▄█ Oakwood City: Modern RPG - HIRING █▄

MrDaawsomest's Avatar MrDaawsomest6/5/14 5:47 am
11/7/2014 7:52 pm
ThatOneBlueGuy's Avatar ThatOneBlueGuy
Please excuse the bad formatting and incorrect image sizes, I will fix them asap.

This is your chance to get involved, gain some experience and have fun while helping to create a truly amazing server!

Hello I am Aiden (daawsomest) and this post is to find potential staff members for my new server. This post contains a lot of information which you are required to read before applying for any staff position. This is a loose overview of how I envision the server, but a lot of it will likely change as other people share their thoughts and ideas.

Oakwood City is an upcoming custom modern RPG server full of fun, adventure and enjoyment. Oakwood City is not a stereotypical RPG server on which players repeatedly kill bosses with magical spells in order to rank-up, but a RPG that takes place in a modern day city in which players go about doing their day-to-day activities.

Oakwood City will only use 100% custom plugins its server in order to give its citizens a completely unique and customized experience.

Server Status: Server has been purchased and early stages of plugin development has began.

Players are required to have jobs for which they must do a variety of task in order to contribute to the community and earn a weekly wage.

The following are some of the available jobs/occupations:
Farmers: Farmers are dedicated individuals who spend their mornings farming grains, fruit, wood, wool and cattle which they then sell to local distributors.
Miners: Hard working laborer's that spend their day working in dark mine-shafts deep below the earths surface in search for rare metals and minerals.
Engineers: Engineers are smart and technical people who are reliable for producing fuel and electricity for the city as well as the upkeep of machines and various other things throughout the city.
Note: More jobs will be added.

Reputation Points (RP) represent the skill level and dedication of a player. Players with lots of RP are experienced and knowledgeable players who are likely to be trustworthy and good people to ask for advice. RP can be gained by simply being logged on to the server as well as being a good worker, completing quests, interacting with other players and being a good citizen. Reputation Points can also be lost for doing things against the law.

Every week a new quest will be added to the server which players can complete to earn some cash, reputation points and other rewards. New quest ideas will be taken from suggest by the community.

Larger quest will also be added monthly. The monthly quests will usually be longer and harder then the weekly quests but in return will give bigger and better rewards in return.

Housing is needed for many things, but most importantly as a place to store your items and money. Oakwood City has housing options available for everyone, from the right to the poor.

The Oakwood Hotel is an affordable option for those without much money. Citizens can rent a small hotel room which contains a bed, oven, storage chests and some other essential utilities. New citizens often need to use the hotel as a place to store some items while they are doing tasks around the city.

When a citizen has saved enough money they are able to buy an apartment or small house. Apartments and small houses give the owner the option to customize the interior the their liking.

The wealthy citizen of the city are able to purchase a plot of land. Plots range in sizes and prices and plot owners are able to build whatever they wish to on their land.

Oakwood City is a wonderful city filled with friendly citizens but occasionally some new citizens come to the city with bad intentions. To stop these misbehaved criminals the Mayor of the city has appointed a team of trustworthy individuals as the city’s police force to protect and serve the citizens of Oakwood City.
Mayor: The mayor of the city is the owner of the server (daawsomest)
Chief Officers: Chief Officers act as server administrators. The Chief Officers work alongside the Mayor to further develop the city.
Police Officers: Police Officers are responsible for helping citizens and enforce the law of the city.

Oakwood City is currently hiring police officers/moderators, builders, artists, website developers, plugin developers and YouTubers. In order to apply for one of these staff positions you must meet the following requirements:
Be at least 15 years of age (builders & artist exempt). Exceptions may be made if you can prove that you have outstanding skills relating to the position you have applied for.

- Have Skype and preferbably be able to talk on TeamSpeak as well.
- Be able to play on the server for at least 3 hours a day.
- Played Minecraft for at least 1 year.
- Have knowledge and some experience in the position you are applying for.
- Plugin Developers need to be good at coding Bukkit Plugins.
- Website Developers need to know html, css, SQL and PHP or Javascript

Builders are likely to become police officers/moderators if they wish and have spent some time working on the server.

