=*Recruiting For Moderator/Admin Rank=*

XvR3LAPS3vX's Avatar XvR3LAPS3vX2/15/13 12:24 am
2/19/2013 8:36 pm
RebelOreo's Avatar RebelOreo
Hello, I have a Bukkit 1.4.7 Minecraft server. The server is called xCraft, and currently lacks staff participation in the server. It has been running well for a couple of months now and I decided to take some more action in hiring staff. I am looking for anyone who can fill out this application:

What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?:
Admin Or Moderator?
Age (Don't Lie):
Where Are You From?:
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?:
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?:
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?:
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?:
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?:
Do You Know Most Server Commands?:
Tell Me More About Youself:
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?:
Do You Have Steam (Username)?:
What Days Are You Mainly On?:
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?:
Anything Else About You?:

I know I ask a vivid amount of information, I would like to know your information so I get to know you. If you are selected, here are some rules you must follow. Don't worry, they are not strict.

-No Abusing Of The Rules
-Do Not Abuse Players
-Do Not Jail/Ban without a vague reason
-You Set an example to all of the players
-Do NOT abuse your permissions
-Do Not Brag

Failing to comply with any of the above rules will result in the termination of your rank. If I believe it to be a serious issue that you have caused, an MCBans ban will be logged.

If you would like to add a picture(s) of something you built, show it to me! You may have a higher chance of being accepted.

Server IP

Click to reveal

Server Information [IMPORTANT!]


Thanks for your time! I hope to see you on xCraft!
Posted by XvR3LAPS3vX's Avatar
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragonborn

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02/15/2013 12:31 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
trevh13's Avatar
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?:Lord
Admin Or Moderator?Admin
Age (Don't Lie):16
Where Are You From?:California
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?:1 (Im busy)
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?:Yes I do.
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?:Sassycraft and maybe another one (not sure yet)
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?:2 yrs
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?:Yes
Do You Know Most Server Commands?:Yes
Tell Me More About Youself:I'm very mature and i like to help server owners with suggestions.
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?:I would like to be a admin because I LOVE to help.
Do You Have Steam (Username)?:No sorry.
What Days Are You Mainly On?:All
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?:At least 20.
Anything Else About You?:I LOVE to help and i dont cuss which is good for young ones.
02/15/2013 4:01 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Wellwellwell's Avatar
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?: Termanator
Admin Or Moderator? Admin or mod
Age (Don't Lie): Please don't judge but i am 11,turn 12 in june 10
Where Are You From?: New Zealand
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?: 1-7
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?: Yes i have hosted my own server before but shut down because it had no donations, i have been head-admin 2 times and admin 2 times plus mod 2 times.
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?: Yes i have been just as i said as before.
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?: since 1.3.2
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?: Yes
Do You Know Most Server Commands?: Yes lots of commands i know.
Tell Me More About Youself:I'm a boy that want to find a new server that is good at populur.
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?:I would like to be an admin because i am a person that don't let people hack or cheat or don't follow the rules the way they are asposted to. I like to be an admin because i would help out your server alot so your server can grow and be FAMOUS
Do You Have Steam (Username)?:No sorry i have none.
What Days Are You Mainly On?:The weekends mostly because when school is on i have lots of homework.
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?: 1 hour and 30 minutes hour or more depends if i have time to play on minecraft (AT LEAST 30)
Anything Else About You?: No not really but thxs for your time for reading this and good luck on your server.

Skype: termanator9999 Msg me if you need any questions or help

Thxs Regards: reece229
02/15/2013 4:05 am
Level 21 : Expert Pirate
YaleTheDog's Avatar
IGN: YaleTheDog
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?: Yale
Admin Or Moderator? Either, I am experienced in both
Age (Don't Lie): 14
Where Are You From?: United Kingdom
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?: Depends if I'm at school or not, If I'm not, I'm normally on for the whole day.
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?: Yeah
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?: Some have closed down, but I can give you the ip for a server than I'm currently Admin on.
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?: Since 1.2.5
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?: Yes, but not all the time.
Do You Know Most Server Commands?: Most, but I'm not a wizard at them.
Tell Me More About Youself: My name is Bella, I'm a girl, I like to play call of duty on xbox, I'm a very arty person and I love to draw anime.
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?: Because I love minecraft and I like to help people that are unsure about it, and the server.
Do You Have Steam (Username)?: YaleTheDog
What Days Are You Mainly On?: Everyday
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?: Depends if I'm at school, again, if not I would be on when I'm needed or whenever I can.
Anything Else About You?: I don't want to say on pmc, so if you really need to know I'll tell you in a private way.

