OrbitCraft Staff Recruitment

MotionlessOrbit's Avatar MotionlessOrbit5/15/15 8:34 pm
5/17/2015 1:02 pm
_Alpacaman_'s Avatar _Alpacaman_
OrbitCraft is a newly founded server. We are looking for a good and loyal staff team. If you think you have what it takes to be a part of this staff team, apply below: (Please follow format when applying)(Better detail = more attention)

1. Minecraft Username:
2. How old are you?:
3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?:
4. Why do you think you should be apart of the OrbitCraft staff team?:
5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?:
6. Do you have a Skype?:
7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?:
8. What makes you different/better than everyone else?:

Example Application:
1. Minecraft Username: MotionlessOrbit
2. How old are you?: 15
3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?: No.
4. Why do you think you should be apart of the OrbitCraft staff team?: Because I own the server.
5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?: Yes, owner.
6. Do you have a Skype?: Yes.
7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?: 25/8 366
8. What makes you different/better than everyone else?: I'm cool.
(You should have a lot more detail than this.)

Thank you for applying, we will contact you if we like your application.
Posted by MotionlessOrbit's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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05/15/2015 9:00 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Bunburys's Avatar
05/15/2015 10:14 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Ranger
Foosky's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: FuzzyHusky
2. How old are you?: 14
3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?: No
4. Why do you think you should be apart of the OrbitCraft staff team?: I think I should becaue I am nice, I am a decent builder. I am lenient and I can be funny, but also know when to crack down and be serious too.
5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?: Yes. I have experience with basically every staff position. Owner, Co-Owner, Head-Admin, Admin, Head-Mod, Mod, Helper, Builder, etc.
6. Do you have a Skype?: Yes. My skype is edawg474
7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?: around 34 hours a week.
8. What makes you different/better than everyone else?: Well, I wouldn't say I am better than everyone else. But I feel like you should choose me because I am loyal and have lots of experience.
05/15/2015 11:21 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Ironjically's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: ltlrckgal
2. How old are you?: 15
3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?: No.
4. Why do you think you should be apart of the OrbitCraft staff team?: I'm very mature and can handle angry players & problems very well. I have lots of knowledge on the game I'm playing, and can help players out when needed. I can be humorous when needed, but am willing to get serious as well.
5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?: Very much, I have been moderator countless times, admin 2 or 3 times, and have owned servers in the past.
6. Do you have a Skype?: No, i use the in-game minecraft chat.
7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?: Very large amounts of time during the Summer, 9-12 hours. During school, any time between 2:45-10:30.
8. What makes you different/better than everyone else?: I am not afraid to withhold rules and keep things clean and smooth. I have very much experience with server staff, have good knowledge of the game, i'm a moderately good builder, and can easily form bonds with players. I'm good with dealing through situations, and I have many different strategies to handle the varying kinds of said situations.
05/16/2015 12:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Captain_Stealth's Avatar
Minecraft Username: Captain_Stealth

Age: 14

Banned: Never been banned.

Why: Mature, Helpful, Kind, Very Honest, can handle different types is situations.
Can try to get more people on and I can make people happy if they are upset.

Skype: Yes, if you need it, pm me it.

Time: Decent amount during weekdays, a lot of weekends. I'll be on more often during the summer.

Difference: I will enforce the rules when needed. I will be helping so much and probably one of the most honest. I wanna keep the server clean and have mature people.

Thanks, I know this is short but I'm very tired at the moment but at least I'm trying.
05/16/2015 1:57 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
MagickShadow's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: MagickShadow

2. How old are you?: 22 Years Old

3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?: No I have not

4. Why do you think you should be apart of the OrbitCraft staff team?: Because I am very creative. I think my age and maturity would make me a great moderator. I don't let people harass other people even if I'm not a moderator. If people are breaking the rules I A) Let Them Know and B) Report them because they are taking the fun away from everyone playing on the server.

5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?: No, but in all fairness I haven't applied to be any.

6. Do you have a Skype?: Yes. Donnie_80492

7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?: All Day Everyday

8. What makes you different/better than everyone else? Like I said before. I am fun and Creative. I just got into recording my video game play so I can even record on your server if you would like me to. I also don't take take hacking lightly. I think that when people hack they are just ruining the fun for everyone else. I am not the best builder but I am fairly good and I get better everyday. I have built many houses for my friends on games like survival, skyblock and freebuliding.
05/16/2015 7:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
abking11's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: abking11

2. How old are you?: 15

3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?: no

4. Why do you think you should be apart of the OrbitCraft staff team?:I think that I am good at building or keeping the peace in my opinion. I also want to help I like helping people out with many tasks as long as it doesn't include drama or kids.

5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?: I have had a small amount of staff experience before and I was never told that I was doing bad so I think I was doing good and the reason why I never went back to it is because I simply forgot the server's ip.

6. Do you have a Skype?: yes, live:bryant4863

7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?: as much as I can which would be 3:00 pacific time or almost anytime during weekends.

