| W.O.L.F Realms | 2Gb Ram | New | 1.7.9 | Need Staff |

WolfTroop's Avatar WolfTroop5/2/14 4:43 pm
5/10/2014 2:41 pm
Aanndryyyy's Avatar Aanndryyyy
Hello PMC User!!!!
I am planning a new server called W.O.L.F Realms and i am currently looking for staff you help me on this operation. Im looking for DEDICATED staff to help fill in the positions... xD THey Are All Listed Below

Rank Name | Spots | 28 |
Owner | 1 | ME ALLREADY
Co-Owner | 3 |
Developer | 2 |
Head-Admin | 2 |
Admin | 6 |
Trial-Admin | 4 |
Head-Mod | 2 |
Mod | 6 |
Trial-Mod | 4 |

Rank Name | Spots | 72 |
Chat - Mod | 8 |
Form - Mod | 8 |
Web - Dev | 8 |
Minigame Repair | 4 |
Minigame Manager | 4 |
Server Repair | 8 |
Support | 16 |
Builder | 16 |

Ranking System

Total Staff Spots | 100 |
TBD | To Be Determined

Server Information
Server Name : Wolf Realms
Server Type : Bukkit
Version : 1.7.9
Server Purpose : Minigame | Survival | Creative | Entertainment |
Slots : 500
Ram : 2048Gb RAM
Cpu : 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ i3-3240 processor 2.5 Ghz
4x Cores 10Ghz Server Power

Google Account - Google Drive
Skype - Staff Chat
Online Time - Weekends - More Than 4 Hours
Some HTML XP - Site Help If Needed

Click to reveal
Please view format requested application then view example

Main Application
Core Information
App Level |
Full Name |
Email |
Age |
Skype |
Online Time |
Days Online |
Su | Yes/no
Mo | Yes/no
Tu | Yes/no
We | Yes/no
Th | Yes/no
Fr | Yes/no
Sa | Yes/no

What will you do for server(Must Be Long)? |

How awesome are you? |

What are you good at(Must Be Long)? |

What rank do you wish to be? |

Why are you Applying(Must Be Long)? |

Accepting Applications Right Now

App Levels
1 | Not Important
2 | Meh
3 | Normal
4 | Kind Of Important
5 | Important
6 | REALLY Important

The More higher level the more likely i will read app

Last Updated May 9 7:27Pm
Posted by WolfTroop's Avatar
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner

Create an account or sign in to comment.


05/10/2014 2:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Aanndryyyy's Avatar
Core Information
App Level | 6
Full Name | Andry Pedak
Email | andry.pedak@gmail.com
Age | 14
IGN | ukunilus
Skype | andry.pedak17
Online Time | Weekdays about 1-3 hours, weekends about 4-6 hours.
Days Online | Everyday

What will you do for server(Must Be Long)? | I will build a website from scratch and maintain it. Visit the server everyday, listen to other player, if someone is breaking the rules, warn them. I will be a good and a awesome staff member as well as a web developer.

How awesome are you? | Pretty awesome

What are you good at(Must Be Long)? | I am a very good staff member and a very good web dev. I have lots of experience with servers and how players behave. When i get my mind running, i can create thing that have never seen before.

What rank do you wish to be? | Web Developer

Why are you Applying(Must Be Long)? | Told you up there!

If you have any questions, just ask!
05/10/2014 1:22 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
flyingjacob13's Avatar
I hope you don't mind if I use the template for my server
05/09/2014 7:27 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
Just Updated All Apps Above DENYED
05/07/2014 5:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jacks133's Avatar
Core Information
App Level | 5
Full Name | Jack Sidle
Email | JackSidle@icloud.com
Age | 13
IGN | Jacks133
Skype | Jacks133 but i don't use it often if that's i problem a will use it more often
Online Time | 4h a day or more
Days | Su Mo Tu We Fr Sa

What will you do for server(Must Be Long)? |I will dedicate my time and service to improve the server and the community based around it. Also i can help with some issues with plugins because i was a server owner a bit ago. Another thing i will do is catch any hackers and or any cheaters that use glitches that players can abuse.

How awesome are you? | I am the most awesome

What are you good at? | I can catch hackers, find issues with the server, help others with any questions and inform any higher rank that has more permissions of any trouble.