NOTE: Please do not right I have been a moderator on this, this and this server before. I do not know that you are not making it up unless you are able to provide some sort of proof.

In order to successfully apply you must completely fill out one of the following applications truthfully. Detailed answers are required. If you do not meet one of the requirements, don't lie on the applications. If you are honest about it you are more may still be accepted.

Builders have one of the most important jobs on the server: To make it look fantastic. Builders will need to work together to build a modern city which citizens will live in.

Application for Builder -
What experience do you have with building modern buildings?
Provide screenshoots or other evidence of you work:
What do you like about the servers idea?
What do you dislike?

Police Officer/Moderator Application:
Moderators have the task of helping all of the citizens of Oakwood City and making sure everything runs smoothly.

Application for Moderator -
What experience do you have (must provide proof)?
Why should I higher you over the next person?
What do you like about the idea of this server?
What do you dislike?
Anything else:

Are you a good builder? If so please also complete a Builders application!

Artist Application:
Artists will need to create nice looking logos, banners and other graphics for the server, website and forums.

Application for Artist-
What type of art are you best at?
Example of your work:
What do you like about the idea of this server?
What do you dislike?
Anything else:

Writers will write creative stories for quests as well as write formal posts on the website and forums.

Application for Writer-
Write a small-medium sized paragraph about the history of Oakwood City:
What do you like about the idea of this server?
What do you dislike?
Anything else:

Website Developer:
​Website developers will need to custom code and manage an interactive website. They will work together with the Plugin Developers to display stats and other information from the server onto the website.

Application for Website Developer -
What are you able to do?
Proof of work (url or other):
Are you also able to code Bukkit Plugins?
What do you like about the idea of this server?
What do you dislike?
Anything else:

Plugin Developer:
The Plugin Developers have what is likely the hardest job on the server. They will work together in order to create the plugins that is required to make the server possible.

Application for Plugin Developer -
What experience do you have?
Proof of work (BukkitDev, GitHub):
Are you also able to develop websites?
What do you like about the idea of this server?
What do you dislike?
Anything else:

YouTubers will play a big role in helping to advertise the the server. In return Oakwood city will help advertise their YouTube channel and they will be given in-game perks.

Application for YouTuber -
YouTube Channel:
What do you like about the idea of this server?
What do you dislike?
Anything else:
Posted by MrDaawsomest's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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11/07/2014 7:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ThatOneBlueGuy's Avatar
Application for Writer-
Name: Maxx
Age: 14
Location: California, USA
Skype: Maxx lewinger
Write a small-medium sized paragraph about the history of Oakwood City:
History of Oakwood City
Many updates ago, there was a man, this man was bored with having to live in cold stone house with a thatched roof and a straw bed. He was tiered of the boring regular shapes of his time. So do you want to know what he did? He made a blueprint. One with many levels and offset windows and doors. One with a wraparound walkway. Then he put it in a jar and buried it far below a tree. For many updates the jar had remained hidden. Until, one day, a young builder also tiered of the same old builds that plagued his land sat down under the shade of a tree and fell asleep. When his woke he saw a glimmer of glass, he walked over to it and dug it out of the ground, it was a jar. “How peculiar.” He said to himself. When he opened the jar he found a rolled up piece of paper, and when he unrolled it, he saw a house. One like no other…

What do you like about the idea of this server? I think making a modern server is a smart idea because there aren't a lot of them.
What do you dislike?
Anything else:
11/07/2014 7:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ThatOneBlueGuy's Avatar
Application for YouTuber -
Name: Maxx
Age: 14
Location: California, USA
Skype: Maxx lewinger
YouTube Channel: Wolfclone01
What do you like about the idea of this server? Well like you said most, not all, RPG servers have the boss killing element to it which some people like, but, there is so much more a RPG server can be. Also most, and again not all, are set in the medieval time period. I think branching out to the modern house, cars, era, etc. was a good idea on your part.
What do you dislike? Nothing really.
Anything else: Even if I don't get excepted, which I really hope doesn't happen, I give you my best wishes.
07/01/2014 3:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Tooky's Avatar
Application for Moderator -
Name:Sam, In-game Rajafool
Skype:Cannot give that out to the world, If accepted will give you it.
What experience do you have (must provide proof)?Evancraft,Iceyrealms,
Why should I higher you over the next person?I'm mature, Very friendly, Kind. And helpful
What do you like about the idea of this server?The idea seems amazing, The quests seem amazing.
What do you dislike?Nothing!
Anything else:I really hope I get this position, If not I'll still play this all the time, It looks like great!, And as for building, I'm not the best, 3/10. Thanks for reading my application ~tooky
07/01/2014 2:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Reporter101's Avatar
Application for Builder -

