ParadisePvP // Recruiting Staff // mc.ParadisePvP.net //

Technically's Avatar Technically7/10/15 3:59 pm
7/18/2015 7:29 pm
Technically's Avatar Technically

ParadisePvP is a small Factions server looking to expand. We are a professional and mature team with only the highest expectations. There are a few more spaces for staff members dedicated to expanding and supporting the community. We plan on creating a fun, safe environment for all ages. We are starting out small, but strong. So far we have a functional Factions server but soon enough we will expand to all different and custom gametypes. In time, I truly believe we can grow to become an astounding network. If you believe in us as well, please read on below.

~We will NOT pay the team until further notice~


-All applicants MUST have a working microphone
-All applicants MUST have a multi-paragraph application
-All applicants MUST have a Skype
-All applicants MUST let me know before going on vacation
-All applicants MUST be aged 15+ (NO EXCEPTIONS!)


Developer (0 Positions Available)

"Configuring" plugins do NOT count!
-Will be under 'Dev' rank on server
Click to reveal
Plugins created:
Proof of work:
Hours available:
Why you want to be part of the team:

General Administrator (3 Positions Available)

-In charge of our Moderator team
-Pitching into server discussions
-Goes under 'Admin' Rank on server
Click to reveal
Hours Available:
What other things could you offer the server:
Why you want to be on the team:
Anything else you want to include:

Server Coordinator (1 Position Available)

-In charge of server events
-In charge of pitching new ideas for the server
-Will be under 'Dev' rank on server
Click to reveal
List one Idea/event that could be implemented (Explain):
Hours available:
Why you want to work with us:
Anything else:

Build Team Manager (1 Position Available)

-In charge of creating and leading all major builds on the server
-In charge of coordinating frequent updates to all server builds
-Will be under 'Admin' rank on server
Click to reveal
Hours Available:
Experience on Build Teams:
Proof of builds (Link pictures):
Knowledge of Worldedit:
Knowledge of VoxelSniper:
Why you want to work with us:

Build Team (5 Positions Available)

-Assist Build Team Manager in creating server builds
-Will go under 'Builder' rank on server
Click to reveal
Hours available:
Proof of Builds:
Knowledge of VoxelSniper:
Knowledge of WorldEdit:
Any experience with other build teams:

Artist (2 Positions Available)

-Creating Server Logo
-Creating server art
Click to reveal
Proof of work:
Any experience with other servers:

Recruitment Team Manager (1 Position Available)
-In charge of the recruitment team
-Responsible for gaining community members
Click to reveal
Hours available:
Recruitment plan:
How will you organize members to help you?:
Any experience gaining a player base?:

Recruitment Team (10 Position Available)
-Recruit Members
-Keep Players
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Hours available:
Recruitment plan:
How do you plan on gaining members?:
Any experience gaining a player base?:
Posted by Technically's Avatar
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter

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07/18/2015 7:29 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
07/18/2015 12:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Thatguy777's Avatar
Skype:None due to hackers.
Timezone:Auckland Welington (UTC 12:00)
Hours available:Im Avalable Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Friday
Proof of Builds:
Knowledge of VoxelSniper:Im Used to that plugin its really cool too.
Knowledge of WorldEdit:Im Know This plugin Very well i used it in every server I was staff on
Any experience with other build teams:I was a part of Builder staff on 3 servers.
07/18/2015 12:21 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Reh_Topst's Avatar
This post is a bookmark. (I'll submit later.)
07/17/2015 11:25 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Skizzio's Avatar
07/15/2015 9:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Tom-Senpai's Avatar
General Administrator Application

Name: Tom Harper

IGN: Tom-Senpai

Age: 25

Skype: Tom.Rawrs

Timezone: Eastern

Experience: I've been playing minecraft for 5+ years now. I've been staff numerous times over the years. I was Admin on a pvp server for a year and senior admin on one of the biggest Tekkit server at one point. I've been staff on other games as well. Management and coordinating are things I can do well. I've also had my own server.

Hours Available: Every day except 8am-4pm. Off work Sundays and Mondays. If works slow I get home around 12pm-2pm.

What other things could you offer the server: I'm not going to tell you what you want to hear. If you're looking for a reliable administrator, then I can be just that. Other than promising you my time and expertise, I can't tell you what more I could offer. I can tell you though that I would do my best and give what I can to the server.