What rank do you wish to be? | Head Admin

[Pick the rank you want to be and list them here in priority]
1 |Head Admin
2 |Admin
3 |Head Mod
4 |Mod
5 |Owner
6 |Co_Owner
7 |Builder
8 |
9 |
10 |
Thank you for you time
05/07/2014 5:13 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
LOL i waz gone for a long time i will start doing apps
05/03/2014 12:02 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
SugahGlidah's Avatar
Full Name | Molly Farber
Email | vintagedonutshop@gmail.com
Age | 14
IGN | littlekittie567
Skype | kitisepic1
Online Time | 4:30-9:30 on Week Days and A lot of hours on weekends
Days | Su+ Mo+ Tu+ We+ Th+ Fr+ Sa+

What will you do for server? | Anything you want

How awesome are you? | Pretty awesome

What are you good at? | Im okay with building but I'm best with doing things to help the server

What rank do you wish to be? | Anything you put me in

[Pick the rank you want to be and list them here in priority]
1 | Admin
2 | Mod
3 | Co-Owner
4 | Head-Admin
5 | Head-Mod
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
05/03/2014 10:09 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
Bump xD
05/03/2014 1:42 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
mintychickenis's Avatar
Do you need a server banner if so msg on Skype@ mintychickenisgood
05/03/2014 12:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CrappyMadeCake's Avatar
Honestly I don't get your app... make it easier but I'll try my best.

App Level | Helper or uh... I don't get this.
Full Name | Clayton Ratledge. Call me Clay.
Email | Would PM if accepted
Age | 12.
IGN | CoyoteBoi
Skype | Would PM if accepted
Online Time | Random times. Usually stay up for 24 hours on weekends.
Days | 24/7 365

What will you do for server? | I would help players settle in and get them used to the plugins, people, and everything else.

How awesome are you? | I can't judge myself... but if you ask my friends they might say I'm awesome.

What are you good at? | Helping people get settled in.

What rank do you wish to be? | Helper.

[Pick the rank you want to be and list them here in priority]
1 | Helper

Yet again, I'm telling you I don't get your app.
05/03/2014 12:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CrappyMadeCake's Avatar
Your app
05/03/2014 12:16 am
Level 1 : New Network
isaiah1008's Avatar
Core Information
App Level | 5
Full Name | Isaiah v clark
Email | isaiahclark75@yahoo.com
Age | 11 but i'm mature for my age
IGN | isaiah1008
Skype | isaiah clark
Online Time | 11
Days | Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

What will you do for server? | help run the server

How awesome are you? | on a scale from 1-10 it would be 11

What are you good at? | a variety of things

What rank do you wish to be? | Co-owner

[Pick the rank you want to be and list them here in priority]
1 | Co-owner
2 | head-admin
3 | Admin
4 | none
5 | None
6 | None
7 | None
8 | None
9 | None
10 | none
05/02/2014 9:21 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
05/02/2014 9:16 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
flyingjacob13's Avatar
Full Name | Jacob Sloat
Email | chrissloat18@yahoo.com
Age | 12
IGN | flyingjacob13
Skype | mrjacobsloat13 or mrhacobsloat13 (I have two Skype's)
Online Time | once Iget my Minecraftfixed 2-5 hours on weeks 3-7 hours on weekends
Days | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 7. 7
What will you do for server? | I will dedicate as much time as I can to the server and help out as many people as I can

How awesome are you? | I would say Im pretty cool.

What are you good at? | I'm good at moderating players and helping out players.I'm also a kinda fast typer

What rank do you wish to be? | I would say admin,head admin if it isn't open then mod

[Pick the rank you want to be and list them here in priority]
1 | co-owner
2 | head admin
3 | admin
4 | head mod
5 | mod
6 | helper
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |

This concludes my application.Thank you for reading.
05/02/2014 8:40 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
I Need More App xD
05/02/2014 7:13 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
Keep Posting More apps will be read tomarro xD
05/02/2014 6:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Tomjo5's Avatar
App Level 6
Full Name Tomas Loayza
Email LoayzaTomas@Gmail.com
Age 15
IGN Tomjojingle
Skype white_tiger360
Online Time 2-3 hrs on weekdays and 3-5hrs on the weekends
Days | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

What will you do for server? | i will try my best and give my all to make sure everything is running smoothly. im also a VERY commited and devoted individual when it comes to developing servers

How awesome are you? | more than chuck norris

What are you good at? | Helping people and maintaining order and making sure the server is running correctly