Name: Reporter101
Age: 15
Timezone: CST (United States)
Skype: reporter10011
What experience do you have with building modern buildings?
-I have built several modern skyscrapers/city buildings on other servers, and I am constantly updating and perfecting my building techniques. In addition I am a big fan of the architecture of modern day cities and I do my best to stay up to date.
Provide screenshots or other evidence of you work:
-I do not currently have any screenshots, but I am happy to create an example build and send screenshots if requested.
What do you like about the servers idea?
-I really like the overall structure of the server. I find the housing, jobs, and RP mechanics to be very appealing.
-Housing --- Really like this idea because it gives players a way to spend the money they make a leave their own personal mark on the server.
-Jobs --- Creating different classes of jobs will provide for a very diverse community and with a wide variety of jobs everyone can find something for themselves.
-RP --- Very interested on seeing how this mechanic comes to life, and I have already begun to think up some of my own ideas to contribute to the use of RP
What do you dislike?
-That the server isn't up yet!!!
In all seriousness the server sounds amazing so far and Im hoping to hear more about it soon!

PS - If you need more ideas for jobs or for the server in general I would be happy to share a few that I have thought up. Just message me on skype anytime and I'll get back to you!
Water U Doin
06/21/2014 4:47 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Water U Doin's Avatar
Application for Builder -
Name: Robyn
Age: 15
Location: Oklahoma
Skype: ruebeeen
What experience do you have with building modern buildings? I have some experience building modern buildings as I have just started to venture into that type of style.
Provide screenshots or other evidence of you work: No screenshots at this time, but I will be able to provide some once some of my projects are complete.
What do you like about the servers idea? I like the fact that this server idea is so new and fresh. I like the idea of jobs, housing, and quests.
What do you dislike? I don't really dislike anything about this server so far, except for maybe the fact that I will have to wait to play it.

I know I may not be the most experienced builder out there, but I am good at following set ideas and maybe even helping come up with them. I might not be able to be in charge of major builds on the server, but I will definitely be able to assist in them. I seriously hope you at least consider my application. Even if I am denied, this server is at the top of my must play list.

Also, I am able to use TeamSpeak.
06/08/2014 9:28 pm
Level 1 : New Network
MrDaawsomest's Avatar
06/06/2014 11:33 pm
Level 1 : New Network
MrDaawsomest's Avatar
Builders are highly needed. Submit you application now!
06/05/2014 11:52 pm
Level 1 : New Network
MrDaawsomest's Avatar
snazzysmurfApplication for Writer
Name: SnazzySmurf
Age: 16
Location: UK
Skype: SnazzySmurf
Write a small-medium sized paragraph about the history of Oakwood City:

It all started with one man with a vision. The foundations of the now bustling metropolis began with just a simple wooden hut, over a hundred years ago. Stumbling across a new land while in convoy, a large posse of friends and family, led by Ross Waterson (improvised name), decided this was where they were going to make their new life.
And so it grew. Under Waterson's guidance, the men quickly constructed a small cluster of wooden shacks to house everyone. Being friendly folks, they welcomed any travelers to their humble settlement with open arms. This meant more food needed to be produced, and more housing. Slowly but surely, the territory expanded.
Waterson was elated to see his vision becoming a reality. Now a small town, his realm was a trading centre, renowned throughout the area for being accommodating and fair. Shortly before his death, he used a large amount of his funds to establish a beautiful hall in the centre of town, which he hoped would live on in his legacy.
And it did. The magnificent structure still stands today, a reminder of the humble beginnings of the city.