Why you want to be on the team: honestly, I'm looking for a new home. I really just enjoy staffing and helping out. I'm accustomed to pvp servers. I don't play pvp anymore but when I play survival I always play on pvp servers. I have a lot of time on my hands and I just want to put it to use.

Anything else you want to include: I'm an outgoing and positive individual. I'm an auto mechanic. My hobbies are reading and playing games. If you have more questions, my skype is Tom.Rawrs also if I typo, I apologize. I wrote this on my phone.
07/15/2015 9:30 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
07/12/2015 11:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Cobalt863's Avatar
General Administrator Application
I'll type what I can this on my Gaming Pc.

Name:Wesley, Like to go by Wes

IGN: Cobalt863


Skype: Wesley.cisco

Timezone: Est

What I could I do to help the Server? well the best I could do is most likely help people with any Issues or Questions, I can help recruit and get more people onto the server if Needed. I am a Nice, sarcastic, cocky Staff member. I'll listen to what you have to say, don't like to Argue with any other staff only if they continue the subject. What would I do to someone breaking rules, give them three warnings, they break all three then get A higher person to kick or temp ban depending on what they did.

Experience: I've help be a Moderator on other small servers with 10-30 people not much but a good amount to get a hang of the Command but will most likely need a review on what to type for certain things. I've never been caught Hacking or modding any or Perma banned from any servers that I know of besides trolling with friends. I'll donate over time depending on how well the server goes.

Hours: Anytime someone needs help I can pull up a Tab with the server Check around see what's going on and get off. I'll usually have skype up so Message me on that.

I want to be on the team because I would like to see the capability to what the server Could offer. There is a decent amount of people that play off and on throughout the day and its nice to see that there isn't any really large difficulties between everyone. I can do a favor for any of the Mod's/Staff or even the Owner if they need one, don't mind to help.

Anything else for me, I love the Color Ox blood red, email Weswcisco@gmail.com and I hope to see you review this and get hold of me if you consider if not worth a Shot,
07/14/2015 1:18 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
Pending - Skype.
07/11/2015 11:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JJEK2323's Avatar
Name: Jack


Age: 15

Skype: JJEK2323

Timezone: California

Experience:I moderated on a server with 500 people for about 6 months but unfortunately I had family issues and had to take a break from minecraft completely.

Hours Available: Normally at night/evening my time

What other things could you offer the server:I would like to become a Admin because, I've seen some pretty mean stuff said around the community and I would like to have authority to stop it! I believe I could help the community. I know we have lots of young kids playing on our server, so we need to make sure that our servers stay upbeat and appropriate. I know kids are gonna be kids and say stuff that shouldn't be said that's why you just let them off with a warning the first time. I'm not gonna lie, I've said things before but I have stopped my self from typing them. I'd just like to teach kids to keep it to themselves and I want this to be the best community from children all the way up to grown adults, that can all respect each other. Apart from that I would like too see this community grow and flourish!

Here are just 2 of the traits I live off of are...

Courtesy- To be nice and treat people the way you want to be treated. ( I hope to get everybody in our community thinking like this. Just imagine a community where people are treating other people with a mutual amount of respect!)

Perseverance - To always keep trying and never give up. ( Even as a Admin you need to have this trait. If something is happening in the community you can't just ignore it because it's to difficult to deal with. You deal with it and don't give up on it till it is a fair/

Why you want to be on the team: I want to do more then just play the game, I want to help other people out and be part of a team!

Anything else you want to include: I hope I can help your server grow and flourish into the greatest it can be!

Thank you so much, I hope you take this into consideration.
07/12/2015 11:15 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
Pending - Considered for another position.
07/11/2015 11:10 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
st6sniper1's Avatar
Age: 14
Skype: st6sniper1
Timezone: northern standard
Experience: I have been learning to code Java and C sharp, when I finish learning I will be able to make custom plugins. I have been admin on many servers and know about every command there is in minecraft. I am currently making the server a animated banner . I am also a respectful and responsible player. I treat all players with respect and dignity and I punish accordingly
Hours Available: Pretty much all day During the summer. But starting in September I got excepted Into a computer school for high school students. there I will learn to code even more and when I graduate I will have a 4 year degree in computer science
What other things could you offer the server: I can advertise, be supportive, Help with the server, I can moderate chat and make sure everyone is following the rules, And eventually code custom plugins for the server
Why you want to be on the team: Because I have checked out the server a bit and its cool and it appears to have potential. If we play are cards right and advertise we could have players rolling in in no time.
Anything else you want to include: I do have a working mic and team speak, and Skype.