02/15/2013 8:27 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragonborn
XvR3LAPS3vX's Avatar
This was good, I will be on the server from 4 PM eastern time today, join me at that time so we can speak. If you can't come on at that time I will be on for most of the day, starting at 4 EST. Hope to see you there.
02/15/2013 4:41 am
Level 22 : Expert Mountaineer
Kill3rBlack's Avatar
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?:Kill3rBlack
Admin Or Moderator?:Up to you
Age (Don't Lie):20
Where Are You From?:Maine, USA
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?:5-6 Hours
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?: Yes
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?Owner/CoOwner on 3, Admin on 1.
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?:Since 1.2_02
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?:Indeed
Do You Know Most Server Commands?: And then some.
Tell Me More About Youself: I started minecraft on a popular cracked server, i rose through the ranks to become Admin. I earned the trust of most players, and was known for being very strict. I would not stand for hacking/spamming/excessive swearing. My morals rule my life, and i will not betray them. After leaving this server, i became Co-Owner on a server with a close friend. We ran a cracked server that granted wasn't popular, but was enjoyable and enjoyed by many. Once this server closed, I became co-owner yet again with another friend, and we ran a server for 2-3 months. It became fairly popular, sadly i had to leave due to personal reasons. Currently, I run my own Voltz server, aswell as a SurvivalGames server.
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?: I would like you to chose, based on my qualifications, however i request that my permission have access to either fly/gm and most punishment commands i.e ban, kick, ipban, mute, etc.
Do You Have Steam (Username)?:Kill3rBlack
What Days Are You Mainly On?:Mon-Sat
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?:1-2 Hours per day.
Anything Else About You?: Very adept with plugin configuration, aswell as setting up permissions via PermissionsEx.
02/15/2013 8:25 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragonborn
XvR3LAPS3vX's Avatar
This was good, I will be on the server from 4 PM eastern time today, join me at that time so we can speak.
02/15/2013 6:16 am
Level 1 : New Network
SkySoar's Avatar
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?: SkySoar (in purple)
Admin Or Moderator? Any i dont mind
Age (Don't Lie): 14
Where Are You From?: England
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?: 5-12
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?: read below
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?: Co-Owner on 1 mod on 3 and admin on 1
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?: since 1.3
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?: Very 10/10
Do You Know Most Server Commands?: Yes
Tell Me More About Youself: im one of those kids who are thrown in the corner and disbanded from most of society, this was the reason i found minecraft, it happend when one person said why dont you try minecraft, its the popular thing at the moment, and......... i kinda got an addiction to it XD
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?: the server which i Co-Own on is down all the time now and would like to get back into being in control and making minecraft fun for all players
Do You Have Steam (Username)?:I_Am_Teh_Dragon(SkySoar)
What Days Are You Mainly On?: monday 4-5:30 tuesday 4-9 wednesday 4-5:30 thursday 4-9 friday 4-9 saturday and sunday 12 hours at most
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?: 6-10 hours
Anything Else About You?: im a fast thinker and can make act fast too
02/15/2013 6:55 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Dragon
NameZTaken's Avatar
GN: Boom_Queen
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?: Scarred_Vampire ..Color black perferably
Admin Or Moderator? admin
Age (Don't Lie):12
Where Are You From?: US (Eastern Time)
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?: Probably as often as possible.
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?:yes
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?: multiple. ive been co owner 1, admin lots, mod once
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?: Since alpha
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?: yes, considering i get that im mature for my age alot
Do You Know Most Server Commands?: yes
Tell Me More About Youself: Im a 12 year old girl whose strange... :3 I'm the Crazylady in my school/grade, people are afraid of me when i pretend to him them lol...in a fun way... even they laugh...im pretty strong for my age to.. some of my friends call me Queen of Minecraft because i know alot...
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?: I'm like to help people,
Do You Have Steam (Username)?: No....
What Days Are You Mainly On?:Friday, Saturday, Sunday -because my dad isn't on his computer xD
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?:many as possible
Anything Else About You?:
I dont know advanced redstone, but i know how it works. I have skills to drawing, piano, and i can talk to people and make them comfortable telling me things. I can be very kind and fun
02/15/2013 7:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Fazoodles's Avatar
IGN: Fazoodles
Nickname: Faz
Admin or Moderator: Preferably Admin but a mod would be great too
Age: 13 1/2
From: U.S.A. Eastern Time-Zone
Average hours: 3-5
Experience: No on minecraft but I have been a moderator on a app before and I've helped mods on minecraft with solving problems, so I know how to deal with players.
Am I moderator on another server or have I been higher: No.
Played minecraft: I have played minecraft since is summer but I have watched videos about it on YouTube for way longer, I was finally able to but the game this summer.
Do I consider myself mature: Very. I know how to act.
Do I know server commands: A few.
About me: I am very creative, I am kind, and I am a very good people person. I am fun be around, I like to joke but I can be very serious.
Why I'd like to be a admin or mod: I love working with people and helping them solve problems. I love answering questions and just being around nice people is great and means a lot to me.
Do I have steam: No.
What day I am mainly on: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Hours or minutes on the server: mainly 3-5 hours depending on homework.
Anything else: I've always since I started playing minecraft wanted to be a admin or moderator, I am very good with people and I have a sarcastic and dry sense of humor.

