Prison server need Guards/Staff

MahanoProgramming's Avatar MahanoProgramming5/4/13 3:40 pm
7/3/2013 1:26 am
Xuraah's Avatar Xuraah
I am in the process of making a good awesome Prison server and I need some Guards/Staff if you have been Guard/Staff on a prison server. If you havent dont apply!
The server has 6gb ram and no lag (except for spawn lag when you first enter the game).

Skype(must have):
Will you be dedicated:
What position do you want:
Experience(w/ being guard/staff):
Why should I pick you:
Have you been banned before(please be honest):
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N):
Can you donate to the server:
Posted by MahanoProgramming's Avatar
Level 28 : Expert Modder

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07/03/2013 1:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Xuraah's Avatar
Skype(must have): aidennlawsonn
IGN: onurBlolz
Will you be dedicated: YES
What position do you want: Admin
Maturity(1-10): 10
Age: 16
Experience(w/ being guard/staff): I ran my own server for a while
Why should I pick you: thats your choice, but I will help your server and be active.
Have you been banned before(please be honest): Never been banned.
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N): Definitely
Can you donate to the server: Not quite yet, maybe soon!
07/03/2013 1:23 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Skype(must have): WTBxBRDRPATRL
Will you be dedicated: Yes/No depends on work schedule
What position do you want: Any available position
Maturity(1-10): 10
Experience(w/ being guard/staff): I've been a Warden/Head-Builder on another prison server.
Why should I pick you: I've built a prison server myself and managed it as well.
Have you been banned before(please be honest): Never been banned before
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N): Yes
Can you donate to the server:[/b] Not at the moment due to financial Issues.
07/02/2013 4:47 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
MaxL4D's Avatar
Skype: Yes I have
Will you be dedicated: Yes
What position do you want: Admin or Builder
Maturity(1-10): 9
Age: 16
Experience(w/ being guard/staff): I have been an admin on 2 servers and helper on 1
Why should I pick you: I am a very good builder and love prison servers.
Have you been banned before(please be honest): Yes I have
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N): Yes
Can you donate to the server: No
07/01/2013 11:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rocktester's Avatar
I do have a Skype: rocktester/Evan McGhee (two of them, one for work, and one for friends)
IGN: rocktester (it is because I spun a username wheel and I would have to pay 1$ to spin again.....)
Will you be dedicated: Yes, I LOVE prison servers
What position do you want: Guard
Maturity: 9.5-9.7
Age: 13
Experience: I am free on about 5 prison servers, and guard on another (server got shut down from not enough donations)
I think I should be picked because I am mature in serious situations, and can also be fun when people are not goofing around. I have ADHD so I am constantly looking for something to do (running around the prison looking for people with contraband items). I know how to handle situations like hacking or other things. I can basically do anything on a prison server, on other servers, I would look for glitches then report them to the owner like, an unprotected area that people can escape from. And finally, I know how to deal with people with contraband items.
Have you been banned before: Yes, but it was when my friend was setting up a server, and accidentally banned me and not my brother, who has a very simaler username
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N): Yes, I will be respectful to staff and players
Can you donate to the server: I can donate, but the only problem is, I bought a Visa Debit GIFT CARD and by the time I found out, it isn't compatable with paypal, I was home, and the thing was un-returnable
05/18/2013 9:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
zevtheawesomecrafter's Avatar
skype(must have):zevtheawesome
Will you be dedicated: Very much yes over the summer I will be out of town a lot but I will do my best to still try to be online.
What position do you want: Moderator/Gaurd whatever you want to give me.
Maturity(1-10):9/10 I think but I can still be fun
Experience(w/ being guard/staff): I was moderator on a server which was shut down recently
Why should I pick you:Because I will put a lot of effort into this and because I will make all the rules followed etc.
Have you been banned before(please be honest): Once because some person gave me free spawners and I didn't know he was a hacker so I got in trouble but I was allowed back on after talking with the admins.
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N):Yes
Can you donate to the server: Most likely yes
05/18/2013 9:26 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
tehfuturegamerz's Avatar
Skype(must have):andrew.kuntz1
Will you be dedicated:yes
What position do you want:guard
Experience(w/ being guard/staff): yes I have been guard on many other servers
Why should I pick you:I love helping out in any way I can, and making servers a huge sucess
Have you been banned before(please be honest): yes but they blamed me for something I didn't do
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N): Y
Can you donate to the server:money maybe in the futureg, TIME YES!
05/18/2013 7:27 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Dan1432's Avatar
Skype(must have):dan143214
Will you be dedicated:I will be very VERY dedicated
What position do you want:staff/guard
Maturity(1-10):9(I'm very mature but still have a good time)
Experience(w/ being guard/staff):if been a guard on a very good server and I was trusted so much try have me op,I've been high rank in many servers and in very trusted
Why should I pick you:I will be the best guard ever,I will make u proud in everything I do and I will be a good member of the staff,I will do everything the way you want it to and I will be there for the server!
Have you been banned before(please be honest):no
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N):I will be very respectful,well if I'm a guard I have to be tough
Can you donate to the server:yes if I get the rank and the server needs it
05/18/2013 6:53 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
TheAverageJay's Avatar
Skype: Untoonesch.