If you could respond to my app. through Skype that could be great
07/11/2015 9:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SoDak's Avatar
Administrator Application

Name: David
IGN: SoDak
Age: 17
Skype: david_gwaltney@outlook.com
Timezone: Mountain Time (US)
Experience: I have plenty of experiences moderating both communities and games of different kinds. I have, from my count, two years of moderating Minecraft. This includes forums, in-game, and creating servers of various type. Hero’s Fantasy, RPG Factions, Flip Prison, and MC-Rise of Kings are a few that stand out to me. Hero’s Fantasy was an active, 30 person, roleplay server that I helped develop, administer, and moderate, RPG Factions had around 40 active players, and was a Factions server. I created and administrated this one. Flip Prison is a, from my count, 50 player server that I started, though sadly closed down. MC Rise of Kings is the premier Minecraft roleplay server, and I was an event team member, application team member, media team member, and build team member. I also have, from my count, two years of moderating Garry's Mod Servers; mainly Gage’s Darkrp, and Power Darkrp. I, also, used to moderate a Battlefield 3 Server, which didn’t have a name. It has, from my count, a full server every time I came on to moderate. In addition, I’ve moderated events in-real-life. The following paragraphs will go in-depth on each Minecraft server. I will, also, add a little on the Garry’s Mod servers and Battlefield 3. First, there is Hero’s Fantasy. Hero’s Fantasy, as I said, was an active, to person, roleplay server that I helped develop, administer, and moderate. I was one of the “Co-Owners,” along with another friend. From this server, in my opinion, I learned truly how to handle situations, and administer a server. I developed a few custom plugins, learned how to configure plugins that are made to be configured, and overall made a great experience for players. Second, there is RPG Factions. As stated above, RPG Factions had around 40 active players, and was a Factions server that I helped Moderate. A dear friend of mine wanted to create a Minecraft server, so, in the end, I helped that become a reality. My job was moderating the chat, looking for hackers, and handling situations that have rule-breakers in them. In addition, I helped with the plugins. I learned, and gained loads of experience, of moderating chat on this server. Third, is Flip Prison. Flip Prison is a, from my count, 50 player server that I started this year. I focused, as a owner, mainly on customer support, watching for hackers, and handling situations that would occur quickly and efficiently. I, as I did on the other server, worked on custom plugins. I gained a lot more experience on situations from working on this server. Fourth, there is Mc-Rise of Kings. This server, still active today, offers text-based roleplay. I was on the Application team, Event team, Forum Moderator, and Media Manager. This server taught me how to moderate the forums in an effective manner, without causing any problems. I also, from my experiences on the Application Team, spent days working with new players to make their experiences the best possible. Sixth, I have moderated Power Darkrp and Gages Darkrp on Garry’s Mod. These servers, both roleplay, have given me experiences on moderating chat, games, and spotting hackers; along with dealing with these offences. I spent days working on developing them, and months moderating them. Seventh, I moderated a Battlefield 3 server, run by a friend. Mostly, on this server, I looked out for hackers and dealt with them appropriately. In addition, I semi moderated the chat, and helped out with the running of the actual server.
Hours Available: Roughly 5 hours everyday during the week and around 7 hours everyday during the weekend which is based off of my work schedule.
What other things could you offer the server: My experience, intelligence, and my activity are my obvious skills. Here it is. I’ve worked with administrating servers, both large and small. While I may not have moderated a large network I believe that my experiences have given me the ability to handle situations efficiently and effectively. To conclude, I’m a well-rounded person with the experience and knowledge to do my job both efficiently and effectively, and my motivation for my work lies with the players who make up this great community.
Why you want to be on the team: The reason I want to be an Admin is to help players. I loved owning and running my server, and I also loved helping other players run their servers. Minecraft, in itself, is a multi-platform game with millions of active players. Many of these players play on various servers. Servers need, active, intelligent, and experienced staff members. I feel that, after the time I’ve spent having a great experience, it’s my duty to help the server, and give new players the same experience that I had. My experience, intelligence, and my activity are reasons why I should be a helper. When I start something, or start working on something, I stay with it, and provide the best effort that I can give. I am a well-rounded player, and I, in my opinion, have a way with people. I am currently the Top of Class. I’ve worked with moderating servers, both large and small. While I may not have moderated a 6 thousand person server, I believe that my experiences have given me the ability to handle situations efficiently and effectively.

