. I am applying because I believe that I have what it takes to help the server.There is a very clear reason in my head that makes me believe I am suitable to be staff, experience. Others may downplay experience but it has taught me a lot. From all of my different staff positions I have learned different things. First, my strategy for dealing with rule breaking players, I have reviewed lots of applications where the person says I will warn them three times and than mute them. Honestly I hate this strategy; its very robotic and the player will probably appeal and do it again. My personal preference to dealing with such issues is convincing. I like to try to talk a spammer out of spamming. In my opinion showing them how what they are doing is pointless and really does nothing can possibly convince them not to do it again. Of course this doesn’t always work than in that case I have to mute them. Banning to me is a last resort. I always oppose banning players unless it is obvious that they must be banned or it’s a last resort. In my view servers love their members and all that banning does is remove members. If we can change the view of such troublemakers than we can have a great community base. Also I understand how to treat a staff rank. When I have been given the privilege to serve on a staff team I take it very seriously. I will joke around with others but I have learned to respect the rank. Being staff will not make me cool or give me respect but it is my goal to help and server the players of this server. I understand that under no circumstances should I abuse and that I have been given a chance to be a part of the staff team, a chance I should be very grateful for. I hope that I can qualify above mediocre and be exceptional. My experience in the past has taught me how to deal with people, how to inspect and analyze a situation, and how to respect everyone. Lastly I do not have anger issues and I don’t rage. I have learned how to keep my cool even in the most frustrating situations. It will be very rare that you see me genuinely pissed off at someone. I have handled many situations in the past and I believe that the challenges I will face on your server will be within by ability.I am that guy you see online on a server that has 200 slots available and only one person online, that being me. I am that guy you see at 3 O'Clock in the morning playing Minecraft for no apparent reason on a cool Summer night. Dedication is what I lack in the past server I was working for and that was the reason why I quit or the server ended up being closed. I can assure you that I am very dedicated with everything. I will answer personal messages within a few hours, I can answer Skype messages the moment you send them. It's how I work and how I live my life. My job as a forum moderator/admin requires me to be active so I am always on some sort of electronic device regardless of the time, area, and day. In return I expect my peers to be dedicated as well. The least I can do is return the favor by being active. I personally have a large sum of time on my hands. I only take one musical instrument outside of school, which frees up my time a lot. In order to balance this time I plan what I need to do every day. I understand that Moderating or Administrating is a very demanding job, but I am prepared to take it on.

Thank you for taking the time in reading this and consideration!
05/31/2015 12:10 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
potatopoat2's Avatar
Ign: MrWhaleMan17
Age: 13
Skype: jordan.collins37
Position I'm applying for: anything that works

Staff Experience

I have owned my own server and been every rank below. I have been Co-Owner on 2 servers. One of those servers is called EzFactions the other server is called Undeadcraft. I have been head-admin on 2 servers the servers are down due to the lack of donation ranks. I'm currently an Admin on a server called Knoxcraft. I'm currently a chat-moderator on a server called RelentlessPvp. Moderator on a server in beta doesn't have a name yet. I've been staff on many other servers also. I'm currently planning on making a $20 server with my friend on june 13. I'm going to be the second owner on that server. I have a descent amount of experience with building and redstone structures so if you need any help with those I could sure help. I'm also very experienced at helping new players. I can memorize all the rules for your server and also the punishments for each rule. I have played minecraft for about 5 years and been on server and been staff for about 4 years.

How I can help your server

There are many ways I can help your server out. I can help you build anything you are having trouble with or just something that needs built. I can help you build a spawn, warps, arenas, etc. I always help every new player that joins the server if needed I will always make sure they follow the rules and I could keep an eye on all staff members to make sure they don't abuse their powers of staff. I can help manage plugins and help make ranks and ideas for donation ranks. I'm not as good with PermissionEx as I am with GroupManager. I can keep watch of the server for you if you ever went somewhere for a bit and you wanted me to. If you don't fully trust any of your other staff members, you can surely trust me.

A little bit about me and why you should accept me

Hello my name is Jordan. I have been playing minecraft for about 5 years now. I'm a very nice, fun, and funny person to hang around. I'm 13 years old I'm a lot more mature and experienced than other people. I think being apart of any staff team is a great experience and I love to help servers grow. I always have a good times and help players that need help. I'm a very useful, trustful person. I never lie. I have never abused my powers of staff nor will I ever. I never get angry with anyone. I live in the US and my time zone is Central
05/31/2015 12:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
thycookie's Avatar
Builder Application

Name: Kyle
In-Game-Name: KyleTheFinest
Skype: Kyle.richardson58
Age: 15
Country: Australia
GMT(Timezone): ASCT
Rank: Builder:
Links To Previous Builds: No Links
Best Category: Medieval and Modern
Futuristic Building Skill Level: 6
Any Other Useful Skills: Pixel Art, Can Adapt to new style quickly.
Previous Experiences: I've build spawns for other servers.
Hours Per Day Online Time: A few hours depending if I got work or homework.

Name: Alex
In-Game-Name: AlexTheFinest
Age: 15
Country: Australia
GMT(Timezone): ASCT
Rank: Builder
Links To Previous Builds: No Links
Best Category: Modern
Futuristic Building Skill Level: 6
Any Other Useful Skills: Fast Builder
Previous Experiences: None
Hours Per Day Online Time: Over 3 a day
05/30/2015 11:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Axol's Avatar
Skype: live:corey13003_1
IGN: Axol
Position: Moderator
Age: 12
Why you should accept me: I like to help people and do what's right. I am mature for my age and can handle any situation responsibly. I will never take sides because of race, gender, or who I think is my friend, and I will ban all hackers and use correct grammar and typing.
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