IGN: DistinctGamer.

Will you be dedicated: Of course. 3-4 hours a day during the next two weeks due to final exams, after those 5-6.

What position do you want: Head-Guard / Head-Admin

Maturity: If I was to be honest, I would say my maturity level is 7/10: I love the common jokes, I have fun with what I do, I curse, and do a lot of stupid things, though I am serious when the matter requires me to do so or if the owner asks me to mature for a certain task, but I can't change who I am.

Age: 16.

Experience: Yes, on multiple, like Varion's and others.

Why should I pick you: I love the Minecraft community, even though it is harsh at times and I am harsh at it sometimes, but I still enjoy helping it. I like building creations for the good of the community and for my own enjoyment. I don't rage, if I were to leave, I would say my goodbyes and demote myself, not blow the server up first, and I see myself as a good member of your team. I am strict but fair, if I see players acting suspiciously, I will inspect the activity and let the players explain themselves and maybe consult the owner if needs be. When it comes to hacking, spamming, racism etc. there is a zero-tolerance level which I place when any of that takes place. I am very respectful of the owner's opinions and 'orders' but if I can think of a better way to complete a task or handle with a player, I will tell the owner/staff member how I would deal with it and off them a different insight and hopefully help their future endeavours. But take in to consideration, there is absolutely no reason for you to pick me, if you need a person that can act fast and efficiently under pressure by all means pick me. If you need someone to just fill the spot and not do anything, I am not the person for you. I will dedicate time to this server. Please take that to regard.

I want to minimize the amount of rule breaking and create an enjoyable experience for the whole player base. But more to the point I would like to become part of your server's staff to help and encourage new players, provide them any assistance they may need, and generally aid any player in any way they require in a polite, respectful and accelerated manner. Finally I would like to help relieve some of the stress of the other staff members by being active and helping consistently. I can bring my commitment, I would try my hardest to provide players with informative and helpful answers to all their queries, I would do this frequently to make sure all players have an enjoyable experience.

Also because of my previous experience I have a great understanding of appropriate sanctions and the best means to deter rule breakers, by simply making fair unbiased decisions. Also I have high amounts of time and patients, which I think would be essential when helping players come to grips with rules and any problems that have. I would like to be part of your server's staff, because I really love helping people. If somebody will ask something on help chat, I will answer it right away. I can take responsibility for the chat when there is no higher staff on. By this I mean banning them when something goes out of hand and such. I will always try to calm down the people before i do that, of course.

In addition to the above, I would just like to state that my reason for this application is wanting to improve the community, and bring what I learned in helping make livelect what it is, and use that to make your server a better place. Now understanding why most of the servers has lag spikes, and understanding why most of the problems it has are caused, I believe I can benefit the server, and bring it to greatness.

Have you been banned before: Of course I have, who hasn't? But I have learned from my mistakes and it was also a while back and I was young and idiotic.

Will be respectful to staff and players: Of course I will or else I would not even be considering applying for this position.

Can you donate to the server: Maybe in the future when I have my PayPal set up and I think the server will benefit from it and I won't regret it.