An Admin to sum it up, an active, intelligent, and experienced staff member, whose love resides in the community. They strive to provide quality experiences, by helping players. They help run, moderate, and administrate servers; thus keeping it alive for more players to enjoy. Every player’s duty, in my opinion, is to give back to the server that they love, the server that gave them a home. An admin must be experienced. They must have the knowledge, skills, and experiences required to administrate from a 6 thousand person server to a five player server. They must be intelligent. A staff member needs to have intelligence on the following: common sense, people, and the basic way to handle rule-breakers. A famous person once said: “Being an Admin isn't to be "cool" or "above the rest".

To conclude, the reason I want to be a member of staff is to help players. I loved owning and running my server, and I also loved helping other players run their servers. Minecraft, in itself, is a multi-platform game with millions of active players. Many of these players play on servers. All servers must have active, intelligent, and experienced staff members. I feel that, after the time I’ve spent having a great experience, it’s my duty to help the server, and give new players the same experience that I had.
Anything else you want to include: I know most plugins quite well and I know the game Minecraft very well.
07/11/2015 9:46 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
Pending - Under review.
07/11/2015 2:32 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
yonnnnnnn's Avatar
General Administrator Application

Name: Scott
IGN: Yonn
Age: 15
Skype: scott.timms2000
Timezone: Australia/Perth
Mineslaughter{staff member}
Explicint network {Admin}
Xtr3me network {Moderator}
Hours Available: 2+ hours a day available.
What other things could you offer the server:
The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:

*I have successfully Administrated 2 servers
*I have successfully Moderatred 1 server
*I strive for CONTINUED excellence
*I provide exceptional contributions to the server community
*I am helpful with anything from muting spammers to helping with the configuration of Plugins
*I stive to meet and go beyond standards set.
*I have many hours of spare time to INVEST into the server

I am very loyal, responsible, honest, trustworthy, innovative, creative and impartial. I have been in administrative possitions before and know the reposibilty needed.I would focus on maintaining the peace, assisting players in making their ideas reality, and keeping everyone active and entertained. I hate seeing people complain about being bored, and that's easily fixable by conversing with them or suggesting a new idea. I would keep the peace by reminding people of the rules before any situation became too big of a deal, and caring for everyone involved, newbie or veteran. I have had experience in factions as a staff members and as a player and i know what im doing. I am confident using commands and am familiar with most plugins.

Why you want to be on the team: I would like to join the team because i have plenty of spare time and am not using it to its full potential and i am looking for something to do.
Anything else you want to include: I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. My favourite colour is green.(May i ask as to why we must include this in our application?)
07/11/2015 9:03 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
Pending - Under review
07/11/2015 1:39 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
07/11/2015 12:20 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Piggaroni's Avatar
Name: Jefferson
IGN: AtomixPiggy
Age: 15
Skype: jeffersonlam1
Timezone: Singapore, UTC +8
Experience: I have experience owning and running a server, being admin on servers, handling and maintaining(configuring, testing, and using) plugins, as well as adding detail to builds. I can do just about anything you need me to do. I also have experience running forums, gaming communities, and other sites of the like.
Hours Available: 4-7 hours available
What other things could you offer the server: I can offer happiness to the server and safety to the server, I want to make the server a friendly community and I do not want people to hack the server, I can also offer alot of players.
Why you want to be on the team:I would like to become a staff member because I love helping people and making them enjoy their Minecraft experience I've been trying to find a good server to stay on, a server that knows what it's doing and has a good team of staff who know what they're doing. That seems hard to find, but this seems very well thought out and organized. So I hope that this will be the place I can stay and help maintain. Somewhere for me to be able to help keep things going and actually be a part of something in the community. If you ever want to contact me about this or anything else, just message me. I'll happily answer your questions.
Anything else you want to include: I am 15 years old, so I do have school. I will remain dedicated to the server, but there may be times when I need to focus more , . If you have any questions, want to know anything more about me, please feel free to message me here or on skype. I will always reply on skype regardless of if I'm on here or not. So please try skype first. Thanks. I hope you find the team you're looking for.. And I am applying for General Admin or Recruitment Manager
07/11/2015 12:30 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
Denied - Age limit not met.
07/11/2015 12:17 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
AtomixPiggyName: Jefferson
IGN: AtomixPiggy
Age: 15
Skype: jeffersonlam1
Timezone: Singapore, UTC +8
Experience: I have experience owning and running a server, being admin on servers, handling and maintaining(configuring, testing, and using) plugins, as well as adding detail to builds. I can do just about anything you need me to do. I also have experience running forums, gaming communities, and other sites of the like.
Hours Available: 4-7 hours available
What other things could you offer the server: I can offer happiness to the server and safety to the server, I want to make the server a friendly community and I do not want people to hack the server, I can also offer alot of players.
Why you want to be on the team:I would like to become a staff member because I love helping people and making them enjoy their Minecraft experience I've been trying to find a good server to stay on, a server that knows what it's doing and has a good team of staff who know what they're doing. That seems hard to find, but this seems very well thought out and organized. So I hope that this will be the place I can stay and help maintain. Somewhere for me to be able to help keep things going and actually be a part of something in the community.Secondly, I would really enjoy being a "Admin" because I want to be here and do something that would benefit the players and continue this positive experience towards the server, I really look forward to. I'm here to ask for this position, not for the rank, but knowing how much trust you are willing to give to me. If you ever want to contact me about this or anything else, just message me. I'll happily answer your questions.
Anything else you want to include: I am 14 years old, so I do have school. I will remain dedicated to the server, but there may be times when I need to focus more , . If you have any questions, want to know anything more about me, please feel free to message me here or on skype. I will always reply on skype regardless of if I'm on here or not. So please try skype first. Thanks. I hope you find the team you're looking for. And my favourite colour is Orange or Blue. And I am applying for General Admin or Recruitment Manager ( Does Recruitment Manager get Admin rank?)

