Official Application For Abydos Craft 1.4.2 SMP

mothafuckajones's Avatar mothafuckajones11/5/12 8:56 pm
11/6/2012 5:55 pm
mothafuckajones's Avatar mothafuckajones
A few things about us... On the server we tend to build massive projects, we all live in the same huge base area and contribute much like JL2579's server. If your into doing your own thing and running off then this server is not for you. We expect minimal redstone knowledge at the least and expect mediocre minecraft knowledge; this being said no noobs. Moving on we are all laid back and act mature to a degree jokes are acceptable just don't go too far. So if you are into huge farms redstone creations massive builds working together, and are able to take a joke and be mature then we might welcome you into the server.
Current members are :
1. Mothafuckajones
2. Woflo9999
3. Canadian_Broski
4. Cam_c
5. torchic910
6. slickrick21
7. stizir
And we are open for new members if you would like to join please fill out the application below.
1. How long have you played minecraft?
2. What are your strong points in minecraft?
3. What are your weakness's?
4. Do you have a skype?
5. Do you record minecraft videos?
6. What is your age?
7. What is your favorite biome?
8. What is your favorite mob?
9. What is your favorite block?
10. On a scale of 1 to 10 how do you think others would rate you in...
Mob farms?
Large builds that require tedious work?
11. Do you have any previous minecraft bans? ( having bans does not mean you will not be accepted. We do check mc bans)
12. Oh no your house has been pranked what is your next course of action?
13. You see a room full of complicated redstone what do you do?
14. Shoot the sand generator breaks while you are using it what do you do?
15. What is a bud Switch and what is it useful for?
16. What is a smart piston useful for?
17. How far can a redstone wire travel with out a repeater?
18. What makes you stand out from the average minecrafter?
19. Melons or Pumpkins?
20. Do you have proof that you are exceptional at minecraft ? (i.e. world download, video etc)
21. Favorite color of wool
22. Country of residence?

Good luck with the application if you submitted one and thank you for your time in filling it out.
(local youtuber LittleCowOnThePrairr )
Posted by mothafuckajones's Avatar
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer

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11/06/2012 5:55 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
mothafuckajones's Avatar
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