8. What makes you different/better than everyone else?: My friends say that my mind works in a totally different direction and I think that could be a pro in minecraft. I also have many friends that I can get to play this server so I could also advertise. I am also looking forward to learning more about being a staff and adding on to what I know and how to properly operate commands. Thank you for considering me
05/16/2015 7:54 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
RebelKnox's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: RebelKnox
2. How old are you?: 14
3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?: Only 1 because a faulty team.
4. Why do you think you should be apart of the OrbitCraft staff team?:

Over the past years I have had Minecraft, I have developed a very strong sense in need of having a server. I got my very first server May 2nd, 2012. I have had over 30+ servers. (Not exaggeration) I understand if I step one, only one foot out of line, I will get demoted to member. I know the consequences. I am 14, and I am very mature. I can usually play MC for about 5 hours a day! (I know, thats a lot!) I have a joke every once and a while. Otherwise, I stick to what my duty is! To protect the server from harm, and not be a jerk and strict all the the time, but to make players have a pleasurable time. No need to worry about advertising! I've got it all from here! I have already advertised! (I will still advertise even if I don't get a rank) Staff is a responsibility that takes a lot of experience, and it also takes courage and bravery! I believe this rank would fit me from my experience. I have a MAC OS X 10.8.4 I usually do not have lag. If something goes wrong, I will fix the problem, and then somehow immediately report it to you!I think I should be a apart of the OrbitCraft Staff Team because I have potential to fulfill the requirements and have the experience of being a staff member on OrbitCraft.
5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?:
I have been staff on various servers. I am Mod on hypixel, Admin on OoverMC, and I am a Helper on Mc Central.
6. Do you have a Skype?:
7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?:
5 hours a day
8. What makes you different/better than everyone else?:
Everyone is unique in their own way, so I will not apply to this question, as this is a discourteous and unmannerly question.

Thank You
05/16/2015 8:47 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Artist
Rizla's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: Sgra

2. How old are you?: 16

3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?:
Everyone has been banned at-least once, I have been, once.

4. Why do you think you should be apart of the OrbitCraft staff team?:
I feel as if I'd be a good asset to the staff team as I'm an experienced server and Minecraft player. I'm good at dealing with users in several different situations. I take things seriously when needed. At times I can also have a joke with the members of the server which I personally feel is good for a staff member as not only does it mean, I have authority (In a nice way) over users but It also shows users that I'm a staff member that can be approached and friendly to whomever needs help / wants to talk. I'm a relatively nice person, players can approach me when ever they feel, with what ever questions they wish, server related / non server related.

5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?:
Throughout my time on Minecraft, playing on servers for the last 2 years or so, I have gained a respective amount of experience on servers in the form of, owning my own; Minetia and Ryze, Minetia more successful. Other experiences also come from the server Minetia as before I owned it it was owned by another person with whom I gained the trust to work up the ranks; Mod, admin Head-admin then co-owner. Eventually taking over the server myself when the other person, for personal reasons in which I wont disclose, handed the server over.

6. Do you have a Skype?:
I do indeed. If accepted I shall release my Skype to you.

7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?:
Almost 6 + hours a day. I can be on the server monitoring / helping users.

8. What makes you different/better than everyone else?
My dedication. I'm a very dedicated, hard working person. Even with school, i'll find a way to come on and be as active as I possible can. My experience makes me, in my honest opinion, better as it means I know what it is like to deal with users from many different aspects and points of view. My maturity is quite high for a person my age. I strive for professionalism.
05/16/2015 10:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
connorishful's Avatar
1. Minecraft Username:Connorishful
2. How old are you?:14
3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?:No
4. Why do you think you should be apart of the OrbitCraft staff team?: I am always a hard worker I give you 110% from the start of the day till the end of the day. Also, I'm respectful of other people.
5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?:No
6. Do you have a Skype?:Yes, connorishful
7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?: For at least 2.5-3 hours everyday (because of my super packed schedule)
8. What makes you different/better than everyone else?: Even though I have a packed schedule, I'll still work hard everyday and put as much effort as I can into your server. I'm a very mature for a 14 year old, and I've been playing Minecraft for at least 2 years.

I really hope you like my application enough that you would let my join.
05/17/2015 1:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
_Alpacaman_'s Avatar
1. Minecraft Username: Alpacaman
2. How old are you?:14
3. Have you ever been banned on any other servers?: Yes, but it wasn't for hacking but for supposedly using auto disconnect, idk if it is a real thing. lol
4. Why do you think you should be apart of the Orbit-craft staff team?: I think that i should be part of the Orbit_craft staff team because I am pretty nice when it comes to talking to people and staff, I will enforce the rules strictly, I will do whatever it takes to kee the server from going into chaos, I will help other players that need assistance in what ever they need help with, as long it is something i can help with ,
5. Do you have any experience with a staff position?: I have no experience what so ever, but i know what a staff member has to do when it comes to dealing with problems.
6. Do you have a Skype?: Yes! Skype is : marco.balino
7. How often would you be able to play and monitor the server?: I live In Cali and i would be bale to monitor it from 5- 8 as long as i dont have soccer practice
8. What makes you different/better than everyone else?: I can learn quickly and figure out what to do in a situation quickly.
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