Denied - It seems you care more about the title you receive then the actual position.

I don't care about anyones favorite color. That is irreverent information.
07/11/2015 12:17 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Skizzio's Avatar
Admin Application





Eastern Standard Time

Over the years, All that Minecraft has consisted for me was staffing. Owning, Having admin rights, ect. I believe I have the most experience now than many other people have, and I believe that if we work as a team, the server will be much more successful (Not saying its not going to be, I just know my sh*t). I think I'd be best suited for Admin simply because I've been here before and know what to do.

Hours Available:
Any time of the day

What other things could you offer the server:
I can offer ideas, maturity, experience and a helping hand to any staff/player that needs it. I'm a very helpful and gracious guy, and would love to have the opportunity to help the server,

Why you want to be on the team:
I believe that everyone deserves a chance, including the worse of players. So understanding and communication is key to any situation being handled. I believe over the years i've gained the skills that it takes to become a head-admin on many servers. Although this may seem "Cocky", I can tell you that its not. I have my downfalls, I have my moments of misunderstandment, and I have my moments of anger. But being experienced, I know how to deal with these moments in a sophisticated way. I believe I can make the server a better place with me around as Admin.

Anything else you want to include:
Thank you for reading this. I hope to see you soon!
07/11/2015 12:18 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
Pending - I will get back to you, I enjoyed the application.
07/11/2015 12:21 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Skizzio's Avatar
Alright! Thank you!

- Chase
07/11/2015 12:13 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Piggaroni's Avatar
Name: Jefferson
IGN: AtomixPiggy
Age: 15
Skype: jeffersonlam1
Timezone: Singapore, UTC +8
Experience: I have experience owning and running a server, being admin on servers, handling and maintaining(configuring, testing, and using) plugins, as well as adding detail to builds. I can do just about anything you need me to do. I also have experience running forums, gaming communities, and other sites of the like.
Hours Available: 4-7 hours available
What other things could you offer the server: I can offer happiness to the server and safety to the server, I want to make the server a friendly community and I do not want people to hack the server, I can also offer alot of players.
Why you want to be on the team:I would like to become a staff member because I love helping people and making them enjoy their Minecraft experience I've been trying to find a good server to stay on, a server that knows what it's doing and has a good team of staff who know what they're doing. That seems hard to find, but this seems very well thought out and organized. So I hope that this will be the place I can stay and help maintain. Somewhere for me to be able to help keep things going and actually be a part of something in the community.Secondly, I would really enjoy being a "Admin" because I want to be here and do something that would benefit the players and continue this positive experience towards the server, I really look forward to. I'm here to ask for this position, not for the rank, but knowing how much trust you are willing to give to me. If you ever want to contact me about this or anything else, just message me. I'll happily answer your questions.
Anything else you want to include: I am 15 years old, so I do have school. I will remain dedicated to the server, but there may be times when I need to focus more , . If you have any questions, want to know anything more about me, please feel free to message me here or on skype. I will always reply on skype regardless of if I'm on here or not. So please try skype first. Thanks. I hope you find the team you're looking for. And my favourite colour is Orange or Blue. And I am applying for General Admin or Recruitment Manager ( Does Recruitment Manager get Admin rank?)
07/11/2015 12:05 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
07/10/2015 8:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
_ColdCraftMC_'s Avatar
General Administrator Application
Sorry if it's not good enough standards, I'm writing this on my tablet.