What rank do you wish to be? | Head Admin

[Pick the rank you want to be and list them here in priority]
1 | Head Admin
2 | Admin
3 | Head Mod
4 | Mod
5 | Co-Owner
6 | Developer
7 | Trial Admin
8 | Support
9 | Form Mod
10 I Builder
05/02/2014 6:43 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
SugahGlidah's Avatar
Full Name | Molly Farber
Email | vintagedonutshop@gmail.com
Age | 14
IGN | littlekittie567
Skype | kitisepic1
Online Time | 4:30-9:30 on Week Days and A lot of hours on weekends
Days | Su+ Mo+ Tu+ We+ Th+ Fr+ Sa+

What will you do for server? | Anything you want

How awesome are you? | Pretty awesome

What are you good at? | Im okay with building but I'm best with doing things to help the server

What rank do you wish to be? | Anything you put me in

[Pick the rank you want to be and list them here in priority]
1 | Admin
2 | Mod
3 | Co-Owner
4 | Head-Admin
5 | Head-Mod
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
05/02/2014 6:19 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Muppetmower98's Avatar
App Level | 5
Full Name | Corey Turner
Email | coreyturner77@gmail.com
Age | 16
IGN | muppetmower98
Skype | fus-roh-dah
Online Time | 7-10 EST on weekdays; Any where from 12 AM-12PM on weekends
Days | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

What will you do for server? | I would like to help manage the server and keep a fun, clean, and disciplined (i.e. the following of rules) atmosphere. I would also like to help in the setting up of permissions.

How awesome are you? | On a scale from Bruce Willis to Jackie Chan; probably Vince Vaughn

What are you good at? | I am good at managing groups of people and keeping people in line also, I am good at setting up permissions and keeping the ranks under control. I'm also skilled at building

What rank do you wish to be? I would like to be either an owner, an admin, a mod, or a developer.

[Pick the rank you want to be and list them here in priority]
1 |Co-Owner
2 |Head-Admin
3 |Admin
4 |Head-Mod
5 |Mod
6 |Developer
7 |Builder

05/02/2014 6:28 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
added on skype
05/02/2014 6:11 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
05/02/2014 5:48 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Full Name | Andrew Curtis
Email | andrewcurtis2002@gmail.com
Age | 12
Skype | amilliongummies (Andrew's Gummies)
Online Time | Between 3-7 Pm CST. On minechat at night sometimes 8-10 CST.
Days | Su Mo Tu Th Fr Sa

What will you do for server? | I will help other players. I will answer their questions, and help them with the problems they may have. I will make sure the server is as fun as it can be. I will work very hard and dedicate all of my Minecraft time to the server.

How awesome are you? | I am very awesome.

What are you good at? | I am good at helping people. I am okay at building but don't make me builder xD

What rank do you wish to be? | Any staff rank you want me to be.

[Pick the rank you want to be and list them here in priority]
1 | Owner
2 | Co Owner
3 | Head Admin
4 | Admin
5 | Head Mod
6 | Mod
7 | Trial Admin
8 | Trial Mod
9 | Chat Mod
10 | Builder

Thanks for your time!
05/02/2014 5:46 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
Go on skype for more information..........
05/02/2014 5:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
lickman67's Avatar
ok first what is my position and is the server up?
05/02/2014 5:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
lickman67's Avatar
App Level | 4
Full Name | Alex S Mars
Email | sadman667@gmail.com
Age | 16
IGN | caxed_tax
Skype | daser.jak
Online Time | 6 hours
Days | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

What will you do for server? | keep spammers off make rules help build anything really

How awesome are you? | on a scale 1 to 10 i say 7

What are you good at? | building is good but i will do anything you say i also can moderate the chat while on the server and sitel conflicts.

What rank do you wish to be? | Co-Owner Head-Admin Admin

[Pick the rank you want to be and list them here in priority]
1 | Co-Owner
2 | Head-Admin
3 | Admin
05/02/2014 5:39 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
Accepted xD
05/02/2014 5:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
lickman67's Avatar
App Level | 4
Full Name | Alex S Mars
Email | sadman667@gmail.com
Age | 16
IGN | caxed_tax
Skype | daser.jak
Online Time | 6 hours
Days | Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

What will you do for server? | be my best and help

How awesome are you? | on a scale 1 to 10 i say 7

What are you good at? | building and many others

What rank do you wish to be? | Co-Owner Head-Admin Admin

[Pick the rank you want to be and list them here in priority]
1 | Co-Owner
2 | Head-Admin
3 | Admin
05/02/2014 5:30 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
You Need More Information :/
05/02/2014 5:19 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
WolfTroop's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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