My minecraft payer name is Fazoodles47

Thank you so much for reading this! I hope you really consider me because I'd be so happy and wouldn't let you down!!
02/15/2013 5:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
irishboy7111's Avatar
GN: irishboy7111
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?: Devin or Irishboy
Admin Or Moderator? Admin
Age (Don't Lie): 19
Where Are You From?: Allendale, Michigan
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?: I usually play about 3 hours
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?: No I do not but I hope to soon by experiencing in the clean server.
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?: I was not, but I hope to be in this server
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?: I have played since last year summer 2012.
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?: I am mature, 19 years old in college and love to have fun and interact with people.
Do You Know Most Server Commands?: I have learned some from a friend who has played minecraft ever since it was out.
Tell Me More About Youself: I am a freshman at GVSU in Michigan and I was born deaf in both ears completely. I can hear now with Cochlear Implants. I am good with computers and technology.
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?: I would like to experience this and see what it is like to be one and I love minecraft very much.
Do You Have Steam (Username)?: Not that I know of.
What Days Are You Mainly On?: Usually every day including weekends. Mostly at night or morning.
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?: I would spend probably 4 hours a day on the server.
Anything Else About You?: I am a guy you would love to know more about, I am very outgoing.
02/15/2013 5:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kearnnic's Avatar
IGN: Kearnnick205
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?: Nick
Admin Or Moderator? Either
Age (Don't Lie): 15
Where Are You From?: Keansas, USA
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?: 5-6 hours
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?: Yes
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?: Yes
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?: about 1 1/2 years now
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?: about an 8/10 maturity
Do You Know Most Server Commands?: Yes
Tell Me More About Youself: ....
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?: Because, I already love playing on the server and have not even thought about deleting it from my server list. So, it would be even better if I could be a staff member
Do You Have Steam (Username)?: I did have a steam but i forgot username and email i used for it
What Days Are You Mainly On?: Monday-Saturday, I dont usually get on on Sunday because of Church and stuff
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?: 3-4 hours, I mean I've already played from about 6:00 PM yesturday to about 1:30 AM xD
Anything Else About You?: Nope, not really anything else you need to know that you wont figure out the more I play on the server and that even if I dont get staff Im gonna keep playing on the server
02/15/2013 5:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
beastylovescookie's Avatar
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?:Nathan
Admin Or Moderator? Admin Or Mod Either Will Work But I Perfer Admin
Age (Don't Lie):13 (Today) Is My B-Day
Where Are You From?:Santa Rosa,California
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?:As Much As I Can
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?:Yes
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?:Owner
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?:1.2.5
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?:Yes
Do You Know Most Server Commands?:Yes
Tell Me More About Youself:I Love This Server If I Dont Give Mod Or Admin Its Sad But I'd Still Play
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?:Because I Love To Help With Worldedit And I Love The Server Ill Never Delete It I Would Look Over It Never Abuse My Powers Because Thats Wrong Of Me
Do You Have Steam (Username)?:mlg2710
What Days Are You Mainly On?:Every Day
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?:As Much As I Can
Anything Else About You?:If I Get Staff I Wont Abuse Powers I Wont Grief I Wont Ban For No Reason Thank You Goodbye
02/15/2013 6:07 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Narwhal
catofawsomeness's Avatar
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?: Cat