Name: Jack

IGN: _ColdCraftMC_


Skype: smokeweedeveryday999666

Timezone: EST

What other things could you offer the server? Well probably slot of things but let's just talk about the most important ones. First, I would be a fair staff member and not be biased in any way. Second of all, I would be a nice staff member. Not one of those ones who abuses their power and unfairly punishes people. Also, I can make it a fun community where people feel welcome and safe. I would also keep people in check and deal with conflicts in a mature and civil manner. Finally, I could check appeals, and unban the ones that deserve to be unbanned and the ones that still deserve to be banned will be denied.

Experience: I have been admin on a few small servers before with 10 -20 people on at a time, and was a mod on server with 400-500 people on at a time before. I was also a helper on mineplex for a decent amount of time but got demoted for no reason. I was quite confused.

Hours Available:Probably about 5 hours a day, maybe 7 on a day where I have like no responsibilities.

Why you want to be on the team: So I can help moderate a server which seems like it has a lot of potential and have fun doing my job and just help people have a better time by correctly and fairly punishing the people who are ruining their good time. Also It could help me prove that I'm a very good staff member overall that can have fun doing it.

Extra:Favorite color is blue email is minecrafter5496@gmail.com and I am thankful that you took the time to read my application. Hope to see you ingame

07/10/2015 9:26 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
Pending- Added on Skype. Nice Skype name...
07/10/2015 9:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
_ColdCraftMC_'s Avatar
Sorry, made skype when I was addicted to mlg stuff like a year ago, and haven't made a new one :p
Edit: I didn't get a request on skype
07/10/2015 9:44 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
Check again.
07/10/2015 8:43 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
PerfectedAssassinName: Adam
IGN: Mast0rPanda
Skype: pasificgaming
Timezone: Eastern Time
Experience: I have been co owner admin on 7 servers moderator on 2 i know how to stop arguments also when i should stop them i know the correct commands when it comes to stopping hackers ddosers i have alot of knowledge in commands such as pex group manager and some permission ex.
Hours Available: 10 hours a day
What other things could you offer the server:I will help the server grow and have more players stop hackers etc ban then stop arguments i will not allow sexuality etc i will stop anyone from using racism or homophobia.
Why you want to be on the team: You should choose me because I am nice and mature. And some people Just want Mod/Admin for the Power and The Fame of the server. Well that's not me. I am on everyday as much as I can and am always watching out for hackers, spammers, advertisers, ETC.. I like to get rid of people who don't belong to places because I don't want people to ruin good times for others that just like to play the game. I don't brag as others do to and make others feel bad that they didn't get the Mod/Admin rank. My job will be to make sure everyone is happy and safe and the network Will work good without all these people getting in the way. I am also very forum active so if I see any ban appeal or reports I will go check them out and make decisions on them. I am also very good with handling problems Like if people are fighting and cussing and that stuff I can handle it. The only real reason that I am applying for this position is to keep this network chat and game play safe from like spammers hackers advertisers bullies and Lots more. I am good at listening to directions and paying attention to things around me. This would be like my part time Job. I would take this serious but at the same time have fun and talk to people. But most will be paying attention and being aware of everything around me and all the people on. I am the person that wouldn't let anything go past me. If I see a hacker they are getting banned. If I see a spammer they are getting muted. I wont let anyone or anything get bye me because this network will be safe as I said. Now if I have a question or road block on something I will ask other staff because I will always be there for the staff. Ill Take care of the community and not Abuse any Commands that I am Given. I will be on All the time to make sure everything is fine. I wont stick with one server the whole time. I will go around all servers twice the time I am on, Just Keep the Community Safe.Staff should Be Nice and respectful to all players such as I am. The whole point off staff is to make a bigger and Better community and that is what I would do If I where Mod/Admin. There would be a good reason for me to ignore players talking to me If I was staff. I will make sure all questions/concerns are answered And make sure everyone is OK with everything going on. I will be both forum and server active during my Helper/Assistant Rank. I will work my schedule out with you guys if I was Mod/Admin. I will never Lie to a player as a Staff Member. Also Part of being staff is being Truth full and calming all situations down. Such as the owners delete a Game Players like and they Spam and freak out about it, I would be there to tell them what is going on and What will happen, such as other Staff would do I hope. Just my main point to fill this app out is to not Show off To My friends I'm Mod or Admin and abuse or try to takeover the server. And People can get pushy and Annoying and Get mad at Staff, And some People just lose it when others talk to them like that. But not me I wont have a argument with any members or other staff. I know how to control my self and keep calm while they get Pushy and Disrespectful to you. I will just do my Job and not argue about anything.And I do understand the Commands and Plugins of the server.The point is to help and server the Network with care and respect and a Purpose.But At The same time have fun with the Network.
Anything else you want to include My Fav Color Is Blue

