Recruiting Staff Members

David_Hwang's Avatar David_Hwang3/20/13 8:08 am
3/20/2013 11:10 am
PrankVsPrankFtw's Avatar PrankVsPrankFtw
Hi Minecraft Fans,

I need server staff for our server.

Other possible positions except for owner and co-owner.

Thanks, once I have accepted you I will PM you the server details.
BTW server staff are required to have an account at mcwargreen.enjin.com
Posted by David_Hwang's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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03/20/2013 11:10 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
PrankVsPrankFtw's Avatar
Minecraft Username: PrankVsPrankFtw
Age: 14
Skype: thelittletoomuch
I am amazing with almost any plugin you can throw at me to use and I am a very fast learner. I have used plugins like Essentials, Pex, World Edit, World Guard, AutoAnnouncer, and many more. , one of which is a huge gaming community. I have also helped many developing servers with their plugins and setting up their donation system. I love helping others more than myself and I spend most of my time on the computer working on other people's servers. I have plenty of time dedicated to helping these servers and I always can get the job done for them, no matter how hard it is, I always stick with it until the end.I am pretty good at advertising look good. I know how to make people want to donate to servers. I have helped about 5 different servers grow and turn into huge successful servers. One server that I set up for an owner is now doing amazing and is a server hub. I am very fast at setting up server and can get the job done dispite my young age. I know what types of plugins amazes people and what to configurate the files to make them work the best that they are capable of. I am a pretty good builder and I know some pretty advanced redstone. I am very helpful and kind to players and I try to keep away the hackers at all costs. I always warn advertisers and spammers before they get kicked. Although, if I see a hacker and have proof (Screenshot, video, ect.), I will instantly ban them. I have no patience with hackers but try to be fair with everyone else. I strive for perfection in my grammer, builds, and plugins. I always use proper grammer, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, ect. I try to be the best I can be on every server and do my best to make everyone's experience the best it can be!

Can you pay?: I may be able to pay a little bit of money, but sadly, I am nearly broke.

I hope you can consider me of this server. I am very mature and if you don't think I am fit for the job because I am so young, I respect your decision. Thanks!
03/20/2013 10:50 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
bmxbrat484's Avatar
I'll apply to be a mod? PM me, please, with any questions you may have BTW Kuro I'm in Florida too yay!
03/20/2013 10:33 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
NeonToastV6's Avatar
Ill be admin
03/20/2013 10:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
David_Hwang's Avatar
Ok your admin, web, and youtube video editor.
Please sign up at our website.
03/20/2013 8:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
David_Hwang's Avatar
Note: our server is still building so members aren't allowed to join except for trusted members.
But anyway I like your application where do you live?
03/20/2013 8:15 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
XxHoorahxX's Avatar
IGN: trooperboy
Age: 15
What I want to be: Head-Mod or Admin
Reason: I would love to help grow a server to it's highest potential and mainly have a small name put out there for being a great Admin. or even a "Head-mod" andWell I easily understand members' desires or what they would like to see. I can separate others' needs from wants, so that would be safe with me. I really would not like to see any annoyance such as spamming, griefing, bad language, hacking, or any other public problems. I will also make sure I will not do any actions that displeases members.
03/20/2013 8:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
David_Hwang's Avatar
Oh lol fail we already have a website we just need editors. But I'll see. The server is on on this break only and fridays and saturdays.
Question where do you live?
03/20/2013 8:36 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
CaineTheMurderer's Avatar
03/20/2013 8:10 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
CaineTheMurderer's Avatar
I will apply for admin, i lie stream and make YouTube videos and can make you a website.
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