♛ RemedioGames ♛ Towny ♛ Survival ♛ MCMMO

RemedioSimon's Avatar RemedioSimon2/27/15 11:05 am
2/27/2015 2:24 pm
RemedioSimon's Avatar RemedioSimon
Hi guys it's my RemedioSimon and i am the owner of RemedioGames my ign is Xvillerx so if you join you know who i am so i hope you guys can join.

What is Towny?
Towny is a plugin for a Bukkit modded Minecraft server. The plugin itself is a manager for a Resident-Town-Nation hierarchy, as well as a block permission manager for a grid-like protection system. Each town has a mayor, while a nation has a king.

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Moderator App
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Minecraft Username:
Skype Username:
Time zone and/or Country:
First language? Second language (if any):
How long you have been playing on the server:

How often will you be able to play and about how many hours per day?
Do you have any real-life friends or family who play our network? If so, who?

Do you have any real-life friends or family on our staff team? If so, who?

Have you ever been a moderator before? Have you had a job in real life?

Which do you find more important, punishing bad players or helping good ones?

What is the number one thing you want to achieve if you become a moderator?

Why do you feel like you deserve to become moderator over any other candidates?

Do you have any tech related abilities, such as coding, video editing, etc?

What other games do you play besides Minecraft? Do you have any other hobbies or interests?

Finally, why do you want to become moderator for RemedioGames rather than any other server?

(Copy and paste this on to our website) LINK: http://remediogames.clanwebsite.com/board/204212

A Paragraph About The Server
Towny - Our Towny world is propped with things to satisfy everyone that enjoys a good survival experience. You can live in town communities with others, make your own, or even live in the wild by yourself. No matter where you live, you can fully protect yourself from grief or theft. There is also a huge server shop, where you can buy almost anything that exists in the game. sell hand lets you sell anything and everything whenever you want, and our ChestShops plugin makes trading between players a safe deal :

For any questions regarding our server, contact the owner through the forums!

Staff List
Owner: XvillerX
Co-Ower: coaster100, Red_Ded
Head-Admin: No-one (You can not apply for this rank)
Admin: Jake88, AdamicBomb
Moderator: Jay_PlaysMC
Builder: Jay_PlaysMC
Posted by RemedioSimon's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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02/27/2015 2:24 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
RemedioSimon's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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