Denied - I cannot tell what position you are applying for. The app is to messy, thank you though.
07/10/2015 4:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
cjping26's Avatar
Name: hello my name is Clayton Jarvis-Parker and my user name is cjping I would love to apply for the job of a builder. I am 15 years old now and love playing mine craft! i play it quite a lot and consider myself a good builder. I do have Skype and my name on it is cjping12, i live in the uk so that tells you about my timezone. Now i do have school and am on mine craft for as long as possible. i am going on vacation in a couple of days (on the 19th) and will inform you when I'm back.

So why should i be a builder? well i always build things for my friends and little maps and also mini games that they loved so i do have some experience in building. I don't have a certain area of building but i just allow it to flow! i am good with building castles and i am great with redstone (but not command blocks) so whatever you want building i will have a go at! and give it my all!!

I can't show you any of my builds yet because non of the links are working so i can show you around one of my plots on a creative server i know if you would like! I do not know how to use world edit but if you want me to use it i will research how to use it and will give it my all! i do not know what voxelsniper is but again if you want me to use it i can try!

i want to work with you because i love helping out and you all seem like nice people. i would like to make sure everyone is doing what they should swell and make sure they rant misbehaving and if they do i will report it to an admin or anyone on! (and if i can take it into my own hands i will )
07/10/2015 8:44 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
Pending - Please include Skype username in applications.
07/10/2015 4:18 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
PerfectedAssassin's Avatar
General Administrator (3 Positions Available)

-In charge of our Moderator team
-Pitching into server discussions
-Goes under 'Admin' Rank on server ( If admin rank is not available moderator or head moderator is fine)
IGN: Mast0rPanda


Skype: pasificgaming

Timezone: Eastern Time

Experience: I have been co owner admin on 7 servers moderator on 2 i know how to stop arguments also when i should stop them i know the correct commands when it comes to stopping hackers ddosers i have alot of knowledge in commands such as pex group manager and some permission ex.
Hours Available: 10 hours a day
What other things could you offer the server:I will help the server grow and have more players stop hackers etc ban then stop arguments i will not allow sexuality etc i will stop anyone from using racism or homophobia.

Why you want to be on the team: You should choose me because I am nice and mature. And some people Just want Mod/Admin for the Power and The Fame of the server. Well that's not me. I am on everyday as much as I can and am always watching out for hackers, spammers, advertisers, ETC..
I like to get rid of people who don't belong to places because I don't want people to ruin good times for others that just like to play the game. I don't brag as others do to and make others feel bad that they didn't get the Mod/Admin rank. My job will be to make sure everyone is happy and safe and the network Will work good without all these people getting in the way.
I am also very forum active so if I see any ban appeal or reports I will go check them out and make decisions on them. I am also very good with handling problems Like if people are fighting and cussing and that stuff I can handle it. The only real reason that I am applying for this position is to keep this network chat and game play safe from like spammers hackers advertisers bullies and Lots more.

I am good at listening to directions and paying attention to things around me. This would be like my part time Job. I would take this serious but at the same time have fun and talk to people. But most will be paying attention and being aware of everything around me and all the people on. I am the person that wouldn't let anything go past me. If I see a hacker they are getting banned.
If I see a spammer they are getting muted. I wont let anyone or anything get bye me because this network will be safe as I said. Now if I have a question or road block on something I will ask other staff because I will always be there for the staff. Ill Take care of the community and not Abuse any Commands that I am Given. I will be on All the time to make sure everything is fine. I wont stick with one server the whole time. I will go around all servers twice the time I am on, Just Keep the Community Safe.Staff should Be Nice and respectful to all players such as I am.

