OrbitCraft Staff Recruitment

MotionlessOrbit's Avatar MotionlessOrbit5/15/15 2:07 am
5/15/2015 2:24 am
lobeth17's Avatar lobeth17
OrbitCraft is a newly founded server. We are looking for a good and loyal staff team. If you think you have what it takes to be a part of this staff team, apply below: (Please follow format when applying)(Better detail = more attention)

1. Minecraft Username:
2. How old are you?:
3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?:
4. Why do you think you should be apart of the OrbitCraft staff team?:
5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?:
6. Do you have a Skype?:
7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?:
8. What makes you different/better than everyone else?:

Example Application:
1. Minecraft Username: MotionlessOrbit
2. How old are you?: 15
3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?: No.
4. Why do you think you should be apart of the OrbitCraft staff team?: Because I own the server.
5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?: Yes, owner.
6. Do you have a Skype?: Yes.
7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?: 25/8 366
8. What makes you different/better than everyone else?: I'm cool.
(You should have a lot more detail than this.)

Thank you for applying, we will contact you if we like your application.
Posted by MotionlessOrbit's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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05/15/2015 2:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lobeth17's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: lobeth17

2. How old are you?: 18 almost 19

3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?: One time years ago. Had a good reason.

4. Why do you think you should be apart of the OrbitCraft staff team?: Because i know i can do what it takes to be an admin.

5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?: Owned a few servers, co owned a few others, and been an admin on WAY too many to count.

6. Do you have a Skype?: Yes, but i prefer teamspeak

7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?: However often im needed. All day if need be.

8. What makes you different/better than everyone else?: Most people dont have as much experience as me in staff spots. Most people havent played MC as long as me(since early alpha). And most of the Minecraft players these day arent adults, and i am one lol
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