I'll be looking forward to hearing from you,

05/18/2013 6:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ThisChicWhoBuilds's Avatar
Skype: thebronygirlxx
IGN: Caylee316
Will you be dedicated: Of course!!!
What position do you want: Guard please (:
Maturity(1-10): 8-9
Age: 17
Experience(w/ being guard/staff): I am a guard on another prison server and an admin on another server
Why should I pick you: I know when to be playful and when to be mature. I have alot of experince and i would be a great part of the server!
Have you been banned before(please be honest): Nope
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N): Of course. Of course!
I hope you pick me!
05/18/2013 6:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CS117's Avatar
Skype: Marbuc30
Ign: marbuc30
I will be dedicated just like I have been on other prison servers
Position: whatever you want me to be. But I'd probably prefer guard
Age: 15
Experience: am a guard on prison1.techge3ks.com
Why should you pick me: I have had lots of experience, I am nice and I am online most of the time
Have you ever been banned before: no. But I have been kicked from a hunger games server to make room for a premium.
Will you be respectful to staff and players: Certainly. Of course.
05/04/2013 5:59 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
BrooksCraft77's Avatar
Skype(must have): brooksyp88
IGN: brooksyp88
Will you be dedicated: Of course
What position do you want: Admin
Maturity(1-10): 9
Age: 16
Experience(w/ being guard/staff): Had my own server also I have been head admin on a few occasions
Why should I pick you: I am a very nice person and can play often. I also have a YouTube channel and will offer free advertising on the server!
Have you been banned before(please be honest): Once from UberMinecraft's Survival Games (Not the actual server)
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N): Yes
05/04/2013 5:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
amarb's Avatar
Skype(must have): Amar.Bisal
IGN: amarb
Will you be dedicated: Yes. I am on 24/7 apart from school
What position do you want: Mod or Admin
Maturity(1-10): 9
Age: 15
Experience(w/ being guard/staff): I have been staff on so many servers. I just got into MC again. I started back from Beta
Why should I pick you: Cus I am very expierenced mature and a calm person.
Have you been banned before(please be honest): No, apart from accidently banning myself.
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N): Yes.
Can you donate to the server: Maybe
05/04/2013 4:48 pm
Level 21 : Expert Archer
jadedwolf424's Avatar
mahano am I denied?
05/04/2013 3:56 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Ranger
skippyrat's Avatar
Thanks for accepting me but you either give me the wrong I.P or it isn't up
05/04/2013 4:05 pm
Level 28 : Expert Modder
MahanoProgramming's Avatar
its up now i was making some changes
05/04/2013 3:49 pm
Level 21 : Expert Archer
jadedwolf424's Avatar
N/A except for emergencies


Maybe; I have my own server


I prefer not to tell

Well, as I said before I have my own server and am probably the most mature person out there. In addition, I have been staff on probably 3 or 4 server, and op on 2.

I cannot tell a lie, Yes. I was playing on a server and I was on a sugar high, and you can guess the rest. I also got banned on another server but that was the server's fault. They said I was hacking because on the server I was invincible and I couldn't hurt anyone, again, server fault.

And, as always, I suppose I will be respectful enough for your purposes
05/04/2013 3:49 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Ranger
skippyrat's Avatar
Will you be dedicated: Yes ofc.
What position do you want: Preferably warden or head-guard b I would also be grateful for guard or a lower rank.
Maturity(1-10): 9.5
Experience(w/ being guard/staff): Used to be tr.guard on mcconvicted and some small prison servers.
Why should I pick you: Well why shoudln't you pick me. So lets talk about my pvp. I would call it great, alot of people will agree with me but I know I am not the best of the best. I would probulary rate my sword skills as a 8.5/10 and my bow skills as a definite 9.5/10.I am great with my bow and i am good with it because I know how much gravity the arrow will need to hit my target and I very rarely miss a moving target! My sword skills are a bit lower because I don't always hit, even though I do have good techniques to try and win the fight, and don't get me wrong they do mostly work.I will give you some scenarios no.1) I saw a low rank with a wooden sword, what I do is ask for it and do the countdown. if he doesn't give it DIRECTLY to me, I will kill him or even jail him, if he gives it to a point where I cannot reach it, I will jail him. no.2) I saw two low ranks having a PVP, I would chase them and kill them, if they run into a safe zone when I hit them, I will start my countdown and then jail them. If they went into the safe zone before I hit them, I will search for the other one because they get a clean start. no.3) I saw another guard abusing his powers, I would not try and start an argument but I will take a screenshot and report them here.If I get mistaken then I will apologise to them. I do not take pride in telling on people but I am just doing what's best for the server. These are the basic scenarios as these are the basic rules. However if I have been on your server and read the rules then I would give some more scenarios.
Have you been banned before(please be honest): Never
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N): Yes
05/04/2013 3:53 pm
Level 28 : Expert Modder
MahanoProgramming's Avatar
05/04/2013 3:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
waadyskwig's Avatar
Skype: waadyskwig
IGN: waadyskwig
Will you be dedicated: of course
What position do you want: guard
Maturity(1-10): 9.5
Age: 13
Experience(w/ being guard/staff): Yes
Why should I pick you: I have lots of moderating, administrating, and guarding experience and know how to handle most situations.
Have you been banned before(please be honest): Not that I know of.
Will be Respectful to Staff and Players(Y/N): Of course. (Y/Yes)
05/04/2013 3:48 pm
Level 28 : Expert Modder
MahanoProgramming's Avatar
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