Co-Owner / General Manager needed with a ton of experience?

Bi0Ph34r's Avatar Bi0Ph34r1/13/16 2:00 am
1 emeralds 173 2
1/13/2016 10:24 pm
Bi0Ph34r's Avatar Bi0Ph34r
To start I am not much of a Minecraft person, but I am interested in building and learning a full Minecraft community. I will be building a community which will be Minecraft spigot multi world server and website and w/e else needed. I will be funding the whole project and need someone who has built large Minecraft servers interested in building a new Minecraft server with me. Need someone who has the time and devotion to build on my server and put all their time into this project.

What is required of you?
organize, build, hire staff, advertise, and all around build a community.

Why would you want to do this when you could do it yourself?
I am going to be paying all the costs of the server and building the site and keeping it online, and as a bonus after a month trial if you do great work I will offer a partnership and 10% of the company that we will be working on building.

What do you need to do?
Send me a resume including here or in my pm away from this main post including:

Why you want to join this project?
Why you think you could build the community up?
Your skill set?
Most popular community you build/help build as a main partner:
What country you currently are in?
How many hours/day can you spend on the server?
And anything else to sell yourself on this project:

Extra Tidbits:
I have started a small spigot server but need help in building it up, I have little experience in hosting minecraft and building a proper fun server that can hold a vast community of people but for those that are interested what is started so far here are the sites.

server: spigot.craftthat.net
website: craftthat.net

and any questions you can pass on to my pm or here and I'll kindly answer them.
Posted by Bi0Ph34r's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner

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01/13/2016 10:24 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
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01/13/2016 8:02 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
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