The whole point off staff is to make a bigger and Better community and that is what I would do If I where Mod/Admin. There would be a good reason for me to ignore players talking to me If I was staff. I will make sure all questions/concerns are answered And make sure everyone is OK with everything going on. I will be both forum and server active during my Helper/Assistant Rank. I will work my schedule out with you guys if I was Mod/Admin. I will never Lie to a player as a Staff Member. Also Part of being staff is being Truth full and calming all situations down. Such as the owners delete a Game Players like and they Spam and freak out about it, I would be there to tell them what is going on and What will happen, such as other Staff would do I hope. Just my main point to fill this app out is to not Show off To My friends I'm Mod or Admin and abuse or try to takeover the server.

And People can get pushy and Annoying and Get mad at Staff, And some People just lose it when others talk to them like that. But not me I wont have a argument with any members or other staff. I know how to control my self and keep calm while they get Pushy and Disrespectful to you. I will just do my Job and not argue about anything.And I do understand the Commands and Plugins of the server.The point is to help and server the Network with care and respect and a Purpose.But At The same time have fun with the Network.

Anything else you want to include My Fav Color Is Blue [/color][/b]
07/10/2015 4:05 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Zhen8930's Avatar
My name Is Matthew Contay.
I am 16 years Old currently and would like to apply for a staff position on your server.
I would like to apply for HeadAdmin,Admin,HeadMod,Or Co owner
The rank you give me will pertain to what you need/Want.
I think you will agree after reading My application that I am the perfect staff member for this server. Now, Enough Rambling, Lets get on with the Application!

So Why should I be staff? Well that is the most oppertune question to ask. Well I have many reasons that I should be staff, but again, Enough with all the rambling and lets start the application!

First off: I am a terrific builder, Well that is an under statement. I am a phenomonal Builder! I specialize in Nordic, Medieval and Modern (Modern to a certain degree)! I have built Many things for many servers, and I am eager to build for you! I have helped numerous servers achieve greatness n building contests! Both from Planetminecraft and The Planetminecraft Forums!
Whatever you need to be built I can Build It!

Secondly: I am very well educated and very experienced in the field 0f plugins! I know almost every plugin both essential to the server and ones that are purely for fun! I know the commands for all of these plugins and Will always be happy to help in a predicament you would face trying to fumble with these somewhat complecated commands!

And also: I am respectful. I believe respect is a large buildng block of having a smooth, healthy, and succesful server! So in order to benefit this "Large Building Block of a Server" I will be the most respectful to Everyone who is in return, Equally Respectful! I wll, by doing so create a safe, bully free atmosphere for the people to enjoy and recreate on the server!

Aswell As: I am trustworthy! Trustworthyness is very important in order to get things done in a timely fashion hence, making the difficult server process go faster and easier! Meaning, If you have a specific job that needs to be done and you give it to me I will do this said Job even if I have to do it by myself, On time, when you expect it and how you expect it and maybe even better than you expected!

And then there's this: I am nice. Now I know you may get that alot but I am serious. I am a genuine and kind person. I am one who feels empathy and will help players even if they have real life problems, this shall create a worry free environment for people to play and have fun on! In the event of a disagreement or quarrel, that further more needs a punishment to take place, I will listen to both sides or even more sides of the story and listening to how THEY felt which caused them to act and/or react, before making my decison!

Sixth-ly: Going from my last statement I wont ABUSE My powers by bullying others. This means that I will not Grief,raid,troll,bully,hack, or tease anyone and everyone! (griefing and raiding will be done in survival. In the event of a faction war of some sort, by not griefing or raiding I mean if someone is not in a faction and doing it solo I wont blow up their house in creative , got it?) I will not punish anyone in this way or more as long as there was not an act of disrespect among two members or two staff or a member and a staff!

For my Seventh statement I guess?: I am committed to this server. Meaning I will put in 2-3 hours every day for 5+ days per week!!! I will not abrubtly leave this server because it gets boring I will keep working hard to help this server grow and prosper! And I will always be helping and working on the server no matter what!

My Final statement: So these are the reasons You should make me staff on your server! I hope that I am accepted and I do very much look foward to working with you and the other staff members! If you would like my skype it Is - Zhen_8930!
Thank you for reading my application and Have a great day!! I also like the color Indigo.
07/10/2015 8:41 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
Denied - We do not offer positions you are applying for.
07/10/2015 4:01 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Technically's Avatar
All Positions will get in-game perks depending on their position.
Planet Minecraft


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