Admin Or Moderator? Up to you ( I don't really care )
Age (Don't Lie):11
Where Are You From?: Missouri, USA
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?: 1 to 9 ( Matters what day and if I have school
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?: Yes, Currently I am Head admin ( Soon Co-Owner ) on a server
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?: Yea 3. 2 Co-Head Admin and 1 admin
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?: Almost a year ^_^
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?: Yes, I do.
Do You Know Most Server Commands?: Yea, I know most basic commands, I just have a little trouble with world edit.
Tell Me More About Youself: I've been staff on some servers. Everyone on those servers really enjoyed having me around ( 2 of the 3 closed down ) I can tell people about this server. I am good at enforcing rules and like to help people with their problems.
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?: I have really been looking for a server to play on for a while. This server looked like it has potential
Do You Have Steam (Username)?: No I don't :/
What Days Are You Mainly On?: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sundays ( Wednesday and Friday night )
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?: 1 hour to 9 hours ( Matters the day )
Anything Else About You?: I may be younger than a lot of people but all the server owners that own(ed) the servers that I was staff on said I was more mature than most people my age. Thank you for reading this application ( It means ALOT! )
02/16/2013 11:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
alongcameatom's Avatar
IGN: Alongcameatom
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?: Atom
Admin Or Moderator?
both would work for me. im just here to help you out so whatever you need
Age (Don't Lie): 21
Where Are You From?: Boston Massachusetts
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?:4-5
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?: yes
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?: nope
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?: since alpha
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?: yes
Do You Know Most Server Commands?: i know most but I can always learn more
Tell Me More About Youself: I go to collage for 3D design with a major in game development. I've been playing minecraft since the beginning.
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?: mostly because id like to be able to help out on your server you seem like a great person to play with and id love to be of help seeing as use your server more than any others
Do You Have Steam (Username)?: I do it's Alongcameatom
What Days Are You Mainly On?: monday-sunday
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?: 2-4
Anything Else About You?: i've been a gamer for well over 10 years and i'd love to help you run the server. thank you for your consideration
02/16/2013 12:22 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Cake
MrJimmyjon3s1995's Avatar
IGN: MrJimmyjon3s
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?: Jimmy
Admin Or Moderator? Either id like admin but i would be happy with Mod
Age (Don't Lie): 17
Where Are You From?: UK
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?: 6+
Do You Have Experience In Moderation?: Yes i am a mod on a server atm and i have also ran my owm server
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?: yes the walking minedead server
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?:coming upto 2 years
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?: I am mature when i need to be
Do You Know Most Server Commands?: i know a lot of them yes
Tell Me More About Youself: I am a trust worthy person. imma typical gamer youll always find me either on my computer or on mt xbox, i am currently teaching my self coding aswell
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?: I like to help people on servers and make the server have a nice commuinity
Do You Have Steam (Username)?: I do but i rearly use it
What Days Are You Mainly On?: Every day XD if i can get on biut always weekends
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?: 6+ hours
Anything Else About You?: Im a rubbish youtuber just seacrch MrJimmyjon3s
02/16/2013 1:40 pm
Level 46 : Master Dragonborn
Ninniy's Avatar
IGN: Ninniy116

What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?: &aK&br&co&dn&eo&fs or &cNinniy

Admin Or Moderator? Either. I know I will not get admin right away, but if I do, I'll be amazed.

