Now hiring staff for ~MC Providence~

Creamy_moose's Avatar Creamy_moose5/31/15 2:14 am
1 emeralds 204 6
5/31/2015 11:37 am
Veptaa's Avatar Veptaa
MC Providence is an extravagent server that is currently under production. The finished product will consist of a custom map that was meticulously built from the ground up using only the finest world generators and most cutting edge map editors. A massive selection of plugins has already been selected and implemented into the server. We have a top notch staff made purely of intelligent and mature players. We would like you to be part of the Team here at MCProvidence!
All we ask is for you to apply with your age, skype information and the rank you’ll be applying for!
Note! : A skype interview is a must. You must have a mic!
Builders: Builders need to be creative, hardworking players that know how to realistic good looking
Moderators: Responsible players that can handle the power of jailing, flying and even banning. On top of being an excellent and creative builder.
Admin: An Admin is an extremely large and important role that few will be trusted with. To be promoted to admin status you need to PROVE to our staff in a skype call that you can be responsible, are intelligent and can handle the power that comes with this rank!
We hope you can be a part of the team!
Posted by Creamy_moose's Avatar
Level 22 : Expert Dragon

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05/31/2015 11:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Veptaa's Avatar
Age: 15
Name: Anthony (IGN: Veptaa)
Skype: veptaa_
Rank Applying for: Admin
05/31/2015 9:49 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Ninjaration's Avatar
Ign: Ninjaration

Age Be Honest: 16

Rank Applying For: Moderator (Would not turn down future promotions)

Why Do You Want To Be Staff: I am a proud minecraft player, that has been part of the minecraft community for 4-5 years. I love meeting new people, and helping that the enviornment of a server meets the criteria of the rules.

Why Should We Choose You: As I have mentioned above, I consider myself a veteran minecraft player. My experience in minecraft makes me a worthy candidate. Not only have I just played in servers, but have had the privilege in moderating other severs. In the past years I have attained the rank of Moderator, and Admin. This makes me familiar with permissions, commands, and how to handle difficult situations. I later then resigned the position, due to school. I would love to meet you guys, and make this server a fun to play server. Thank you!

How Would you Handle A Rule Breaker: Depending on the rule, would my consequences differ. If the offence is one of great difficulty, I would make sure to contact the owner, to consult with him. If the rule broken, was an obvious and bannable crime. I would do exactly as an Admin is suppose to do. Ban him. I will not abuse my power, and will not punish those who should not. I know you understand

Skype: minebuilders (Pic of me next to a light )
05/31/2015 9:18 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Regnozes2431's Avatar
Name:Jarod Salvo
Skype: Jarod.Salvo
Looking for Admin

I will do many things including but not limited to; Cleansing the Community, I can keep many hackers/griefers/evildoers out of this server or, I will serve justice rightfully. Building, when I build, I am above average however, I need to have a picture in my mind of what I'm building so then I can make the appropriate adjustments to the building when I'm finished. I normally build what I'm building first and then I perfect it afterwards. I can also improve staff morale or just any players in that matter, I like telling jokes that make people feel better. (when they are appropriate that is.) I can help with discipline as well, I have worked with many childish Administrators/Moderators that abuse their commands and pretty much did whatever they pleased. I was one of the few that would help discipline them, tell them what they should be working on instead of goofing off and in the end it actually did some work, they started doing their jobs correctly. I'm not harsh unless the situation demands harshness, if it's something simple like a staff member didn't do their job well, I will just tell them (in the nicest manner possible) what they should change and how it will influence them. All of these, are just a selected few of my best attributes.

I have owned multiple minecraft servers, and one can be proven if you go to my page. I have also had experience on other servers, but as the servers i have had staff on have shut down, i cant prove this either.I have had plugin AND permission experince. I have learned how to work voxel sniper to wold edit to essentials. (There is a long list of plugins i could include but neither of us feel like reading for 3 hours, right?). PLugins for me are easy to figure out (Youtube XD) and configuring them is just as easy for me. Permissions (While others might call them ranks or such) i have expereince using PermissionsEx AND groupmanager, so i can help you in both cases.
05/31/2015 4:02 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
jumps's Avatar
Age: 14
Name: Christian
Skype: cookehsrock
Looking for Admin

I believe I would fit this role because I think it's extremely important to keep a server stable and I KNOW that I could do that. I'm an extremely good leader and fast learner. I make really good decisions even in vital situations, if it ever comes down to that.
05/31/2015 3:55 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
oscarll110's Avatar
Rank Applying for:Admin
05/31/2015 3:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
creepertech2000's Avatar
um it says for "all types of staff" there is no mod and stuff i have skype but i do not skype with someone i have never met before and only skype with friends also why i would not want to join if you want to be able to trust somebody close the server down when you leave i would like to be a admin i have been a mod before but i don't skype strangers as i said sorry i'm also the only person so for in almost an hour who has written i think you should re-make the post if it is fixed in an hour I will reply back
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