What do you like about the idea of this server?: I like the fact that unlike many other roleplay servers, this is based in the modern day. I would like to at least try out writing in order to spice up my style a little, as I usually write lore for the medival style servers.
What do you dislike?: Nothing really, it may end up being a little cliche but hopefully the writing will stop that. Hard to say anything bad until it goes up - it needs to be done well.
Anything else: Not really, I've said all I've needed to say above. Hope you like my improvised history of the city.

Thanks for reading! I hope I am accepted!

Skype request sent.
06/05/2014 2:41 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
snazzysmurf's Avatar
06/05/2014 11:48 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
shasshen's Avatar
Application for Moderator -
Name: Shasshen
Age: 16 going to be 17 in 2 months
Location: SIngapore
Skype: Shasshen ( there are quite a few so if you give me yours I will gladly add you.)
What experience do you have (must provide proof)? I have been an admin and mod on several servers however I do not have much proof. However I do have some proof. If you go to http://the-mod-cast.enjin.com/ as my ign is joelchan00, you will see that with the title of builder but something went wrong it supposed to be assistant. If you go to http://parallaxnetwork.enjin.com you will see that I was a mod but the website is inactive right now so you might not be able to see it. Furthermore, if you go to solidmine.net and go to the forums and click staff list or something like that, you will see my ign, joelchan00 as part of the general staff. If you go to http://jettmc.enjin.com/ you willsoon see admin or mod I think. I used to be admin and mod on other servers but unfortunately they have been shut down thus I do not have the proof.
Why should I higher you over the next person? I believe that I should be accepted because I have the experience of moderating and I love to help build servers. I am very helpful and friendly and I can play for about 4 to 5 hours a day and I will help this server as much as possible and that is a promise. I will give all my time and effort. Also, because I live in Singapore, when the server is up, while you are sleeping, I will be able to help make sure the server runs smoothly.
What do you like about the idea of this server? I literally like everything about this concept. I am not even saying this to get accepted. I really love the modern concept about it and cannot wait to see it come to life. I love everything about it and really want to be a part of it.
What do you dislike? I really do not dislike anything about it. maybe have more jobs ( i know that it is being worked on but i do not know what else to write because I like everything!)
Anything else: If you want I can also help build. I do not consider myself as a great builder but I believe that i have some talent in building. Hopefully I get accepted and be a part of this amazing server If i get accepted, pm me your skype name and I will add you.
06/05/2014 12:49 pm
Level 1 : New Network
MrDaawsomest's Avatar
Sent Skype name via PM.
06/05/2014 8:10 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
pontan_the_holy's Avatar
I am looking for moderators who stand out from others and ones who are also good at building.

The server won't be open to the public for quite some time. I am unable to give a date because it all depends on how quick and efficiently[/quote]
Okay, atleast it is a valid reason for a Deny.
I understand
06/05/2014 7:30 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Ingallja's Avatar
Application for Builder -
Name: Jackson
Age: 15
Location: North Carolina
Skype: None
What experience do you have with building modern buildings?
Provide screenshoots or other evidence of you work: I built one similar to this: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/ ... 639vys.jpg
What do you like about the servers idea? I like the genre and how you turned staff into important town members!
What do you dislike? Nothing really...
06/05/2014 7:36 am
Level 1 : New Network
MrDaawsomest's Avatar
Denied: Skype is required so I am able to instant message staff.
06/05/2014 7:25 am
Level 29 : Expert Blockhead
Main20000's Avatar
Username : MAIN20000
Age : 17
Timezone : GMT
Experience: : I have been part of a wide range of staff teams from mini-games to creative and survival 2 of which are highly popular Mysidia, Mc-Unity. Let me speak about Mysidia; It is a huge creative server one of the best building wise I was peacekeeper there (Moderator) I did many things to help that server answering all questions helping when ever but the best thing was when I saved the whole plotworld from a griefer who was mad and went a-wall with v/s I tried negotiating with him he wouldn't listen so I had to inform all the admins immediately. We spoke it out and he was banned after. The plotworld was saved I want also a mod on bearnation i have a server (Prison) i am co-owner of creocraft
Proof of Experience: http://gyazo.com/af110ed822471c79fa3b8bfd8da45fdc
Anything else:: I can provide a wide variety of pure talent building wise. I am very active as I see some are not. I know how to control my temper some people are not nice at all or they are too nice allowing anything to bypass them, I am in the middle nice all of the time when someone breaks the rules I will enforce them with great power. I mean I am in no way power hungry as people may think. I am a chill guy if you haven spoken with me on the server. I am very approachable so come and say "Hi". I was call out language and spam especially advertisement which I have heard that you take very strongly.

