|PurgePVP| looking for mods

___Bass___'s Avatar ___Bass___12/19/15 9:53 pm
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12/20/2015 11:37 am
PvPBoyGamingYT's Avatar PvPBoyGamingYT
Hey guys I am looking for some mods for my minecraft server.

How long have you played minecraft:
Have you been staff before (name the server):
experience with commands/plugins:
a little about yourself:
Other info :
Posted by ___Bass___'s Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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12/20/2015 11:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
PvPBoyGamingYT's Avatar
What position are you aiming for?
Preferably Moderator, though, I would take a lower ranked position if offered.


Maturity Level
6.5/10: I love the common jokes, I have fun with what I do, I curse, and do a lot of stupid things, though I am serious when the matter requires me to do so.

Why should we except you?
I love the minecraft community, even though it is harsh at times and I am harsh at it sometimes, but I still enjoy helping it. I like building creations for the good of the community and for my own enjoyment. I don't rage, if I were to leave, I would say my goodbyes and demote myself, not blow the server up first, and I see myself as a good member of your team.

Previous experience?
I have been staff on a few of my friends server and I had a admin position on NameYourServerHereCraft, a 30 slot public server hosted by CreeperHost in the UK. It was successful and had alot of players per day, but I didn't like the way the owners were treating the problems (letting the the staff members do all the work and then having them take all the credit) and I didn't like the fact that the chose the worst staff members possible, almost of all of them corrupt. I was also a Mod on ExampleCraft, a small 15 slot which usually had 9 users on avg. and 1-2 staff on at one time. It was a fun community but was shut down do to lake of time and lack of good staff (most of them were leaving because they wanted to become staff on a bigger server and they couldn't picture the server growing)

Any additional info?
I live in a small city in Spain, Barcelona . I have been playing since late alpha and have been going multiplayer servers in early-mid beta.

Remember, diamonds keep the minecraft world from exploding. Give them to me and I'll keep them safe. (In other words, give me a diamond.)

Disclaimer: Even though it seems like I am hating on kids, I don't. Games are meant for kids. I still count myself as a kid, even though technically I am a early teen. I am just being realistic, some of them tend to do some wrong moves regarding app making which I have stated in my tutorial.

Coming from a previous admin, staff member, and server owner,
I Hope this helped,
12/20/2015 6:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
XxSkyPuppyxX's Avatar
IGN: xBlazeShooterx
Skype: live:xblazeshooterx
How long have you played minecraft: since it first came out on PC
Have you been staff before (name the server): Mineblockz, CaitlevelSMP and a few others
experience with commands/plugins: Yes since i have my own minecraft server network
a little about yourself: im a fun bot who loves to help other people out as i know quite abit about plugions i feel that i could help you out quite a lot and i would love to as i know what its like to have failing plugins :/ but i still love to help others out
Other info : what else do you want to know ??
12/20/2015 1:23 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
potatopoat2's Avatar
IGN: MrWhaleMan17

Skype: jordan.collins37

How long have you played minecraft: I think about 4-5 years now.

Have you been staff before (name the server):I have been staff on a lot of servers, I'm actually currently moderator on a server called "Graystone" its an rpg server, and no I won't be inactive on this server just because I'm moderator on an other server. The server actually isn't even open yet, the owner plans on opening the server in about 3 or less weeks from now. I've owned to servers and been pretty much every rank below such as, Co-Owner, Head-Admin, Manager, Admin, Head-Moderator, moderator, builder, helper, and trusted. I kind of stated some of my experience on the question
experience with commands/plugins: A little bit with my server

a little about yourself: I'm highly experienced in being staff on servers, I know pretty much all there is to know about being staff on a server, such as be active, help players, welcome new comers, give 2 warnings to spammers and if they don't listen to those warnings give them a good 1hour+ mute (It really depends on how bad that person spammed), don't ban people that you "think" hack without any evidence, if you get evidence then show the evidence to a higher staff just so they know that you are banning the right person, the reason for their ban I would put; Use of hacked client Appeal @ [Website]. BAN advertisers that actually give a full ip of a server, but if they just said the server name and not the ip give them a good 2hour+ mute. If someone was threatening an other player by threatening to ddos them or something like that, then I would give the 1 warning and if they said it even 1 more time I would mute that person for 1day+. If I ever saw a staff member abusing their powers I would either take screenshots or record them on how they were abusing. If I gathered enough evidence I would report that evidence to the owner, or a higher staff. I just really love to help servers out by just simply being there for other players, new-comers and even other staff. There are many ways in which I can help your server, here are some examples; keeping the server clean from spammers, hackers, threateners, people that are just really rude to other players, testing new stuff that you added to the game and wasn't sure if it worked or not, possibly building (I know its not a moderators job just stating that I could give a hand), helping out players that need guidance. If I ever caught someone hackusating someone without any proof I would simply say: Please don't hackusate other players without proof if you have proof that the person was hacking please report the player on the forums and show your evidence that he/she was hacking. If I caught someone asking for in game items, money, I would tell them to stop asking for in game items or money, but if they continued to do so I would kick them and mute for for 30 minutes. If I EVER saw someone being racist or making sexual jokes/comments I would tell them to stop or else they will be muted, but if they simply continued to do it I would kick them and then mute them for 3hours+ (depending on how bad the jokes/comments sounded). I want to keep the server community a clean place for everyone, I want everyone to make friends and make enemies I think thats what makes every server fun!
12/20/2015 11:16 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
___Bass___'s Avatar
12/20/2015 1:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Eagle65Eyes's Avatar
12/19/2015 10:27 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
Spyfire's Avatar
App:mod,admin,co-owner,trial mod, head mod, head admin.
Skype:I do have skype but i wont use it as a source but i have instagram
How long have you played minecraft: since 2011
Have you been staff before (name the server):I do but only kid servers
experience with commands/plugins: Made a temporary server so a lot
a little about yourself: Im 14 male, i do have a sister that comes on shes the same age, and i'm on a lot and when I need too
Other info :I should be staff or recommended to any owner because I work hard easy to get with if ur on my nice side and always want others to have a great experince.
12/19/2015 10:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Eagle65Eyes's Avatar
IGN: EagleEyes65
Skype: eagle_eyes65
How long have you played minecraft: Since alpha
Have you been staff before (name the server): Slickcraft, skellycraft, obsidianpvp, slickpvp, FactionsUnlimited. And many more.
experience with commands/plugins: I have ran my own server many times before. Just decided to get back into minecraft.
a little about yourself: Nice guy. Knows how to control situations.
Other info : Im 18 and can be on alot also good at recruiting players.
12/19/2015 10:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
IceyKream's Avatar
what's the ip?
12/19/2015 10:14 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
___Bass___'s Avatar
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