Age (Don't Lie): 16

Where Are You From?: Maryland

On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?: I play Minecraft all day, unless I'm at school or work. So, 7-15 hours a day.

Do You Have Experience In Moderation?: Yes, I moderate a server called Pigzcraft. The IP is mc.pigzcraft.com

Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?: Yes, Moderator. Admin on a dead server.

How Long Have You Played Minecraft?: 2 and a half years.

Would You Consider Yourself Mature?: Yes, I never rage and always use correct grammar. I mostly spell all words correct. I consider this maturity.

Do You Know Most Server Commands?: Yes, I'm pretty much awesome with plugins.

Tell Me More About Youself: I'm good with plugins and basic commands. But the server I moderate has a lot of plugins, and I know how to use them too. I like to help users and watch them, yet never give out items. If I do happen to give out items, they will be 100% legit. Also, I know what Nodus does and how to stop it. And also, I'm not the best builder, but I can make you a jail.

Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?: As I said above. I like to watch and help users. But I also hate to see users use Nodus. I want to see legit players, not cheaters. I also like to make jails, for mostly it takes hard work and time. I want to be known around Minecraftia for my kindness, not for greed.

Do You Have Steam (Username)?: ninniy116

What Days Are You Mainly On?: The whole week. But Weekends are more likely.

How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?: 7-15 hours on weekends, and 6-14 On Weekdays.

Anything Else About You?: Not really.
02/16/2013 1:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CanEHdianMinecraft's Avatar
IGN: maxkan
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?: Maxkan or max lol
Admin Or Moderator?: Admin
Age (Don't Lie): 14
Where Are You From?: Canada
On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You Play Minecraft?: 7-9
Do You Have Experience In Moderation? yes:
Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?:Yeah
How Long Have You Played Minecraft?: A year and a half
Would You Consider Yourself Mature?: Yes, but when im hanging with friends i tend not to be lol
Do You Know Most Server Commands?:yes almost all of them
Tell Me More About Youself: I'm a nice guy unless Someone bes a jerk to me then i get pissed lol. Im A great builder and have much experience
Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?: Cause I love helping server out and making them more enjoyable for new comers
Do You Have Steam (Username)?: SeniorMaxkan (MrClassic)
What Days Are You Mainly On?: Mostly weekends but im on also on weekdays
How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?: Probly alot. Like 4-6
Anything Else About You?: hmmmm. Im a boy
02/19/2013 8:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RebelOreo's Avatar
IGN: RebelOreo
What Would You Like Your Nickname To Be In-Game?:Rebel
Admin Or Moderator? Moderator.
Age (Don't Lie):20
Where Are You From?:North Carolina.
[b]On Average, How Many Hours Per Day Do You [b]Play Minecraft?:[/b] 5-7 hours daily if not more.
[b]Do You Have Experience In Moderation?:[/b]Actually no, I've only ever been an Admin.
[b]Were You Or Are You A Moderator Or Higher On A Server?:[/b]I am an Admin on a server that is being taken down for a while for a large period of time.
[b]How Long Have You Played Minecraft?:[/b]Almost two years now.
[b]Would You Consider Yourself Mature?:[/b]Very Mature.
[b]Do You Know Most Server Commands?:[/b] Yes I do.
[b]Tell Me More About Youself:[/b] I'm a certified bartender, going to college for my Marine Biology degree.
[b]Why Would You Like To Be A Server Admin Or Mod?: I would like to be a mod, unless you feel I could help more being an admin.
[b]Do You Have Steam (Username)?:[/b]RebelOreo
[b]What Days Are You Mainly On?:[/b]Everyday. They are all equal.
[b]How Many Hours Or Minutes Would You Spend Per Day On The Server?:[/b]4-8 hours.
[b]Anything Else About You?:[/b] I like the color blue, I'm in TN right now with family, and I start back in the fall college. Nothing to worry about though~
Planet Minecraft


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