Contact method: Skype Decmain
06/05/2014 7:35 am
Level 1 : New Network
MrDaawsomest's Avatar
Skype request sent.
06/05/2014 7:10 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
pontan_the_holy's Avatar
Application for Moderator -
Name: Pontus Larsson
Age: 13
Location: Northen Sweden
Skype: pontepuh
What experience do you have (must provide proof)? Well, i got lots of experience, and if you want proof of me being Staff on other servers. Then i can shoot you some IP's. I'm currently a Co-owner of OPHydroPVP, i have had my own server, but i had to shut it down beacuse i did not have enough money to run it anymore.
Why should I higher you over the next person? Beacuse i got Experience, i'm Mature, i'm ''cool'' (Not in the way that little kids think cool means).
What do you like about the idea of this server? Well, i have not seen anything like it really. And i love the idea of this server, and i really hope it will get popular.
What do you dislike? Nothing really.
Anything else: I'm 13, but VERY Mature for my age, i don't like Abusing Staff, so why would i Abuse myself?
I live in Sweden, so i will be on when it's morning for the US People.

Thanks for you'r time, i really hope i get accepted.
06/05/2014 7:16 am
Level 1 : New Network
MrDaawsomest's Avatar
06/05/2014 7:44 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
pontan_the_holy's Avatar
What is the reason of me getting Denied?
And when will the server be up for public?
06/05/2014 8:08 am
Level 1 : New Network
MrDaawsomest's Avatar
I am looking for moderators who stand out from others and ones who are also good at building.

The server won't be open to the public for quite some time. I am unable to give a date because it all depends on how quick and efficiently
06/05/2014 6:59 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Benjynator's Avatar
Temporary Server Consultant



North America, OR.

Sorry, no.

What will you offer to the server?
I will offer my expertise in creating a magnificent server. My observation will be very helpful to make the server look at it's best intention. I will spot out any weak points and give my full attention to detail, idea concepts, and any major flaws within the server. My opinions will be heard and demands considered, for I will try to make this server the best it can be.

What do you like about the idea of this server?
I'm interested how reputation points will be applied into this server. An interesting idea, citizens obeying the law and completing quests reap the rewards. I also like how there is positive and negative reputation points, it sounds like a split of karma. I love how there's a real feel to the RPG element. There's a real society to call home and it sounds like an atmosphere is being created. Wealthy citizens will be able to afford higher costing plots, which might be considered a mansion. While poor citizens will have to settle for a hotel or apartment, I really love this idea of separating the classes. Not to mention, staff is being displayed as town icons instead of the tradition "Moderator" or "Administrator". This server has a lot of potential, I REALLY look forward to playing on this server.

What do you dislike?
To be honest, there's really nothing I dislike about this server/post. The only concern I see is that Police Officers and Chief Officers might be hard to be distinguished between.

Anything else?
This server looks really well planned and put together under one idea. I don't see many of these, especially custom coded servers. I would like to temporary be of assistance, then revert to being a normal player when the server officially releases.
06/05/2014 7:15 am
Level 1 : New Network
MrDaawsomest's Avatar
Sent private message.
06/05/2014 6:53 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
NixOfftopic's Avatar
Application for Artist-
Name: Liam or NixOfftopic
Age: 14
Location: New Zealand
Skype: nix.offtopic
What type of art are you best at? Games, 3D nearly anything.
Example of your work: http://www.PunPack.tv (All the art on there.)
What do you like about the idea of this server? It's new and has many different aspects to play with.
What do you dislike? Quests don't have huge impacts on the economy system.
06/05/2014 7:15 am
Level 1 : New Network
MrDaawsomest's Avatar
Skype request sent.
Planet Minecraft


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